© 2017 Line St-Pierre, Normand Laperle, Margarita Nino, Michel de Lorimier, Paul-Yvan Deléglise
© 2017 Urantia Association of Quebec
Line St-Pierre
“But true religion is a living love, a life of service.” UB 100:6.5
Quite often when I do research and find inspiring thoughts and texts, I archive them in a file on my computer until the right time comes when I can use them!
Seeking the truth is relatively easy to do, living it and sharing it is another; so here is the text of a presentation that Bill Sadler Jr, son of Dr. Sadler, gave as he traveled to meet readers in study groups across the United States, encouraging them to share their understanding of the teachings by engaging in society.
“Show people you love them. Be kind to them. Be expressive of your feelings of friendship. I think it is almost immoral to conceal the affection one individual has for another; there is so little of it in the world. Of course, you must be kind in your expression, or you may offend, but if you love people, show them you love them. Tell them you love them. If you have love, don’t make it a secret. What did Jesus say about the city set on a hill? It is hard to hide it. If you have feelings, pour them out.
I think here we have to look at how Jesus acted, in order to have a model. Do you remember in Pella, in the camp, he never told the apostles how to teach. He let each one teach according to his understanding of the gospel and then, in the evening, he would harmonize their teachings. Unity in diversity.
This book is not a religion. This book is a cosmology, a philosophy, a metaphysics, a theology. Everything that is in written language is not a religion; it is intellectual. That should be very, very clear.
First of all, be yourself, be cheerful! What the hell! Know what you are doing. Be diligent, be patient, be philosophical. This is my concept of how to work, not only in the dissemination of this book, but I think that each of us should work for the Boss in the service of the Boss’s children. ”
Sadler Jr. advocates the importance of connecting with people, opening your heart and loving them. He encourages everyone to shine their light and to respect the way each student understands and transmits the teachings. Nothing in what is written is dogmatic, the book comes alive through the sharing of the personality that is this gift from the Father, our originality that makes it a unique gift to humanity.
The transformation brought about by the teachings of The Urantia Book confirms that God has found us and He wants us to reveal it.
“Religious desire is an eager quest for the divine reality. Religious experience is the realization of the consciousness of having found God. And when a human being finds God, the triumph of his discovery fills his soul with such indescribable excitement that he is impelled to seek loving contact of service with his less enlightened companions, not to reveal that he has found God, but rather to allow the overflow of eternal goodness that wells up in his soul to comfort and ennoble his companions. Real religion leads to increased social service.” UB 102:3.4
“The first promptings of a child’s moral nature have not to do with sex, guilt, or personal pride, but rather with impulses of justice, fairness, and urges to kindness—helpful ministry to one’s fellows.” (UB 103:2.3)
Normand Laperle
Editor in Chief
“How can we participate in improving our society?” This was the subject of the theme that took place in Drummondville on Sunday, May 28, 2017.
This theme was different from what we are used to, in the sense that it was entirely prepared and organized by women.
In the morning — hosted by our president Line St-Pierre — we were able to hear speeches by Isabelle Lefebvre, followed by Chantal Chartier and Line St-Pierre. The time remaining before going to dinner was filled with impromptu interventions by Francine Fortin and Colette Gadessou (from Benin) who were visiting Quebec and Canada.
The afternoon discussion period was led by Marc Belleau. He did a remarkable job. It’s not easy to lead a full room of 32 people…
Well done to all participants! There were lots of positive reactions. It was a success.
I have taken notes in order to give you an account of what was said during this day. But first, I choose to speak about another subject.
The participation of women.
For me, it was a theme about women’s participation.
We missed you, ladies! You have nothing to envy men. Your message is more than relevant and very important.
By adding your speech to that of men, a balance is established. Do you feel the importance of establishing this balance? It feels so good…! Until you speak, we will not know you, and the establishment of this balance will have to wait. Do not even think for a second that you are not important. We need what you have to say.
We need your speech. We need you.
“We” being the company at all levels.
Come out of the shadows
The time when women evolved in the shadows and on the fringes of society is over. Don’t stand aside. Participate in the mental, moral and spiritual awakening. Dare to climb a step in your potential. You deserve your place as much as anyone.
Make yourself known. Society will not guess your spiritual and moral thoughts until you share them… in public. “We” need you. You do us good, by your speeches, by what you are.
You have an evolution that is unique to you. “We” have everything to gain from knowing you better, and from moving in your direction.
A few short sentences heard and noted
“The ocean is made of little drops…” “We have to work together.” The immensity of the collective of which we are a part. Our participation counts as much as any other. “Young people are very inspiring. They thirst for truth.” Education. Teaching them to clearly formulate their thoughts for themselves, to live with others, to be comfortable in (and in control of) their inner self, to act wisely, to love and accept each other ‘as we are’. “Everything starts with us. We have to work with our strengths, our qualities.” Everything starts with what I want to “be” (therefore become); then, my “doing” (action) will adjust automatically. We must not work on what we do not want (the destructive aspect to be removed); you only have to work on what you want (the constructive aspect to add). — “At all times, God is in my life.” “It is important to be aware that God is in us.” “God inspires my soul.” By being aware of being inhabited, it is much easier to know what to do. It leads to a conscious partnership, and a pleasure to be together. — “We humans, we like to work outside of God. It doesn’t work!” “We can’t push God out of our lives.” No comment, it’s so obvious.“ — ”Do not wait for perfection before acting.“ ”I need to be in service.“ Does perfection exist? We focus on our strengths and move towards what we want to achieve in life. Evolution is beautiful to see. We are not alone. We are all seekers of truth. ”The spiritual awakens us, lights us up.“ ”Balancing the human and the divine within us." Achieving wisdom and balance. We have plenty of inner help to evolve in wisdom. It is especially in action that we discover it.
I would have more of these beautiful thoughts transmitted during the theme, but I don’t have space to put more.
Now it is our young people that we need to hear… We must do everything to partner with them. “We” need them.
Margarita Nino
The key to entering the joyful kingdom of the Father is the absolutely personal, inner and honest decision to live according to the will of God.
Let us examine the conditions for such a decision.
That it is personal and inner means that it is a decision that must be made by each one, without the intervention of another. Without the intervention of church, minister, parents, friends. Without the intervention of a master who dictates to us the words that we must address to God, or who watches our behavior in order to know if we are or are not consistent with what he thinks or that it is a life dedicated to fulfilling the divine plan.
We can listen to teachings and receive advice, but when it comes to “deciding”, our will is the only one responsible. This decision must be made in a completely free and conscious way. Our commitment must be of entirely internal origin, and always remain so until the end of our days.
The effort made to achieve this compromise will make a mark—on our way of being and living. It is this way of living that will enable others to recognize that at this precise moment, we are citizens of the Kingdom.
Inner honesty is our desire to live truthfully, according to the will of the Father, born of our love for Him.
In these circumstances, our love of the Father is born of our will, in a totally free and personal way. This happens when we know the teachings and life of Jesus, helped by the divine inner radiance that is the Father Himself, silent inhabitant of our spirit; always awaiting the arrival of that moment, which will mark the beginning of our life career of ascension towards the infinite.
Our imperfections and past mistakes do not matter. What matters is only the presence of our will to love our Father, in a totally free way and the profound truth of this desire.
Let us try to do this with our divine helpers, who are always within reach of the sincere mind.
Michel de Lorimier
After groping for years in institutional religions, esotericism and the paranormal, I discovered the “Urantia Book”. Or rather, it was the one that found me, in 1982. I finally had the answers to my questions, in a divine, coherent and total way, thanks to the fifth great Revelation.
I then resolved to read this sublime book systematically. I decided to read one (1) section per day, this corresponding to a number of the detailed Table of Contents of the “Urantia Book”.
So it takes me four years (1445 sections/365 days = 4 years) to read it completely. This year, I am undertaking my ninth (9th) reading of this supreme communication. Each rereading consolidates, deepens my knowledge, sheds new light on it or surprises me with a new aspect, a discovery that suddenly seizes me.
One of the sections of The Urantia Book that has impressed me most is the one entitled “As Jesus Passed By” (UB 171:7). This chapter must be read and reread, absorbed, and translated into one’s life. All who wish to act in the will of the Thought Adjuster within them can, without hesitation,
to deceive to do good “in passing”, in the manner of the Master.
And just recently I read the UB 167:1 in which there is talk of a man with dropsy (edema) who secretly wanted to be healed by Jesus. The Master smiled at him kindly, winked meaningfully, and then healed him.
This wink is extraordinary! It says it all: the Lord’s tacit compassion, his love for his neighbor, his fundamental understanding of the believer’s deep desires, and his absolute respect for every creature of God worthy of finding Him one day.
This blink of an eye, lasting less than a second, has the value of eternity.
Paul-Yvan Deléglise
Old Lorette, Quebec
Early that Sunday morning Jesus went to the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He sat down in the boat that had been reserved for him. By about ten o’clock, about a thousand people from Capernaum and the surrounding villages had gathered around him. To Peter, who was about to address the crowd, Jesus said, “No, Peter, I will tell them a story.” UB 151:1.1
I. The Parable of the Sower
It was “about this time that Jesus began to use, for the first time, the method of parables in teaching the multitudes” UB 151:1.1. That morning Jesus told the Parable of the Sower.
When evening came, when they were together, the apostles were very perplexed. Matthew said to Jesus: “What do these obscure words mean… that you offer to the crowd who are searching for the truth?” UB 151:1.3
The apostles, unable to agree on the interpretation of the parable, divided into two groups around Peter and Nathanael, without managing to reconcile their divergent opinions.
The central and essential Truth of this parable:
When questioned, Thomas admitted his disagreement with both groups. The proof that I am right is fully apparent from the fact that we were all in communion of thought an hour ago. He recalled the Master’s recommendation, saying, “We must choose the story that best illustrates the one central and essential truth that we wish to teach the people.” UB 151:2.5
The apostles rejoiced at this view. Andrew expressed a desire to know Thomas’ interpretation. Jesus gave Thomas the floor. “Brethren, I did not wish to prolong this discussion, but since you wish, I will say that I believe the parable was told to teach us one great truth, which is this: No matter how faithfully and effectively we carry out our divine commissions, the success of our teaching the gospel of the kingdom will not be uniform, and all such differences in results will arise directly from conditions inherent in the circumstances of our ministry, conditions over which we have little or no control.” UB 151:2.6
Jesus congratulated Thomas on his intervention which had just reconciled the apostles. Then he added that the interpretations of Peter and Nathanael were nevertheless very useful because they showed the danger of wanting to explain all the secondary elements of a parable, because this way of doing things transforms parables into allegories.
Many other considerations were then added by Jesus concerning the use and usefulness of parables, for example, the fact that by expressing oneself in this way one avoided malicious interpretations, without however harming the understanding of the message intended for people in sincere search of the truth.
Flights of speculative imagination:
Surprisingly, Jesus then recognized as often profitable what he called “flights of speculative imagination” UB 151:2.7 concerning the secondary elements contained in the parables. On the express condition of not incorporating them into the teaching to the crowd.
Before retiring for the night that evening, the apostles took pleasure in venturing into some “flights of speculative fancy” on the Parable of the Sower! “The twelve would often, among themselves, attempt to figure out the Master’s parables as they would an allegory, but never again did they regard such speculations seriously. This was a very profitable session for the apostles and their associates, especially so since from this time on Jesus more and more employed parables in connection with his public teaching.” UB 151:2.8
Continued next month:
Two more parables will follow
Michael’s Day 2017
Come and fraternize…
Sunday, August 20 2017, you are all invited to Michael’s party on Mont-Royal — near Lac des Castors, between the Restaurant and the paid parking lot (around $8 in 2016).
As usual you will just have to follow the directions with the concentric circles from the parking lot.
Bring your own food, chairs and musical instruments.
Bertin Perron and Julien Audet.
Every time you buy Fundscrip cards, a percentage of your purchase is donated by the company to the Urantia Association of Quebec. A smart way to support the AUQ for the price of a stamp.
If you would like more information, go to the website of the Urantia Association of Quebec and click on the link “Contribution”, or you can read the excellent article written by Marc Belleau in the Réflectivité of April 2017.
You can also register immediately on the FundScrip website, by clicking on the following image.
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Group: “Découverte”
Laurentides Region
Mondays, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
Virtual Study Group, French
Every Monday from 5pm to 7pm Eastern Time
Via Zoom:
Responsible :
Guy Penon (438) 494-7747
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
To see the official list of study groups, visit the AUQ website
Go to: Activity, Groups
study, (on the left bar List of study groups ”
Or click directly on the following link: http://urantia-quebec.ca/activites_liste_des_groupes.php