© 2023 Line St-Pierre, Claudette Ménard, Jean Sauvé, Claude Flibotte, Samuel Heïne, Hélène Boisvenue, Gilles Bertrand, Louise Renaud, Alain Cyr, Robert Cédilot, Claudette Gonthier, Robert Cadieux, Normand Laperle, Marc Belleau
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Line St-Pierre
In January, I wished you many opportunities for service and spiritual joy in your endeavors to live the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men.
In this space-time, which is at once mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, we are destabilized and disoriented. What if we chose… to live this current malaise, as a place and a state of creativity, of well-being and inner peace, of self-construction, of choice and transformation. The Urantia Book presents us with the three prerequisites for fostering spiritual growth: prayer, worship and service. The first two conditions only concern us with us. What about this third condition? Of us, towards others?
Life happens and we are led to draw on resources and possibilities that we had not really stopped at before or so little.
This period of shutdown due to confinement has become a time of reflection, meditation and prayer for many people on earth.
Several charities have reinvented themselves through videoconferencing on the Web to serve their community and offer conferences and workshops for moral support and comfort. And we individually, how can we serve and feel useful, when travel is allowed at a minimum? What can we do from home to be altruistic and sensitive to fraternity?
Today, the diversity of media on the communication platform at our disposal allows us to connect with the whole world at every moment of the day. Everything is there to facilitate interactions and virtual meetings between individuals.
Time is a commodity that everyone has at this moment, and putting ourselves at the service of those around us contributes to their well-being. Here are some ideas that we can use at one time or another; either contact an acquaintance, by being the listening ear they need. Call a friend, an elderly person with whom you have not had news for a while and listen with interest. A person you know is sick.
Virtually invite friends and have a conversation, bringing uplifting elements, and sharing truths and teachings from The Urantia Book; offering them words of encouragement and comfort.
Say hello to a neighbor, ask how they are doing… you’ll be amazed at how open people are. Join a virtual discussion meeting and contribute your point of view. Sew masks for your family and friends, and if you’re able to go out, go shopping for someone.
Be active on social media and add your opinion. All these actions are generated by you from home for participation in higher consciousness.
What we are witnessing as a time of transition invites us to live courageously, kindly and gratefully to meet the needs of others and share as much as possible the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, for for these God-knowing souls, service is the natural result.
“You cannot prevent nations going to war as long as they remain infected with the delusional virus of national sovereignty.” (UB 134:5.10)
Dear friends, members of the Urantia Association of Quebec. Due to COVID 19, the Board of Directors of the Urantia Association of Quebec will hold its Annual General Meeting online via Zoom on Saturday, June 6 from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
To join the meeting, please click on the following link 5 minutes before 10:00 a.m.:
Regular members (those who have paid their annual dues) will have the right to vote in the election for the positions of secretary and vice-president.
The annual general meeting is an event that must be held every year.
However, if the situation evolves in an unpredictable way, we will notify you.
Come and fraternize…
Sunday August 23, 2020, 11:15 a.m. you are all invited to the feast of Jesus on Mount Royal — near Beaver Lake, between the restaurant and the paid parking lot (around $8).
As usual you will just have to follow the directions with the concentric circles from the parking lot.
Bring your own food, chairs and musical instruments.
\* \* \*
Stay tuned
We will notify you
if there is a change.
[ In recent years, a new tradition — completely voluntary — has been established in Quebec and elsewhere in the world. This is what is called the “supper of remembrance” which refers to the last supper of Jesus on this world, on Easter Thursday, April 6, in the year 30.
This year, to mark this somewhat special moment, despite COVID-19 and the resulting social distancing rules, some study groups still met via the ZOOM computer platform.
Here we present some testimonies received from our readers who have had this experience this year.]
Line St-Pierre
On April 6th, for the celebration of the “memory supper”, our study group met, this time virtually. Thanks to technology and its many possibilities, we can continue our sharing activities and stay in touch with our loved ones.
Everyone had prepared at home to share this precious time that we were going to have together. I had lit a candle in front of us, and we began our meeting with a moment of silent prayer in which we invited our brother Father Jesus Michael.
It was in a solemn atmosphere that we took turns reading booklet 179 and sharing bread and wine when we reached these paragraphs. This was followed by intimate sharing with a great feeling of fraternity and love and a greater recognition of our Master Jesus.
Another edifying and fraternal evening.
“The cross makes a supreme appeal to the best in man because it discloses one who was willing to lay down his life in the service of his fellow men.” (UB 188:5.7)
Claudette Menard…
Saint Lucia of the Laurentians
The Remembrance Supper is a celebration of brotherhood and fraternity. Inspired by the Spirit of Truth, the discussions brought me a greater appreciation of our Master Jesus. The reading of 179:0, 1, 2, 3,5 relate how humble he was and always in service and in contact with His heavenly Father, this in order to teach us how to live this service here below.
… and Jean Sauvé
Saint Lucia of the Laurentians
This meeting was a powerful moment of awareness! The first was to modify my daily adoring meditations, while they are addressed to the Father, our discussions around this supper guided me to address these adoring meditations to the Son. The discussions during this supper increased my desire to get closer to Him.
The second realization came after dinner, as I reflected on a participant’s comment about appreciating, and appreciating myself more in the service to the fraternity that I am involved in, rather than depreciating myself for what I am failing to do. As I asked myself, “What would Jesus have done in this dilemma?” I suddenly remembered that sometimes He asked His apostles to take time off, to have fun, in order to maintain a good balance.
Claudette and I being a couple, why not hold “our little remembrance suppers” occasionally during the year? And it will be my birthday soon, a great opportunity!
Claude Flibotte
I also participated in the supper of remembrance in the “Discovery” study group in commemoration of the last meal that Jesus had with his apostles. I took away from it a very great feeling of brotherhood and love. This is precisely what the Master wanted us to achieve by establishing this supper of remembrance. Jesus wanted us to extricate ourselves from the slavery of mechanical rituals devoid of spiritual meaning to spring forth into the full freedom of recognizing ourselves as sons and daughters of God, our Heavenly Father, and to feel deep within ourselves the joyful and moving brotherhood that binds us all!
“The downfall of nations, the crash of empires, the destruction of the unbelieving Jews, the end of an age, even the end of the world, what have these things to do with one who believes this gospel, and who has hid his life in the surety of the eternal kingdom?” UB 176:3.2
[ This webinar took place from 9:00 am to midnight Montreal time. The theme was “The Rewards of Isolation!”.
As people around the world are asked to live in social isolation to help slow the effects of the COVID-19 virus, AUQ’s Line St-Pierre, under the banner of the UAI, have proposed an extraordinary online event to help bring people together.
In turn, fifteen French-speaking students presented, for 1 hour each, their understanding, the values and meanings of the teachings of the “Urantia Book”, from appropriation to transformation.
We present to you some testimonials from students from here and elsewhere.]
Samuel Heine
Reunion Island
My experience with the invitation to the Zoom webinar “The Rewards of Isolation”.
Not long ago I wrote that I saw something very symbolic in the confinement in which we live to protect ourselves, slow down and buy time against this Covid-19 virus that has affected the entire surface of our planet in a few weeks.
We have been imposed a mandatory and necessary confinement, a mandatory distance between us, barrier gestures to avoid as much as possible being contaminated or contaminating others and also, to varying degrees, a certain form of fear that this virus could infect the body and affect the health and life of our loved ones as well as our own.
Conversely, for several weeks now, we have been seeing on social media and on television a certain form of “inner deconfinement” in the collective consciousness, humans are transcending physical distance by getting closer to each other via the Internet, the telephone and, as on Saturday and Sunday morning, between us, thanks to the Zoom webinar organized by Line StPierre; “The rewards of isolation”.
This forces us to release all our inner barriers and fears in order to love ourselves and therefore love others by contaminating them with the benign virus of love.
Personally, I found this moment extraordinary, as I have only been using Zoom for a few weeks.
I was able to see and hear “live” spiritual brothers and sisters and students of the “Urantia Book” in French who live on three continents more than 15,000 kilometers from each other, I was even able to communicate personally with some of them, and this, on a tablet connected by WIFI which is no bigger than a paperback book!
I would have loved to speak at greater length with each of you, there is something much richer in this means of communication than written sharing!
Don’t you find this extraordinary? Could anyone have imagined such a thing thirty or forty years ago?
Very soon, language barriers will be overcome and instant machine translations will be performed when we chat live with friends from another language and around the world.
Of course, this will never replace a beautiful physical meeting, but let us think of the joy of isolated people, of the joy we can have in discussing spiritual or other things with French-speaking friends who are readers of The Urantia Book from all over the world.
I would really like to see this kind of video conference meeting repeated from time to time for shorter periods and with varied study topics.
It is also a great way to learn public speaking or to learn how to give a lecture in front of others and thus become better educators than some of us might be destined to become in the useful service of others.
I also find that this kind of live videoconference meeting allows us to rekindle the French-speaking flame of the living Urantian fraternity and, above all, it allows us to know each other a little better, to form bonds of friendship, to support each other and to enrich each other mutually.
“It lifts man out of himself and beyond himself when he once fully realizes that there lives and strives within him something which is eternal and divine. And so it is that a living faith in the superhuman origin of our ideals validates our belief that we are the sons of God and makes real our altruistic convictions, the feelings of the brotherhood of man.” (UB 103:5.9)
I thank you all for this experience which warmed my heart and I pray to God and your good will to organize many others, I will be among you.
Helene Boisvenue
To accomplish its mission, the AUQ sets up projects that facilitate the discovery of the “Urantia Book” and the integration of its teachings. The webinar on Saturday, April 25, organized and hosted by Line St-Pierre greatly contributed to this objective. Thank you to our president for the work accomplished. Bringing together fifteen speakers from five different French-speaking countries and hosting the meeting for fifteen hours was quite a challenge. During this period of confinement due to the ongoing pandemic, this virtual meeting of students of the “Urantia Book” was a treat for me, a balm to my isolation. Above all, it was a pleasure to see and hear several people I had previously met when I was active in the Quebec office of the Urantia Foundation. These shared hours gave me energy and dynamism.
I watched the webinar for fourteen hours, from 10:00 a.m. to midnight. Although I have a good capacity for concentration, it goes without saying that my attention span sometimes waned somewhat. But I was able to grasp the central message at the heart of all the talks. I am convinced that the “Spirit of Truth” was tangible within our group, opening the way to new things and pouring forth its comforting spirit. Have we not understood that the current context pushes us to be sensitive to our inner life and to seek deep within ourselves the loving guide that is our “Thought Adjuster”?
The speakers who generously responded to Line’s call came from different backgrounds and their points of view were distinguished by the variety of topics addressed. But many, if not all, put at the heart of their reflection the touching reality of the fragments of the Father that so faithfully inhabit our minds. All affirmed with force and emotion the need to devote time to prayer and adoring meditation, two fruitful habits to sustain the vigor of the relationship with our “Mystery Monitor” and to accelerate our capacity for loving service. It is indeed the “Thought Adjuster”, our GPS according to a speaker, who pours into our souls a lasting joy sheltered from the vicissitudes of life, who convinces us of an eternal career beyond our materiality, who consolidates a true self-mastery, who transforms sterile beliefs into a living faith, who maintains the garden of our heart, who pours into our soul desires of adoration, who revives the leaven of a new vision, who teaches us the will of the Father and who enlists us in the great movement of the Supreme and of universal brotherhood.
A young woman in my study group once confided that she prayed every day to thank her Adjuster for personally choosing her. Isn’t it moving, this kind of outpouring of heart and soul that truly touches worship? Last Saturday, the speakers in their own way created this soothing and stimulating atmosphere of worship, convincing us that partnership with our Adjuster will bring us to a transformation worthy of sons and daughters of God.
Thanks to Ivan, Georges, Michelle, Émilie, Moustapha, Minoo, Viro, Agnès, Guy P, Richard, Louis, Marc, Claude, Guy B, Marc and Conrad. Thanks to all the participants and especially to Line for her generosity and her sense of organization.
With my cordial and fraternal greetings.
N.B. To protect our mental capacity, if such virtual meetings were to continue, they would have to be shorter…fifteen hours is a lot.
“To become acquainted with one’s brothers and sisters, to know their problems and to learn to love them, is the supreme experience of living.” (UB 130:2.6)
Gilles Bertrand…
This A.U.Q. webinar was a fantastic experience for me.
Here is a little of my personal assessment of the fifteen hours of participation in the Urantia Association of Quebec webinar of the Urantia Book which took place on April 25, 2020.
Quality was present at all levels. So the main theme of this interactive type meeting was well chosen. It actually fit with the Momentum of the day and the topic was stated as follows: “The rewards of isolation!”
These fifteen French-speaking speakers really did not leave me wanting more. Line St-Pierre introduced each of the speakers who took turns on the Zoom platform and in connection with their Facebook counterpart, from 9:00 a.m. until late midnight.
Ivan Stol of France started off strong on the subject with his personal signature title for the first presentation of the day: “The Potential of Spiritual Fraternity”. I enjoyed this French sauce describing the spiritual vision of his country’s motto (fraternity, equality and liberty) and more.
I cannot give a fair assessment of all the presentations that took place during this magnificent and memorable day because it would fill several pages with comments and positive impressions about them. That said, I cannot help but pass on to you these few comments that follow.
Thanks to Georges Michelson-Dupont (France) who rightly offered us “A peaceful look at death”. I retained several important points on the different kinds of death that a mortal could undergo there. Thanks to Michelle Heulot (France) who gave us her comments on “Joy is one of the divine fruits!” Divine antidote against depression, Michelle you were able to show us the joys of existence in these difficult times for many.
Then from Belgium Emilie Geeraert continued with “Beliefs: What are they? How to get the best out of them?” Yes these beliefs have resulted in a living faith. From Senegal Moustapha Ndiaye spoke to us on “The Spirit of Truth between Love of the Father and Service to the Supreme”. It was a captivating reminder of the origin of Michael of Nebadon and his experience of the Supremacy. His Spirit of Truth is truly a duplicate of his heavenly parents.
The afternoon saw Minoo Treichler from Switzerland perform “Le jardin de notre cœur”, followed by his compatriot Guy de Viron on “Maitrise de soi volontaire”. We ended up tracking down the real Guy because you should know that our friend Guy Perron and Agnès Lazarre co-hosted this whole auditory and visual circus in the hands of masters with Line and company.
This same Agnes launched with “I found my GPS” (for “God-Personnal-Service” or “Great Higher Power”). Finally, you will change these inspiring initials according to your perception of God’s guidance, won’t you?
And as is right, Guy Perron outbid with “The three basic elements of spiritual growth” (prayer-worship-service), if I remember correctly, I went a little to imagine some inventive scenarios to pursue this ideal path.
At dinner time, Richard Lachance from Quebec offered us “Jesus’ Prayer, an opening on solitary adoring meditation”. His moving testimony literally moved me to tears, he showed me a lot of openness that will benefit me in the near future, thank you Richard for this well-wrapped gift. Louis Prud’homme also from Quebec surprised me with his spicy stories about his personal experiences. “Spirituality, art and mental health” were generously brought to our attention and concluded with simplicity. Thank you for your perspective on the truth of your personal experiences, you were very good at keeping our attention on real life values.
From 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Marc Belleau from Quebec City was the twelfth participant to make us taste the true bread of life by offering us “The leaven of a new vision”. The participation of Internet users was there even if the hours of active listening were piling up more and more. This was followed by the speech by Claude Flibotte from Quebec, he organized “Individuality, personality and other meanings” that many participants appreciated at the height of his reputation as a facilitator teacher at Ubis.
The whole thing ended with the last two speakers. Guy Breton from Quebec City opened an interesting discussion on “Is man born first an animal?” … I am still working on this burning subject on the arrival of personality in man and its important repercussions. Then came the edifying presentation of Conrad Lavallée (Quebec City) with “Lines of force of a learning practice of the will of the Father”, this is what put an end to what I would say, a marathon succession of valuable elements for our future approaches to doing the will of our heavenly father.
Some reactions from some speakers to these presentations literally did me a lot of good. Thank you Francine for the sensitivity you have towards your planetary brothers and sisters, your sharing was appreciated and a huge bravo to the known organizers and those who worked in the shadows to achieve this immense success and in my opinion that it will surely be necessary to renew regularly I hope with all my heart. Thank you to the other online participants, what beautiful states of mind I recognized. Not all expressed themselves openly, technical restrictions oblige, but I knew that the Spirit interacted with everyone.
I miss you all already, I hope to see you again soon because I know that it will not be the last meeting of this kind. I end with these words from the Urantia Book which summarize the meaning of human, if not divine, brotherhood, to which I adhere with all my heart precisely.
“The brotherhood of man is, after all, predicated on the recognition of the fatherhood of God. The quickest way to realize the brotherhood of man on Urantia is to effect the spiritual transformation of present-day humanity. The only technique for accelerating the natural trend of social evolution is that of applying spiritual pressure from above, thus augmenting moral insight while enhancing the soul capacity of every mortal to understand and love every other mortal. Mutual understanding and fraternal love are transcendent civilizers and mighty factors in the world-wide realization of the brotherhood of man.” (UB 52:6.7)
“To become acquainted with one’s brothers and sisters, to know their problems and to learn to love them, is the supreme experience of living.”” (UB 130:2.6)
…and Louise Renaud
I am very happy to have participated in last Saturday’s webinar. I want to thank Line St-Pierre and all those who worked with her to make this virtual meeting happen. Feeling close and united in a time of pandemic and physical isolation puts a balm in my heart and soul.
In the morning, during my moments of meditation, I am alone with my God in silence. Sometimes there is a lot of intensity in these morning encounters with my eternal Father, but it is always nourishing and instructive.
Last Saturday’s virtual meeting brought me so much. I really realize in these exchanges that the human level is of extraordinary beauty. I think more and more that it is imperative to be able to see and hear each other in order to better understand each other, appreciate each other… learn from each other.
Each person spoke of God with their own color, their personality, their experience, their knowledge and above all the love that we can feel for each other.
I cried with joy just like our friend Richard Lachance. His presentation moved me a lot. He opened a window on the beauty of life like I could never have perceived. I will never forget the works hidden in cathedrals, I had already heard about them! The way that makes us understand that only God can see them gives us a whole lesson on the human ego and humility. I will never again see my little chickadees and all the other varieties of birds that come to eat at my feeders and even the little squirrels that come to steal their seeds in the same way! I learned with these feeders that I cannot segregate anything! A thousand thanks my dear brother and I think that many of us believe that life will never be the same after the pandemic. I smile at this thought.
Thanks to those who organize these webinars.
Thanks to those who share their inner life.
Friends are a gift that we give to each other!
P.S. What else could we expect from 2020? Twenty times twice makes for an unforgettable quarantine!
Jean Sauve
Saint Lucia of the Laurentians
A new moment for me, which made me realize the extent of the readers of the Urantia Book throughout our French-speaking world. The fact of seeing and hearing people from Belgium, France, Senegal, Mexico, Colombia, the island of “La Réunion” and Quebec, all focused on the central point “The Will of the Father through service to the Brotherhood”.
Hearing the comments expressing their appropriations of the teachings and the varied ways in which they are practiced in their respective lives, has generated in me many reflections and encouragements. Examples such as: the G.P.S. (God Personal Service), “The Spirit of Truth between Love of the Father and Service to the Supreme”, “Voluntary Self-Control”, and how many others to review and assimilate anew.
This experience has given my partner and I the opportunity to discuss some of these themes on several occasions since then.
Thanks to those who initiated and achieved this feat.
Alain Cyr
City Lemoyne
This type of meeting in audiovisual Internet mode is certainly up to date. In addition to avoiding the travel costs and driving time required for face-to-face meetings, we can benefit from the presence of several participants from around the world. People enter and leave the virtual room as they please without disturbing other participants. The exhibitors bring a point of view on a subject and this leads us to reflect on the thing by developing new concepts.
At this event, the time duration for each presentation was a synchronized one hour, with 5-minute breaks for required accommodations. But again, since actual presence was not a prerequisite for participation, there was no stress. Participants, in general, during question periods, had time to express their own point of view on the topics in perspective, making the sharing scalable for all.
Obviously, there is nothing like a face-to-face meeting to share our moods and to create moments of close sharing. However, in this time of pandemic and distancing, and since no one evolves alone…these Web meetings are welcome!
Robert Cedilot
It is with great pleasure that I offer you my impressions of this series of conferences which I enjoyed very much, both for the diversity of the subjects and for the quality of each of the speakers.
I attended all the lectures except the one at 11:00 PM by Conrad Lavallée because I felt too tired.
With all my fraternal thanks.
Claudette Gonthier
What an enriching day this spiritual marathon Saturday was! At times filled with emotion, at times with devotion. Like the stream, throughout the day we soaked in spiritual understanding and ended up in the river of truth that each participant and speaker helped to water us.
The conference that touched me the most was that of Mr. Richard Lachance on adoring meditation by grasping each word of the “Our Father” and embellishing each word and phrase in a moment of adoration.
I thank Line for allowing us to live this magnificent experience.
Robert Cadieux
Testimony on my participation in the 15 presentations on videoconference in French.
Recently I watched several presentations given by Revelation students.
I saw some in English organized by the Urantia Association International (UAI) and those organized by our Urantia Association of Quebec (AUQ) in French on April 25, 2020. What I felt was spiritual stimulation accompanied by human emotion and joy.
We do not all have the same receptors and we are not all affected in the same way. I say this because I have discussed it with a few people, and for me it was a pleasure to watch these testimonies, some of which touched me emotionally.
The title was: “The Rewards of Isolation”.
If it is true that our planet lives in the darkness of isolation, how blessed we are to have received this gift of the revelation of The Urantia Book.
There is a parallel to be drawn between the isolation we are forced into to protect ourselves from the transmission of the coronavirus and the isolation of our planet in quarantine, cut off from others who did not participate in Lucifer’s rebellion.
When I looked at the participants in “Gallery View” on the screen, I saw 25 people at once; the faces of the presenters and those who were excited to listen to them.
I was touched by looking at these smiling, peaceful, caring faces, reflecting calm, peace, joy, serenity.
What I felt was spiritual stimulation accompanied by human emotion and joy.
I saw that we, the students of the revelation, are inhabited by this peace and this inner joy which is certainly reflected on our faces and it is contagious.
Peace of soul accompanied by peace of mind, reflected by our smiles and illuminated by our eyes which are the mirrors of our ascending soul.
It is with great inner pleasure that I wanted to share these emotions with you.
Normand Laperle
First of all, I must say that I was particularly struck by the international nature of this webinar (entirely in French). At the height of the day, I counted 53 people: France, Belgium,
Switzerland, Senegal, the island of “La Réunion” (a small island of 800,000 inhabitants, in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar), Mexico, Colombia and surely others that I have not noticed.
But this figure still represents a very small percentage of all French-speaking readers on the planet. Which makes me say that those who were present probably represented the hard core, the cream of the crop — the “French-speaking” readers of the “Urantia Book”. Which probably also explains why I was impressed by the quality of the presentations and presenters, less known here in Quebec. It was pleasant and enriching to make these new acquaintances.
This type of meeting gives a feeling of solidarity with all truth seekers around the world.
“At first life was a struggle for existence; now, for a standard of living; next it will be for quality of thinking, the coming earthly goal of human existence.” (UB 81:6.28)
The ZOOM experience still provides the feeling of the presence of the other, if only because we know that each of these people is — at the same time as us — sharing the same screens. The distances are canceled out and the planet suddenly becomes very small… We are together, we exchange, we bear witness to our interiorities. Everyone can draw from it what can help them — a little — in their own soul growth.
We are all connected. But for this magic to work, we need to talk to each other, exchange ideas, and tell each other.
Technology at the service of humanity. We must repeat this experience of sharing.
[ You can watch and listen to each of the conferences presented on April 25 by clicking on the following link: https://bit.ly/4cH7v7j]
“God answers the soul’s attitude, not the words.” (UB 91:8.12)
Marc Belleau
Hello dear readers of the Urantia Book and members of the AUQ. I would like to remind you that it is time to renew your membership, if you have not done so yet. For those who have already sent their payment, a huge thank you!
Without your financial support, the AUQ cannot continue its projects aimed at energizing the Urantia movement in Quebec, supporting the formation of study groups, and promoting the book and its teachings. Several services are offered by your association, whether it is the organization of themes, the updating and maintenance of its website, the creation of supplementary literature or social activities allowing readers to meet and fraternize.
Membership, at a cost of $%0%%/year, gives you voting rights at annual general meetings, the opportunity to hold a position on the board of directors and to sit on one or more committees. In addition, you automatically become a member of the Urantia Association of Canada.
You will find more information on the AUQ website at the following address: http://urantia-quebec.ca/devenir_member.php.
I would like to remind you that no tax receipt can be issued for the membership fee.
Have you considered making a donation to your association? No matter the amount, what matters is to put your shoulder to the wheel to help the AUQ in the accomplishment of its mission. It is also a good way to reduce what you pay annually in taxes to the government for the benefit of a cause in which you believe. In fact, donations are tax deductible. The AUQ sends a receipt to all donors every January, regardless of the amount of the donation.
I end by wishing you to stay healthy as the lockdown continues.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Your treasurer
Technology is a great communication tool, but it has its drawbacks.
I would like to warn you that a malicious person is using my personal name, Marc Belleau, to scam people.
If you receive an email asking you to transfer money from your personal account, do not do so.
If you have any doubts, contact me before doing anything using the treasurer’s address that appears on the AUQ web page http://urantia-quebec.ca/a_propos_membres_executifs.php
Always check the email address of the person who makes such a request. If this address is different from the one that appears on the AUQ page, delete it. Be careful!
Marc Belleau
Urantia Association of Quebec tresorier@urantiaqc.org
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to exchange and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications to the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important step helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Region: Gatineau
Wednesday, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault (613) 789-6833
Group: “Uni-Terre”
Region: Joliette
Sundays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, (virtual Zoom)
Contact :
Eric Martel (450) 756-9387
Group: “At Maisonnia”
Region: Quebec
Every 2 weeks: Sundays, from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud (418) 871-4564
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Region: Montreal — Downtown
Thursdays, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Mrs. Diane Labrecque (514) 277-2308
Group : “Le Pont”
Region: Montérégie
(Sainte-Julie, south of Montreal)
Tuesdays, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Claude Flibotte (438) 404-6399
Group: “The Chapel”
Region: Quebec
Every 2 weeks: Sundays, from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Normand Laperle (418) 835-1809
Group: “Découverte”
Region: Laurentians — St-Jérôme
Mondays, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Possibility to participate via Internet (Zoom)
Sherbrooke Group
Region: Sherbrooke
Every 2 weeks: Tuesday or Wednesday, (to be confirmed) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Helene Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle
Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Virtual Study Group, French
Every Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time (Montreal)
Via Zoom: https://www.zoom.us/j/9084766734
Responsible :
Guy Perron (438) 495-7747
Group: “Saguenay”
Region: Saguenay
Contact :
Jean-Guillaume Tremblay
(418) 693-2049
To see the official list of study groups:
Click directly on the following link: http://urantia-quebec.ca/activites_liste_des_groupes.php
Responsible :
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
Assistant :
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
Last week of the previous month.
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We do not guarantee that all articles in our possession will be published in the next Réflectivité.