© 2019 Simon Orsini
© 2019 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
In our universe, energy comes in the form of infinitesimal balls, these balls rotate on themselves at a fantastic speed and give off heat which would eliminate matter and return it to its origin if we put them in contact.
These infinitesimal balls, in their journey, have a position in space but have no presence at our material level.
There is a real laboratory being created at our level of space, it will transform energy into matter.
We have therefore slowed down the internal speed of energies to the limit of what is possible so that they become compatible with the emergence of our material level.
This material level is represented in the space of our galaxy by nebulae, which have become suns, constellations, systems.
In the assembly of matter energy into infinitesimal particles, these emit discernible and measurable vibrations.
The birth of the atom is not accidental, it is part of an anticipated programming of energy.
The theory that a small energy the size of a proton exploded reminds me of the frog who wanted to become as big as the ox, when you see the mass of the universe and that visible matter represents only one percent of the total mass, it seems like a fairy tale.
As scientists are based on a magic theory, they cannot understand that the diffuse background is in reality the result of the atomic reactions of the nebulae which, by rotating on themselves, will eject layers of gas which will become suns, constellations, planets.
The atomic reactions of all the nebulae of all the visible galaxies have left traces in space, they are not those of the Big Bang.
But let’s come back to pure energy, it arrives in neutral phase at our level, it is following evolutionary programming that the energy is transformed into particles which will become the first particles of the universe.
Before the energies are converted into particles, a reaction develops to segment the energy balls, which will form the electron and which number one hundred.
These particles are uniform, they are maintained in the electron by mutual attraction.
Once segmented, the energies which were neutral, and transformed into particles will become positive and negative.
Our scientists have not yet found these small particles; they are looking in the proton for what is found in the electron.
I must point out that some electrons seem to have a power that is beyond our understanding, the same electron can be in two places at once when it crosses an obstacle with two openings. It is certainly the enormous speed of electrons of 20,000 to 30,000 revolutions per second in the atom that gives us the illusion that they pass through several places at once, without knowing the number of times.
But, let us look at the structure of the atom, all the electrical, chemical and magnetic possibilities are born and manifest in the atom.
Protons form the nucleus of the atom.
Electrons are organized into four sectors in the atom, in the first sector, near the nucleus, we can find the largest electrons, the most massive, those that scientists discover first.
In the second sector, the electrons have a circular speed around the nucleus between 20 and 30,000 revolutions per second, they have a determined axial speed, a controlled mass and defined frequencies) following which an electronic charge develops, this charge produces a moving electric field which gives rise to an electric current.
When an electron is suddenly stopped in its function, the resulting electromagnetic shock produces an x-ray, note that in our sun there is an x-ray generator located at one end.
These (x) rays from the interior of a sun charge highly heated and agitated electrons with enough energy to send them into space. The sun’s x-rays do not have the same wavelength as that used in medicine.
In the third sector of the atom 30 electrons are organized for electrochemical action, they are the basis of all chemical reactions and creations in the universe.
In the fourth sector of the atom the electric current produces a magnetic field, this originates in the electrical continuity in movement.
In the nucleus of the atom, protons and neutrons stabilize everything.
The positive proton moves back and forth with the neutron, when the proton reaches the neutron it becomes negative when it returns to the nucleus it is positive again, this mechanism is operated by an electric particle more massive than an electron and which gives its stability to the nucleus.
I must point out that all particles have mass, and that they rotate on themselves and around a fixed point, most of the time. One exception, photons always go in a straight line, but they can be influenced by the gravity of a planet and describe an appropriate curve.
We must therefore consider that the stars and galaxies in their journey in space, have a circular orientation even if this orientation is imperceptible and uncontrollable. The suns turn, the systems turn, the constellations turn, the galaxies turn, the theory of the big Bang does not turn.
We discovered dark energy, it prevents planets from falling into suns, the whole universe is bathed in this so-called dark energy, we can even imagine an ocean of energies.
The moving masses of our universe undergo the respiration of space, they swell and contract for very long periods, two billion years.
Which leads astronomers to say that this is the final adventure of the suns, and therefore that of human beings.
We understand the difficulty of supporting an exact theory when we have not discovered all the elements of how our universe works; caution is the mother of safety.
There is a universal gravitational force outside of gravity, which holds all mass together.
In this universe nothing happens by chance, everything is controlled, from Supernova to Gamma rays, even if all these explosions seem accidental to us. In 10,000 years our descendants will have the same view of us as we had of the pharaohs and Moses.
I come back to black holes, the most massive of all is located at the center of the galaxy, a few others are distributed in critical locations of the galaxy.
They maintain a local balance of the universe, they replenish the electrical circuits of the galaxy, because the universe lives like a human body, they eliminate cumbersome bodies from space, to the extent that they come close to them.
In our galaxy there are 100 octaves of wave energies, we can cite as examples the sun’s rays four octaves, visible light one octave, infrared rays one octave, ultraviolet rays one octave.
Life itself constitutes the animation of a system conforming to a material, mental and spiritual archetype.
Gravity and the absence of heat organize matter and keep it clumped together, while heat and antigravity disintegrate matter and dissipate energies.
Different levels of universes can be created by changing the interior structures of the atom, this is not science fiction.
We can create another world by modifying the circular and axial speed of electrons, their frequency, their mass, by dominating the possibilities of functioning of the electron, by mastering them.
This gives us a glimpse that the worlds beyond really exist, and that there is an afterlife. That all the humans on this planet will not have lived for nothing.
It is not religions that are behind, it is the people who teach values to the sound of medieval trumpets.
These people must be at the service of their contemporaries and not the opposite, they must never replace God.
Salvation for each person consists in spiritualizing one’s moral conscience, which thus acquires a survival value. I can see that some religions are less behind than others.
The mission of religion is to spiritualize consciences and prepare human beings to face the vicissitudes of life courageously and heroically.
The life of Jesus is a major teaching for men of good will, his life as a man reminds us that he was and will forever be an example for all generations.
I will resume my quantum path. The restructurings in the atom create a new dimension, they can be repeated at any level of a horizontal or vertical space frame, without the world of some being aware of the existence of others, these realizations are not of this world.
If you have understood correctly, you have realized that the metamorphoses of energy are inexhaustible, that a new world awaits us.
We are an integral part of these moving universes, without us, they would have no reason to exist. We are the proof of the existence of God, he is the proof of our survival.
GOD is unity. Deity is universally co-ordinated. The universe of universes is one vast integrated mechanism which is absolutely controlled by one infinite mind. The physical, intellectual, and spiritual domains of universal creation are divinely correlated. The perfect and imperfect are truly interrelated, and therefore may the finite evolutionary creature ascend to Paradise in obedience to the Universal Father’s mandate: “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.”
“GOD is unity. Deity is universally co-ordinated. The universe of universes is one vast integrated mechanism which is absolutely controlled by one infinite mind. The physical, intellectual, and spiritual domains of universal creation are divinely correlated. The perfect and imperfect are truly interrelated, and therefore may the finite evolutionary creature ascend to Paradise in obedience to the Universal Father’s mandate: “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.”” (UB 56:0.1)
I conclude with quotes: “the argument to defend a thesis is inversely proportional to the truth contained in this thesis”: “Time is the current of the flow of events perceived by human consciousness, it is because time flows that we can separate them, understand them, live them (Jesus)”.
“Time is the moving image of eternity” (Jesus).
Scientists would do well to give back to God what belongs to Him, His creation.
Simon Orsini