© 2019 Claude Flibotte
© 2019 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Claude Flibotte; Sainte-Julie, Quebec (Canada)
Food, whether plant or animal, constitutes an essential need to maintain the life of a material creature! The revelators give us several pieces of information gleaned, here and there, over the course of more than two thousand pages constituting The Urantia Book. By absorption of energy, we must include, in addition to ingested food, the fact of absorbing energy by respiration or directly by light energy or energies drawn from the spatial currents running throughout the universe for certain classes of individuals.
Replenishing one’s energy is also associated with the phenomenon of rest. In the cosmos, there is more than one form of restorative rest. What do the revelators tell us about this:
“Rest is of a sevenfold nature: There is the rest of sleep and of play in the lower life orders, discovery in the higher beings, and worship in the highest type of spirit personality. There is also the normal rest of energy intake, the recharging of beings with physical or with spiritual energy. And then there is the transit sleep, the unconscious slumber when enseraphimed, when in passage from one sphere to another. Entirely different from all of these is the deep sleep of metamorphosis, the transition rest from one stage of being to another, from one life to another, from one state of existence to another, the sleep which ever attends transition from actual universe status in contrast to evolution through various stages of any one status.” (UB 27:1.2)
Let’s see together which category of food/energy is associated with each type of being in the cosmos.
Being such beings ourselves, we know this fact from experience. It is through the intake of plant or animal foods and through the process of digestion that we transform this food into energy to fuel each of our body cells. Through the phenomenon of respiration, we take in oxygen, which, through the lungs, distributes this oxygen to the cells of the body by means of the bloodstream and at the same time eliminates, through the lungs, the carbon dioxide. Our skin also plays a certain role in respiration, supplementing pulmonary respiration. It is referred to as cutaneous respiration. Sleep is also a form of recuperation. We all know from experience that sleep allows us to recuperate energy, eliminates toxins accumulated during the day, gives the brain an opportunity to sort and classify the experiences of the day, and allows the Thought Adjuster to contact his subject without hindrance. Now, whether we belong to one or other of the seven planetary physical types (49.2), we all feed in much the same way, except, of course, for the non-breathing and midway types.
In our entire system of Satania, there are only nine worlds of the non-breathing type. These beings do not take in food or drink water. In fact, their entire body system is radically different from that of other types (UB 49:3.4). They use the fifth order of nutrition and energy (UB 49:2.25).
“6. The energizing types. Not all worlds are alike in the manner of taking in energy. Not all inhabited worlds have an atmospheric ocean suited to respiratory exchange of gases, such as is present on Urantia. During the earlier and the later stages of many planets, beings of your present order could not exist; and when the respiratory factors of a planet are very high or very low, but when all other prerequisites to intelligent life are adequate, the Life Carriers often establish on such worlds a modified form of mortal existence, beings who are competent to effect their life-process exchanges directly by means of light-energy and the firsthand power transmutations of the Master Physical Controllers.” (UB 49:2.24)
In addition to feeding like normal humans on an evolutionary planet, these beings absorb antidotal supplements to the system’s lifestreams from the fruit of the Tree of Life. This allows them to live indefinitely as long as they have access to it (UB 66:4.12-15).
“Primary midwayers receive their intellectual and spiritual energy through angelic technique (UB 38:9.6). They (primary and secondary) are immaterial with regard to nourishment and energy absorption” (UB 77:8.3).
Secondary midwayers receive their physical energy through the Adamic technique and are spiritually encircuited through the Seraphic technique (UB 38:9.7). These electrically stimulated secondary midwayers live indefinitely without being subject to the limitations of mortal flesh (UB 77:6.3).
As morontia beings, we eat, drink, and rest on these worlds. Foods of the morontia order are of a living energy order that leaves no residue (UB 47:4.6). The energy is transmitted to the morontia body by a different circuit than the blood circulation in a material body (UB 190:0.3).
“The Material Sons enjoy a dual nutrition; they are really dual in nature and constitution, partaking of materialized energy much as do the physical beings of the realm, while their immortal existence is fully maintained by the direct and automatic intake of certain sustaining cosmic energies. Should they fail on some mission of assignment or even consciously and deliberately rebel, this order of Sons becomes isolated, cut off from connection with the universe source of light and life. Thereupon they become practically material beings, destined to take the course of material life on the world of their assignment and compelled to look to the universe magistrates for adjudication. Material death will eventually terminate the planetary career of such an unfortunate and unwise Material Son or Daughter.” (UB 51:1.4)
A distinction must be made here between an original Son and Daughter, that is, directly created by the Creator Son, and their descendants. The original Son and Daughter are immortal, but their children experience a reduction in their potential for immortality.
“An original or directly created Adam and Eve are immortal by inherent endowment just as are all other orders of local universe sonship, but a diminution of immortality potential characterizes their sons and daughters. This original couple cannot transmit unconditioned immortality to their procreated sons and daughters. Their progeny are dependent for continuing life on unbroken intellectual synchrony with the mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit. Since the inception of the system of Satania, thirteen Planetary Adams have been lost in rebellion and default and 681,204 in the subordinate positions of trust. Most of these defections occurred at the time of the Lucifer rebellion.” (UB 51:1.5)
On an evolutionary planet and in their role as biological uplifters, an Adam and Eve are immortal if they maintain their intellectual synchronism with the mental circuit of the Spirit and in conjunction with the consumption of the fruit of the tree of life, they appropriate certain spatial energies (UB 74:6.4 and 76: 4.3). At the time of their rematerialization on the planet, the Life Carriers voluntarily deprive the Material Sons and Daughters of their power to engender immortal children. These young Adamites do not possess this gift of energy absorption and circulation of light. They are endowed with blood circulation like humans and experience a decrease in the longevity of their life with each new generation (UB 51:1.8 and UB 76:4.3).
On Urantia, the Adamites ate fruits, nuts, and grains (UB 74:6.4). After the first generation, Adam and Eve’s descendants used dairy products (UB 76:4.4)
Angels have a technique quite different from other creatures for absorbing their vital energy. Here is what the Perfector of Wisdom tells us about them:
“These brilliant creatures of light are sustained directly by the intake of the spiritual energy of the primary circuits of the universe. Urantia mortals must obtain light-energy through the vegetative incarnation, but the angelic hosts are encircuited; they “have food that you know not.” They also partake of the circulating teachings of the marvelous Trinity Teacher Sons; they have a reception of knowledge and an intake of wisdom much resembling their technique of assimilating the life energies.” (UB 26:1.17)
The teachers of rest, one of the corps of celestial artisans included in the group of Energy Manipulators, use divine rest as a technique of absorbing spiritual energy (UB 44:5.8).
Pure spirits do not need to re-energise since they are energy. The Universal Father is energy and so are his Adjuster fragments (UB 56:1.3, UB 107:6.1-7).
Throughout our journey from Urantia to Paradise, we will experiment with different techniques for acquiring energy. One quote from the Perfector of Wisdom particularly touched me when I read it. This is the moment when I will fall asleep for the last time from the level of space-time to wake up at the level of eternity. Here it is:
“And now, at the culmination of the Havona career, as you mortals go to sleep on the pilot world of the inner circuit, you go not alone to your rest as you did on the worlds of your origin when you closed your eyes in the natural sleep of mortal death, nor as you did when you entered the long transit trance preparatory for the journey to Havona. Now, as you prepare for the attainment rest, there moves over by your side your long-time associate of the first circle, the majestic complement of rest, who prepares to enter the rest as one with you, as the pledge of Havona that your transition is complete, and that you await only the final touches of perfection.” (UB 26:11.7)
Have a good rest!
Claude Flibotte; Sainte-Julie, Quebec.