© 2020 Simon Orsini
© 2020 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
How was our universe created? A major question for astrophysics, but not for believers.
The Big Bang is a theory that starts from the observation that the universe is expanding. Scientists realized that the galaxies were moving away from each other, because the color of the spectrum turned red.
We are told that the Big Bang created space and time.
because of time, the theoretical start date of the Big Bang is pushed back as we get closer to it. This would mean that the universe has always existed, so no transition from nothing to something, so no creationism, it is the response of scientists to religions.
Today we have Urantia fever which explains to us how the universe was formed from the quantum to the macrocosm.
Antimatter does not exist. The disappearance of certain particles is due to contact of the particles with the force energy which returns these particles to potentiality.
Let’s imagine a particle that would take the size of the sun, and would continue its growth, its expansion from suns to galaxies. This Big Bang would have creationist overtones, we start from nothing, we create everything, this theory displeases scientists.
It is the opaque phase of the universe which prevents us from seeing this hypothetical explosion.
What does the tell us. That the energy leaves from Paradise and stabilizes at a planned location, in our case it is the Milky Way. At this location, the energy is observed as a cosmic cloud of gas with a single atom, the hydrogen atom. This cloud will become a nebula, a real laboratory where the hydrogen and helium atoms will materialize. An atomic reaction will make the nebula rotate, it will eject sheets of gas which will become stabilized suns.
The fossil light, the diffuse background are the imprints of the nuclear reactions inside each nebula which formed our galaxy. The Urantia Book gives us the following details on the principal forces which act before the birth of matter. Its power of space is a prereality which is sensitive only to the universal influence.
The primordial force represents the first fundamental change in space power. & passive and potential force becomes active and primordial.
Emergent energy is the energy of orientation, motion, and mass. The gravitational energy that comes next is sensitive to the linear gravity inherent in masses. The spatial force has been changed into spatial energy under gravitational control.
These forces are still unknown to scientists.
Scientists only know the four major forces, gravity, strong nuclear energy, weak nuclear energy, electromagnetism.
Maxwell instructed his work on electromagnetism first mentally, then in the form of 20 equations, in a treatise on “electric and magnetic” fields.
Faraday, after having demonstrated electromagnetic rotation, discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. He was a genius experimenter, a self-taught man.
Albert Einstein, seeking to reconcile gravitation and special relativity, was able to establish an equivalence between gravitation and accelerated frames of reference; he had a new approach to gravitation, conceived no longer as a force, but as a curvature of space-time, caused by the bodies that move there. Space-time deforms to keep the speed of light constant.
I didn’t find anything like relativity in The Urantia Book. Perhaps transcendence?
Galileo had carried out the first experiments in relativity by having a person walk on the earth and at the same time on a boat.
Planck brought about the birth of quantum physics by partially explaining the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation using a black body (energy absorber).
He announced a law of radiation, indicating that a minimal quantity of energy was present, which he named quantum, the smallest indivisible measure.
Quantum theory was born. It introduced discontinuity.
This was the emergence of quantum physics.
The Urantia Book explains that when electrons pass from higher electronic levels of orbital revolution to lower levels, quanta are always emitted.
These laws of quantum and mass appear in the Urantia Book Written in the 1930s, well before the discovery of the quantum world.
The two 2015 Nobel Prize winners, Takaaki Kajita, and Arthur McDonald were rewarded for discovering that neutrinos had mass.
As Max says so well, you have to have confidence in The Urantia Book.
I found in The Urantia Book my ideal of thought.
I realize today how lucky we are to participate in a material and spiritual association, in the service of books and fraternity.
We can hardly perceive the importance of what we are doing, we are participating in the birth of a new age of the religion of this world, certainly the third millennium.
The laws of this future world favor faith in a Universal Father, based on brotherhood, honesty, righteousness, and sincerity.
Simon Orsini, September 2020