© 1992 Geoff Lund, Tony Rudd, William Wentworth, Ann Bendall, Ronald Conway, Ken Glasziou
© 1992 ANZURA, Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association
2 Salisbury Crt, Glen Waverley, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, 3150.
PO BOX 616, Sunnybank, Queensland, AUSTRALLA 4109
Six O-Six is a bi-monthly publication dedicated to the promotion of International goodwill and understanding among readers of The URANTIA Book.
Milestones occur because a good number of people contribute with a sustained effort to a shared vision.
To each person involved with Six-O-Six in a myriad of ways since 1980 , congratulations for a great publishing effort.
The future of Six-O-Six? A continuation of our independence and a determination to do the best we can to bring the world a little closer together.
In commemorating this centennial edition, it is a time for us to be at one for a moment, to review our purpose, and consider the future.
As stated in our only policy, this publication exists to serve the interests of readers of The URANTIA Book. The readers! Not any single organization or special interest group. Alienation felt can only arise from inaction, for Six-0-Six provides a public arena for opinions to face the light of day.
Sectional interests have one goal — to see their viewpoint accepted by the majority. Their commendable courage of conviction can however be subverted by their moral high ground and professed indignation.
At all times the general interest and common good must be protected from groups who might feign support, yet would express hostility to those who question their view of the world.
We are in the business of unravelling a major revelation. The market place of ideas is ruthless towards ideals. So it will always be easier for vested interests to challenge publications on their motivation. It would be preferable to see the issues that are raised demolished by counterargument.
Backroom critics fear freedom of the press. We say speak up!
But let’s all endure the cost of evaluating the special interest in order to determine the general interest. Only issues withheld from scrutiny have the potential to cause damage.
Contributors in their articles present their thoughts their ‘facts’. The implications affect readers as individual members of the community. Their collective response represents public opinion, and only as such, does this publication presume to ‘form’ public opinion.
Opinion unacceptable to the scrutiny of time does not damage the book. Its basic contents have remained unassailed for 2000 years.
Nor can that opinion damage Six-0-Six, The Fellowship, study groups or the URANTIA Foundation, undeservedly. Insomuch as the article is misguided, it is the writer’s credibility that is damaged.
We need to be team players, flexible of mind, or many’s the opportunity that shall be squandered. When ignored, history re-surfaces as current affairs.
Readers are tremendously supportive of each other. It’s great! Without such activity, including well-intentioned criticism, the work will stagnate. If ever we are suppressed, the suppressor shall be vanquished.
How glorious our right to question, disagree with, implore, review, reflect, decide, wait… as we strive to retain objectivity.
The process of democracy — free will — requires open and rational debate. The currency is the teachings in The URANTIA Book. The agenda is God’s will.
The policies we thereby decree must provide spiritual opportunities in the context of economic and social realities.
“On Writing Christian Fiction for Children” by Veronica Heley
I aim to put across the message simply but clearly, with the emphasis on a loving God. Of course there are ‘don’t do this’ warnings — like don’t lie to your friends or you’ll end up without any — but the main thrust of the Christian message is a positive one. Love God. Love your neighbour. God loves you.
Australian Consumer Association Magazine
Corporations and governments want to establish industries based on the genetic manipulation of wild and domestic plants, animals, and micro-organisms. They envisage products with the potential to revolutionize agriculture, industry, human health care, environmental management, waste treatment, and minerals recovery.
Habitat Australia
Global trends in declining frog populations were indisputable. Existing on earth for 230 million years with a body form much like that of modern species, frogs have outlasted countless other species. They have survived the ice ages and global warmings. Any synchronous decline in frog populations should therefore be taken seriously.
21-C Magazine
The way forward now is back to our soul’s world of happiness, naturalness, peace, and sensitivity. The 21 st century won’t be a world of escapist high-tech plastic and glitter, as we are currently told. Rather, it will be a world of nature and fellowship; a world free of ego, aggression, and alienation. The human condition has ended. [Oh Yeah?]
Six-O-Six is published sir times a year, and editorial contributions are welcomed. Subscription rates: Australia - $ 10 per year. Other countries - US $17 per year The material contained in this publication is of general comment only, and not advice on any particular matter. The publisher, authors and editors expressly disclaim all liability in respect of this information and of the consequences of any actions resulting therefrom. Interpretations and opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of Six-O-Sir or Urantia Foundation. All quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are front The URANTIA Book © 1955 and used by permission. This publication is copyright with the exception of fair dealings under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without and permission from the publisher.
Geoff Lund, Runaway Bay, Queensland
In the November/December issue of Six-O-Six there appear to be two sections closely related that account to a large extent for the emptying of the formal churches.
The first is a quote from Quadrant. It states (page 2), “Let Bishops stick more to prayer etc. etc.” The second is the article by John Hyde (page 7) who states in his opening paragraph that the church has largely given the ‘Morality’ game away.
Personally, I eventually gave away an established church (Anglican) when as a Parochial Councillor and what else, I was prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with the local Rector in a matter in which I$ believed and he believed the Diocesan Council had acted immorally. The Rector stated that he did not wish to raise a storm as it could affect his elevation in the church. (Some years later he died immediately prior to being installed as a Bishop in a capital city.)
Another person who led various women’s groups and was looked upon as important in the church admonished me as she claimed we had to look at expediency, even though she also believed the action to be immoral. No other councillor was game, although I know most agreed with my view, to stand up and be counted. The cock will crow thrice.
Believing, and probably rightly so, that all other churches faced similar pangs of conscience, I eventually became ‘unattached’. The years in the wilderness gave me great time for contemplation and a complete review of what I did believe, what the churches did, and what really was man’s relationship to God.
Then the miracle(?) happened and yours and my old friend Joe Hausler introduced me to the Book. So much of what I suppose I worked out in my sub-conscious(?) became crystal-clear particularly as I read the life of Jesus probably for the third time. I cannot now even say that I have read every word in the Book. That would be more than ten years ago that Joe introduced me to it.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could in some way encourage the Bishops and other ordained persons and those seeking spiritual help, direction, and guidance to read, learn, and absorb the Life of Jesus. Just that section alone would open an amazing spiritual world to the seekers after truth who really do abound in large numbers — see those in newspapers condemning religion and churches — WHY ? Are they not really seekers after truth who are disillusioned and no wonder? That would form an essay on its own. The life of Jesus and other sections will put the Bible in perspective as its contradictions worry many people; but they know nowhere else to go.
All we read in the press, hear on the air and see on television are eminent church people acting as if they are the Social Security Department or telling governments what economic policies they should adopt, or how else to run the country. God and religion run a very poor fourth or fifth. Should not these people be trying to convey to the people the basic concepts of love of God and mankind. They are attacking the results of their own ineptness, not the causes. Of course we must have compassion for the sick, the maimed, the poor and the lost souls. No amount of monetary handouts will solve that problem. Ask Mother Teresa. Ask our own Aborigines. Love will, though.
I recall a couple of lines from the Ballad of Beau Brocade which reads:
“Whitefield preached to the colliers grim,
Bishops in lawn sleeves preached at him”.
Perhaps nothing much has changed, but it must and it will. It is up to us.
Tony Rudd, Melbourne
When I first showed a copy of The URANTIA Book to my mother, she had one look inside the cover, saw it was published in Chicago, and dismissed it out of hand.
My father showed an interest. I lent him a copy and, although it graced his coffee table for a couple of years, it remained un-read. I took it back.
I then had a long, hard look at my overall “conversion rate” of getting people on to the Book. In the five or so years I have been a reader, I discovered that to the best of my knowledge, I had succeeded in introducing no-one. Zero. “Selling” the Book doesn’t appear to work for me, although it clearly does for others.
I then thought about the possibility of “selling” the inspiration of the Book, rather than selling the Book itself. One, of course, would lead to the other. I then set about the task of putting together my version about what I thought the Book was saying.
After more drafts than I care to remember, I ended up with a script which I then committed to cassette tape. I don’t mention the Book in the tape at all. I even decided to not even mention the word “God” in the title in order to increase its breadth of appeal. I eventually settled on the title “The Meaning of Life” and the recording lasts around forty minutes. If anyone is interested in the tape, I am supplying copies free of charge. If you would like one, please write to me at:
PO Box 281, Ashburton, Victoria, Australia, 3147.
I have had reasonably good response to the tape so far, so it at least appears that some people find it a useful tool to add to their tool box in helping spread God’s truth around the world.
This year’s annual conference will be held from October 9-12, 1992 at The William Arnott Lodge, Elanora Heights, Sydney.
The theme will be “Human Nature and the Twelve Apostles”.
The conference will be hosted by the Sydney Study group who look forward to meeting new and old friends.
Further details on registration to follow in future issues.
This takes place in France from August 1-8, 1992.
The theme of the meeting is “To Have — To Be — To Do.” As stated in their brochure: Having The URANTIA Book is one of the means at our disposal to lead us to being sons of God, those very sons who produce in their daily life abundant fruits of the spirit; it is doing the will of the Father in all we do.
For further information contact the organizers.
3 bis Grande Rue, 77940,
Blennes, France.
In marked contrast to Tony Rudd’s tape, a series of twelve tapes at a cost of $60 is currently being marketed under the headline:
“I walked in Heaven with Jesus”
The copy goes on to claim: “Five and a half days of glorious experiences inside of Heaven talking with the apostles, the prophets, the archangels, and hearing the voice of God”.
The ads have attracted the attention of the Australian Direct Marketing Association, who are “doubtful that the author can conclusively prove his claim”.
Interesting to note that ‘Marketing’, the magazine which ran this story, also carried a large display ad for the suspect tapes.
The First URANTIA Society of Los Angeles (FUSLA) has voted to affiliate with the Fellowship. FUSLA is the eighteenth of twenty-one societies to join the Fellowship.
William Wentworth, Towamba, N.S.W.
I find myself in complete agreement with Ken Glasziou (January/February 1992) over preserving the original text of The URANTIA Book. If it is not practicable to alter future editions, then it may be admissable to include an appendix listing all alterations from the original text. This would provide, at very little cost, the basic information required.
However, I cannot agree with the attitude of the Sunshine Coast Study Group (SCSG) towards the copyright. The copyright, as they point out, may not be strictly necessary, but it is extremely useful.
In their article, the SCSG ask five questions:
1. Can a person really own a divine revelation?
Well, no, of course not! But this divine revelation is presented in the form of a book, and the Urantia Foundation took responsibility for the task of protecting the text. It has performed that task very well, at least until recently. In our civilisation, the technique for protecting texts is copyright, and so naturally enough the text which the Foundation is protecting is said to be “owned” by the Foundation. But this is an entirely different matter from claiming to “own a divine revelation.” The revelation is for all mankind, and is not owned by anyone. The existence of copyright over the text does not alter this unless, for some reason, Urantia Foundation should try to restrict access to the text. Urantia Foundation would hardly be likely to attempt to do this as one of its main functions is to make the text available to anyone sincerely interested in it. Refusing to allow corruption of the text by the ownership of copyright is not to be confused with claiming ownership of the revelation itself.
Further Comments, By Ann Bendall, Nambour, Queensland
As a member of the Sunshine Coast Study Group, I would like to expand on a point raised by ourselves in the previous issue of Six-O-Six on the need or otherwise for copyright.
We feel that there may be confusion in folks’ minds between copyright per se, and the need for the production of an inviolate copy of The URANTIA Book. Judged by all of the evidence available to us, we feel that the mandate from the Revelators was only for the latter.
The human custodians of The URANTIA Book, in their wisdom, attempted to fulfil their mandate by means of taking out the copyright. This was an interpretation of the requirements of the Revelators, which perhaps had some beneficial effects during the “heady” early days of the Urantia movement.
by Ronald Conway, Melbourne
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights.”
So runs the famous preamble to the American Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. This is the fundamental statement behind the ideal (but hardly the reality) of modern democratic government.
What a pity it isn’t true!
Indeed the American republic and its part-imitations, such as the Australian Commonwealth, rest upon a basic doctrine that modern science does not support and the founder of Christianity never taught.
Reprinted From “The Diary”.
The best things in life are free we are told (except for pizzas, chocolates, ice creams…)
But how often do people say those words without thinking of their real meaning?
The best things in life cost dearly — but not in terms of money.
My list of things I consider best are: the love of the man I love; the development of my children into happy, useful members of the community; the chance to bring a little joy to the world; the opportunity to help another person grow emotionally; and of course, the freedom to worship God in the way I believe is right.
The cost of having all that is high indeed. They all require huge investments of my self, my time, my knowledge, and my skills.
Naturally the time and effort I put into expressing my feelings for my loved ones is given gladly, but there are also hidden costs. Sometimes I feel emotionally drained by the effort of balancing all the roles I fill — home, work, committees, hobbies.
But the compensation for loving is great joy and bliss. The love from my family gives me so much strength, happiness, and laughter that my soul and mind are nurtured and once again restored.
by Ken Glasziou, Maleny, Queensland
The URANTIA Book claims that it is a revelation given to we mortals by celestial and other-than-human beings. When first introduced to this book, I assumed that it had been written by a committee of well-meaning academics on a save-the-world mission. On becoming more familiar with the content of the book, I was impressed by the quality and consistency of its message, but also noticed material of a scientific nature that could only have been guesswork at the time of receipt of the Papers. It did not make sense that a group of obviously knowledgeable and talented authors would risk jeopardizing acceptance of their work by including contentious prophetic material, particularly as the book could easily have earned recognition as a philosophical and religious work of great merit.
There have been suggestions that various single authors wrote The URANTIA Book — Dr W. Sadler, Wilfred Kellogg, Carl Jung, H.G. Wells, and Robert Millikin being among those named.
by the Sunshine Coast Study Group
The rate of change in our present day society is so rapid as to negate almost any attempt to envision what the long-term future may hold. So let’s not get carried away with any concept of converting Urantia to a light and life planet within the next thousand years. Perhaps a first task should be to limit ourselves to trying to convert the potentially convertible. But where do we start?
Currently there are three groups among which teachings from The URANTIA Book have the potential to make headway. Firstly, there are all those people in dominantly Christian countries who have, for one reason or another, failed to become involved in any depth with the Christian churches. The ingrained thinking of these peoples is very much conditioned by 2000 years of Christian heritage.
A second is the followers of Islam, at least some of whom would subscribe to the concept of the fatherhood of a God who is love, and of the brotherhood of all men.
Evolutionary and revelatory religion are more than opposites. They have so much in common that neither can be understood without the other.
Among my generation, people have more idea about each other’s taste in food than they do about each other’s spiritual lives. (Helen Garner)
…the most intense hatreds are not between religious organizations but within them.
Revelation alters society by unmasking it.
Nationalism is both a vital medicine and a dangerous drug. (Geoffrey Blainey)
Prophet 1. Prepare to meet thy God.
Prophet 2. Evening dress optional
Religion is like salt in cooking. It is tasteless if you do not use any, but inedible if you use too much.
Each person must season to their own liking. (Zen)
It is a test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.
And he spake to his sons, saying: “Saddle me the ass.” And they saddled him. (Authorised version 1 Kings 13:27)
by Audrey Morris, Tewantin, Queensland
9. Collapse of Giant Nova 50 years ago 10. Mystery … 12. Smallest particle 13. Competitors 14. Exhaustion 15. Rays 17. Originated 18. Deathless 20. Talent 21. BE 24. Respired 26. Alone 28. Areola (or circle of light) 29. Litany 31. God 34. Born invisible 36. Magadan Park 38. Closest 39. Forest 40. Neat 41. Local system 42. Believed.
1. Eden 2. Strange/Away 3.3 3. Rule 4. Lucifer’s sidekick 5. Elision 6. Person 7. Acid for candles 8. Painter 11. Chief Magistrates 16. Yearly 19. Enlist 20. Heavenly Father 22. Compassion 23. Science of morals 25. Gathering 26. Of man 27. Medicine Men 30. Permanent citizen of Salvington 31. From … to Lake Urmia & Assyria 32. Relegated 33. Forebears 35. Portray 36. Originate 37. Screed
Solution to previous crossword
Across: 5. Astrology 7. Wise 9. Habilement 12. Ruler 14. Alexandria 16. Suzerainty 19. Eon 24. Anthracite 25. Is 26. To 27. Ritual 28. Northern
Down: 1. Zacharias 2. Stable 3. Slain 4. Awe 6. Greece 8. Ewer 10. Treaty 11. Glade 13. Feet 15. Into 17. Urantia 18. Nation 20. Nabon 21. Troas 22. Terra 23. Kish 26. Tri
from “The Religions of Man”, by Huston Smith
The people in the streets who first heard Jesus’ disciples proclaiming the Good News were as impressed by what they saw as by what they heard. They saw lives that had been transformed — men and women ordinary in every way except for the fact that they seemed to have found the secret of living. They evidenced a tranquility, simplicity, and cheerfulness that their hearers had nowhere else encountered.
Specifically there seemed to be two qualities in which their lives abounded. The first of these was mutual affection. One of the earliest observations about Christians that we have from outsiders was, “See how these Christians love one another.”
“One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it ” (2090.5)
Please accept our warmest congratulations on your 100th edition of Six-O-Six from everyone associated with Light and Life’. Without your encouragement and understanding, the URANTIA movement would be a much darker place. Please accept our best wishes for the future:
We are delighted that Six-O-Six has reached one hundred, and look forward to receiving if. You never know, we might even write an article or two this year:
I keep on enjoying Six-O-Six. Keep’em coming, cobber.
Keep up the good work Always be prepared to publish ideas which question The URANTIA Book or throw doubt on it, as this will help us all to think hard for ourselves.
Keep up the good work. You have a very interesting publication. I appreciate the fact that you allow space for varied points of view. Best wishes for the future.
I really like your paper! It is informative as well as thought provoking! When it comes in the mail, I stop everything I am doing and read it from cover to cover.
You are all doing a good job so just keep going:
Well done Neil and to all concerned.
My best wishes and greetings to all Urantian and non-Urantian friends in Australia.
I have always looked forward to receiving my copy of Six-O-Six and every one is filled with news, ideas, thoughts, quotes, and people’s views. But most of all, it is the spark that triggers my mind to take off in the direction of The URANTIA Book. This is the basis of Six-O-Six. And by the way, Congratulations!
All of us at Six-O-Six thank you for your kind comments and well wishes. It will be a pleasure to keep 'em coming:
When all is said and done
In the life of Jesus
All was said and done.