© 2020 André Desjardins
© 2020 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Earthly Escape | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 91 — September 2020 | Is There An Archetype, An Ideal Model For The Relationship Between Man And Woman? |
Andrew Desjardins
St-Alexis-des-Monts, (Quebec)
All human beings on our planet have an idea or conception of the soul according to their education received or their personal belief. According to the Urantia Book: [UB 111:0.7] “Each evolving Urantian race of mortals has a word equivalent to the concept of soul.” Thus this statement confirms that all human beings living even in the most remote corners of our planet can have a pictorial conception of the soul of a spiritual nature. The concept of the soul is integrated and innate in ourselves even without personal contact with any religion, level of instruction or spiritual education received.
In primitive times many men regarded the soul as a kind of spirit or a supernatural event in the spirit realm. These dreams have given rise to certain legends such as are still to be found today. The Urantia Book states: [86:4.3, 953.2] “The most primitive idea concerning the human soul was the ghost, which was derived from the system of ideas relating to dreams and breathing.” This means that instinctively we have within ourselves the soul principle according to our personal perception or according to our own convictions or beliefs, whether we are believers or not. These beliefs are still valid today among superstitious people, by people with beliefs in spiritualism by invoking games with the spirits or souls of the deceased, by certain mediums aspiring to communicate with the afterlife, by fortune tellers predicting the future, by gestures or ostensible attitudes of people considered to be God’s chosen ones.
Non-belief or atheism is a form of belief or deep inner faith according to the personal convictions of each individual and there are several definitions of faith in common dictionaries. All people living on our planet actually have a basic idea of faith or personal conviction either through personal religious symbols, lucky charms, superstitions of some kind, medallions, amulets or relics of any kind.
Faith is also a form of trust in someone or something; this trust is by definition personal convictions without spiritual considerations. Faith can also demonstrate a personal attitude such as being in good or bad faith manifesting a degree of honesty or sincerity. A good example is demonstrated in The Urantia Book in Jesus’ conversation with James of Safed about his son and said: [UB 58:5.2] “Do not doubt the power of my Father’s love, but only the sincerity and scope of your faith. All things are possible for him who truly believes.” Then James of Safed uttered these words mixed with faith and doubt, which will be remembered for a long time: “Lord, I believe, I pray you to come to the aid of my unbelief.”
James of Safed had faith in the healing of his son despite his unbelief. This form of material faith is innate in us; although it is in itself material in nature through any beliefs, it can become spiritual through a living faith by believing in God in revealed truths or in various media. As Jesus mentions in the last paragraph quoted, it depends on our “sincerity” and “the scope” of our personal faith according to our beliefs.
By sincere moral choice and enlightened decision of our personality, this personal choice initiates the emergence of the Indwelling Adjuster, fostering the formation of the immortal and eternal soul within us. To attain the scope of genuine spiritual faith, the personality must personally experience it through the interaction of the Adjutant Mind Spirits upon our minds.
The Adjutants are a universal mental service provided by the Mother Spirit of a Local Universe without discrimination towards all living beings attached to it. The Seven Mind-Spirits are mental circuits to which living beings react differently to these Adjutants; this depends entirely on the receptive capacities and their associated mental faculties. By comparison, one must imagine a power station supplying and providing the electrical service through a meter in a house according to the demand or needs without discrimination towards all its users. The Adjutants provide the necessary and essential mental energy to living beings according to their own guiding attributes. The brain is the cerebral receptor depending on the receptive mental capacities of each living being.
The Seven Adjutant Spirits and more specifically the Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom are reserved for beings endowed with will, freedom of choice and awareness of being; this is the essential condition in order to reach the necessary ground of cooperation with the Thought Adjuster. The Urantia Book mentions: [UB 5:3.7] “Man’s realization of the reality of the experience of worship is primarily determined by the level of development of his evolving immortal soul.” All human beings like us here on the planet are under the influence and impulse of the Seven Adjutant Mind Spirits and even people devoid of spiritual knowledge, non-believers or atheists are under the influence of these Adjutants.
The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom are specific for beings endowed with will and it is through these 6th and 7th Adjutants that each person has a conception of wisdom and worship without necessarily having a wisdom and an attitude of spiritual worship. Worship is an “experience” as mentioned in the last reference. Thus we can have an attitude of worship in our life in a material form without being spiritual. Today there are several degrees and forms of worship towards movie idols, popular personalities, sports stars or with other forms of material worship.
We can also attain a degree and form of wisdom in our personal lives through the practice of developing our talents, our abilities and through our experiences acquired through practice without necessarily having the wisdom of a spiritual experience. The Urantia Book demonstrates this thus: [UB 86:0.1] “The normal functioning of the human mind, under the guiding influence of the sixth and seventh mental adjutants of universal bestowal of the spirit, is amply sufficient to ensure this development.” The 6th and 7th Spirit Adjutants are the basis for attaining a level of worship and spiritual wisdom. Through this universal gift of bestowal all beings endowed with will can aspire from these latter Adjutants to develop the spiritual form of worship and wisdom essential to the formation and evolution of the soul.
The formation of our soul constitutes the birth of our morontia life from the Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom. The sincere cooperation of our personality, our mind and our will, our soul takes form even while living here on our planet in a physical and material body. The Urantia Book speaks of it thus: [UB 111:1.2] “However, this domination of the material mind by the spirit is subordinate to two experiences: on the one hand, it is necessary that this mind has evolved through the ministry of the seven adjutant mind-spirits, and on the other hand, it is necessary that the material (personal) self choose to cooperate with the indwelling Adjuster to create and maintain the morontia self, the potentially immortal evolutionary soul.”
The nature and essence of our soul is morontia; it is a crossbreeding of that which is most divine and eternal of the nature of God procreated with the most material and mortal nature of the human. The fruit of this relationship is something that is neither human nor divine; it is a crossbreeding between our human nature with the spiritual nature of God, which is why it is rightly called the “morontia soul”. This crossbreeding is essential and indispensable to the survival of our personality; it is the fruit of a “mental relationship” of our material will unified with the divine will of God. This voluntary consent to submit our material will to the will of God opens the door to the formation of our soul thus becoming the essential vehicle for the survival of our personality.
Our planet is the starting point for the conception of our soul, and our mind is its source. Through our mind and with the cooperation and complicity of our Thought Adjuster, our soul comes to form and thus ensures the survival of our personality. The Urantia Book describes it thus: [UB 48:6.2] “You should understand that the morontia life of an ascending mortal actually begins on the inhabited worlds at the conception of the soul, at the time when the mind of a creature of moral status is indwelt by the spirit Adjuster.” Our material mind is temporary, it is the basis provided by the Adjutants during our earth life, but we have the power by our supreme will to form our soul with the cooperation of our indwelling Adjuster right here on our home planet. The conditions for the conception of our soul depend on a personal moral decision and acting upon our moral conscience in order to live our ideal by a motivated spirit life “enabling us to become Adjuster-like, that is, God-like.” » Ref: [UB 111:1.4]
Our soul is of planetary origin because it is formed during our earthly life, although it is of planetary origin it survives our natural death by our prerogative of personal choice, will and free will of our personality. By our voluntary consent and sincere desire to cooperate with the Divine Adjuster within us, this soul of morontia form survives our mind associated with our physical and material body in order to ensure the continuity of the individuality of our personality. By this co-creation with the Divine Adjuster within us, we have the authority to continue this eternal adventure. Our soul then becomes our new mental vehicle of our personality with all the data of values having survival value and recorded by our associated seraphic guardian during our earthly life for the benefit of our soul surviving our material and physical death. Our identity and all the values of experience attached to our personality are now an integral part of our surviving soul.
All surviving experiential values are recorded for the benefit of our soul even during our earthly life. Our physical body, all material aspects and components associated with our earthly life do not survive physical and material death except all our experiences and values having survival value. The Urantia Book mentions it thus: [UB 47:4.5] “Those mental associations which were purely animal and entirely material have perished naturally with the physical brain, but all the valuable things of your mental life which had survival value have had their counterpart established by the Adjuster and are retained as part of the personal memory throughout the ascending career.” It is through our soul that our human personality survives, it thus becomes the new transmission of our personality. The growth of our soul is possible even while continuing to live our earthly life fully on our home planet in our way of life by trying to achieve perfection in our intentions.
About the evolution of the soul The Urantia Book mentions: [36:6:5, 404.3] “The survival of mortal creatures is based entirely on the evolution of an immortal soul within the mortal mind.” Thus, the evolution and growth of our soul occurs during our earthly life without having to leave our home planet or go through a natural death.
To contribute to the growth of our soul, we must turn to the Revelation of The Urantia Book, thus: [111: 3.7, 1219.6] “To the extent that the evolving morontia soul of man becomes imbued with truth, beauty and goodness as a value realization of God consciousness, the resulting being becomes indestructible.” We can discern truth, beauty and goodness by drawing inspiration from the pattern of life and the teachings of the human Jesus bestowed on our planet Urantia and it is by using his teachings as a model to follow that we can better learn to practice them in a personal philosophy of life.
We can thus better contribute to the growth of our soul right here on our planet Urantia by producing fruits of the spirit as mentioned in The Urantia Book: [34:6.13, 381.7] “For the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control.” These habits
to practice our way of living and relating to others in our daily lives fosters the growth of our souls while enabling us to become better citizens of the universe in response to the supreme command of the Universal Father, “to be perfect even as He is perfect.” The spiritual purpose of our lives leads us to live an ideal of life right here on our planet Urantia, and this ideal is emphasized in an excerpt from The Urantia Book: “What you are today is not as important as what you become day by day and in eternity.”
Earthly Escape | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 91 — September 2020 | Is There An Archetype, An Ideal Model For The Relationship Between Man And Woman? |