© 2020 Claude Flibotte
© 2020 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Claude Flibotte (Sainte-Julie (Quebec))
Following an exchange of emails, I noticed that we do not all interpret in the same way what happens to us beyond death. Let’s see together what the revelators tell us on this subject.
The Melchizedek of the Jerusem school of administration tells us this: No matter the different physical types (UB 49:2) and planetary series (UB 49:5), these evolutionary mortals are all equally benefited by the ministry of the Thought Adjusters, the guardian angels, and the various orders of the messenger hosts of the Infinite Spirit. We are all freed from carnal bonds by the emancipation of death and all go to the morontia worlds of spiritual evolution and mental progress (UB 49:6.1).
There is a distinction to be made depending on whether it is a planet inhabited by primitive men or a planet inhabited by civilized and progressing humans.
The former will be personalized with an individualized fraction of the immortal spirit of the Third Source and Center (UB 49:6.6). The latter will go to the mansion worlds by different routes, according to the degree of mastery of the seven psychic circles (UB 49:6.8). For those who merge with their Adjusters during their incarnation, the period of unconsciousness will be short, if any (UB 49:6.19). For the vast majority, we will all be unconscious for a certain period following death and resurrection, which excludes the idea of communication with the dead (UB 112:3.7 and UB 112:5.13).
Indeed, on a planet from the time of primitive men (UB 52:1.1), very few of them, if any, are able to go directly to the mansion worlds. The arrival of the first Thought Adjuster signifies the beginning of the ministry of the seraphic guardians indispensable for terrestrial escape (UB 49:6.4). These humans are too immature, thus making fusion with their Adjuster impossible (UB 49:6.6). Also, the majority of these humans await, asleep, the first dispensation of the planet, that of the Planetary Prince, the first of the divine Sons to come, for the moment of their resurrection (UB 52:1.6). They are under the guard of the collective seraphic guardians (UB 49:6.5).
On the other hand, for practical reasons and sentimental associations of specific service in the universe mortal ascension plan, special groups of ascenders are mobilized for special resurrections. These resurrections occur at least every thousand years of planetary time (UB 49:6.2).
As for a planet where civilization is well established, with evolved humans, we will see it more Coin, it is different!
Less than one hundred thousand years after the time when These Men stand, marks the time of the arrival of the Planetary Prince and his staff ( UB 52:1.8 ). On a normal planet, this dispensation lasts about 500,000 years ( UB 52:2.2 ).
Mortals of the individual orders of ascension are entirely dependent upon their successive arrivals on the cosmic circles and the crossing (It masters) of these circles. These psychic circles (UB 10:2.8) are levels associating intellectual, social, spiritual and cosmic clairvoyance values. All those who, starting from the seventh circle, reach the third circle immediately receive personal guardians of destiny. These mortals can be repersonalized in the morontia life independently of the dispensational or other judgments mentioned (UB 49:6.8). These are repersonalized on the first mansion world on the third day after their natural death (UB 49:6.9).
I here digress in an attempt to elucidate the difference in the words used between “This third day” in UB 49:6.9 by the Melchizedek and “in This third period” used in UB 112:4.13 by the Solitary Messenger of Orvonton or the Mighty Messenger of Uversa in UB 30:4.4. The Melchizedek in question is working on Jerusem, the capital of our system of Satania. He is fully aware of the length of the Urantian day. He can therefore state with full knowledge of the facts that the mortal transit from Urantia to his resurrection on the first mansion world takes three days. It is otherwise with the Solitary Messenger or the Mighty Messenger. They work on the superuniverse level of Orvonton. They are acquainted with the infinite variety of day lengths on a myriad of planets. For example, a day on Urantia lasts approximately twenty-four hours. One day on Jerusem corresponds to almost three Urantia days (UB 46:1.2). So, for them, it is more accurate to use the word “period” adjustable to all planets rather than the more restrictive word “day”. In addition, the notion of day becomes debatable for a planet with two suns or more and even for an architectural sphere completely independent of a sun! Or for a planet always showing the same face to its sun. Another reflection on this subject concerns the real time elapsed between the death of Jesus and his resurrection. It is customary to say that he was resurrected on the third day as He Himself had announced (UB 173:5.4). In fact, Jesus died around 15 fi on Friday (UB 187:5.5) and he was resurrected on Sunday around 3 f (UB 189:1.1), which gives us three days. On the other hand, if we add up the elapsed time in hours, we obtain a total of 36 hours instead of 72 hours, the equivalent of three days. Therefore, three days are more of a way of expressing oneself and can therefore explain the more vague use of the expression “third period”. Closing the parenthesis.
In reality, among this order of individual mortals of ascension there are three distinct groups according to their mastery of the psychic circles. The first group, those who have attained the third circle, are personalized on the first mansion world. The more evolved group may undertake their morontia career on one of the intermediate mansion worlds. Finally, the more advanced individuals undertake their morontia experience on the seventh mansion world ( UB 49:6.10 ).
This category concerns children who died in infancy. Those who died before having a Thought Adjuster or even after. They are counted as still attached to their parents. They will be repersonalized and raised in the probationary nursery when one of the parents arrives on the mansion worlds (UB 47:2.1 and UB 49:6.12). For more details, read section 2 of Booklet 47 entitled “The Probationary Nursery”.
These are the progressive human beings of the intermediate evolutionary worlds. That is, the planets where the ministry of a Magisterial Son, a Bestowal Son, and the Teacher Sons has been accomplished. These humans, as a rule, are not yet exempt from death, but they bypass the regime of the mansion world (UB 49:6.15).
Those of the least perfected group awaken at the headquarters of their local system, bypassing only the mansion worlds. Those of the middle group go to the constellation training worlds, bypassing the entire morontia regime of the local system. Later still, in the planetary ages of spiritual endeavor, many survivors awaken at the constellation headquarters and begin their ascent to Paradise from there (UB 49:6.16).
The particularity of these three groups is that they serve as educators on the worlds they have bypassed to acquire a lot of experience there (UB 49:6.17).
These are the progressive fumaric beings of the evolutionary worlds of the final phases of fumaric development. These are those who have fused with the Adjuster Heart during their mortal lives. If they are exempt from death, they are transferred from the living and appear immediately in the presence of the Sovereign Son at the headquarters of the local universe ( UB 49:6.18 ). This order of ascension may be found on any planetary series, from the lowest to the highest stages, although it is more common on the older spheres ( UB 49:6.19 ).
I remember, as a young boy raised in the Catholic religion, my teachers taught me four places where we could go after death. Paradise, Heaven where the souls of the righteous go to enjoy eternal bliss after death. Limbo, a place where the souls of the righteous went before the coming of Christ as well as the souls of children who died without being baptized. Purgatory, a symbolic place where the souls of the righteous atone for their sins before being admitted to Paradise. Hell, a terrible place where these souls of the damned are tortured. 主obviously, with the revelations of the Urantia Book, we know this: This Paradise does indeed exist, it is the eternal residence of the Deities and the place where we are all invited. The revelators tell us nothing about limbo, undoubtedly a beautiful invention of Catholicism! As for purgatory, it is only mentioned once in the book in order to inform us about the beliefs of Tibetan monks (UB 94:10.2). Hell does not exist. This idea dates back to the time of primitive men who believed in good and bad ghosts (UB 86:4.7).
There you have it! I hope this text has been helpful to you in understanding what the revelators are teaching us about what awaits us after our death. We would all like to be part of the modified primary ascension order, that is, those who merge with their Adjuster during their psychic life. This is entirely within our control as it depends on our own efforts to cross the psychic circles. Remember, we are not alone; a multitude of heavenly helpers minister to us to make this wish come true.