A lively discussion during a recent meeting between readers encouraged me to put this little testimony down in black and white, and I wholeheartedly thank those who forced me to clarify my thoughts.
My passion is building bridges: finding crossing points between different areas, making them passable, and installing signposts for those who are making their way.
The method? Seek theoretical knowledge and put it to the test through practice, since it is on facts that our experience of the world is based (UB 111:6.7 *), conversely theorize spontaneous experiences through acquired knowledge; but also vertically bring together the discoveries of human research, striving towards the light, of the affirmations of the revelation that I consider to be the UB.
From the connection of different initially separate domains emerges, if we have the humility to accept the surprises and the challenges to our cherished opinions, and if we know not to confuse the prey with the shadow as UB 1:6.1 warns, a vision of reality whose magnitude and beauty leave us speechless and supremely happy (UB 100:6.7).
I have chosen three fundamental areas to link as a priority, those:
of Reality in its most general sense, in its classical distribution in matter, time, space and energy. Given that we are immersed in it, it is strictly impossible for us to know anything objective about it. This is why it is interesting to have an offbeat point of view, outside our bubble. For this, as I have a bit of trouble with quantum physics (not entirely outside but still on the edge of the bubble), I have chosen the revelations of the “channels” - well, two or three, no more, such is the great confusion that reigns in this sad crowd. Discernment is essential! For this article, I will remember Seth, an ex-mortal by his own admission, who, from 1963 to 1984, transmitted through the medium Jane Roberts his vision of the other side of the veil. Moreover, thinking without a priori about who is speaking can also be very instructive, if we do not lose sight of UB 112:3.7. It is a masterful teaching on the behind the scenes of appearances: time and energy, the nature of causality, our creative power, freedom and determinism … it is aimed at those who wonder about UB 86:2.5 or UB 112:0.5, scratch their heads at UB 93:6.3 or UB 124:4.6, or marvel at UB 111:6.4-5. But Jane spoke English, and alas, of the twenty or so books published, only four exist in French (for the moment); so revise your irregular verbs, the effort is worth it!
of the human mind through depth psychology. Theoretical and practical knowledge, after several years of in-depth therapy and good practice as a sophrologist and psychotherapist. A knowledge and practice that focus exclusively on the functioning of the material mind, but from there, it is not very complicated to go and meet, a little higher, the moral conscience, then the spiritualized mind, which begins the upper levels of the psyche up to the soul in the Urantian sense of the term. One of the best tools to explore, cleanse and rectify the mind (yes, you have to do all that, and it is much easier here, relying on material energies, than in a world with vague reference points — watch out for UB 47:3.8!), is “applied spirituality”, meditation, psycho-physical work, of any school, in the sense of UB 110:1.5 or UB 129:1.14. There are already a few people on the border between “the shrink and the spi” and the path is marked, but the map is not the territory, and knowing the route does not exempt you from traveling it, if you want to avoid a school report like the famous UB 111:7.5
of what is commonly called “life after death”. The UB’s revelation on survival only concerns the soul and the personality, but we are not only that. On the lower floors, all desires, regrets, suffering, all coagulated experiences that have not been consciously integrated also have their destiny once the physical vehicle is dissolved, a destiny which, if it has no influence on the survival of the soul stricto sensu, nevertheless interferes with the existence of “those who remain”, with other factors and by a complicated process that does not have to be detailed here. It is however fundamental to know this dark zone, because it is here that the foundations of the reincarnationist system are dug. And there, it is a highway that will have to be passed over the bridge …
Two large regions in this neighboring world:
a) occultism, and in particular the study of the teaching of Max Théon, in my opinion one of the greatest occultists and esotericists of the great wave of the early 20th century, a true scholar of the invisible, an experimenter (with his wife Alma) and theoretician of the highest order. It was he who had discovered and trained the Mother, Sri Aurobindo’s companion in Pondicherry; if she ultimately made this teaching something quite personal, she nonetheless always recognized this lineage. Théon’s Cosmic Philosophy, unfortunately more than difficult to approach, offers an unparalleled insight into the hierarchical organizations of the cosmos, from the densest matter to the most ethereal regions, via the very complex architecture of the human being. If you’re looking for technical details on UB 66:2.5, UB 74:0.1 or UB 93:2.1, go there, and good luck! But if you have trouble finding the books (a reissue project is under consideration), Steiner should be able to help you - a similar size.
b) the world of “conscious projectors”, that of lucid dreams, astral projections and other NDEs. The total underground: a well-organized world (an almost exclusively English-speaking literature, once again), very populated but very, very discreet, of scalded cats who keep a low profile. And yet, what a wealth of knowledge … an inestimable treasure for open and courageous minds. Who doesn’t want to know a little more about the mysterious UB 49:5.32? I am lucky to be in contact with this world through a very small natural talent, but my partner is gifted in this area, and he opened the doors wide for me. So I rolled up my sleeves and started another bridge!
All this knowledge has no survival value, and seeking it is only a matter of choice and personal pleasure; but it helps us to get closer to our brothers coming from other systems of thought and to establish with them, through the practice of a common language, friendly and fruitful communication. Everyone has something to learn from everyone, the truth is nowhere complete, but it is hidden everywhere.
Furthermore, the effect of this knowledge on the mind, in the sense of better integration, unification, and greater flexibility, can only be beneficial to the personality as a whole. And all this work ultimately comes down to raising the conceptual capacity, which is nothing other than one of the means of getting closer to God (UB 56:6.3). This is why I will never stop building bridges…
* The extracts from The Urantia Book have been voluntarily reduced by Christine to their Page/Paragraph references, so get reading!