© 2015 Cris Ragetly
© 2015 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
WARNING: We are reproducing a text by Chis Ragetly, a diligent student of the revelation, of Anglo-Saxon origin who lived a large part of his life in the south of France. He died in the first days of May 2010. The quotes from the Urantia Book are in italics and the enrichments of the text are from the author.
A Divine Counselor expresses himself thus:
“We know that the Trinity Teacher Sons are devoted to the conscious enlightenment of universe creatures. I have arrived at the settled conclusion that the Inspired Trinity Spirits, by superconscious techniques, are also functioning as teachers of the realms. I am persuaded that there is a vast body of essential spiritual knowledge, truth indispensable to high spiritual attainment, which cannot be consciously received; self-consciousness would effectively jeopardize the certainty of reception. If we are right in this concept, and my entire order of being shares it, it may be the mission of these Inspired Spirits to overcome this difficulty, to bridge this gap in the universal scheme of moral enlightenment and spiritual advancement. We think that these two types of Trinity-origin teachers effect some kind of liaison in their activities, but we do not really know.” (UB 19:5.9)
When we later have the opportunity to be taught by the Trinity Teacher Sons, the Daynals, we will be fully conscious of this teaching. We will be in direct contact with these Trinity Sons, we will see them and hear them. Moreover, they operate on the evolutionary worlds settled in light and life. This teaching is of the conscious type.
Apparently it is not the same when we approach the truths indispensable to a high spiritual achievement. This teaching can only be received by the superconscious technique, in other words moral illumination and higher spiritual elevation can only be given by invisible personalities (the Inspired Spirits of the Trinity) who transmit their teaching by a superconscious technique which bypasses the self-consciousness of the student. And the author of the booklet, (a Divine Counselor of Uversa), explains that this self-consciousness would actually compromise the certainty of their reception!
What does this mean? First, this instruction also concerns evolutionary exmortals who have already reached an advanced level of spiritual realization on the worlds of the major sectors of Uversa and on Havona. At this level, the mind is already capable of receiving, absorbing and putting into practice concepts of which we have no idea here on Urantia. Second, although this teaching is completely beyond us, we can more or less understand that certain concepts can only be taught by a superconscious function of our mind. Let us take as an analogy the fact that our soul develops quite independently of our human mental consciousness; this then becomes more understandable, because in this way we cannot resist or hinder the work of our Monitor. Jesus had obtained conscious contact with his Mystery Monitor at the age of 27!..
If one is willing to admit, as a practical working hypothesis, the existence of a theoretical subconscious mind in the otherwise unified intellectual life, then, to be logical, one should assume the existence of a similar and corresponding realm of ascending intellectual activity, as the superconscious level, the zone of immediate contact with the indwelling spiritual entity, the Thought Adjuster. (UB 100:4.6)
It is only at the higher levels of the superconscious mind encroaching upon the spirit realm of human experience that one finds those higher concepts associated with effective master models that will help build a better and more enduring civilization. The personality is creative by nature, but functions creatively only in the inner life of the individual. (UB 111:4.4)
The unconscious nature of religious growth does not, however, mean that it is an activity functioning in supposedly subconscious realms of the human intellect; rather, it denotes creative activities in the superconscious levels of the mortal mind. The experience of realizing the reality of unconscious religious growth is the only positive evidence of the functional existence of superconsciousness.
“The process of being enseraphimed is not unlike the experience of death or sleep except that there is an automatic time element in the transit slumber. You are consciously unconscious during seraphic rest. But the Thought Adjuster is wholly and fully conscious, in fact, exceptionally efficient since you are unable to oppose, resist, or otherwise hinder creative and transforming work.” (UB 39:2.11)
“On the superuniverse training worlds and on the eternal circuits of Havona, I have fraternized with the perfecting mortals—spiritualized and ascendant souls from the evolutionary realms—but never have they been aware of the Inspired Spirits, which ever and anon the powers of detection resident in the Solitary Messengers would indicate were very near us. I have freely conversed with all orders of the Sons of God, high and low, and they likewise are unconscious of the admonitions of the Inspired Trinity Spirits. They can and do look back in their experiences and recount happenings which are difficult to explain if the action of such Spirits is not taken into account. But excepting Solitary Messengers, and sometimes Trinity-origin beings, none of the celestial family have ever been conscious of the nearness of the Inspired Spirits.” (UB 19:5.10)
These Inspired Spirits of the Trinity are personalities whose presence we would not even suspect, and yet without them we could not attain to high spiritual attainment. There are, therefore, very good reasons why unconscious teaching is indispensable, and one of these reasons is that in this way we cannot hinder or thwart the superconscious instruction of the Inspired Spirits of the Trinity. As to why they are invisible and uncontactable, I do not think we shall ever know.
Cris M. Ragetly
The Teaching Sons of the Trinity
With the Creator Sons — the Michaels and the Magisterial Sons — the Avonals, the Instructor Sons of the Trinity — the Avonals, form the order of the descending Sons of God.
“All descending Sons of God are of high and divine origin. They are dedicated to the descending ministry of service on the worlds and systems of space and time, to facilitate the upward progress, towards Paradise, of the humble creatures of evolutionary origin—the ascending sons of God.” (UB 20:1.1)
“These highly personal and highly spiritual Paradise Sons are brought into existence by the Paradise Trinity. They are known in Havona as the order of Daynals.” (UB 20:7.1)
“You know little about the Sons of this order because Urantia has never gone through a spiritual age, a millennium of cosmic illumination. But the Teacher Sons are already visiting your world in order to establish plans concerning their projects for their stay on your sphere. They will be ready to appear on Urantia when its inhabitants have sufficiently freed themselves from the shackles of animality and the chains of materialism.” (UB 20:9.1)
“The vast domain of activity of the filial order of Daynals will be better understood on Urantia when you have progressed in intelligence and the spiritual isolation of your planet has ended.” (UB 20:8.4)