© 2019 Guy Antequera
© 2019 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
By Guy Antequera.
(LAST VERSION: June 18, 2019).
Study Subject to Evolution, Begun in 1982. Produced from the Original American Edition of 1955 and Presented for the First Time at the National Meeting of October 2009 at Notre Dame de Lumières. France.
Who has not been intrigued by what happens at the moment of physical death? According to evolutionary religions, the human soul must take one of three paths: Heaven for the righteous, Limbo - better known as purgatory - for the less righteous, and hell for the wicked.
The Urantia Book reveals to us that hell does not exist; it describes Heaven to us in great detail and tells us almost nothing about the hypothetical purgatory. And yet many writings mark the spiritual life of humanity and are available in books such as the book of the dead of ancient Egypt to name only one of the most famous, and also the Apostle Peter in his First Epistle 3.19 “Killed according to the flesh… …It is in him that he went even to preach to the spirits in prison”. Peter knew this well, Jesus must have told him.
But in recent years, the appearance of certain books, cited as references, describe situations confirming the ancient writings and one could imagine that they come from disturbed or enlightened brains; this is a somewhat proud way of thinking, because we encounter many coincidences between the Urantia Book and all these latest writings.
The purpose of this article is a contribution to the study of these phenomena because it is entirely legitimate to ask a few questions and if there are truths in certain texts, how can we extract them and corroborate them with those of the Urantia Book, considered the most absolute reference that we possess today? “The Urantia Papers […] constitute the most recent presentation of the truth to the mortals of Urantia” (UB 92:4.9). “Revelation is a technique that allows us to save ages and ages in the essential work of sorting and sifting through the errors of evolution, in order to bring out the truths acquired by the spirit” (UB 101:5.1).
This study will not be useless if it can satisfy just one person and then allow him to undertake more in-depth research, of course if it is decisive for survival, which I do not believe, but man is so curious.
Rest assured, the study only provides the beginning of an answer to the questions we ask ourselves. While satisfying the intellect, it answers something: it compensates for the limitations of revelation on our planet because not everything has been revealed. And I believe that it comes from the wisdom of the revelators. This is intentional, a passage from the Book confirms it.
On this subject, we note that the revelation of Urantia is only a fraction of a plan applied to the entire local universe of Nebadon and particularly the revelation of the life of Jesus: “He [Jesus] sought gently to make his apostles understand that he was accomplishing this mission of bestowal not to give an example to a few creatures of the earth, but to establish and demonstrate a criterion of human life which could serve all the peoples of all the worlds of his entire universe” (UB 141:7.9).
Now, our belonging to this disturbed system of inhabited worlds, more or less evolved or spiritually retarded because of Lucifer’s rebellion, will not prevent us from passing through the worlds of the mansions. This elementary law of survival is generalizable to all mortals of the worlds of the system of Satania because the path to the Father is common; it is therefore one of the goals of revelation: to make known the general laws. But here is another very interesting goal: “The mission of revelation […]. it is necessary that these divine visitations describe teachings which are not too far removed from the ideas and reactions of the age in which they are presented. Revelation must therefore always keep in touch with evolution, and it does so. The religion of revelation is always limited by the capacity of men to receive it” (UB 92:4.1).
We can therefore affirm that the revelation is designed to address the majority of people of its time. And this is where doubts will arise for some. Indeed, we are on an abnormal planet, spiritually delayed, therefore apart from or if you prefer, lagging behind, for the moment, the general laws of survival. In order to bring more mercy to humans, spiritual beings had to plan amendments to the general law of survival, this is what this study will demonstrate to you. We can also say that, in a thousand years or more, everything will perhaps be back in order, and that the great majority of Urantians will then follow the general law of survival.
This famous general law of which I speak applies to our entire local universe. Indeed, the Book speaks of it with precision and clarity in “Earthly Escape” (UB 49:6.1). You will notice that it speaks of all “the different physical types and planetary series of mortals”. This is indeed the general law of survival in Nebadon.
So! Does The Urantia Book give us, as usual, precise details about any place where recently deceased humans stay? The Book is not very talkative on this subject, the Revelators certainly have their reasons, but do not close the door to our curiosity and provide us with a passage where the words are unmistakable, explaining that this place does indeed exist, it is up to us to locate it,
Here is now its new translation:
“When the more spiritually and cosmically advanced mortals die, they proceed immediately to the mansion worlds; in general, this provision operates with those who have had assigned to them personal seraphic guardians. Other mortals may be detained until such time as the adjudication of their affairs has been completed, after which they may proceed to the mansion worlds, or they may be assigned to the ranks of the sleeping survivors who will be repersonalized en masse at the end of the current planetary dispensation.” (UB 112:5.10)
To translate certain words I used the following famous dictionary: https://www.wordreference.com/enfr/detain
You can see that this new translation of the text differs from the current French edition of the Book which contains two translation errors and one punctuation error which do not facilitate its logical analysis, the errors are located here: “détenus” “…maisons. Ils peut aussi être…”. “detained” was translated as “détenus” but this term is addressed to delinquents, “tenus” is more appropriate (see WordReference.com). The comma and the or have disappeared, which leads to a logical error: the last sentence is no longer the consequence of the previous sentence, (moreover, the Spanish edition of the Book has also respected this comma and this ‘or’), and in “Naissance d’une Révélation” by Mark Kulieke, we know that the revelators were constantly correcting the texts, so we can trust the original English text. I remind you that our Book is called the Urantia Book and not the Book of Panoptia or another planet, it deals as a priority with the affairs of Urantia.
Does this text seem hermetic to you? You will see that a simple analysis, with a little logic, will reveal the underlying decors, and the panorama of the first moments of survival currently on Urantia, will be clearly revealed. Do not worry, the analysis is within everyone’s reach.
Analysis of this text reveals several possibilities for survival. You will notice that it contains two sentences admirably separated to bring out the information; the Revelators are experts in communication, one would say today. They know how to handle stylistics and punctuation. Let us begin our analysis with the first sentence: “When the most spiritually and cosmically advanced mortals die, they go immediately to the mansion worlds; this arrangement generally operates with those for whom a personal seraphic guardian has been assigned.” Clearly, there is nothing to explain. Survival is immediate (within three days), it is the first possible case of survival. And it corresponds to the general law of survival throughout Nebadon, but it is addressed to humans highly spiritually and cosmically advanced. I am thinking, among others, of Mother Theresa, Abbé Pierre, or Sister Emmanuelle, who have produced many fruits of the spirit (UB 193:2.2), of which service to the poor is an example. Moreover, the following text confirms this: During the early ages of an evolutionary world, rare are the humans who go to judgment on the third day. As the ages pass, personal guardians of destiny are assigned in ever-increasing numbers to the progressing mortals; evolutionary creatures in increasing numbers are thus repersonalized on the first mansion world on the third day after their natural death. On these occasions, the return of the Adjuster is the signal for the awakening of the human soul, and it is the repersonalization of the dead, just as literally as at the time of the mass call at the end of a dispensation on the evolutionary worlds (UB 49:6.9). We are still in the early ages, far from the ages of light and life where humans live up to five hundred years, aren’t we?
Let’s continue reading. The second sentence is more complex and is made up of three distinct parts. The first part is a common core “Other mortals may be detained until the judgment of their affairs has been completed,…”. This is followed by the second part of the sentence which is a choice between two possible cases “… after which they may proceed to the mansion worlds” (first possible case), or they may be assigned to the ranks of sleeping survivors who will be repersonalized en masse at the end of the current dispensation (second possible case)".
Which gives us a total of three possible cases which can be summarized as follows:
First case: immediate resurrection on the first world of houses,
Second case: business to be completed and follow-up of the resurrection as before,
Third case: business to complete and falling asleep.
You will notice that the Revealers have inserted a common core “…business has been completed”. And that we now find the two elementary functions of logic: OR and AND. We knew they were experts in communication, they are also experts in philosophy. Let us now clarify the word “completed” with the help of the dictionary: “To complete: to bring to its complete completion with particular care”. We could say that its synonym is “completed”.
Let’s continue our sequence of explanations, not forgetting that in these three cases, the humans are indeed deceased.
First case, that of the “most spiritually and cosmically advanced mortals…”. The personality is asleep for three days. On the third day, humans survive on the first mansion world by regaining their identity. The personality is therefore “reactivated”.
Second case, it is made up of two very distinct parts: business to be completed and follow-up to the resurrection.
Unfinished Business: This is a common core, “Other mortals may be restrained from leaving until the judgment of their affairs has been completed,” this is a probationary period during which the angels complete their observations, they will give an opinion on something that is evolving! On the actions and intentions of the human concerning his desire to continue his career towards Paradise! This is indeed a choice made by a personality, therefore an active personality, that is to say a complete human being (soul, identity, personality, Adjuster) who acts without his fleshly envelope. And they are not asleep since they will be in the third case of survival. Notice the word “restrained”. A question arises: restrained where? Answer: They are indeed, restrained, prevented from leaving where they lived, that is to say from their planet native, isn’t it?
And resurrection: “… after which they can go to the mansion worlds” which is clearly an option, that of going to the mansion worlds in order to continue the career. I assume that the personality is then put to sleep to resurrect on the third day so as to allow time for the adjuster to go to Divinington and return to the first mansion world.
Third case, it is made up of two very distinct parts: business to complete and falling asleep
Business to be completed: This is the common core seen previously.
And falling asleep: “…, or they can be assigned to the ranks of sleeping survivors who will be repersonalized en masse at the end of the current dispensation”: option to put them on hold in falling asleep in order to continue the ascension career later. The personality is then no longer active.
Let’s return to the logic of the text:
In the first case they regain their identity on the third day. They survive; their personality is “re-activated”,
In the third case, after the common core, they are plunged into a sleep until the dispensational call and their personality is no longer active. They are sleeping survivors.
So in the second case, after the common trunk, since they are not asleep, they are very much alive, therefore active, and the spiritual beings observe and guide them in order to pronounce a complete judgment on them: the angels need additional data to make them advance towards the mansion worlds. Not being asleep, they are very much conscious to make “their final choice”, a deduction confirmed by the following sentence which is part of the same page and which testifies to the high degree of mercy shown by the celestial judges: “This does not mean that human beings must benefit from a second chance after having rejected the first; this is by no means the case. But it does mean that all volitional creatures must have a real opportunity to make an indubitable, fully conscious and final choice” (UB 112:5.9). Note the words fully conscious, they confirm that the personality is indeed active. And if they are “prevented from leaving, held back” from making their final choice while they were on Earth, the place where they will make this conscious choice is indeed Urantia.
The survival plan can then be summed up as follows:
Same remark: page 1233 is indeed part of the Book of our planet: Urantia.
There is no mistake. There are indeed three situations after death, and there, it is very clear! The revelators cannot be more precise!
Where will this person make this final choice? Certainly not on the mansion worlds because he can go there after. Is there another planet between Urantia and the first mansion world? No! The Book does not mention it! It will be assumed that it is on his home planet and it may be that at the end of this probationary period, the surviving human will appear on the mansion worlds on the third day, in order to give the Adjuster time to go to Divinington and return to participate in the resurrection in the morontia halls of the first mansion world.
Other possibilities exist, not mentioned in this paragraph but cited many times in the Book: fusion, on one’s native planet, with one’s Adjuster “in chariots of fire” to cite only Enoch or the refusal to continue the ascension career towards Paradise.
There you have it, it’s the common core that raises a lot of problems. For my part it’s “the space of certain phenomena, where beings try to communicate with us”. But why does it exist? The answer lies in the following words: abnormal planet, majority of spiritually retarded humans, early ages… In fact, mercy must apply and here is the proof: “The cosmic circles of personality growth must eventually be reached, but it may happen that, through no fault of your own, the accidents of time and the handicaps of material existence have prevented you from dominating these levels on your native planet. If your intentions and desires have survival value, decrees will be issued to extend your probationary period. You will be granted additional time to demonstrate your worth” (UB 112:5.6)
“If ever there is doubt as to the advisability of advancing a human identity to the mansion worlds, the universe governments invariably rule in the personal interests of that individual; they unhesitatingly advance such a soul to the status of a transitional being, while they continue their observations of the emerging morontia intent and spiritual purpose. Thus divine justice is certain of achievement, and divine mercy is accorded further opportunity for extending its ministry.” (UB 112:5.7)
Another remark resulting from a translation error: it concerns the adverb “towards”. In the original English edition here is the sentence: “If ever there is doubt as to the advisability of advancing a human identity to the mansion worlds…”, I deliberately highlighted ‘to’ because it clearly indicates a movement, an action in a direction, even if this action is virtual. However, the original French edition translates ‘to’ as ‘on’, that is to say that the action is finished, the human is on the first world of the houses, so there is another translation error here that must be resolved. The revealers are experts in the language.
I also deliberately underlined the word intentions because the human has not yet made his choice and note that the cosmic circles are linked to “native planet”. Another remark: the word “probatory” is important and well translated because it reappears in the chapter dealing with the “probatory nurseries” of the first world of houses. Probatory meaning according to the dictionary: “Which allows to verify that the person has the capacities, the qualities, the required knowledge (Larousse Dictionary)”.
The word transitional contains a small problem: it is used several times with the word morontia, as if it had a distinct meaning or as if it depicted a different state. In fact, the morontia state exists even when the being lives in the flesh, it is the soul and upon death, the human being becomes morontia. One might think that the word “transitional” applies to the passage from the flesh to the morontia state, that before the first mansion world. A hypothesis is put forward in the following lines, towards the end of this study.
But did you notice? “The cosmic circles of personality growth must eventually be reached”. This growth can only be achieved with a complete vehicle: the human, for an additional time legalized by decree, therefore made official. However, a sleeping personality is unconscious of the passing of time.
This is indeed a probationary period. Let us note in passing that the revelators use the verb “prolong” to indicate to the reader that life in the flesh is the beginning of a probationary period.
The reason I have spoken before of the general law of survival in Nebadon is because of the following sentence: “…These surviving souls must rest in unconscious sleep until the judgment day of a new epoch, a new dispensation, the coming of a Son of God to call the roll of the age and judge the kingdom. This is the general practice throughout Nebadon” (UB 30:4.11).
You read correctly, this is the general practice, but on Urantia there are particularities. Not everything is revealed, let us read the following: “…Two difficulties hamper my efforts to explain exactly what happens to you in death, the surviving you, who is distinct from the Adjuster who leaves you. One of these consists in the impossibility of conveying, at your level of understanding, an adequate description of an operation lying on the border of the physical and morontia domains. The other difficulty arises from the restrictions placed by the celestial authorities governing Urantia upon my mission as a revealer of truth. Many interesting details could be presented, but I do not reveal them on the advice of your immediate planetary supervisors. However, I remain within the limits of my attributions in stating the following:…” (UB 112:5.11).
The text is clear, something is happening at the border of the physical and morontia realms, and many interesting details will not be revealed to us. Why is this? Either because we will know it at the next revelation, or because it is up to us to seek it out, or because it is not worth the effort because it is of no importance to the Paradise career, or this border will be obsolete in “a millennium.”
It is interesting to note that the preceding lines are dictated by a Solitary Messenger from Orvonton, a being passing through Urantia. Moreover, he recognizes that his revelation is limited by our immediate supervisors: the angels who protect and guide us.
Let us think a little about the place of the probationary period. Is it on the mansion worlds? No, since mortals return afterwards. Does The Urantia Book reveal another place to us? A planet? No! Then all that remains is our good old Earth and the space between it and the mansion worlds. In fact, an indication is given to us during the resurrection of Jesus “… From the morning of his resurrection until his ascension, he passed through the multiple phases of the morontia life of human transition from the world of matter to that of the spirit” (UB 101:6.5). Once again, Jesus had indeed died humanly and yet he did indeed pass through ONE PHASE of the morontia life from the world of matter that is to say the Earth, moreover this seems logical, after death, the new survivors will not be disoriented, shocked, by a new environment. The answer is again brought to us by Jesus, our Creator: “These angels are also very much concerned with the means by which the spirits of men are freed from the tabernacles of the flesh and their souls escorted to the celestial mansion worlds. Angels are the infallible and celestial guides of the souls of men during the unexplored and imprecise period which intervenes between physical death and new life in the mansions of the spirit” (UB 167:7.6). Now, as you know, these last two terms “unexplored and imprecise” cannot apply in an environment such as that of the mansion worlds, where everything is well orchestrated, organized, structured for the surviving ascender. Note also the preposition “between” which indicates that something happens between physical death and new life in the mansions of the spirit.
Let us also note the words that I have deliberately underlined. The most important are “… celestial guides…”. Here is the definition of the word guide taken from the Larousse dictionary: Person who accompanies to show the way, to show: Example, the high mountain guide. Do you believe that a guide can give advice to a sleeping, unconscious person? No. Then he can only address a soul in evolution, to an active personality therefore conscious. Note also the adjective infallible, or sure, which, associated with the word escorted corresponds perfectly to the other function of the guide: a permanent presence at the side of the survivor, but for what reasons? Perhaps because of this intermediate space between the earth and the first world of the houses whose crossing requires a period of time imprecise and unexplored. Let us not forget that humans must perfect their choice on eternal life, they need a confirmed and very spiritual instructor so that they take as little time as possible to access the first cosmic circles, hence “the imprecise and unexplored period of time”. Moreover, they can refuse survival even after their physical death, hence the word “imprecise”.
In what bodily form will the human carry out this probationary period after death? We are thinking of a morontia-type structure, as the rest of the study shows you. Reading other books will give us the key, and if we read page 1209 carefully we will see that the crossing of the psychic circles is done on the natal planet, barring accidents: “…man makes, one by one, the ascension of the planetary circles of progression, from the seventh to the first” (UB 110:5.6).
At this level of the study, a very important clarification must be made. When the Revelators say “to extend your probationary period. You will be granted additional time to demonstrate your worth”, it is not about reincarnation; reincarnation does not exist for humans in the universe of Nebadon: “In the entire universe of Nebadon, the Spornagias are the only creatures who reincarnate in this way or in another way” (UB 46:7.5). See the study on pseudo-reincarnation posted on the forum on this subject.
Here are a few more sentences which add much grist to our mill, and they concern the resurrection of Jesus: “The resurrected Jesus is now preparing to spend a short period on Urantia to experience the ascending morontia career of a mortal of the realms” (UB 190:0.1). A sentence which is similar to the one quoted above. It could not be clearer, the ascending morontia career of a surviving mortal begins on Urantia, and the shorter it is the better for him. But let’s see what follows: “Although this period of morontia life must pass on the world of his incarnation as a mortal,…” Note the words “must” and “as a mortal”, particular to Urantia, “… it will be, in all respects, the counterpart of the experience of the mortals of Satania who pass through the progressive morontia life of the seven mansion worlds of Jerusem” The important term is: the counterpart. It is the general law!! The language of the Revelators oscillates between the general law of survival and the particularities linked to Urantia.
But Jesus also passed through the first mansion world since a commemorative monument is erected there (UB 188:3.11). Let us note here that Jesus did indeed pass through, visited, all the mansion worlds of our system, he wanted to know what was going on. This is why this visit is essential for our future education. And the rest is also interesting “The mortals of the realms will rise on the morning of the resurrection with a transition or morontia body of the same type as that of Jesus when he left the tomb this Sunday morning. These bodies have no blood circulation and these beings do not use ordinary material food, nevertheless these morontia forms are real. When the various believers saw Jesus after his resurrection, they really saw him; they were not victims of their own visions or hallucinations” (UB 190:0.3).
Since “Mortals of the realms will arise in the morning of the resurrection with a transitional or morontia body” is the transitional body more appropriate for a less “spiritual” survivor? Which would mean that there are also degrees in the essence of these bodies, this is not shocking since we change bodies several hundred times during our ascension to Paradise.
We also notice that the Revelators clearly distinguish between “transitional bodies” and “morontia bodies” by saying “These bodies have no circulation…” and "…THESE morontia forms are very real. There are indeed several forms. Therefore the transitional body is of morontia essence. What precise indications in the words when I told you that the Revelators are champions in communication!!
Let’s move on to writings outside of The Urantia Book!
In religions, many famous people recognized for their spirituality have had visions of this intermediate space; they saw beautiful and dark things there which confirmed them in the existence of a “Beyond”. Remember! The Urantia Book reveals to us that Hell does not exist (UB 89:2.4).
By reading the literature cited in reference we can already say that this intermediate space is self-created by the thoughts of the humans who find themselves there, hence, perhaps, the necessary presence of a guide angel when the visit passes through the places where major criminals and other very unspiritual people stay.
But the space that interests us is that which lies just before passing to the first mansion world. Why is this? Because we can corroborate certain writings with the Urantia Book.
We know that “Those who go to the mansion worlds are not authorized to send messages back to those they loved” (UB 112:3.7). Everyone agrees with this provision which is a rule in all Universes. But these are indeed beings who are already on the mansion worlds; the reason is simple, we must earn our survival through our behavior in the flesh in order to avoid the “Saint Thomas” effect, (I only believe what I see).
So why are there communications between certain humans and those who have left us? Quite simply because the latter are not on the mansion worlds but in this intermediate space and they have the authorization to communicate with us in one way or another.
Here is a passage from the book by Jean Prieur “Visitors from the other world”. It is about the dialogue between an Angel and his deceased protégé, the latter communicating with his still living wife who reports the discussion to us. The Angel knows that his protégé is finally ready to cross the threshold, ready to go to what we call the first world of houses. Let us listen to him: The Angel: “Just as the flower is the joy of the trees, you are the joy of the Creator. The advantage remains for you, death was a gain for you and victory is yours. Come, come, for everything is ready. Happy are those invited to the divine feast! Come, this is the gate of heaven. […] Of him who conquers I will make a pillar in the Temple of my God and he will no longer come out”. Thereupon a dialogue is established between the Angel and the protégé who does not yet want to cross the threshold because he wants to wait for his wife and above all, continue to communicate with her, because he comes to learn that all communication will become impossible as soon as the threshold is crossed, that is to say that we find the phrase from the Urantia Book previously cited “Those who go to the worlds…”. Finally the Angel respects the free will of his protégé and says to him: “God extends his hand to you, extend yours to him. He will not take it from you by force. Love for the Earth is not a sin: despite its defects it is forever sanctified by the Incarnation. Love for beings is not an offense to Love. God loves that we love both His creation and His creatures”.
Have you noticed the gentleness of the Angel’s words? It’s all there: beauty, free will and love. But what precision when he evokes the Temple of God! Temple that we find in the Book: “The true center of all activities on the first world of mansions is the resurrection room, the colossal temple where personalities are reconstituted” (UB 47:3.2).
The Angel does not forget to comfort his protégé by telling him that the earth is forever sanctified by the Incarnation. Word written with a capital I. The Book also says it: “Urantia is the sentimental sanctuary of all Nebadon; the most important of ten million inhabited planets, the human home of Christ Michael” (UB 119:8.8).
Still in the same book, here is an extract which I will let you judge, the Angel speaks: “Your mental state must be one of peace, solitude and prayer. And the most acute awareness possible. You must be aware of the Spirit with which you are joined. Peace, solitude, prayer, lucidity, superconsciousness. The subconscious having explained nothing at all, it would be time to no longer explain the superior by the inferior. The opposite approach would be more profitable and more original. The cause is above and not below. All the causes are above”.
You have noted, the Angel says that one must rise to become aware of the Spirit that indwells us, this is the Thought Adjuster, confirmed by the Book: “If one is willing to admit, as a practical working hypothesis, the existence of a theoretical subconscious mind in the otherwise unified intellectual life, then, to be logical, one should assume the existence of a similar and corresponding domain of ascending intellectual activity, as a superconscious level, the zone of immediate contact with the inner spiritual entity, the Thought Adjuster” (UB 100:5.6). Without comment, it is clear.
Still in the same book here is a description of one of the adjutant mental Spirits.
The Angel: “The final cause is love and it is because God is love that he grants us eternal life. Trust your intuitions, they come from our shores following a trajectory of fire”. You have found it, it is the adjutant mental Spirit of intuition which circulates in its appropriate channels: “In mortal experience, the human intellect resides in the rhythmic pulsations of the adjutant mind-spirits; it puts into action its decisions within the framework produced by its circuiting in this ministry” (UB 117:5.7).
You may have read the book “Life After Life” by Doctor Moody. In this book, those who return from their journey to the “beyond”, since they return to normal life, describe things that seemed strange to me, but now I understand better what they saw. I will quote you some descriptions, where they see beings wandering, impassive or irascible because they have been disturbed, in short attitudes similar to those they had on earth when they were alive, in fact the angels observe them.
How much credit can we give to these stories? Many contain truth, you will understand why. Be careful, I remind you that only Lazarus was resurrected by Jesus and there will be no other act of this kind in our local universe. In fact, all the people who came back to life were not dead but in another state of consciousness.
One person describes the world she had the opportunity to see in her state of “apparent death.” I quote: “I was in a place where light came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, there was no shadow there.” What had she seen? The architectural worlds? It’s possible! Here’s why. Let’s read the description of the architectural worlds: “Under these lighting conditions, the light rays do not appear to come from a point; they only filter out of the sky, emanating uniformly from all directions in space” (UB 46:1.5).
You know that a shadow is created if the light comes from a single light source. However, on architectural worlds, the lighting comes from the entire celestial vault, and uniformly therefore of the same intensity, consequently there is no shadow there.
If I quoted this last writing to you, it is to reveal to you, on behalf of the Urantia Book, a certain way of finding correspondences in external literature: there is truth elsewhere, it is up to us to discover it and highlight it.
This conclusion was written by our working group which has been studying the Book in the philosophical, scientific and religious fields for around forty years.
Do not lose sight of the fact that the Urantia revelations will be diminished in some of their accuracy, concerning certain facts, in a millennium (UB 101:4.2). Those of us who have become aware of the present necessity of the transition spaces, (do not confuse them with the transition worlds), through the authorized revelations from these intermediate spaces situated between our world and the mansion worlds, will have been able to discern that this psychophysical zone is only temporary and responds to evolutionary needs considerably slowed down by the Lucifer rebellion. These needs are inherent in divine justice and mercy; they exist only for a time. They become unnecessary for a normal evolutionary sphere of advanced age.
We are convinced that all these phenomena of channeling and others come from this intermediate space. The humans who are there have the same behaviors that they had when they were alive and think that they have become superior in knowledge and spirituality. But they must also make the same efforts as we who live in the flesh, efforts of study and wisdom, if they want to progress TOWARDS the first world of Mansions, the Urantia Book must also be at their disposal to help them. We have recently noticed that certain “beings”, by channeling, affirm that reincarnation exists. You see, they have not yet read and studied the Book! As if their behavior did not change much when they were incarnate! The angels must have a lot of work in this intermediate space? This is why we must pray to help all those who are there.
Will this transition space still be in place when the next millennium ends? We are not certain. And this would explain the difficulties that the revelators had about it (UB 112:5.11).
The primary mission of the authors of The Urantia Book is to reveal the Universal Plan and Divinity - truth, beauty, goodness - as well as to teach us how to obtain a high consciousness of divine filiation and human brotherhood, rather than to reveal what should not be. Consequently, this study is only secondary to the career towards Paradise: it provides the beginning of an answer to all the religious or secular writings that have appeared. We will add that the more humans elevate themselves spiritually, and this is the goal of the Fifth Revelation, the less they will pass through these spaces of transition, thus making their usefulness obsolete.
The books cited in the appendix are indicated in an order such that their reading is as progressive as it is logical while offering a minimum of resistance in the messages which would be likely to violently offend the prejudices too deeply anchored in our mental habits.
These partial revelations constitute messages which should concern a majority of humans today including those who are completely convinced of being resurrected on the first mansion world, or even more, right now.
Against such judgments of certainty and for those who remain convinced that the Urantia Book holds all the truth, reading the messages of Rolland de Jouvenel from the transition space will reveal to them that there exist in these “intermediate worlds” beings of such spiritual grandeur that these pretenders to the morontia spheres would be dazzled and confused.
Finally, volume 3 of Rolland’s messages is an almost arbitrary choice among the six volumes by the same author. These volumes can be read in their natural order of revelation, but this is not a necessity because they are made up of a set of messages whose chronology is not absolute for their proper understanding.
The discovery of the Urantia Book by a seeker of Truth can pass through the paths of philosophy, science, or that of religion with its procession of questions if those he asks indicate his interest in “the beyond”. This study could encourage this person of good will to know more: it will then be necessary to offer him the Urantia Book.
A few more words: you have noticed that the translation of the Urantia Book into French contains errors in its text and in its punctuation. You have seen that these errors are confusing and prevent you from progressing. This is why it is essential to report them and to use the latest translated version, and for those who can, to have a legal and original copy of the Urantia Book in English.
Today, you had a scoop: Purgatory is not hypothetical, it is very real (we hear the Seraphim of the Churches rejoicing. It’s a joke!!).
Finally, we offer you this advice: do not waste too much time studying these intermediate spaces, they do not have much interest in relation to the truths contained in the Urantia Book, but they do have some, to the extent that, when reading the messages which emanate from them, they allow you to situate your spirituality by comparing it with that of those who are already there. “The fruits of the spirit, always the fruits of the spirit”.
Finally, let us pray for all the beings who are there so that they can progress in the search for the truth and one day “present themselves at the Father’s table” by crossing the threshold of the Kingdom. Who among us would not want to find, during their ascension, a loved one who will thank them for having prayed for them, for having helped them during our lifetime. “The kingdom of heaven is neither a social order nor an economic order; it is an exclusively spiritual fraternity of individuals knowing God” (UB 99:3.2). Thus you will have accomplished the will of God: to help your neighbor discover His Heavenly Father and your reward will be: “When a man devotes his will to doing the will of the Father, when a man gives to God all that he has, then God makes this man more than he is” (UB 117:4.14).
(The distribution and translation of this article are authorized provided that its full integrity is respected: punctuation and text.)