© 2021 Jean Annet
© 2021 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
The very exceptional situation that we are currently going through because of COVID 19 has given me this thought about The Urantia Book: does it have anything to do with the book? Is the conspiracy theory that very often fuels thoughts about the origin of the virus totally foreign to the teaching of the book?
Before getting to the heart of the subject, I would like to give you my understanding of conspiracy theory. For me, human beings are crossed by two opposing tendencies: one tends towards the material world, even the animal world, the other tends towards the spiritual world (quotes). We could also say, either we do God’s will, or we don’t. Either we enter into God’s plan, or we don’t. There are thus two tendencies in the world: the one that goes towards our neighbor, towards more altruism, fraternity, and the other which tends towards selfishness, withdrawal into oneself, the disorderly accumulation of wealth and material goods. It is the struggle between good and evil, between spirituality and materiality. Between God and…
Because, if there was indeed a first plot in our world, it was that of Lucifer. It was he who established division, disorder, rebellion within our planet. It is because of him that entire armies of angels, midwayers and humans were divided, it is he who came to distance us from God’s plan. It is he, Satan and Caligastia who influenced men to distance them from God. This three-headed dragon who, in Christian mythology is represented as being defeated by the Archangel Michael, but who we know was defeated by Jesus, Michael of Nebadon.
When Adam and Eve came, it was again this dragon, represented by Caligastia, who fomented a new plot to abort Adam and Eve’s mission. Eve was not aware of this plot. She believed she was doing the right thing and did not suspect that the handsome Cano was being manipulated by Caligastia himself.
Later when Jesus came to incarnate on our planet, there was a new plot to prevent the expansion of this new revelation of God. The whole killing of Jesus despite the reluctance of Pontius Pilate, the betrayal of Judas, the decision of the Sanhedrin despite all jurisdiction and despite the Easter truce, is it not the fruit of a great plot, hatched by the Jewish religious institution, but certainly also helped by Caligastia, even if the book does not speak of it.
Finally, one could even say that during the birth of the 5th revelation, our Urantia Book, there was also a lot of disorder and conflict between the Brotherhood and the Foundation. Caligastia was certainly at work to delay this new revelation from God as much as possible and the oldest among us know what I’m talking about.
Until the last world war, one could say that the great struggle that took place on our planet was at the religious level. The truth was held by the Church and the religious powers and the counter-power by the atheists who formed themselves into Masonic lodges and other groups, or even for some into groups directly dedicated against the Church and against God. All this happened behind the scenes and was not always visible in everyday life. Exactly as in a play, the decisions on the script and the staging were taken in the lodges, and the game was played on the stage. Are we not also talking about the political scene, the international scene? But the big issue remained this: do we work for the freedom of human beings, for their liberation from all constraints, physical, psychological and spiritual, for their spiritual elevation and their knowledge of God or on the contrary do we keep them in fear, in materiality, in a precarious and poor quality environment, in ignorance of God? Do we take them upwards or do we keep them downwards?
“The spiritually blind individual who logically follows scientific dictation, social usage, and religious dogma stands in grave danger of sacrificing his moral freedom and losing his spiritual liberty. Such a soul is destined to become an intellectual parrot, a social automaton, and a slave to religious authority.” (UB 132:2.4)
From the Second World War; there will be a major change that will happen quite naturally and, at the beginning, in all good faith science will replace religion. The religious institution gangrened by an internal cancer, no longer has the confidence of the people. On the other hand, the successes of science are dazzling. In a few years, to confirm a truth, we no longer say “gospel” but “it’s scientific”. Science replaces religion, whether in the fields of cosmology, with the search for the origin of the world, the study of the cosmos, but also medicine, physics, chemistry and later computer science. As much as our parents referred, willingly or unwillingly, to priests and religious institutions for their conduct of daily life, we now refer to “scientific experts” to help us lead our daily lives. There are, as before, the priests, the high priests, the dogmas, the all-powerful power that dictates the truth and the untruth, what you must know and what is forbidden to know. Under the cover of science, which is supposed to be impartial, there is a whole body of knowledge that is conveyed, and above all another that is hidden.
But the struggle between good and evil remains the same. It is no longer religion that decides what is good for human beings, but science. And little by little science will be confiscated by gigantic economic powers; multinationals. They are the ones who will decide what we will eat, how we will dress, how we will move, in what environment we will live and especially how we will take care of ourselves.
What we are currently experiencing must be highlighted with this understanding of the world. Caligastia is always at work. He is always trying to thwart God’s plan and relies on the powers that be, especially when they almost openly pledge allegiance to him.
“My brother, good and evil are merely words symbolizing relative levels of human comprehension of the observable universe. If you are ethically lazy and socially indifferent, you can take as your standard of good the current social usages. If you are spiritually indolent and morally unprogressive, you may take as your standards of good the religious practices and traditions of your contemporaries. But the soul that survives time and emerges into eternity must make a living and personal choice between good and evil as they are determined by the true values of the spiritual standards established by the divine spirit which the Father in heaven has sent to dwell within the heart of man. This indwelling spirit is the standard of personality survival.” (UB 132:2.2)
So let us ask ourselves the question: are we on the path to human perfection or, on the contrary, are we pushed towards withdrawal into ourselves, fear, doubt, egocentrism, etc.?
Who is running the world now? Where are we going?
And when reading The Urantia Book, do we carry Michael’s banner as our standard?
Jean Annet (Belgium - January 2021)
There is in the mind of God a plan including all the creatures of his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of this incomparable career reward your efforts!
The goal of eternity lies ahead! The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you! The race for perfection is on! All who will may participate, and certain victory will crown the efforts of every human being who desires to run the race of faith and trust, relying at every step upon the leadings of the indwelling Adjuster and upon the guidance of the good spirit of the Universe Son, who has been so liberally poured out upon all flesh. (UB 32:5.7-8)