© 1999 Henri Begemann, Raymond Barilari, Chris Ragetly, Pascal Coulombe, Jeanmarie Chaise, Claude Castel, Anne-Marie Ronfet
© 1999 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
8, Passage of the Good Seed
75011 PARIS—France
A new section is once again appearing in this issue of Le Lien! I see it as an encouragement to bear witness more personally and probably less intellectually to the reality that The Urantia Book is for us. The proposed theme relates to your discovery of the book. So, get writing and enjoy these summer months!
Finally, you will also find in the Gazette section the resumption of the announcement made last summer regarding the availability of the translation of the Journal of the I.U.A. This time, the translation team is up and running and its regular publication should be done without any problem.
Happy summer holidays.
Francois Le Rohellec
President of the A.F.L.L.U.
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation. All rights reserved. These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission. Any artistic depiction(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription in 1998: 100 FF per year (approximately 4 issues)
Henry Begemann
The Urantian Journal of the Brotherhood
Spring 1979
The Urantia Book reveals that our personality is of such majestic grandeur that, unchanged, it can function even at the borders of the absolute! (UB 112:1.1) This same personality that we have now does not develop to that unimaginable level, nor does it grow to that level. The personality remains unchanged.
To reconcile this heavenly truth with the reality we know, it seems inevitable to conclude that the personality does not know itself, or at least does not know itself completely. And it takes ages and ages, even more than time, for the personality to acquire this real self-knowledge and to reach that level of self-realization where it can truly be said: I am that I am. (To use capital letters here would be presumptuous.) Even the writers of The URANTIA Book are not sure that there is such a finality for a son of an Infinite Father.
Henry Begemann, Wassenar, Netherlands.
Booklet 88.2
“Words eventually became fetishes, more especially those which were regarded as God’s words; in this way the sacred books of many religions have become fetishistic prisons incarcerating the spiritual imagination of man. Moses’ very effort against fetishes became a supreme fetish; his commandment was later used to stultify art and to retard the enjoyment and adoration of the beautiful.” (UB 88:2.6)
“In olden times the fetish word of authority was a fear-inspiring doctrine, the most terrible of all tyrants which enslave men. A doctrinal fetish will lead mortal man to betray himself into the clutches of bigotry, fanaticism, superstition, intolerance, and the most atrocious of barbarous cruelties. Modern respect for wisdom and truth is but the recent escape from the fetish-making tendency up to the higher levels of thinking and reasoning. Concerning the accumulated fetish writings which various religionists hold as sacred books, it is not only believed that what is in the book is true, but also that every truth is contained in the book. If one of these sacred books happens to speak of the earth as being flat, then, for long generations, otherwise sane men and women will refuse to accept positive evidence that the planet is round.” (UB 88:2.7)
“To become fetishes, words had to be considered inspired, and the invocation of supposed divinely inspired writings led directly to the establishment of the authority of the church, while the evolution of civil forms led to the fruition of the authority of the state.” (UB 88:2.10)
Raymond Barilari
Besides the apostles, there were other human personalities who knew Jesus and gave their opinion of his character and personality: Rebekah: “…waiting for the hour when he (Jesus) who was to her the greatest man that ever lived should begin his career as a teacher of the living truth… To her as well as to countless worlds above, he was ‘the only one wholly lovable and the greatest among ten thousand.’” (UB 127:5.6) True, Rebekah was in love with Jesus, and her judgment was inevitably biased, at least at first, but she followed him throughout his public ministry, and was present when Jesus hung on the cross. I think that Rebekah must have quite a special status in his morontia career at this time.
Chris Ragetly
Sharing experience around the book
“Each of us has discovered The Urantia Book in a very personal and often unique way. We believe, like Pascal Coulombe, who is inaugurating this new column, that if some of you wish to share your first experiences of reading The Urantia Book, this opportunity may appeal to you.”
The Editorial Staff
We are all readers of the magnificent message contained in the UB. Each of us has been challenged at one time or another by the profound meanings of the book while carefully reading one page after another. Yet, there was a moment when someone approached us to communicate the essence of the book in a few words. Like a heavenly invitation to participate in the banquet prepared by God, for the pilgrim of time and space.
This is the goal of a new section of the link you are currently reading!
How did we find and share the blue book with the three circles?
We have all tried to communicate, at our level and with our words, the growing experience of the book. With more or less success, yet every normally constituted individual will tell you that he is a seeker of the truth. But as too much light often blinds, it is sometimes necessary to temper one’s message and convince more by actions than by words. I have been, for my part, a reader of the book since adolescence. My initiator and also my father let me become acquainted with the book in small progressive touches. And the time came, by dint of seeing it “lying around” in the house, when I voluntarily read these 2000 pages.
How many times did my father talk about this before?
How many times he told me, if you start reading it, take the story of Jesus, it’s easier!
Everyone has their own story of discovery, what is yours?
Share with us your experience of the book, in a few words ( ½ page), and perhaps in this way we will promote the progressive dissemination of the teachings of the Book.
Pascal Coulombe
In issue 130 of “Reflectivity” several answers were given to the question posed in issue 129. I personally thank their authors with all my heart. The question asked referred to Jesus’ prayer to save Judas, exhorting him not to tire of doing good, and saying to him: “I have loved you and I have prayed that you would love your brothers. I warn you to be wary of those who make men slide onto the paths of flattery and who poison them with the arrows of ridicule.”
My opinion was not that this prayer is in contradiction with the proven and known facts that followed, I was only asking the question of the “apparent contradiction” between the Word and the facts, because it is one of those that are asked by those who want to understand the message by going to the bottom of things, and are not yet satisfied with simple faith. If it had been up to me, I would doubtless have been able to answer this question, But the problem seemed more complex to me from the start and I wanted to open up to others. It is done.
Jeanmarie Chair
A completely unforeseen tragedy that radically changes what we thought our lives were, it can happen at any time. Jesus experienced it in his 14th year, on the day of the accidental death of his father Joseph. “Just when the outlook was good and the future seemed promising, a seemingly cruel hand struck down the head of the family of Nazareth.” (UB 126:2.2)
Why does the author of the text say: an “apparently” cruel hand? Is such a tragedy really cruel or only apparently cruel?
Are we victims of deceptive appearances?
Claude Castel
Answers to the “inconsistencies” (article by Jean Royer) proposed in Link No. 6
COHERENCE 1 “Is it possible?” page 10
A. “Where were the Melchizedek provisional administrators who served on Earth 70 days after the failure of Adam and Eve?” with the B. subsidiary question:
“of the arrival of the seraphic transports which came to collect the children of Adam and Eve.”
A. “Knowing the tendency of women to seek immediate results, the Melchizedeks were wary of women in general and of Eve in particular. Long before their departure, they took care to warn Eve of the specific dangers threatening their isolated position on the planet, and, in particular, never to disassociate herself from her husband. (UB 75:2.4)
In this context, would it not be possible that the Melchizedeks did not go directly to Jerusem, but took a position of waiting and observation, on a neighboring planet (fasc. 72) or very close to us? (Fasc. 49, chap. 3, last par). Given that the mistake was made more or less 105 years after the installation of the first Eden, it seems to me that in the eyes of the Melchizedeks this period of time must be very short, and, in the meantime, they will have made themselves useful on another inhabited planet, from where it was possible for them to intervene fairly quickly, if necessary. If something were to go wrong, they must have realized that it would be in the early days of the Adamic installation and not during the stabilization of the Edenic regime, a stabilization which, moreover, never took place!
B. Concerning the celestial transports that came to collect the children of Adam and Eve, two facts are worth noting:
“5. The Transporters. The planetary transporters serve the individual worlds. The majority of enseraphimed beings brought to this planet are in transit; they merely stop over; they are in custody of their own special seraphic transporters; but there are a large number of such seraphim stationed on Urantia. These are the transport personalities operating from the local planets, as from Urantia to Jerusem.” (UB 39:5.10)
“While planetary space reports are received at noon at the meridian of the designated spiritual headquarters, the transporters are dispatched from this same place at midnight. That is the most favorable time for departure and is the standard hour when not otherwise specified.” (UB 39:5.15)
Both excerpts suggest that there is a high frequency, even daily, of interplanetary transport and that there is apparently no difficulty in carrying out Jerusem’s orders regarding the departure of personalities from the planet in question to Jerusem.
COHERENCE (2) Link 6 page 11
“This is the simultaneous presence of Father Melchizedek and Gabriel on the Mount of Transfiguration.”
First proposition.
“The Melchizedeks of our universe were all created within one millennial period of standard time by the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit in liaison with the Father Melchizedek. Being an order of sonship wherein one of their own number functioned as co-ordinate creator, Melchizedeks are in constitution partly of self-origin and therefore candidates for the realization of a supernal type of self-government. They periodically elect their own administrative chief for a term of seven years of standard time and otherwise function as a self-regulating order, though the original Melchizedek does exercise certain inherent coparental prerogatives. From time to time this Father Melchizedek designates certain individuals of his order to function as special Life Carriers to the midsonite worlds, a type of inhabited planet not heretofore revealed on Urantia.” (UB 35:1.3)
Could this administrative head not replace, exceptionally and temporarily, Father Melchizedek as executive head?
Second proposition.
Some significant excerpts:
“The public announcement that Michael had selected Urantia as the theater for his final bestowal was made shortly after we learned about the default of Adam and Eve. And thus, for more than thirty-five thousand years, your world occupied a very conspicuous place in the councils of the entire universe. There was no secrecy (aside from the incarnation mystery) connected with any step in the Urantia bestowal. From first to last, up to the final and triumphant return of Michael to Salvington as supreme Universe Sovereign, there was the fullest universe publicity of all that transpired on your small but highly honored world.” (UB 119:7.2)
Open question. How far was the preparation of the details of the organization and transmissions of power during Jesus’ stay on Urantia?
“In a general way, Jesus knew beforehand what was to transpire on the mountain, and he much desired that all his apostles might share this experience. It was to fit them for this revelation of himself that he tarried with them at the foot of the mountain. But they could not attain those spiritual levels which would justify their exposure to the full experience of the visitation of the celestial beings so soon to appear on earth. And since he could not take all of his associates with him, he decided to take only the three who were in the habit of accompanying him on such special vigils. Accordingly, only Peter, James, and John shared even a part of this unique experience with the Master.” (UB 158:0.2)
“Jesus had been summoned to go up on the mountain, apart by himself, for the transaction of important matters having to do with the progress of his bestowal in the flesh as this experience was related to the universe of his own creation. It is significant that this extraordinary event was timed to occur while Jesus and the apostles were in the lands of the gentiles, and that it actually transpired on a mountain of the gentiles.” (UB 158:1.2)
The last two excerpts prove that Jesus continued to attend to the affairs of his celestial and cosmic kingdom without the knowledge of his apostles. He was kept informed. By what means did he know that this meeting was going to take place and how was this meeting organized? Would reflectivity have nothing to do with it? We read that:
The Conjoint Actor is able to co-ordinate all levels of universe actuality in such manner as to make possible the simultaneous recognition of the mental, the material, and the spiritual. This is the phenomenon of universe reflectivity, that unique and inexplicable power to see, hear, sense, and know all things as they transpire throughout a superuniverse, and to focalize, by reflectivity, all this information and knowledge at any desired point. The action of reflectivity is shown in perfection on each of the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses. It is also operative throughout all sectors of the superuniverses and within the boundaries of the local universes. Reflectivity finally focalizes on Paradise. (UB 9:7.1)
“The Conjoint Actor is able to co-ordinate all levels of universe actuality in such manner as to make possible the simultaneous recognition of the mental, the material, and the spiritual. This is the phenomenon of universe reflectivity, that unique and inexplicable power to see, hear, sense, and know all things as they transpire throughout a superuniverse, and to focalize, by reflectivity, all this information and knowledge at any desired point. The action of reflectivity is shown in perfection on each of the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses. It is also operative throughout all sectors of the superuniverses and within the boundaries of the local universes. Reflectivity finally focalizes on Paradise.” (UB 9:7.1)
“The three apostles were so badly frightened that they were slow in collecting their wits, but Peter, who was first to recover himself, said, as the dazzling vision faded from before them and they observed Jesus standing alone: “Jesus, Master, it is good to have been here. We rejoice to see this glory. We are loath to go back down to the inglorious world. If you are willing, let us abide here, and we will erect three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” And Peter said this because of his confusion, and because nothing else came into his mind at just that moment.” (UB 158:1.9)
1st remark: A vision has nothing to do with a physical presence nor with a departure organized by the transporting seraphim…
“That which Peter, James, and John witnessed on the mount of transfiguration was a fleeting glimpse of a celestial pageant which transpired that eventful day on Mount Hermon. The transfiguration was the occasion of:” (UB 158:3.1)
2nd remark reinforcing the first.
Thus the mirror-presence obtained by reflectivity could explain the simultaneous mirror-visit of these two high personalities without their having to leave their post. Therefore, the limitation of personal and real travel speeds plays no role in this mirror-meeting, nor does spatial distance, nor the question of abandoning prerogatives and responsibilities. This second proposition seems to me more plausible and adequate than the first.
Francois Dupont
If you are alone, think of the One who Is
If you feel tired, drink the spring
Fresh Hope and Light Energy
which is Everywhere.
If you feel Time weighing on your years,
Think of the Immensity of Paradise
Where time has no importance..
If you sometimes feel exiled among humans
Who only think about living
Without thinking about Life,
Let Life unfold its program
And rest your soul at the Source
Of the Future that is being accomplished.
Anne-Marie Ronfet
Long-awaited solution of Link No. 9!
Support the French version of the I.U.A. Journal with your subscription
The “Journal of the I.U.A.” is a quarterly publication (4 issues/year) of the International Urantia Association (I.U.A.) dating from 1995. This publication aims, in addition to encouraging the study of The Urantia Book, to promote an international cultural exchange and mix and to keep the readership informed about the developments of the International Urantia Association.
After an aborted launch in French in mid-1998 (only 2 issues translated) due to a lack of translators (the announcement was made in Urantian Link No. 6 — Summer 1998), the “Journal de l’I.U.A.” is once again available in full in French.
Currently, besides the original American version, a Finnish version is also available.
International Urantia Association
IUA Journal
533 Diversey Parkway
Chicago, IL 60614 USA
Tel.: 00.1-(773) 525-3319 (from France)
* Make your payment by bank check payable to A.F.L.L.U.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of study groups currently brought to our attention. Its sole purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of information to readers. If you wish, please let us know about the existence of your study group so that we can add it to this list, which will be published regularly.
Schaerbeek Group:
Forest Group:
Braine Group:
Walhain Group:
Jurbise Group:
Dordogne Group:
Rhone Valley Group — South East:
Paris Group:
Lausanne Group:
Do not hesitate to write to us for an article, or for the “questions and answers” section
We ask you to provide us with your name (use your real names, no pseudonyms) and address, date and also try not to exceed 2 typewritten pages…
Address them to:
A.F.L.L.U. — 8, Passage de la Bonne Graine 75011 — PARIS — FRANCE