© 2015 Georges Michelson-Dupont, Cris Ragetly
© 2015 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
DEAR readers, seekers of truth, Dear members of AFLUB,
So here we are, back from vacation rested, ready to tackle a new term, charged as we are with positive energy to get through the inevitabilities of life. They will be as many opportunities to progress in wisdom and self-control if we know how to go through them with the living faith that dissolves, absorbs and transcends all the problems of life.
When the apostles were tired, after traveling the roads of Galilee and preaching the gospel, the Master usually gave them a week or two of vacation to rest from the strain and to visit their loved ones to encourage them. Thus, when they returned to work, the apostles were refreshed and full of energy to go and proclaim the good news to the lost and the poor.
Georges Michelson-Dupont
DURING the General Meeting held in Neylière in this beautiful month of June of the year of grace 2015, it was proposed and approved to reformulate the editorial charter of our newspaper le Lien. Let us recall that le Lien has been published quarterly since March 1996, the date of the creation of our association, in continuity with La Lettre previously published by the C.E.R.D.H. of which our association is an emanation (See Art. 1: Constitution of the statutes).
The Editorial Team
The editorial staff
The national meeting of readers of the Urantia Book took place this year 2015 from June 18 to 21 at the Domaine de la Neylière near Lyon.
17 Readers went to this calm and revitalizing place, at an altitude of 650 m, run by Marist Fathers, to study the book on a particular theme, hold the general meeting of the Association and of course meet other readers.
The subject of study was the differences between evolution on a “so-called normal” planet and evolution on Urantia, Urantia being a decimal planet and the scene of a betrayal of its Planetary Prince and an Adamic failure. It was also a question of reflecting on the consequences, advantages or disadvantages, of being born on such a world.
Here is a summary of our study
On June 20, 2015 at 2:30 p.m., members of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book met at the La Neylière estate for an extraordinary general meeting, convened by President Ivan Stol.
Agenda :
WARNING: We are reproducing a text by Chis Ragetly, a diligent student of the revelation, of Anglo-Saxon origin who lived a large part of his life in the south of France. He died in the first days of May 2010. The quotes from the Urantia Book are in italics and the enrichments of the text are by the author.
A Divine Counselor expresses himself thus:
Cris M. Ragetly
In the new edition of the Link, we invite you to explore some concepts from the Urantia Book in an interactive way, somewhat like a study group. Questions on a given theme will be asked with a list of readings suggested to answer them.
These questions will also be posted on the forum and those who wish will be able to exchange their points of view. For a first attempt we have chosen the following theme which will be spread over four issues of the Link.
The Inevitable Injunction
Introduction to the study.
FOR us mortals, the final goal of time is perfection. The means to attain this goal is to “do the will of the Father.” This involves not only God’s provision of the evolutionary means to attain this finality but also his revealing his will to us through personal and epochal revelations. In return, we must willingly agree to cooperate wholeheartedly with the Divine in actualizing perfection.
The Entities, Beings, and Personalities of The Urantia Book
This 165-page book, in English, in A4 format, is part of the “study aids” of The Urantia Book. It is not an “essay” on The Urantia Book; it brings together in a single document the entirety of the beings and personalities found in The Urantia Book. This list was compiled by Pete DeCamp, edited by Rick Lyon and published by CosmicCreations.