© 2017 Lourdes Burga-Cisneros
© 2017 International Urantia Association (IUA)
the security of civilization itself still rests on the growing willingness of one generation to invest in the welfare of the next and future generations. [UB 84:7.27]
…man possesses the power, by controlling the educational training of the younger generation, greatly to modify the evolutionary course of civilization. [UB 81:6.24]
It is a fact that a lifetime truly flies away. Twenty years ago, those that are now-a-days middle-aged people were young, and in twenty years ahead they will already be part of the so-called third age. But what responsibility lies underneath such a pretty obvious fact? Well, a responsibility of utmost importance: to prepare today´s children, teenagers, and youth generations to be the torchbearers of the spiritual light for humanity. That is something every committed reader of The Urantia Book understands well. And, of course, it does not happen by an act of magic; neither is it a process that takes place naturally. It is rather an endeavor of sowing the right causes in order to reap coherent consequences.
…each succeeding generation of youth must receive anew its education. The superior qualities of civilization—scientific, philosophic, and religious—are not transmitted… by direct inheritance… only by the enlightened conservation of social inheritance. [UB 68:0.2]
In that sense, “The purpose of all education should be to foster and further the supreme purpose of life, the development of a majestic and well-balanced personality… the work of teaching youth how to engage in life planning and character progression” (UB 195:10.17), by providing them, in early life, with favorable conditions—“…liberty…restrained by love, motivated by loyalty…, directed by the intelligent discipline of wisdom” (UB 177:2.7), that will enable the development and promotion of real individual and social evolution. Only this type of education, “assisting the child to win the battle of life…” (UB 84:7.26), has the power of truly breaking-down the vicious cycle of unconsciousness spiritual neglect that repeats itself generation after generation, colored by traumas and low family patterns that, when not overcome and worked on consciously by parents, arise unconsciously in their children, as a never ending cycle.
Therefore, to raise and educate children should be a process undertaken by human beings who understand what they are doing! And, of course, the family and the home play the most important role in it all. This idea is constantly reinforced in several passages of The Urantia Book, explaining to us, again and again, that “The family as an educational institution must be maintained” (UB 82:0.3) because of its capacity of passing, from one generation to another, a heritage that is not only social, and of moral values, but also spiritual (UB 82:0.3). It is in the family where the concepts of “the Universal Father and his universe children” are built (UB 45:6.4); where “ethics of… brotherhood may be grasped”; where the “lessons of patience, altruism, tolerance, and forbearance” are given (UB 84:7.28); where “the experiential training of all ascenders” (UB 45:6.4) takes place and where we learn to love God, according to the love we have received from our own parents. (UB 2:5.9) It is true indeed that “…a child is wholly dependent on his parents and the associated home life for all his early concepts of everything intellectual, social, moral, and even spiritual since the family represents to the young child all that he can first know of either human or divine relationships… The child’s subsequent life is… conditioned by these social and spiritual relationships of the home…” (UB 177:2.5)
Consequently, it is essential to awaken and realize that the task of educating children is an endeavor that has to start with oneself. “…No stream will rise any higher than its source no matter what technique of pressure or directional control may be employed.” (UB 81:6.27) This crucial life mission also has to be based on sound moral values, faithful to a high level spiritual system of beliefs; “precept or even example is not lastingly influential”, “children are permanently impressed only by the loyalties of their adult associates.” (UB 100:1.4) Children actually learn moral behavior by example because that has a true impact in child-rearing patterns, in their subconscious minds, and therefore in the way they will behave later on in life.
One day or another, every child will need to be “born again of the spirit.” Our guidance as adults towards children will be influential in facilitating this spiritual birth as the consequence of “a natural and normal growth of the recognition of supreme values with an enhancement of spiritual experience…” the product of “conscious effort and positive and individual determinations”—instead of an experience that involves pain and suffering or that is “accompanied by much anguish of spirit and marked by psychological perturbations.” (UB 103:2.1) Of course we know that conflict and some suffering is always a part of human experience, but the process does not have to be unconscious. Instead, it could be an experience full of increasing awareness and lessons being assimilated because of our guidance and our role in educating children.
You may have thought about these ideas more than once. However, are you actually doing them? And if so, are you doing them in the proper manner as to truly raise spiritually aware and responsible human beings in a cosmic and spiritual sense? Are you actually being a true light of spiritual consciousness to your children as a parent, grandparent, godparent, aunt, uncle, nannie, teacher, pediatrician, psychologist, social worker, or whomever you are that has contact with children on a daily basis? Are you honestly being responsible for sowing in your children such values as faith, trust, peace, teamwork, service, solidarity, courage, and many other such things? Are you consciously inspiring them, creating in them life-long impressions that are positive and enlightened, impressions that will bear fruit when they grow up?
Whatever the answer, if this marvelous task appeals to your most altruistic sense of duty—the one of leaving to your children, our children, enough inner resources to allow them to work closer to the manifestation of the age of light and life on our planet—then please consider joining our efforts.
Bearing in mind everything said so far, and giving way to what each individual grown-up could give of his or herself to the future generation, the Education Committee of Urantia Association International has summarized some important ideas, as well as proposing some concrete actions that we all could do in order to educate the younger generation in the teachings of The Urantia Book to equip them to become the future torchbearers of spiritual light.
As a final thought, if we review the general principles, ideas, and actions that we have discussed, they all outline the opportunities to cause each child’s soul to grow, to actualize their inner potentials, to allow their Thought Adjusters to guide and enlighten their minds, so that they will listen to the Father’s presence within, as a necessary step to developing their divine projects and walk the actual mission and adventure of eternity that begins on this planet, becoming as well, when growing up, torchbearers for the next generation. It is up to each child to choose his or her way to pursue this path, making unique contributions that will enrich the experience of God as the Supreme Being. But someday, in part thanks to your guidance, these children could fuse with their Thought Adjusters and actually meet the Father in Paradise.
Therefore, if you believe you could contribute in some manner to this magnificence task ahead—or if you are already doing it—please do not hesitate to contact us at: ubforchildren[at]urantia-association[dot]org