All ascenders arriving on the training worlds of the superuniverses become wards of the Ancients of Days.(UB 30:4.22)
Local Universe
UB 34:4.2 1. The bestowal Spirit of the Creator Son, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. UB 34:4.3 2. The spirit circuit of the Divine Minister, the Holy Spirit. UB 34:4.4 3. The intelligence ministry circuit, including the more or less unified, but diversely functioning, activities of the seven adjutant mind-spirits.
UB 43:3.1. They are known as the Most Highs. (UB 43:3.2) At least three Vorondadek Sons are commissioned by Gabriel as Most Highs of each of the constellations of Nebadon. The one who presides over this trio is called the Constellation Father, and his two associates, the Senior Most High and the Junior Most High.
UB 48:1.5. We undergo exactly 570 distinct ascension morontia changes, of which 8 occur in the system, 71 in the constellation, and 491 during the sojourn on the Salvington spheres.
UB 63:3.2 Andon and Fonta had nineteen children in all, and they lived long enough to see around them nearly fifty grandchildren and half a dozen great-grandchildren.
UB 66:4.10 Members of the Prince’s staff who had received the living plasma of the Andonites. Under the authority of the Planetary Prince, all members of the corporeal staff undertook to procreate similar beings and all succeeded by following the instructions of the pioneer Danite couple. Thus it was that the Prince’s staff finally brought into existence the original body of 50,000 primary midwayers.
(UB 53:5.5) Lucifer’s emblem was a white banner with a red circle in the center of which was a black disk.
(UB 67:6.4). For over one hundred and fifty thousand years through the technique of the tree of life in conjunction with the specialized life ministry of the Melchizedeks.
UB 77:4.10 4. The Nodites and Amadonites of the north — the Vanites. (UB 77:4.11). Ten thousand years ago, the Vanites ancestors of the Assyrians taught that their moral law of seven commandments had been given to Van by the Gods on Mount Ararat.
James, in the early morning of April 2, year 3 BCE. UB 123:1.5 Miriam, born on the night of July 11. In the year 2 BCE (UB 123:2.3) Joseph, the fourth child of the family of Nazareth, was born on Wednesday morning, March 16, year 1 BCE. (UB 123:4.9) His third brother Simon was born on Friday evening, April 14 of this year, year 2 BCE. (UB 123:6.7) Martha, the second sister of Jesus, was born on the night of Thursday, September 13 UB 124:1.7 Jude was born on Wednesday evening, June 24, year 5, (UB 124:3.4) His little brother Amos was born on the night of Sunday, January 9, year 7. (UB 124:5.2) Ruth, the last born of the family, came into the world on Wednesday evening, April 17, year 9 (UB 126:3.2)
UB 132:0.4. Jesus may have anticipated that the Jews would reject his mission, but he certainly foresaw that his messengers would soon come to Rome to proclaim the kingdom of heaven. Thus these men and women taught by Jesus were prepared to recognize additional and similar truths in the teachings of the early Christian missionaries. This ready acceptance of the teachings of the preachers of the gospel was the element which gave such a powerful impulse to the rapid spread of Christianity in Rome and from there throughout the empire.
(UB 128:3.6). When Stephen gave his life as the price of his attack on the Jewish temple and its traditional practices, a man named Saul, a citizen of Tarsus, was there. When Saul saw how the Greek could die for his faith, it aroused in his heart feelings that finally led him to espouse the cause for which Stephen had died. Later, Saul became the dynamic and indomitable Paul, the philosopher, if not the only founder, of the Christian religion.
During his first Passover, Jesus was disgusted by the rites of the temple, he slept very little and his sleep was greatly disturbed by nightmares of the slaughter and suffering of animals. On the slope of Olivet, he stopped and wept over the spectacle that his eyes contemplated - a people spiritually impoverished, prisoners of their traditions and living under the surveillance of the Roman legions. (UB 125:1.5) - (UB 125:4.2).
(UB 135:8.3). On Sunday, January 13, in the year 26, just before the midday rest, Jesus put down his tools, took off his work apron, went to find his brothers James and Jude, repeating: “My hour has come - let’s go see John.” and arrived the next day around noon at the place where John was giving the baptism.