They are called: The Daynals. They are sometimes called the Spiritual Sons of Paradise. They belong to the order of the Paradise Sons of God. UB 20:7.1.
The name of this pilgrim who discovered Havona is Grandfanda. He came from planet 341 of system 84 in constellation 62 of local universe 1,131 located in superuniverse number 1. UB 24:6.8 “And Malvorian, the first of this order, received and instructed the pilgrim discoverer of Havona, and led him from the outer circuits of initial experience, step by step and circuit by circuit, until he stood in the presence of the Source and destiny of all personality, whereupon he crossed the threshold of eternity leading to Paradise.” UB 24:6.6
Local Universe
Our Creator Son is the personification of the (611.12)1st original concept of infinite identity born simultaneously in the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. UB 33:1.1
Before the ability to learn from experience arises, the living mind falls within the realm of the Master Physical Controllers. UB 36:5.15
Give or take two or three, there are 70 billion Companions of Morontia. UB 37:8.9. See also UB 48:3.1.
It was exactly 993,408 years ago (before the year 1934 of the Christian era) that Urantia was officially recognized as a planet of human habitation in the universe of Nebadon. UB 62:7.7
These antidote supplements to the lifestreams of Satania came from the fruit of the tree of life, a shrub from Edentia sent to Urantia by the Most Highs of Norlatiadek at the time of Caligastia’s arrival. UB 66:4.13 (See also UB 73:6.3)
On Urantia, forty members of the Corporal Staff of One Hundred (including Van) refused to join the insurrection. UB 67:3.2
Amadon presided over this committee, which consisted of twelve members: one representative from each of the six Sangik races; the acting chief of the midwayers; Annan, a loyal daughter and spokesperson for the Nodites; Noah, son of the architect-builder of the Garden and executor of his deceased father’s plans; and the two Life Carriers residing on Urantia.
After the submersion of Dalamatia, the Nodites moved north and east and soon founded the city of Dilmun, which became their new racial and cultural headquarters. UB 77:3.1
John’s father, Zechariah, belonged to the Jewish priesthood. UB 122:2.1.
During this Mediterranean journey Jesus made great strides in his human task of dominating the material, mortal mind, and his indwelling Adjuster progressed in the spiritual ascension and conquest of that same human intellect. At the end of this circuit, Jesus knew practically—with all human certainty—that he was a Son of God, a Creator Son of the Universal Father. More and more, his Adjuster was able to call up into the mind of the Son of Man hazy memories of his Paradise experience when he was in association with his divine Father, long before he ever went forth to organize and administer this local universe of Nebadon. UB 129:3.9
Jesus said to them: “My brethren, the hour of the kingdom has come.” UB 140:1.1 He then commanded the twelve mortals, who had just listened to his declaration concerning the kingdom, to kneel in a circle around him. The Master then placed his hands on the head of each apostle, beginning with Judas Iscariot and ending with Andrew. After blessing them, he stretched out his hands and prayed: “My Father, I now bring to you these men, my messengers. From among our children on earth, I have chosen these twelve to go and represent me as I have come to represent you. Love them and accompany them as you have loved and accompanied me. And now, my Father, give them wisdom as I place all the affairs of the coming kingdom in their hands. If it be your will, I would remain on earth for a while to assist them in their labors for the kingdom.” Again, Father, I thank you for these men and I commend them to your care, while I go to finish the work you have given me to accomplish._ » UB 140:2.1
When Jesus had finished praying, the apostles remained each bowed in his place. It was several minutes before even Peter dared to raise his eyes to look at the Master. One by one, they embraced Jesus, but none of them said a word. A great silence filled the square, while a crowd of celestial beings looked down upon this solemn and sacred scene—the Creator of a universe placing the affairs of the divine brotherhood of men under the direction of human thinkers. UB 140:2.3
About this time, there arrived at the camp of Bethsaida an ecstatic prophet named Kirmeth, coming from Baghdad. He created a considerable disturbance in the camp. David Zebedee, assisted by a committee which had formed spontaneously, had taken Kirmeth to the lake; after having plunged him several times into the water, he had been advised to leave as quickly as possible, to organize and build his own camp. UB 148:8.3
Rodan declared: “Mortals have only two ways of living together: the material or animal way and the spiritual or human way.” UB 160:2.1