The Absolute Trinity — The second experiential Trinity now in process of actualization, will consist of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and the unrevealed Consummator of Universe Destiny. UB 0:12.7
The functional family of the Third Source and Center, as revealed in The Urantia Book, falls into three great groups:
I. The Supreme Spirits. A group of composite origin which embraces among others the following orders:
The Seven Master Spirits of Paradise.
The Reflective Spirits of the Superuniverses.
The Creative Spirits of Local Universes.
II. The Power Directors. A group of creatures and control agents that operate throughout organized space.
III. Personalities of the Infinite Spirit. This designation does not necessarily imply that these beings are personalities of the Third Source, although some of them are unique as will creatures. They are generally grouped into three major classifications:
On High Paradise, the vast region immediately surrounding the presence of the Deities is set apart as the Most Holy Sphere and reserved for the functions of worship, trinitization, and higher spiritual attainment. UB 11:3.1
The Seven Supreme Power Directors are the physical energy regulators of the grand universe. Their creation by the Seven Master Spirits is the first recorded instance of semimaterial offspring of purely spirit ancestry. P. 320.1 The Seven Supreme Power Directors are stationed on peripheral Paradise, where their slowly moving presence indicates the location of the force foci of the Master Spirits. These power directors function individually in regulating power-energy in the superuniverses but collectively in the administration of the central creation. They function from Paradise but maintain themselves as effective power centers in all divisions of the grand universe. UB 29:1.3P 320.3
Local universe
The standard kilometer of Jerusem is approximately equivalent to seven kilometers of Urantia. UB 46:1.2
In the entire universe of Nebadon, spornagias are the only creatures that reincarnate in this or any other way. UB 46:7.5
This seraphim, named Solonia, proclaimed the failure of the divine plan and demanded the return to Urantia of the Melchizedek provisional administrators. UB 51:3.5
Adam’s first son, Adamson (Adam ben Adam), founded a secondary center of the violet race north of the second Eden. UB 74:6.2 Adamson was the firstborn of the violet race on Urantia, followed by a sister and then Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. UB 76:3.3
The secondary midwayers come from: The descent of Adamson and Ratta. UB 77:5.6. While the primary midwayers had an almost superhuman origin, those of the secondary order are the descendants of the pure stock of Adam united with a humanized descent of ancestors common to those of the primary body. P 862.5
The first four great advances in human civilization were:
Upon his arrival on Earth, Machiventa presented himself to Amdon. The first time a mortal observed him was on the memorable day when he entered the tent of Amdon, a Chaldean herder of Sumerian origin. The proclamation of his mission was embodied in the simple declaration he made to this shepherd: “I am Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God.” UB 93:2.1
The religion of revelation included many events, of which only five marked an era, these were the following:
The personalities supervising Satania, in accordance with the proposals of certain of your more immediate planetary supervisors, have recommended that steps be taken to foster and conserve the higher spiritual types of the Urantia races. UB 110:4.6
Shortly before midnight on Tuesday, April 4, A.D. 30, the Sanhedrin, as it was then constituted, voted officially and unanimously to impose the death penalty on both Jesus and Lazarus. The death sentence on the Son of God (even before his judgment) was the Sanhedrin’s response to the ultimate offer of heavenly mercy, an offer extended to the nation as such. (UB 175:3.1).
The emblem that decorated the entrance to Herod’s temple was grapes attached to the vine. UB 180:2.3
This messenger was named Jacob and Jesus said to him: “Do not fear what men might do to you, Jacob, because this night an invisible messenger will run alongside you.” UB 182:2.5
It was John Zebedee who accompanied Jesus to the tribunal and throughout the trials that the Master had to undergo that night and the following day. UB 183:5.3-4
The heavenly legions broadcast the description of the scene of “Pilate on trial before Jesus.” UB 186:2.6
Shortly after one o’clock in the afternoon, in the growing darkness of the violent sandstorm, Jesus began to lose his human consciousness. He had spoken his last words of mercy, forgiveness, and exhortation. His last wish—concerning the care of his mother—had been expressed. UB 187:5.2