© 2008 Michel Rouanet
© 2008 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 42 — Spring 2008 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 42 — Spring 2008 | Presentation of the Book |
Dear AFLUB members,
As I leave my position as president of our national association, I measure the extent of the task accomplished with you. During these two years, I have focused on the one hand on structuring our social organization as best as possible, and on the other hand on relaunching a dynamic that was flagging. I also wanted to put in place more transparency in our activity, which also has the effect of displaying the truth of the prices and the efforts that must be made for an association of this type to function well in the long term. And nothing can be done without the participation of all. Finally, I have tried to give you a vision of what the AFLUB could be in its fraternal European environment.
Certainly two years is short, but, in my case, this activity is added to an already very busy professional and family life. I do not forget that Jesus himself waited to have fulfilled his family responsibilities before devoting himself to his public mission.
The fact remains that the resources exist within the AFLUB to take up the torch and carry it a few steps further. And, from relay to relay, the flame will one day reach the summit.
I therefore wish good luck to my successor, whom you will designate from among yourselves. Transparency in business will allow him to quickly take back control of the association.
The year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Center for Study and Reflection on Human Destiny. Created in 1978, this first organization of the French Urantian movement was the core on which the AFLUB was built 12 years ago. Some of you have experienced strong moments of meetings and studies, national and international, within the CERDH. Some of these French precursors are now gone, but have left us a legacy of which we are the custodians. The national meeting in Paris in November 2008 will be able to make room for this memory, this beginning of a tradition that is beginning to be built. At thirty years old, the duty of remembrance is beginning to be felt before some of our oldest leave us one day too.
Finally, I would like to greet Gaétan Charland, the president of the Urantia International Association, who will honor us with his presence at the next meeting in Dinard in May 2008. I hope that many of you will welcome him so that lasting links can be forged, and that the international dimension of the Urantia movement does not escape the French too much.
I thank the few people who helped me in this difficult task as president. I also pay tribute to my family on whom I imposed many sacrifices at times that would sometimes have required my full and complete intellectual presence in a demanding daily life.
I therefore wish you all to continue together and in solidarity this honorable mission, and to support the new president of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia book. Your choice, to honor this function, will be the right one. His choices for the realistic orientations of the AFLUB will be the right ones.
One day sleeping consciences will awaken.
Best to you all.
Michel R.
Le Lien Urantien — Issue 42 — Spring 2008 — Contents | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 42 — Spring 2008 | Presentation of the Book |