© 2008 Michel Rouanet, Alain Coulombe, Guy de Viron, Chris Ragetly, Jean Royer, Jean-Claude Romeuf, Samuel Heine, Dominique Ronfet
© 2008 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Journal of the association L'A.F.L.L.U. French-speaking Association of Readers of the URANTIA Book
Member of the I.U.A.
Head office:
1, rue du Temple
Journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book
1 rue du Temple
04 91 27 13 20
Publication Director
Michel Rouanet
Editor in Chief
Dominique Ronfet
Reading Committee
Jean Royer
Chris Ragetly
Olivier Desurmont
Printing Help
Jean Annet
Edition of 160 copies
❧ 1955 URANTIA Foundation.
All rights reserved.
These materials from The URANTIA Book are used with permission.
Any artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
Subscription: €20 per year (approximately 4 issues)
No. 42 — Spring 2008
Dear AFLUB members,
As I leave my position as president of our national association, I am aware of the extent of the task accomplished with you. During these two years, I have focused on structuring our social organization as best as possible, and on reviving a dynamic that was flagging. I also wanted to introduce more transparency into our activity, which also has the effect of displaying the truth of the prices and the efforts that must be made for an association of this type to function well over the long term. And nothing can be done without everyone’s participation. Finally, I have tried to give you a vision of what the AFLUB could be in its fraternal European environment.
Michel R.
It is only during his years of innocence or if he has managed, by personal decision, to purify himself and to spiritualize himself somewhat, sometimes at the cost of some harsh ordeal, that the human being can grant, partially and most often without his knowledge, the passage to the divine exhortation that the fragment of the universal Father delivers in his spirit. However limited and imperfect they may be, these contacts between the creature and the creator nevertheless immensely enrich human thought by allowing it to forge, day after day, what will remain of it after death, its soul, this pre-spiritual entity, altruistic and fraternal, freed from animal burdens and vivified by the spirit of trust and that of truth. Put to sleep at the moment of physical death and transported by spiritual personalities to worlds constructed for this purpose, the soul may prove capable of animating there a supermaterial body and then undertaking, with the loving and sure help of patient and devoted guides, the long and fascinating journey that will lead it towards eternity. And when it has finally conquered time and space, pierced the mysteries and mastered the mechanisms of cosmic thought and known God in the three infinite persons of his trinity, other accomplishments, still more prodigious, will be proposed to it.
What is love for?
Love itself cannot be defined. By the mixture of all qualities, men can produce virtue: they cannot produce Love. All efforts cannot make Love penetrate into our nature. For Love is the effect of a precise cause and the effect is obtained only when the condition is fulfilled. “We love because He loved us first.” The word “because” is important: it introduces the cause we seek. Thus, little by little our heart changes.
Let us fix our gaze on the love of Christ and we shall love in our turn. Let us contemplate this mirror, let us bear upon ourselves the reflection of the personality of Christ and we shall be transformed into his image, from tenderness to tenderness. We cannot love on command. The only way is to have our gaze fixed on the model of all love, to let ourselves be taken by love for him and to become like him. Inevitably, we shall resemble him. Love engenders love. It is a phenomenon of induction which will have the effect of creating a real force of attraction. Men will be attracted to us as we are attracted to them. This is the invariable effect of love.
Guy De Viron
606 Urantia — Satania 24 Jerusem — Norlatiadek
70 Edentia — Nebadon 84 Salvington
U Minor the Third 3 Ensa — U Major the
Fifth 5 Splandon — Orvonton 7 Uversa
Study series entitled “Remarks”
I. The 7 Jubilees
(Quotations from The Urantia Book are in italics, bold or underlined passages are my own)
Having attained the supreme satisfaction of the fullness of worship, you are qualified for admission to the Corps of the Finality. The ascending career is nearly over, and the celebration of the seventh jubilee is being prepared.
(1) The first jubilee marked the mortal’s agreement with his Thought Adjuster when the purpose to survive was sealed.
(2) The second was the awakening into the morontia life,
(3) the third fusion with the Thought Adjuster
(4) the fourth awakening in Havona.
(5) the fifth celebration of the discovery of the Universal Father
(6) the sixth jubilee was the occasion of awakening in Paradise after the final slumber of the transit of time.
(7) The seventh jubilee marks the entry into the body of mortal finaliters and the beginning of the service of eternity. UB 27:7.8
Here is an excerpt of text on the sources of the UB consulted and analyzed by Matthew Block. The text is originally in two columns, here in four to have at the same time the original and the translation. The translation of Bundy’s text is mine. I tried to respect the bolding and the underlining without succeeding completely.
The following represents the parallels between [part of] page 208 of Bundy’s The Religion of Jesus and page 2089 of The Urantia Book. I have bolded some shared words and underlined significant differences.
Translation by Jean Royer
The winter wind is cold
This evening,
But you,
my love, you’re leaving.
As the winter wind blows through the clouds,
Carrying away birds of passage in spite of himself,
Life also moves on to other horizons
Far beyond the screams, to the happiness of songs
Which the fairies cast like spells
For words of love to turn into snow.
Maybe one day you will have to remember
That I put your hand nice and warm in mine.
Jean-Claude Romeuf
May every reader of The Urantia Book not stray from the essential.
The main thing is to know that we are all creatures of the one and only creator.
The essential thing is the consecration of choice in wanting and having to do what we sense to be the will of God.
This individual consecration is the lasting foundation of our eternal progression.
The individual fulfillment that results from this consecration will position us in the living fraternity among all our brothers and sisters.
Samuel Heine
To teach or not to teach? … such could be the question that a reader would ask himself after much reading and regular attendance at study groups. Imbued with knowledge, he has the right to say that he is a bearer and then wants to give what he thinks he has received.
But first, what does learning in the Fascicles mean?
Dominique Ronfet
The gazette is also for the use of individuals and groups who meet or act in their region.
Please feel free to share your activities, both individual and group.