© 2022 Patrick Morelli
© 2022 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Master Spirits are the primary personalities of the Infinite Spirit.
We know very little about the action of the Father and the Son in the creation of the Master Spirits. Apparently they were brought into existence by the personal acts of the Infinite Spirit, but we have been definitely instructed that both the Father and the Son participated in their origin. (UB 16:0.10)
Why are there seven Master Spirits?
THE Seven Master Spirits of Paradise are the primary personalities of the Infinite Spirit. In this sevenfold creative act of self-duplication the Infinite Spirit exhausted the associative possibilities mathematically inherent in the factual existence of the three persons of Deity. Had it been possible to produce a larger number of Master Spirits, they would have been created, but there are just seven associative possibilities, and only seven, inherent in three Deities. And this explains why the universe is operated in seven grand divisions, and why the number seven is basically fundamental in its organization and administration. (UB 16:0.1)
The origin of the seven Master Spirits comes from the following seven similarities from which they draw their individual characteristics:
In spirit character and nature these Seven Spirits of Paradise are as one, but in all other aspects of identity they are very unlike, and the results of their functioning in the superuniverses are such that the individual differences of each are unmistakably discernible. All the afterplans of the seven segments of the grand universe—and even the correlative segments of outer space—have been conditioned by the other-than-spiritual diversity of these Seven Master Spirits of supreme and ultimate supervision. (UB 16:0.11)
Master Spirit No. 1 resembles and represents the Paradise Father, he is the close associate and celestial advisor of the chief of the Mystery Monitors. He is always in personal liaison with the seven Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of universe No. 1.
Master Spirit No. 2 represents the Eternal Son, he is always in close association with all orders of Sons of God. He is always in liaison with the seven Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of the 2nd universe.
Master Spirit No. 3 resembles the Infinite Spirit and designates the movements and works of a great number of high personalities of the Infinite Spirit. He is always in liaison with the Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of the 3rd universe.
Master Spirit No. 4 represents the Father-Son, this Master Spirit is the determining influence on Father-Son policy and procedure in the councils of the seven Master Spirits. This Spirit stimulates the immense group of personalities who derive their origin from the Father and the Son. He is ever in personal liaison with the Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of the 4th superuniverse.
Master Spirit No. 5 represents the characters of the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit, and is the counselor of the vast group of beings known as Power Directors, Power Centers, and physical controllers. He is ever in personal liaison with the Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of the 5th superuniverse.
Master Spirit No. 6 depicts the character of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. Whenever the beings jointly created by the Son and the Spirit assemble in the central universe it is this Master Spirit who is their counselor. He is always in liaison with the Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of the 6th superuniverse.
Master Spirit No. 7, the governing Spirit of the 7th superuniverse, is a uniquely faithful portrait of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. The 7th Master Spirit is the counselor stimulating the development of all beings of triune origin, and is also the counselor and director of all ascending Havona pilgrims. The 7th Master Spirit is not the organic representative of the Paradise Trinity, but his personal and spiritual nature is the portrait of the Conjoint Actor made in equal proportions of the three infinite persons whose union in Deity is the Paradise Trinity, and whose source is the personal and spiritual nature of God the Supreme. This Master Spirit is ever in liaison with the Reflective Spirits of Uversa, the headquarters of the 7th superuniverse, ours.
The revelators expand a little more on the attributions of this 7th Master Spirit.
No one of the Seven Spirits is organically representative of the Paradise Trinity, but when they unite as sevenfold Deity, this union in a deity sense—not in a personal sense—equivalates to a functional level associable with Trinity functions. In this sense the “Sevenfold Spirit” is functionally associable with the Paradise Trinity. It is also in this sense that Master Spirit Number Seven sometimes speaks in confirmation of Trinity attitudes or, rather, acts as spokesman for the attitude of the Sevenfold-Spirit-union regarding the attitude of the Threefold-Deity-union, the attitude of the Paradise Trinity. (UB 16:3.16)
The multiple functions of the Seventh Master Spirit thus range from a combined portraiture of the personal natures of the Father, Son, and Spirit, through a representation of the personal attitude of God the Supreme, to a disclosure of the deity attitude of the Paradise Trinity. And in certain respects this presiding Spirit is similarly expressive of the attitudes of the Ultimate and of the Supreme-Ultimate. (UB 16:3.17)
It is Master Spirit No. 7 with his multiple attitudes who personally sponsors the progress of ascending candidates from the worlds of time in their attempts to understand the undivided Deity of Supremacy.
The inability of the Havona pilgrims to find God the Supreme completely is compensated for by the 7th Master Spirit, whose triune nature so peculiarly reveals the spirit person of the Supreme, that Master Spirit No. 7 functions in the stead of the ascending creature God in matters of personal relationships.
Another particularity of Master Spirit No. 7, when two finaliter mortals have chosen independently of each other an identical concept for a trinitization, after their mature reflections, if this concept has not yet been trinitized, then Master Spirit NN 7 issues the order authorizing this extraordinary enterprise.
Who are the seven groups of Supreme Spirits of which the seven Master Spirits are a part. The first three personalities of the group, although classified in the functional family of the Infinite Spirit are usually classified as children of the Trinity. The remaining four groups are brought into existence by the creative acts of the Infinite Spirit or its associates having creator status.
The seven groups of Supreme Spirits are the co-ordinators of the inhabited creation. The association of their chief rulers, the seven Master Spirits, seems to co-ordinate the vast activities of God the Sevenfold.
Returning to the first three in the list, after the seven Master Spirits the Supreme Executive Agents have been trinitized by the Father the Son and the Spirit, according to the specifications expressed in the characteristics of the seven Master Spirits, and these seven Supreme Executive Agents are capable of acting as the universal representatives of these seven Master Spirits, and also possess diverse personalities. These seven Supreme Executive Agents do not formulate any policies they are concerned with executing the plans of divinity promulgated by the seven Master Spirits.
Next come the Reflective Spirits, who are exceptional and somewhat mysterious personalities. There are fifty of them, and these extraordinary personalities were created in groups of seven, each creative episode resulting from a liaison of the Paradise Trinity with one of the Master Spirits. When each of the seven Master Spirits had found its perfect creative synchronism with the Paradise Trinity and when the 49th had been personalized, a new and profound reaction took place in the Deity Absolute.
This reaction attributed new personality prerogatives to the Supreme Being, and culminated in the personalization of Majeston, chief of reflectivity and paradisiacal center of the work of the 49 Reflective Spirits and their associates in the universe of universes. We will return to Majeston with the position of the seven Master Spirits.
For the position of the seven Master Spirits, the L. U. gives us two geographical positions, which can possibly lead to confusion. On the one hand, in booklet UB 11:4.2, it is specified: “The seven Master Spirits have their personal seat of power and authority on the spheres of the Spirit which circulate around Paradise in the space located between the brilliant globes of the Son and the inner circuit of the worlds of Havona”. In other words, on the seven worlds of the Infinite Spirit. In booklet 17-1-1 it is also specified: “The executive seats of the seven Master Spirits occupy the seven paradisiacal satellites of the Infinite Spirit… These spheres are placed under the direction of the Supreme Executive Agents”.
Right after that there is a “but” the seven Master Spirits maintain a strong focus seat on the periphery of Paradise.
It is from the UB 15:0.1 booklet that a paradox can arise, namely: "The seven Master Spirits radiate their influences from the Central Island, thus making the vast creation a gigantic rove whose hub is the eternal island of paradise whose seven rays are the radiations of the seven Master Spirits and whose rim is constituted by the outer regions of the great universe . For the seven Master Spirits to radiate their influences from the island of paradise, they are not only on the seven worlds of the Infinite Spirit which are outside Paradise. Moreover, the revelators specify booklet UB 16:0.12 that each Master Spirit maintains an enormous focal seat of force which circulates slowly around the periphery of paradise while always remaining opposite the superuniverse whose Master Spirit ensures direct surveillance. They thus maintain themselves at the focal point of specialized power control of their superuniverse and of the segmental distribution of energy which concerns them.
At this point in the investigations a diagram, which can only be an approximation, seems necessary in order to visualize this gigantic wheel, certainly reduced to a symbolic diagram, with its hub which are the center of the island of Paradise and the seven spokes radiating throughout the great universe, which are under the aegis of the seven Master Spirits. This double position is somewhat confusing, but it perhaps allows us to configure that the focal lines of force of each of the seven Master Spirits go in the direction of the hub of the island of Paradise, which allows them all seven to cross at the center of the paradise island, the place where the 50th Reflective Spirit is located, which the L. U. calls Majeston.
At this stage of our investigations it is perhaps good to focus on what Majeston and the Reflective Spirits are.
Majeston is a veritable person, the personal and infallible center of reflectivity phenomena in the seven superuniverses of space and time. He maintains a permanent headquarters on Paradise near the center of all things at the meeting place of the seven Master Spirits.
It is curious to note about the Reflective Spirits of the superuniverses that their function within the family of the seven Master Spirits is perhaps not limited to the sole phenomenon of reflection of spatiotemporal events, we can observe that their respective role certainly goes beyond this sole reflective phenomenon. “There is no direct representative of the Source-Center 3e at the headquarters of the superuniverses, each of these 7 creations depends on one of the Master Spirits on Paradise, who acts through the 7 Reflective Spirits located in the capital of the superuniverse.”
- The reflectivity mechanism of the local universes and the superuniverse. Many features connected with this extraordinary phenomenon can hardly be reasonably explained or rationally understood without postulating the activity of the Master Spirits in association with the Conjoint Actor and the Supreme Being. (UB 16:4.15)
This famous mechanism can be likened to a phenomenon of synthesis, because it joins the purpose of a whole that is the Supreme Being. One of the means used by the 7 Master Spirits to influence the 7 superuniverses and also Havona inevitably passes through the 49 Reflective Spirits who certainly in addition to going back and regrouping all the spatiotemporal events that occur in the great universe, also propagate “like a gigantic mirror reflecting the nature and character of the Master Spirit who supervises it”. All this while scrupulously respecting the particularity specific to each of the 7 Master Spirits, which allows them to have both an individual influence and also a collective influence in proportion to the 7 associations defined on page 1 of this presentation.
The forty-nine Reflective Spirits are of Trinity origin, but each of the seven creative episodes attendant upon their appearance was productive of a type of being in nature resembling the characteristics of the coancestral Master Spirit. Thus they variously reflect the natures and characters of the seven possible combinations of the association of the divinity characteristics of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. For this reason it is necessary to have seven of these Reflective Spirits on the headquarters of each superuniverse. One of each of the seven types is required in order to achieve the perfect reflection of all phases of every possible manifestation of the three Paradise Deities as such phenomena might occur in any part of the seven superuniverses. One of each type was accordingly assigned to service in each of the superuniverses. These groups of seven dissimilar Reflective Spirits maintain headquarters on the capitals of the superuniverses at the reflective focus of each realm, and this is not identical with the point of spiritual polarity. (UB 17:3.1)
In booklet No. 16, the entire chapter 4 on the attributes and function of the Master Spirits can only leave us somewhat doubtful. Indeed, sometimes the revelators inform us that, “the work of the Master Spirits is so highly specialized that at the same time it embraces everything, so extraordinarily material and, at the same time, so delicately spiritual” and, further on “the 7 Master Spirits have personal representatives who function throughout the grand universe, but that nothing has been revealed about them because the vast majority of these subordinate beings do not directly concern themselves with the ascending plan of mortal progression”, and, “that a very large part of the activity of the 7 Master Spirits remains hidden from human understanding”.
However, at the end of paragraph 16-4, it specifies all the areas where the Master Spirit of Orvonton, ours, exerts an influence in the following spheres of activity:
The only areas in which the Master Spirits have absolutely no business are the bestowal of the Thought Adjusters and the inscrutable functions of the Unqualified Absolute.
But when the Seven Master Spirits vacate their individual seats of personal power and superuniverse authority and assemble about the Conjoint Actor in the triune presence of Paradise Deity, then and there are they collectively representative of the functional power, wisdom, and authority of undivided Deity—the Trinity—to and in the evolving universes. Such a Paradise union of the primal sevenfold expression of Deity does actually embrace, literally encompass, all of every attribute and attitude of the three eternal Deities in Supremacy and in Ultimacy. To all practical intents and purposes the Seven Master Spirits do, then and there, encompass the functional domain of the Supreme-Ultimate to and in the master universe. (UB 16:1.3)
The Paradise Trinity is considered to be the absolute inevitability; the Seven Master Spirits are apparently Trinity inevitabilities; the power-mind-spirit-personality actualization of the Supreme must be the evolutionary inevitability. (UB 115:7.5)
The Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits are the joint impersonal representation of the Infinite Spirit and the Seven Master Spirits to the seven circuits of the central universe. They are the servants of the Master Spirits, whose collective offspring they are. The Master Spirits provide a distinct and diversified administrative individuality in the seven superuniverses. Through these uniform Spirits of the Havona Circuits they are enabled to provide a unified, uniform, and co-ordinated spiritual supervision for the central universe. (UB 17:5.1)
These Spirits of the Circuits make contact with those who sojourn in Havona through their personal offspring, the tertiary supernaphim. While the Circuit Spirits are coexistent with the Seven Master Spirits, their function in the creation of tertiary supernaphim did not attain major importance until the first pilgrims of time arrived on the outer circuit of Havona in the days of Grandfanda. (UB 17:5.3)
These servants of the Seven Master Spirits are the angelic specialists of the various circuits of Havona, and their ministry extends to both the ascending pilgrims of time and the descending pilgrims of eternity. On the billion study worlds of the perfect central creation, your superaphic associates of all orders will be fully visible to you. There you will all be, in the highest sense, fraternal and understanding beings of mutual contact and sympathy. You will also fully recognize and exquisitely fraternize with the descending pilgrims, the Paradise Citizens, who traverse these circuits from within outward, entering Havona through the pilot world of the first circuit and proceeding outward to the seventh. (UB 26:3.1)
Each of these working groups contains angels of all seven created types, and a pilgrim of space is always tutored by secondary supernaphim of origin in the Master Spirit who presides over that pilgrim’s superuniverse of nativity. When you mortals of Urantia attain Havona, you will certainly be piloted by supernaphim whose created natures—like your own evolved natures—are derived from the Master Spirit of Orvonton. And since your tutors spring from the Master Spirit of your own superuniverse, they are especially qualified to understand, comfort, and assist you in all your efforts to attain Paradise perfection. (UB 26:4.10)
I am somewhat at a loss to explain what takes place on this circle. No personalized presence of Supremacy is perceptible to the ascenders. In certain respects, new relationships with the Seventh Master Spirit compensate this noncontactability of the Supreme Being. But regardless of our inability to grasp the technique, each ascending creature seems to undergo a transforming growth, a new integration of consciousness, a new spiritualization of purpose, a new sensitivity for divinity, which can hardly be satisfactorily explained without assuming the unrevealed activity of the Supreme Being. To those of us who have observed these mysterious transactions, it appears as if God the Supreme were affectionately bestowing upon his experiential children, up to the very limits of their experiential capacities, those enhancements of intellectual grasp, of spiritual insight, and of personality outreach which they will so need, in all their efforts at penetrating the divinity level of the Trinity of Supremacy, to achieve the eternal and existential Deities of Paradise. (UB 26:6.3)
Within the worlds around Havona, one particularity deserves to be noted, it is the close relationship of the 7 Master Spirits with the 28011 Master Architects of the master universe, booklet UB 31:9.5, The Master Architects of the Master Universe, spend as a group, at present about as much time in the company of the 7 Master Spirits of Paradise as with the 7 Supreme Executive Agents on the 7 special worlds of the Infinite Spirit.
The Infinite Spirit exerts an influence of personal presence within the confines of the Paradise-Havona system; elsewhere his personal spirit presence is exerted by and through one of the Seven Master Spirits. Therefore is the superuniverse spirit presence of the Third Source and Center on any world or in any individual conditioned by the unique nature of the supervisory Master Spirit of that segment of creation. Conversely, the combined lines of spirit force and intelligence pass inward to the Third Person of Deity by way of the Seven Master Spirits. (UB 16:2.3)
In this chapter the term inversely underlines the importance of the phenomenon of convergence which manifests itself after that of divergence dear to Bill Sadler.
While the Seven Master Spirits are hardly expressive of threefold Deity, they are the eternal portrayal of sevenfold Deity, the active and associative functions of the three ever-existent persons of Deity. By and in and through these Seven Spirits, the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, or the Infinite Spirit, or any dual association, is able to function as such. When the Father, the Son, and the Spirit act together, they can and do function through Master Spirit Number Seven, but not as the Trinity. The Master Spirits singly and collectively represent any and all possible Deity functions, single and several, but not collective, not the Trinity. Master Spirit Number Seven is personally nonfunctional with regard to the Paradise Trinity, and that is just why he can function personally for the Supreme Being. (UB 16:1.2)
There are some things connected with the elaboration of life on the evolutionary planets which are not altogether clear to us. We fully comprehend the physical organization of the electrochemical formulas of the Life Carriers, but we do not wholly understand the nature and source of the life-activation spark. We know that life flows from the Father through the Son and by the Spirit. It is more than possible that the Master Spirits are the sevenfold channel of the river of life which is poured out upon all creation. But we do not comprehend the technique whereby the supervising Master Spirit participates in the initial episode of life bestowal on a new planet. The Ancients of Days, we are confident, also have some part in this inauguration of life on a new world, but we are wholly ignorant of the nature thereof. We do know that the Universe Mother Spirit actually vitalizes the lifeless patterns and imparts to such activated plasm the prerogatives of organismal reproduction. We observe that these three are the levels of God the Sevenfold, sometimes designated as the Supreme Creators of time and space; but otherwise we know little more than Urantia mortals—simply that concept is inherent in the Father, expression in the Son, and life realization in the Spirit. (UB 36:6.7)
The present functioning of divinity in the superuniverses is actively manifest in the operations of the Supreme Creators—the local universe Creator Sons and Spirits, the superuniverse Ancients of Days, and the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. These beings constitute the first three levels of God the Sevenfold leading inward to the Universal Father, and this entire domain of God the Sevenfold is co-ordinating on the first level of experiential deity in the evolving Supreme Being. (UB 56:5.3)
Man, being personal and ascending by spiritual progression, finds the personal and spiritual divinity of the Sevenfold Deity; but there are other phases of the Sevenfold which are not concerned with the progression of personality. The divinity aspects of this Deity grouping are at present integrated in the liaison between the Seven Master Spirits and the Conjoint Actor, but they are destined to be eternally unified in the emerging personality of the Supreme Being. The other phases of the Sevenfold Deity are variously integrated in the present universe age, but all are likewise destined to be unified in the Supreme. The Sevenfold, in all phases, is the source of the relative unity of the functional reality of the present grand universe. (UB 106:1.4)
- In their participation in the individualization of the local universe Divine Ministers, the Master Spirits contribute to the last level of God the Sevenfold, the Creator Son-Creative Spirit union of the local universes. (UB 17:8.8)
The Seven Master Spirits do not directly invade the material minds of the individual creatures on the evolutionary worlds of space. The mortals of Urantia do not experience the personal presence of the mind-spirit influence of the Master Spirit of Orvonton. If this Master Spirit does attain any sort of contact with the individual mortal mind during the earlier evolutionary ages of an inhabited world, it must occur through the ministry of the local universe Creative Spirit, the consort and associate of the Creator Son of God who presides over the destinies of each local creation. But this very Creative Mother Spirit is, in nature and character, quite like the Master Spirit of Orvonton. (UB 16:5.3)
On a world like Urantia we do not encounter the direct influence of the Seven Master Spirits in the affairs of the human races. You live under the immediate influence of the Creative Spirit of Nebadon. Nevertheless these same Master Spirits dominate the basic reactions of all creature mind because they are the actual sources of the intellectual and spiritual potentials which have been specialized in the local universes for function in the lives of those individuals who inhabit the evolutionary worlds of time and space. (UB 16:6.2)
Although apparently the birth of a Creator Son seems to predate that of a Divine Mother, the taking possession of his local universe space by the new Creator Son triggers the immediate coming of his associate, the new Divine Mother, as defined in Paper UB 17:6.5. The stage of physical creation, when the mission of creation is entrusted to a Michael Son by the Eternal Son, the Master Spirit who directs the superuniverse for which the new Creator Son is destined, gives expression to the “first identification” in the presence of the Infinite Spirit, and for the first time the entity of the subsequent Creative Spirit appears as differentiated from the person of the Infinite Spirit. This entity goes straight to the person of the Master Spirit who made the request and immediately disappears from the field of knowledge, having apparently become a part of the person of that Master Spirit. The newly identified Creative Spirit remains with the Master Spirit until the time of the Creator Son’s departure for the opening of space; whereupon the Master Spirit commits the new Consort Spirit to the care of the Creator Son and at the same time specifies to the Consort Spirit the duty of eternal fidelity and unending loyalty. Then occurs one of the most deeply moving episodes that can take place on Paradise. The Universal Father speaks in recognition of the eternal union of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit, and in confirmation of certain joint powers of administration entrusted by the Master Spirit having superuniverse jurisdiction.
After the completion of the physical organization of a starry and planetary cluster and the establishment of the energy circuits by the superuniverse power centers, subsequent to this preliminary work of creation by the agencies of the Infinite Spirit, operating through, and under the direction of, his local universe creative focalization, there goes forth the proclamation of the Michael Son that life is next to be projected in the newly organized universe. Upon the Paradise recognition of this declaration of intention, there occurs a reaction of approval in the Paradise Trinity, followed by the disappearance in the spiritual shining of the Deities of the Master Spirit in whose superuniverse this new creation is organizing. Meanwhile the other Master Spirits draw near this central lodgment of the Paradise Deities, and subsequently, when the Deity-embraced Master Spirit emerges to the recognition of his fellows, there occurs what is known as a “primary eruption.” This is a tremendous spiritual flash, a phenomenon clearly discernible as far away as the headquarters of the superuniverse concerned; and simultaneously with this little-understood Trinity manifestation there occurs a marked change in the nature of the creative spirit presence and power of the Infinite Spirit resident in the local universe concerned. In response to these Paradise phenomena there immediately personalizes, in the very presence of the Creator Son, a new personal representation of the Infinite Spirit. This is the Divine Minister. The individualized Creative Spirit helper of the Creator Son has become his personal creative associate, the local universe Mother Spirit. (UB 34:1.1)
The presence of the Spirit in the local universe at the time of creation, when the purely physical organization was incompletely differentiated from the spirit of the Infinite Spirit of Paradise; whereas, after the reappearance of the supervising Master Spirit from the secret embrace of the Gods, and as a result of the flash of spirit energy, the manifestation of the Infinite Spirit in the local universe is suddenly and completely transformed into the personal likeness of the master Spirit who was in transmuting liaison with the Infinite Spirit. The Mother Spirit of the local universe thus acquires a personal nature tinged with that of the Master Spirit of the superuniverse under whose astronomical jurisdiction the local universe is placed. UB 34:1.3
The technique (for a Creator Son) to obtain supreme sovereignty over his local universe involves…:
- To make an experiential consecration to each phase of the sevenfold will of Paradise Deity as it is personified in the Seven Master Spirits. (UB 21:3.18)
The Creator Sons are endowed with a spirit of universal presence analogous, in many ways, to that of the 7 Master Spirits of Paradise. 34.4
The various volitional aspects of the Deities are eternally personalized in the different natures of the 7 Master Spirits, and each of Michael’s bestowals was particularly revealing of one of these manifestations of divinity. In his bestowal:
In passing through the experience of revealing the Seven Master Spirit wills of the Trinity, the Creator Son has passed through the experience of revealing the will of the Supreme. In functioning as a revelator of the will of Supremacy, Michael, together with all other Master Sons, has identified himself eternally with the Supreme. In this universe age he reveals the Supreme and participates in the actualization of the sovereignty of Supremacy. But in the next universe age we believe he will be collaborating with the Supreme Being in the first experiential Trinity for and in the universes of outer space. (UB 119:8.7)
A Creator Son is given the range of a universe by the consent of the Paradise Trinity and with the confirmation of the supervising Master Spirit of the superuniverse concerned. Such action constitutes title of physical possession, a cosmic leasehold. But the elevation of a Michael Son from this initial and self-limited stage of rulership to the experiential supremacy of self-earned sovereignty comes as a result of his own personal experiences in the work of universe creation and incarnated bestowal. Until the achievement of bestowal-earned sovereignty, he rules as vicegerent of the Universal Father. (UB 21:3.1)
Each of the 7 planetary circuits of Havona is directly supervised by one of the 7 Circuit Spirits, which are themselves the collective — therefore uniform — creation of the 7 Master Spirits.
There are seven types of these high angels, each of origin in one of the Seven Master Spirits and in nature patterned accordingly. Collectively, the Seven Master Spirits create many different groups of unique beings and entities, and the individual members of each order are comparatively uniform in nature. But when these same Seven Spirits create individually, the resulting orders are always sevenfold in nature; the children of each Master Spirit partake of the nature of their creator and are accordingly diverse from the others. Such is the origin of the secondary supernaphim, and the angels of all seven created types function in all channels of activity open to their entire order, chiefly on the seven circuits of the central and divine universe. (UB 26:2.5)
- The Voice of the Seven Master Spirits. The second primary seconaphim and every seventh one thereafter created incline towards portraying the collective natures and reactions of the Seven Master Spirits. Though each Master Spirit is already represented on a superuniverse capital by some one of the seven Reflective Spirits of assignment, such representation is individual, not collective. Collectively, they are only reflectively present; therefore do the Master Spirits welcome the services of these highly personal angels, the second serials of the primary seconaphim, who are so competent to represent them before the Ancients of Days. (UB 28:4.5)
The Supreme Directors of Power are seven in number; they are identical in appearance and function. One of them cannot be distinguished from the others except by the Master Spirit with whom he is in immediate association and to whom he is completely subordinate in function. Each of the master Spirits is thus in eternal union with one of their collective descendants. The same Director always remains associated with the same Spirit, and their active cooperation is manifested by an association of a unique kind between physical and spiritual energies, between a semi-physical being and a spiritual personality.
The 7 Supreme Power Directors are the physical energy regulators of the grand universe. Their creation by the 7 Master Spirits is the first recorded instance of semimaterial offspring of purely spiritual ancestry. When the 7 Master Spirits create individually, they engender highly spiritual personalities of the order of angels. When they create collectively they sometimes produce these high types of semimaterial beings, but even these quasi-physical beings would be invisible to the vision of Urantia mortals.
The Seven Supreme Power Directors are stationed on peripheral Paradise, where their slowly circulating presences indicate the whereabouts of the force-focal headquarters of the Master Spirits. These power directors function singly in the power-energy regulation of the superuniverses but collectively in the administration of the central creation. They operate from Paradise but maintain themselves as effective power centers in all divisions of the grand universe. (UB 29:1.3)
This difference between the collective and the individual is crucial insofar as even if the 7th Master Spirit personifies the association of the 7 others, the collective functioning of these 7 Master Spirits is indispensable and is not currently effective, and will only be so when the Supreme Being is fully actualized.
The basic evolutionary material life—the premental life—is formulated by the Master Physical Controllers and transmitted through the ministry of the 7 Master Spirits in conjunction with the active services of the commissioned Life Carriers. 65.0
Science becomes the thought domain of mathematics, of the energy and material of time in space. Religion assumes to deal not only with finite and temporal spirit but also with the spirit of eternity and supremacy. Only through a long experience in mota can these two extremes of universe perception be made to yield analogous interpretations of origins, functions, relations, realities, and destinies. The maximum harmonization of the energy-spirit divergence is in the encircuitment of the Seven Master Spirits; the first unification thereof, in the Deity of the Supreme; the finality unity thereof, in the infinity of the First Source and Center, the I AM. (UB 103:7.12)
The Seven Master Spirits and the associated Seven Supreme Power Directors, respectively, are the personal repositories of the mind potential and of the power potential of the Supreme Being which he does not, as yet, operate personally. And when these Paradise associates collaborate to create the Havona Servitals, the latter are inherently involved in certain phases of Supremacy. Havona Servitals are thus, in actuality, a reflection in the perfect central universe of certain evolutionary potentialities of the time-space domains, all of which is disclosed when a servital undergoes transformation and re-creation. We believe that this transformation takes place in response to the will of the Infinite Spirit, undoubtedly acting in behalf of the Supreme. Graduate Guides are not created by the Supreme Being, but we all conjecture that experiential Deity is in some way concerned in those transactions which bring these beings into existence. (UB 24:7.8)
During those ages in which the sovereignty of Supremacy is undergoing its time development, the almighty power of the Supreme is dependent on the divinity acts of God the Sevenfold, while there seems to be a particularly close relationship between the Supreme Being and the Conjoint Actor together with his primary personalities, the Seven Master Spirits. The Infinite Spirit as the Conjoint Actor functions in many ways which compensate the incompletion of evolutionary Deity and sustains very close relations to the Supreme. This closeness of relationship is shared in measure by all of the Master Spirits but especially by Master Spirit Number Seven, who speaks for the Supreme. This Master Spirit knows—is in personal contact with—the Supreme. (UB 116:4.2)
The Conjoint Creator is absolute only in the domain of mind, in the realms of universal intelligence. The mind of the Third Source and Center is infinite; it utterly transcends the active and functioning mind circuits of the universe of universes. The mind endowment of the seven superuniverses is derived from the Seven Master Spirits, the primary personalities of the Conjoint Creator. These Master Spirits distribute mind to the grand universe as the cosmic mind, and your local universe is pervaded by the Nebadon variant of the Orvonton type of cosmic mind. (UB 9:4.3)
Much of the technique of reflectivity we comprehend, but there are many phases which truly baffle us. We know that the Conjoint Actor is the universe center of the mind circuit, that he is the ancestor of the cosmic mind, and that cosmic mind operates under the dominance of the absolute mind gravity of the Third Source and Center. We know further that the circuits of the cosmic mind influence the intellectual levels of all known existence; they contain the universal space reports, and just as certainly they focus in the Seven Master Spirits and converge in the Third Source and Center. (UB 9:7.3)
The bifurcation of energy and spirit (stemming from the conjoint presence of the Eternal Son and the Paradise Isle) was symbolized in the superuniverse sense when the Seven Master Spirits unitedly engaged in their first act of collective creation. This episode witnessed the appearance of the Seven Supreme Power Directors. Concomitant therewith the spiritual circuits of the Master Spirits contrastively differentiated from the physical activities of power director supervision, and immediately did the cosmic mind appear as a new factor co-ordinating matter and spirit. (UB 116:5.10)
The Master Spirits are the sevenfold source of the cosmic mind, the intellectual potential of the grand universe. This cosmic mind is a subabsolute manifestation of the mind of the Third Source and Center and, in certain ways, is functionally related to the mind of the evolving Supreme Being. (UB 16:6.1)
The cosmic mind. This is the sevenfold diversified mind of time and space, one phase of which is ministered by each of the Seven Master Spirits to one of the seven superuniverses. The cosmic mind encompasses all finite-mind levels and co-ordinates experientially with the evolutionary-deity levels of the Supreme Mind and transcendentally with the existential levels of absolute mind—the direct circuits of the Conjoint Actor. (UB 42:10.6)
Early in the projection of the superuniverse scheme of creation, the Master Spirits joined with the ancestral Trinity in the cocreation of the forty-nine Reflective Spirits, and concomitantly the Supreme Being functioned creatively as the culminator of the conjoined acts of the Paradise Trinity and the creative children of Paradise Deity. Majeston appeared and ever since has focalized the cosmic presence of the Supreme Mind, while the Master Spirits continue as source-centers for the far-flung ministry of the cosmic mind. (UB 116:4.3)
But the Master Spirits retain supervision of the Reflective Spirits. The 7th Master Spirit is in personal contact with the 7 Reflective Spirits located on Uversa.
These Master Spirits are not only the supporters and augmenters of the sovereignty of Supremacy, but they are in turn affected by the creative purposes of the Supreme. Ordinarily, the collective creations of the Master Spirits are of the quasi-material order (power directors, etc.), while their individual creations are of the spiritual order (supernaphim, etc.). But when the Master Spirits collectively produced the Seven Circuit Spirits in response to the will and purpose of the Supreme Being, it is to be noted that the offspring of this creative act are spiritual, not material or quasi-material. (UB 116:4.5)
Throughout the evolutionary ages the physical power potential of the Supreme is vested in the Seven Supreme Power Directors, and the mind potential reposes in the Seven Master Spirits. The Infinite Mind is the function of the Infinite Spirit; the cosmic mind, the ministry of the Seven Master Spirits; the Supreme Mind is in process of actualizing in the co-ordination of the grand universe and in functional association with the revelation and attainment of God the Sevenfold. (UB 116:1.3)
The conclusions following this study of the 7 Master Spirits can certainly only be personal. The first evidence can possibly be manifested as to the central place of the 7 Master Spirits, when it comes to moving from the potential stage to that of manifestation of reality, concerning the two essential poles of the material and the spiritual. Then the action of the 7 Master Spirits is essential by the way in which these Master Spirits are either in an individual position or in a collective position. This is manifest when these 7 Master Spirits are called to materialize in the 7 superuniverses by the influence on their residents, whoever they may be, with one of the 7 associative tendencies, Universal Father, Eternal Son, Infinite Spirit, Father and Son, Father and Spirit, Son and Spirit and Father Son Spirit.
However, in the capital of each superuniverse, the 7 Reflective Spirits mark with their collective imprint the totality of the 7 Master Spirits, and this evokes the general tendency of the Paradise Trinity. This also continues in the local universes thanks to the actions of the divine Mothers. Therefore, the indelible mark which indicates the origin of his superuniverse to each resident, in no way excludes the trinitarian influence of the 7 Master Spirits in these same residents.
The point to note also which deserves reflection, is the place of our Divine Mother, just as central in our local universe, as that occupied by Jesus our Creator Son. Indeed throughout the L. U., female readers in particular, can note the great part given to the masculine attribution of many nominative expressions. But with regard to the meaning and significance of the Creative Spirit that are the Divine Mothers, they restore the letters of nobility to the meaning of the Mother as each mortal can attribute it in his experiential life. To conclude, simply one function among many others, that of the effusion of the Spirit of Truth which is very often attributed only to Jesus, is the fruit of our Divine Mother as well.
Patrick Morelli.