© 2017 Ralph Zehr
© 2017 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
From Primitive Prayer to Ethical Prayer: My Personal Experience | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 77 — March 2017 |
Prayer in a group or assembly is very effective, in the sense that its repercussions greatly increase sociability. When a community devotes itself to common prayer for moral upliftment and spiritual elevation, these devotions react on the individuals who make up the group; their participation makes them all better. Even an entire city or a whole nation can be helped by these devotional prayers. Confession, repentance and prayer have led individuals, cities, nations and entire races to powerful efforts of reform and to courageous acts valiantly accomplished. (UB 91:5.2)
Before our work meetings or any other similar event that brings us together, we pray to our Heavenly Father and the spiritual forces that surround us in order to receive help, assistance and wisdom to resolve the problems that arise and make the best decisions in accordance with our responsibilities.
Thus, a “circle of trust” is established between all the actors which allows for fraternal exchanges and sharing at the level of the soul and promotes spiritual inspiration. Here is the text of a prayer written by Ralph Zehr for the annual meeting of the UBIS school office in Chicago in October 2016.
Our Father who dwells at the center of all that was, is and will be, we approach you with confidence knowing that you have planned and approved the gift at this time of this fifth epochal revelation to our dark and confused planet. (UB 176:2.3)
We lack words to express our gratitude for this unique opportunity to participate in the dissemination of his life-giving teachings to our spiritually hungry brothers and sisters throughout the world. We are privileged beyond measure to have been guided and led to this beacon of light that illuminates our personal path and will ultimately illuminate the entire planet.
We recognize that we are junior partners in this endeavor, but we also know that you indwell us with the mighty Thought Adjusters through whom we see you but dimly but when we reach Paradise we shall see you clearly; and our own Jesus of Nazareth, now Supreme Ruler of this universe, dwells in the minds of each of us, guiding us ever along the path to you; and further, we are enveloped and embraced by the Mother Spirit of our local universe, who kindly and lovingly provides us with every imaginable spiritual sustenance. We will, therefore, confidently join the superhuman team, our midway cousins, our seraphic partners, and our planetary supervisors, who are the planetary directors of this revelation and the guarantors of its success. (UB 77:8.13, UB 77:9.3 & UB 114:7.9-17)
We pray that you will guide us as we continue to establish an intellectually, philosophically, and educationally sound spiritual foundation from which revelatory dissemination will proceed. Open our eyes to the unique opportunities made possible by the electronic age in which we live. Enhance our sense of stewardship of this abundance you have entrusted to us. May we strive diligently to attain the high honor of becoming “good and faithful servants” among those of your household.
We seek wisdom and guidance as we seek to fulfill our responsibility to disseminate the revealed truths that have been so abundantly offered to our generation. Help us to avoid letting impatience poison our spiritual thinking and cause us to yield to the temptation to seek quick, immediate solutions to the challenges we face.
We thank you for the facilitators who, quarter after quarter, give their time, their energy and their ability to create and lead UBIS courses.
We pray that they may be spiritually inspired. Reward them abundantly with spiritual progress and soul growth as well as the joy and happiness that always accompany selfless service and the expression of love.
We pray for world peace, that we may be enabled to continue our work of disseminating this revelation uninhibited by intolerance, restricted by limitless prejudice, and disturbed by social and national unrest.
We pray for a firmer grasp of the spiritual gravity circuit that affects our mind and soul. And as we ascend into the superconscious realms of our mind, allow us to have intimate contact with our inner pre-personal deity fragment. (UB 100:5.6)
May we, as a group, be able to experience spiritual unity at the highest level. We ask that harmonious teamwork permeate all our group activities. May we always participate in the great circuit of love, allowing your love to flow freely through us, to our fellows and then to the Supreme, our evolving God of time and space. (UB 117:6.10)
Empower us each day to achieve greater unification and maturation of personality as we absorb deeply all of life’s experiences, as we learn to recognize the fragment of God in each person we meet, and as we discover that service is the highest calling on Earth.
We have set out on the path of sharing the light of this revelation, we have accepted to study, we seek understanding, we live and disseminate its teachings. Deliver us from the fear of our human weaknesses, our forgetfulness and our mortal inconstancy. Help us to see beyond the immediate confusion, the material problems that perplex us and the insecurities seemingly inherent in these worlds of time and space. Enable us to recognize the signposts that mark the way and to hear the voice of the good Spirit of Truth, who is the present spirit presence of our own Jesus of Nazareth scattered over this world of his bestowal, and who shows us the way that leads to him. (UB 34:7.8)
And when we have finished our work here below, we hope to continue up there what we started here.
We offer this thanksgiving and ask this with confidence in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, Master Son and now Supreme Sovereign of this local universe. May it be according to your will.
From Primitive Prayer to Ethical Prayer: My Personal Experience | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 77 — March 2017 |