© 2023 Gaétan G. Charland, André Desjardins, Claude Flibotte, Line St-Pierre, Rick Lyon, Margarita Niño, Jean Lapierre, André Pominville
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan G. Charland
Hello members and friends of the association,
I hope you enjoyed the new version of the newsletter Réflectivité with its broader content and its various more substantial articles. I really appreciated the diversity of the articles and I thank the editor of Réflectivité, Claude Flibotte for this initiative. I was particularly sensitive to an experience lived and recounted by Gilles Bertrand. This way of highlighting through practice the teachings of the Urantia Book is very edifying and opens the way to a greater understanding of the value of experience as a method of spiritual growth.
André Desjardins
The Three Great Days of the Thought Adjuster
Although the Adjuster ascends with his human associate from the 7th circle, his evolution manifests in three times described as his Three Great Days in his individual career. The Adjuster’s career through the psychic circles comprises three distinct phases of his evolution in the mind of the human personality defined by “three great days” without regard to the concept of time-space as established on our planet. “The great days in the individual career of Adjusters are as follows: first, when their human subject breaks into the third psychic circle, which insures autonomous activity of the Monitor and an increased range of functions (if the Adjuster was not already autonomous). Second, when their human partner reaches the first psychic circle, which makes possible reciprocal communication between them, at least to a certain extent. And, finally, when they are finally and eternally fused.” [UB 110:6.22]
Sunday, February 26 at 1 p.m.
you are invited to attend the conference,
Spiritual fraternity
presented by Amsata Fall
To join the conference, click on the link 5 minutes before the meeting.
We will start from the Paternity-Fraternity of God the Father, centered in man, up to the universal Fraternity which elevates man through experiences of associations and even opens the doors of eternity to him.
Claude Flibotte
Have you ever really thought about this magnificent mechanism that is the mind? However, we use it every day, considering it as a natural acquired means of thinking! Before my knowledge of the fifth epochal revelation, I admit that I had never thought about this question, and yet my mind had been very active since my birth. The revelators tell us in UB 0:5.8 that the mind of man is “the thinking, perceiving and feeling mechanism of the human organism.” So, since this is so, let us take this journey together into the discovery of the mind in all its manifestations with the help of the revelations contained in The Urantia Book.
Line St-Pierre
More than a year ago, I was invited to a virtual presentation of the project of Gabriel Rymberg, whom I met during our trip to Israel in 2014, where on a hill near Lake Tiberias he had a dream that is now coming true, that of building a Jesus museum in his country, the country of Jesus.
Since then, I have been following the developments of The Centre for Unity project, firstly to pay homage to Jesus, and to make him known to the whole world and to his Jewish contemporaries.
Rick Lyon’s article will amaze you, and above all, go explore the site Jesus Metaverse which you can translate into French in the search bar on the right where there is a small sign.
Sincerity, more sincerity and even more sincerity; service, more service and even more service
Rick Lyon
Indiana, USA
Recently, my wife Susan and I have been part of a group working on Urantia projects that have the greatest potential to accomplish many of the things we have dreamed of for this revelation. This is generating the greatest excitement within the worldwide community of students of The Urantia Book that I have ever been a part of. I have been fortunate to be a part of many worthwhile and successful projects. This new opportunity is the Center for Unity and its four projects: the Jesus Metaverse, the Cinematic Jesus, the Jesus experience, and the Jesus Museum.
Gaetan Charland
You may have heard about the new application available on the web called ChatGPT.
If you are not aware of the existence and nature of this artificial intelligence text conversation application called OpenAI, you can check it out at, https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/. This application allows you to ask multiple questions on a wide variety of topics and obtain fascinating, accurate, and unmistakable answers.
I did some tests by asking him several questions based on the content of the Urantia Book. An English-speaking reader downloaded the full version of The Urantia Book on ChatGPT and I share here one of the questions that I asked him in English and here is the answer translated into French by DeepL.com, another artificial intelligence software dedicated to translation. You will give me news.
Claude Flibotte
The perfection of autocracy as practiced by the high-level spirit beings encountered on Uversa (UB 15:11.1) is possible because these beings are either perfect or very nearly so, but for us in the midst of learning evolutionary perfection, the most suitable model is democracy, provided we avoid the dangers noted in Paper 71, Section 2. Humanity has come a long way since the days of primitive man when the law of the jungle (UB 52:1.4) and an eye for an eye, a life for a life (UB 70:10.9) prevailed. Slowly but surely a substantial portion of this humanity has been moving toward the values of a democratic system (UB 71:7.2). This system prevails on the morontia worlds in its perfected form. However, when we look at what is happening in the world at present, we are forced to note a certain decline in democracy in favor of dictatorships monopolizing the power of an elite of leaders when it is not in the hands of a single man!
Margarita Niño
The year is the most commonly used unit of time to measure human life.
Everyone knows the date of the year which marks the passage of a unit in their individual counter… In early childhood, it is the adults who measure and compare the length, growth and progress of their offspring.
Gaetan Charland
For many years, I have noticed that many readers confuse the Urantia Foundation with the Urantia Association. These erroneous perceptions have often contributed to a confusion that has had repercussions in several sectors of activity related to the two organizations. These are indeed two distinct entities, each with a very different but complementary mission. To add to this confusion, there was a dispute in 1989 between the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Brotherhood association, which was at the time the entity devoted to the brotherhood of readers of the Urantia Book.
In this article, I will try to help you better understand the nature and mission of each of these entities. I will also explain where their complementarity and interdependence lie. In doing this exercise, I should give a bit of history on the origin of the Foundation and the Association, but not in depth as a historian would do.
Jean Lapierre
Here are some enlightening extracts (useful while waiting to reach the first circle) which I leave to you to find your own meanings:
When it comes to the sharp and definite conflicts between the higher and lower tendencies of the races, between what is really right and wrong (and not merely what you may call right and wrong), you may count on the Adjuster always being a distinct and active participant in such experiences. The fact that the human partner may be unconscious of such Adjuster activities does not detract from the value and reality of such activity. UB 108:5.9
Here is a fun game concocted by our friend André Pominville. It is a grid to complete entirely devoted to terms used in The Urantia Book. It will test your knowledge of this fifth epochal revelation! Use the clues to complete the words. The letters are shared when the words intersect.
If there is no solution for writing directly in the grid, you can print this page to complete the grid or simply reproduce it by writing your answers on a sheet of paper.
The solution to this puzzle can be found on the following page [At the end of this page]. Good luck, and have fun!
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to exchange and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications to the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important approach allows us to keep a broad point of view on the concepts of truth. You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
The team of your opinion journal Réflectivité would like to give you a voice, so please send us your texts and photos!
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Region: Montreal
Mondays, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Diane Labrecque (514) 774-7733
Group: “Découverte”
Region: Montérégie (Boucherville)
Mondays, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Group: “Uni-Earth”
Region: Joliette
Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Eric Martel (450) 756-9387
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Group : “Le Pont”
Region: Montérégie (Sainte-Julie)
Wednesdays, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Claude Flibotte (438) 404-6399
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Sherbrooke Group
Region: Sherbrooke
Every 2 weeks: Tuesday or Wednesday, (to be confirmed) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Helene Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle
Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Study and sharing group: “La chapelle-Maisonnia”
Region: Quebec
Sundays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud
(418) 871-4564
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Group: “Urantian Universalists”
Every Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Eastern Time (Montreal)
Responsible: Claude Flibotte (438) 404-6399
Subject: Appendices of W. S. Sadler Jr.
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
We would like to get to know you! Study group facilitator, do not hesitate to send us your text and a photo of the group!
To see the official list of study groups in Quebec and elsewhere in the world:
Click directly on the following link: http://urantia-quebec.ca/activites_liste_des_groupes.php
Responsible: | Claude Flibotte, editor-in-chief |
Assisted by: | Robert Cadieux, proofreader Gilles Bertrand, printing and shipping |
(438) 404-6399 Claude Flibotte
(514) 237-3616 Robert Cadieux
(418) 871-4564 Gilles Bertrand
Monthly publication:
Published on the first day of each month.
To submit your articles:
Send them to: c_flibotte@videotron.ca
Add: your name, city of residence, a photo of you, thank you!
Warning :
Any submission of articles or other becomes the property of the Journal Réflectivité and none will be returned.
We do not guarantee that all articles in our possession will be published in the next Réflectivité Journal.
The opinions expressed by the various participants and presenters are personal and do not reflect any policy or ideology of the Journal Réflectivité.
Here is the solution to the grid on the previous page.
Congratulations to everyone who tried to test their knowledge!