© 2023 Gaétan G. Charland, Samuel Heine, Robert Cadieux, Claude Flibotte, André Pominville
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan G. Charland
Hello members and friends of the association,
During the past month I have sent you a message regarding a petition for unity in the Urantia movement. While most of you may not feel concerned about such an initiative, I would like to invite you to change your attitude by broadening your view of the Urantia movement and its mission.
Many of you may be more or less familiar with the story surrounding the 1989 separation between the Urantia Foundation and the Brotherhood. In fact, as I mentioned in my message about the petition, we Quebecers were largely spared from the conflict generated by this separation. There is no need to go back in time to explore the reasons for this separation. We could come away even more confused and discouraged by seeing the state of mind that prevailed at that time in the hearts of those who had embarked on this path of separation.
Dear friends and students,
For more than twenty years, UBIS has offered free online courses designed to provide readers with first-hand experience with the teachings of The Urantia Book.
Our approach is simple. You study the suggested readings based on your chosen course topic, answer the suggested questions, and then share your answers with each other. Classes are led by trained volunteers. You can participate in the class at any time of the day or week, on your own schedule. Plan on a minimum of three to five hours per week.
September term courses and calendar
Registration begins Monday, September 11
Classes start September 18th
The Ministry of the Master course offers insightful means, knowledge and ways to better minister to those who believe or do not believe in God, and shed light on their belief.
Begin your journey toward successful Fifth Epochal Revelation outreach ministry by visiting:
and be one of those
Sunday September 17, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Divine Fatherhood and Morontia Life
by Conrad Lavallée, Quebec
Reflection, firstly, on the experiential transformations and profound spiritual impacts that result from the recognition of divine Paternity. Secondly, the presenter will draw attention to interesting changes that will characterize our way of life following our arrival in the world of houses. He intends to establish a certain contrast between this new life and our current life.
Zoom: 84089032657
Sunday October 22, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
At the theater of time
by Sophie Malicot, France
Samuel Heine
Reunion Island
The greatest psychologist or psychotherapist of all time is once again Jesus (Smile).
Jesus was what he said, his message is what he is, and it is what he encourages us to be: “discover who we really are and access our conscious eternity”.
I think there are mainly two obstacles that prevent us from taking on the only challenge that is really worthwhile in a short life: either we are not yet ready and we will have to wait for maturity or a liberating inner crisis, or we do not read carefully enough and we do not put it into practice.
In all cases, our adjuster continues to point us in the right direction.
Robert Cadieux
The annual AUQ picnic to celebrate the birthday of Jesus 2029 years ago, August 21, took place on a superb, warm, sunny day, as usual at Mount Royal Park in Montreal, Sunday August 20. The location is ideal, under the tall trees and very close to Beaver Lake.
How I would like 30 - 40 - 50 of us to gather there to see each other in person, to fraternize by discussing the spirit that inhabits us and the revelation that brings us together and makes our hearts vibrate. We have this feeling of being a core of human brothers and sisters who are living the start of the next great religious adventure of humanity, precursor of what will be the religious future of our world on the way to the dawn of the great adventure of the eras of light and life. To get there, humanity must tend towards the triune unity, that is to say: a world government, a common language and a personal religion adopted by all, the religion that Jesus came to teach us, the religion of personal spiritual experience [UB 155:6.8]. Jesus came to reveal the Father to us and lead us to the Father [UB 165:3.8].
Claude Flibotte
Dr William S Sadler MD
The composition of this text is based on the book “The Urantia Book Workbooks, volume III” by Dr. William S. Sadler, MD.
After reading this book by Dr. Sadler, I found it so interesting that I first decided to translate it into French, and secondly to share with you these pearls of knowledge and wisdom! In fact, it is more of a translation than a composition, because my contribution is limited to the text under each subtitle.
Claude Flibotte
Based on the revelations contained in The Urantia Book, it is possible to formulate certain hypotheses about the destiny of evolutionary beings similar to us populating the myriad of planets of the seven superuniverses. Taking into account the finality of perfection reached during each of the ages of the universe, it becomes possible, by following a certain logic and a bit of clairvoyance, to identify what we will become during these ages so far away!
Absolute Level Reality
In order to properly situate each of the levels of reality and their possibilities of progression, let us begin with the highest and most real, because it is from all eternity. At this level of existence, there are only three personalities, namely the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. They are the only persons possessing as attributes absoluteness, existentiality, eternity and infinity. These are the three personal expressions of the I AM constituting, by the union of their divinity in the Paradise Trinity, the absolute totality of the Deity. All possible realities are existent in spirit at this level. These three absolute deities know the perfection of virtues both pre-existent and post-experiential.
Here is a fun game concocted by our friend André Pominville. It is a grid to complete entirely devoted to terms used in The Urantia Book. The letters are shared when the words cross.
The solution to this grid can be found on the following page.
Good luck, and have fun!
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to exchange and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications to the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important approach allows us to keep a broad point of view on the concepts of truth. You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
The team of your opinion journal Réflectivité would like to give you a voice, so please send us your texts and photos!
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Region: Montreal
Mondays, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Diane Labrecque (514) 774-7733
Group: “Découverte”
Region: Montérégie (Boucherville)
Mondays, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Group: “Uni-Earth”
Region: Joliette
Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Eric Martel (450) 756-9387
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Group : “Le Pont”
Region: Montérégie (Sainte-Julie)
Wednesdays, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Claude Flibotte (438) 404-6399
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Sherbrooke Group
Region: Sherbrooke
Every 2 weeks: Tuesday or Wednesday, (to be confirmed) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Helene Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle
Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Study and sharing group: “La chapelle-Maisonnia”
Region: Quebec
Sundays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud
(418) 871-4564
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
Group: “Urantian Universalists”
Every Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Eastern Time (Montreal)
Responsible: Claude Flibotte (438) 404-6399
Subject: Appendices of W. S. Sadler Jr.
Zoom virtual group. (Find out more)
We would like to get to know you! Study group facilitator, do not hesitate to send us your text and a photo of the group!
To see the official list of study groups in Quebec and elsewhere in the world:
Click directly on the following link: http://urantia-quebec.ca/activites_liste_des_groupes.php
For even more Urantian reading in French, you can follow this link: http://lien.urantia.fr
Responsible: | Claude Flibotte, editor-in-chief |
Assisted by: | Robert Cadieux, proofreader Gilles Bertrand, printing and shipping |
(438) 404-6399 Claude Flibotte
(514) 237-3616 Robert Cadieux
(418) 871-4564 Gilles Bertrand
Monthly publication:
Published on the first day of each month.
To submit your articles:
Send them to: c_flibotte@videotron.ca
Add: your name, city of residence, a photo of you, thank you!
Warning :
Any submission of articles or other becomes the property of the Journal Réflectivité and none will be returned.
We do not guarantee that all articles in our possession will be published in the next Réflectivité Journal.
The opinions expressed by the various participants and presenters are personal and do not reflect any policy or ideology of the Journal Réflectivité.
Here is the solution to the grid on the previous page.
Congratulations to everyone who tried to test their knowledge!