© 2014 Simon Orsini
© 2014 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Is it possible for man to understand a place, which would have a position in space but, without time, without space, and no presence at the level of space-time?
According to Darwin, life was born in the sea, I agree on the principle of research, but obviously not on the evolution of species. I am convinced that everything is organized, there are several unknowns, so that our life can take place in total freedom. Darwin described facts observed by analysis and comparison, in his theory, he favors chance. For his theory to be true, an airbus would have to appear ready to operate in space, without cause, as if by magic. There is something to think about the question. How could plasma have developed to give birth to two different versions of species, since they need each other to procreate, how was thought, which is outside of matter, born. The answer is quite simple, there is a Creator.
Marine life has progressed thanks to the programming of DNA. All known species have DNA with one exception. Each living being has its own genetic program, the living being is defined as a molecular being that does chemistry without knowing it. DNA allows information to be coded, RNA molecules transcribe it, when the protein is synthesized $l’information est définitivement transcrite en séquences d’acides aminés. C’est l’ ADN qui a contrôlé l’évolution et donné aux espèces le pouvoir de s’adapter et non pas les circonstances matérielles ,qui ont permis à l’ to be built. Molecular biology does not answer this question: what is the origin of the information that codes DNA?
Look at the birds, the first born came out of a snake’s egg, it’s a known fact, its DNA had to be programmed.
When a living cell is injured, it is able to produce certain chemical substances that have the power to stimulate and activate neighboring normal cells, so that they immediately begin to secrete other substances that facilitate the healing processes of the injury. At the same time, the intact normal cells begin to proliferate, effectively setting to work to create new cells to replace similar cells destroyed in the accident.
When scientists know more about these healing chemicals, they will be able to better control certain serious diseases.
I would like to tell you a few words about Our Universal Father, even if He is eternal and infinite. Our heavenly Father is a person, a person who made our presence in this world possible. To come into contact with Him there is no need to be part of a community, but if we find ourselves in osmosis there then we should not hesitate. We have the possibility of having a direct link with Him; we only have to speak to Him as if He were in front of us. In reality, you can be sure that He is there.
With a few exceptions, the world’s religions are all behind civilization. Religion is the revelation to man of his eternal destiny; religion is a purely personal and spiritual experience. It is no more possible to maintain a sustainable social system without moral realities, based on spiritual realities, than it is to maintain a solar system without gravitation. In the confusion over the origin of men, let us not lose sight of their eternal destiny.
Some of the superior thinkers in the scientific world have ceased to have an entirely materialistic philosophy, but the common people still lean in this direction as a result of previous teachings. Materialism reduces man to the state of an automaton, without a soul, and makes him simply an arithmetical symbol. But where does this immense universe of mathematics come from without a master mathematician? Twenty centuries ago, uneducated Galileans looked at Jesus giving his life as a spiritual contribution to the inner experience of men and then they turned the whole Roman empire upside down.
Music expresses the cadence of emotions, religion is the spiritual rhythm of the soul. In language, the alphabet represents the mechanism of materialism, while lyrics express the meaning of a thousand thoughts, of love, hate, cowardice, courage, sincerity and righteousness.
Men should not teach spiritual values to the sound of medieval trumpets. Man must not become a slave to religion. Religion must be a living faith (everyday life). Religion is at the service of man, man is at the service of God and certainly not of religion, but be careful not to let yourself be trapped by unbelieving lay people. Everyone must stay in their place. To the laity, material responsibilities. To religions, to make known the Universal Father to whom we owe life, the choice of values, with survival at the end of the road.
On Earth, meaning is something that experience adds to value it is the consciousness of appreciation. Theology explains religion, too much theology kills religion, it becomes a doctrine instead of a way of life.
When we have finished our time here below, when we have completed our earthly journey in our temporal and temporary form, when we have finished our journey of trials in the flesh, when the dust which makes up the mortal tabernacle has returned to the earth, then according to revelation, the spirit which inhabits us, this fragment which does not yet belong to us by right of possession, but which has been intentionally prepared for us, will wisely await our victory over ourselves.
Let us not forget that the earth on which we walk was once alive. Finally, all the efforts we make on this earth to progress in our personal quest towards God, will be as much knowledge and resolutions that we will no longer have to make. Collective work, or individual work are complementary because they both bring, a progression in personal faith, a heightened understanding of ideas and ideals, an ever more motivating discovery, individual stability, a high level of consciousness, a shell against trials and support against isolation. The level of understanding harmonizes actions, creates the tension necessary to make the resolutions confirmed by actions bear fruit. Faith is not only a level of belief, but also a direct link with our creator, an authentic lineage, the foundation on which our future evolution will be built. I take this opportunity to give my opinion to people interested in the existence of God on our future after the cessation of earthly existence, on our future organic reconstruction, with new materials. All the information necessary for these achievements is contained in the soul, the only reality, both material and spiritual. Here is this information: the self, identity, memory, personality, degree of fraternity.
To solve certain problems, it is better to privilege our self rather than our ego. In the human organism the sum of the parts constitutes the ego (individuality). In the study of the ego the physical systems are subordinate, the intellectual systems are coordinated the personality is super ordered.
The self has more depth and balance. Happiness and joy are perceived from within, understanding implies that the sensory impressions have been recognized and the associated mnemonic formulas have been interpreted.
The ego depends on decisions. If they are not in line with values, then there is a risk of dependence through a loss of will.
In the self there are: consciousness, subconscious, superconscious.
They can only be understood through personality. Personality is given by our Heavenly Father. It allows us to have access to the super conscious, we can analyze, project our thoughts into the future or the past. Personality unifies all factors in their relationships with time and space. In the concept of the ego life comes first, evaluation, interpretation come next, a child begins by living and later reflects on his life, to construct a philosophy of the universe exclusively on materialism is to ignore the fact that all material things are initially conceived as real in the experience of human consciousness, the observer cannot be the thing observed.
Personality gives us the ability to express ourselves in a universal framework rather than in a linear view of events. We must consider personality as a higher function, a super-ego, it unfolds in three directions:
An animal does not know that it inhabits space-time, the only possibility offered to it is to discover things through experience, the animal possesses a physiological coordination of sensations associated with memory, but it does not recognize a sensation having a meaning for it.
The philosophy of matter in motion is the wisdom of its organization. If man were mechanical, he would never succeed in reaching levels higher than the material context (intuition, bravery, feelings, righteousness and sincerity, the arts, music, inspiration, all these things which cannot be put into an equation).
Scientists would tend to deny that a butterfly could emerge from a caterpillar if they did not see this metamorphosis with their own eyes. There had to be a physical stability associated with biological elasticity, to combine units of matter at once so stable and so efficiently flexible. The ability to discern and discover thought in the mechanisms of the universe depends entirely on the faculties, the amplitude and the capacities of the investigative thought occupied in observing the macrocosm and the microcosm.
The higher the thought, the more difficult it is for human mental types to discover it. Infinite thought has infinite intelligence, if we are saved, we will progress in eternity, for billions of years, but the distance remaining to be covered will nevertheless always be the same, whatever the time elapsed, the path traveled. Humans have five senses, I think that some of us, more spiritually evolved, have seven. The sixth sense in thought, the seventh by faith, the Spirit of Truth which dwells in us.
The form, the aspect of the personality of a human being is that of an archetype. It involves a device of energies which, added together, of life and movement, represents the mechanism of man’s existence. In our material world we think of a body as having a spirit. In the spiritual world we consider the spirit as having a body. The spirit is the architect, thought is the builder, the body is the material building. Thought dominates matter, but is dominated by the spirit, only the thought which freely submits to the spirit can hope to survive mortal existence in space-time. Let us not forget the values of our heritage, the river of truth flowing through the centuries.
(to be continued)