The central island is geographically divided into three areas of activity: 1. Upper Paradise. 2. Peripheral Paradise. 3. Lower Paradise. UB 11:2.4-7
The divine plan for attaining perfection embraces three universal adventures, three unique yet wonderfully related enterprises:
The Plan of Progressive Attainment. This is the Universal Father’s plan for ascension through evolution.
The bestowal plan. The next universal plan is the great enterprise of the Eternal Son and his co-ordinate Sons to reveal the Father.
The Plan of the Ministry of Mercy. When the plan of consummation and the plan of bestowal had been formulated and proclaimed, the Infinite Spirit, alone and of itself, planned and implemented the tremendous universal enterprise of the ministry of mercy. P 85.4 to 85.7. The first act of Deity creation of the Infinite Spirit, functioning apart from the Trinity but in some form of unrevealed association with the Father and the Son, became personalized in the existence of the seven Paradise Master Spirits, the distributors of the Infinite Spirit to the universes. UB 9:8.2
The six concentric ellipses of the Master Universe are:
The Central Universe-Havona.
The Seven Superuniverses.
The First Level of Exterior Space.
The Second Level of Exterior Space.
The Third Level of Outer Space.
The Fourth and Final Level of Outer Space. UB 12:1.4-9
Personality in creatures of the finite type is characterized by:
Subjective self-awareness.
The objective reaction to the Father’s personality circuit. UB 9:8.7-8
Outside of Havona, the First Source and Center operates as follows in the phenomenal universes:
As creator, through the Creator Sons, his grandsons.
As controller, through the center of gravity of Paradise.
As spirit, through the Eternal Son.
As mental, by the Conjoint Creator.
As Father, she maintains parental contact with all creatures through her personality circuit.
As a person, she acts directly in all creation through her exclusive fragments in men through the Thought Adjusters.
As total Deity, she acts only in the Paradise Trinity. UB 10:3.10-16
For Urantia, the Satania Life Carriers had planned a sodium chloride life pattern. The Urantia type of protoplasm can function only in a suitably salty solution. All ancestral life—plant and animal—evolved in a salt solution habitat. UB 58:1.3
In the grand universe, your world Urantia is numbered 5,342,482,337,666. This is its registration number on Uversa and Paradise, your number in the catalog of inhabited worlds. UB 15:14.8
Adam lived 530 years; he died of what may be called old age. Eve had died nineteen years previously of a weakness of the heart. P 852 — §4
Medians can be considered the first group of permanent inhabitants. UB 77:9.1
At the ordination, on January 12, in the year 27, for his blessing, the Master then placed his hands on the head of each apostle, beginning with Judas Iscariot and ending with Andrew. After having blessed them, he stretched out his hands and prayed to his Father: UB 140:2.1
John the Baptist was executed, by order of Herod Antipas, on the evening of January 10, year 28. UB 144:9.1
Little did the Roman governor, overcome with fear, imagine that at that very moment the universe was standing at attention, gazing upon the unique spectacle of its beloved Sovereign thus humiliated, and enduring the taunts and blows of its debased and ignorant mortal subjects. While Pilate was speaking, the phrase, “Behold, God and man!” rang out throughout Nebadon. Since then, in an entire universe, myriads of creatures have continued to gaze upon this man, while the God of Havona, supreme ruler of the universe of universes, accepts the man of Nazareth as fulfilling the ideal of the mortal creatures of this local universe of time and space. UB 186:2.11
Pilate’s wife was named Claudia Procula. She played an important role in spreading the good news after Pilate’s death. P 1981.9 . She later became a full-fledged believer in the gospel of Jesus. UB 185:2.6
After Jesus fell on the road to Golgotha, it was Simon of Cyrene who carried the crossbar to the end of the road. Simon of Cyrene became a courageous believer in the gospel of the kingdom and, upon his return home, he brought his family into the heavenly kingdom. His two sons, Alexander and Rufus, were very effective in teaching the new gospel in Africa. But Simon never knew that Jesus, whose burden he had carried, and the Jewish tutor who had once rescued his wounded son, were the same person. UB 187:1.10
It was just before three o’clock (on this Friday of the year 30), that Jesus, with a loud voice, cried out: “It is finished! Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Having thus spoken, he bowed his head and gave up the struggle for life. P 2011.1. Thus ended a day of tragedy and sorrow for a vast universe whose myriad intelligences had shuddered at the shocking spectacle of the crucifixion of the incarnate human form of their beloved Sovereign; they were stunned by this exhibition of human perversity and mortal insensitivity. UB 187:6.3
On other nearby inhabited planets, Urantia is called the “World of the Cross” UB 188:4.1
After the crucifixion of her son and after Passover, Mary returned to Bethsaida where she lived with John for the rest of her earthly life. She survived the death of Jesus by barely a year.