The life purpose must be jealously guarded from the temptation to seek for easy and transient attainment; likewise must it be so fostered as to become immune to the disastrous threats of fanaticism. [1]
Doctrinal fetish will lead mortal man to betray himself into the clutches of bigotry, fanaticism, superstition, intolerance, and the most atrocious of barbarous cruelties. [2] Overmuch sympathy and pity may degenerate into serious emotional instability; that enthusiasm may drive on into fanaticism. [3] Strong spiritual faith so many times leads directly to disastrous fanaticism, to exaggeration of the religious ego. [4] We must prevent religious fanaticism by scientific mental attitude. [5]
Spiritual revelation often so blinds the creature as to precipitate a convulsion of fanaticism or to initiate some other intellectual upheaval which results disastrously. [6]