Times of great testing and threatened defeat are always times of great revelation. [1] It is always difficult to induce evolutionary minds suddenly to accept advanced revealed truth. [2] Assurance of revelation is based on faith plus experience in revelation. [3] Revealed religion is concerned with eternal realities, survival of personality, attainment of Deity. [4]
Science, knowledge, leads to fact consciousness; religion, experience, leads to value consciousness; philosophy, wisdom, leads to co-ordinate consciousness; revelation, the substitute for morontia mota, leads to the consciousness of true reality. [5] Divine Counselors are highest source of revelation on evolutionary worlds. [6]
Evolutionary religion creates its gods in the image and likeness of mortal man; revelatory religion seeks to evolve and transform mortal man into the image and likeness of God. [7] God reveals himself to extent divinely possible. [8] The human race very early sought for superhuman help, for revelation; and men believed that the shaman actually received such revelations. [9] Only with revealed religion did autocratic and intolerant theologic egotism appear. [10] The Father does not limit the revelation of truth to any one generation or to any one people. [11] We should not be discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail. [12] Only revealed religion is spiritually moral. [13] Prince’s staff originally sought progression by evolution and not revolution by revelations. [14] Progress dependent on faith and revelations. [15]
Revelatory religion is propounded by the real spiritual world; it is the response of the superintellectual cosmos to the mortal hunger to believe in, and depend upon, the universal Deities. [16] Eternal truth should not be slighted because it chances to be found in company with obsolete ideas regarding the material world. [17] Sometimes error so great that rectification by revelations would be fatal to slowly emerging truths. [18] Without celestial help, society breaks down. [19]
Revelatory religion is excellent as well as genuine. [20]
All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true. [21]
Affirms First Cause of science and religion’s God of salvation are same Deity. [22] Religions of revelation allure men to seek for a God of love because they crave to become like him. [23] Revelation brought the idea of personality of God. [24] Revelation is a compensation for the frailties of evolving philosophy. [25] Personally revealed religions are especially concerned with expansion of truth. [26] Religious revelation is essential to the realization of brotherhood on Urantia. [27] The proof that revelation is revelation is it answers how God works out his will. [28] Revelation harmonizes partial approaches to reality. [29]
Science leads to a First Cause, religious faith transform it into a God of salvation; and revelation is further required for the validation of such a faith, such spiritual insight. [30] Revelation is the only technique which can compensate for the absence of the truth sensitivity of mota in a material world. [31]
Revelation portrays teachings which are not too far removed from the thought and reactions of the age in which they are presented, always keeping in touch with evolution. [32] Revelation portrays the eternal brotherhood; tends to make man Godlike. [33] Presents cosmic data so as to illuminate spiritual teachings. [34] Periodic revelations of truth punctuate the otherwise slow-moving course of planetary evolution. [35] Recognizes the duty demands of ethical obligation which had been created and fostered by preceding evolutionary religion. [36]
Revelation is a technique whereby ages upon ages of time are saved in the necessary work of sorting and sifting the errors of evolution from the truths of spirit acquirement. [37]
Synthesizes the apparently divergent sciences of nature and the theology into a consistent and logical universe philosophy, a co-ordinated and unbroken explanation of both science and religion, thus creating a harmony. [38] Revelations are of immense value in that they at least transiently clarify knowledge. [39] Unifies history, geology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, and psychology. [40]
The language in which revelation is made represents a limitation. [41] The isolation of Urantia renders it impossible to undertake the presentation of many details of the life and environment of our Satania neighbors. [42] The laws of revelation proscripts the impartation of unearned or premature knowledge. [43]
The revelation of truth is very rigorously limited by the instructions of superiors of revelators. They are not at liberty to anticipate the scientific discoveries of a thousand years. [44] Revelation can be limited by many restrictions. [45] Sometimes distortions of language are best efforts at contact-compromise with human minds. [46] Limitations are imposed by mandate. [47] Revelation must submit to graduated control of evolution. [48] A new revelation is always contaminated by the older evolutionary beliefs. [49] No revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete. [50] Revelations are not necessarily inspired. [51] They may resort to pure revelation only when the concept of presentation has had no adequate previous expression by the human mind. [52]
Until now there has been five epochal revelations.
Jesus did not precipitate confusion to apostles by the presentation of truth too far beyond their capacity to comprehend. [53] Melchizedek taught his followers all they had capacity to receive and assimilate. [54]
The weakness of Ikhnaton’s doctrine lay in the fact that he proposed such an advanced religion that only the educated Egyptians could fully comprehend his teachings. [55]
The Dalamatia teachers knew better than to rob mankind of these few advances by the confusion and dismay which always result when enlightened and superior beings undertake to uplift the backward races by overteaching and overenlightenment. [56] It is best that man not have an overrevelation; it stifles imagination. [57] Personal revelations. 23rd Psalm was whispered to shepherd boy. [58]
Indirectly and unrecognized the Adjuster is constantly communicating with his human subject, especially during those sublime experiences of the worshipful contact of mind with spirit in the superconsciousness. [59] Adjuster’s direct voice may be heard in supreme decision. [60]
The evolution of the religious capacity of receptivity in the inhabitants of a world largely determines their rate of spiritual advancement and the extent of religious revelation. [61] Certain wise men of earth knew of Michael’s impending arrival. [62] Cosmic mind endowments of causation, duty, and worship produce a recognition of the reality by a cosmic technique of self-revelation. [63]
Religious persons must not regard every vivid psychologic presentiment and every intense emotional experience as a divine revelation or a spiritual communication. [64]
The religions of men grow up over long periods of time, while the revelations of God flash upon earth in the lives of the men who reveal God to their fellows. [65] God answers man’s prayer by giving him an increased revelation of truth, an enhanced appreciation of beauty, and an augmented concept of goodness. [66] God unfailingly manifests himself to fullness of creature’s capacity. [67] Human experience is continuous revelations. [68] Hunger for truth is a revelations. [69]
Jesus only told Nalda one thing about herself, but his look into her eyes and the manner of his dealing with her brought all of her checkered life in panoramic review so that she associated this self-revelation with the words of the Master. [70]
This spiritual revelation often so blinds the creature as to precipitate a convulsion of fanaticism or to initiate some other intellectual upheaval which results disastrously. [71] We should obey divine leadings. [72] In many a revelation “the word was spoken by angels”; many of the mandates of heaven have been “received by the ministry of angels”. [73]
See also: UB 30:0.2.