On Edentia, there are ten divisions of material orders of life, providing tremendous possibilities for biologic beautification of the landscape and structures. [1] Human life is abundant evidence of intelligent planning, indicating that organic evolution is not a mere cosmic accident. [2] Life accretes on planets in proper relation to sun best for habitation. [3]
The antidotal complements of life currents from the tree of life sustained the personal immortality of the Caligastia one hundred until their rebellion severed their connection. [4] Life is designed and brought to inhabited planets by the Life Carriers according to plans formulated by the Architects of Being. [5]
Life is characterized by twelve distinct and divine concepts of transmissible life, with 48 human trait determiners and 24 pattern units determining the highest form of life reproduction on planets. [6] Life circuits reorganized the Prince’s staff, creating a new order of mortal beings with superior physical, intellectual, and spiritual qualities. [7]
Ancients of Days involved in the mysterious initiation of life on new worlds. [8]
Life, characterized by mind and the ability to reproduce, is initiated by the Spirit and organized by Life Carriers, with the Universe Spirit imparting reproductive powers to living organisms. [9]
The Creator Son's proclamation for projection of life sparks a cosmic chain reaction culminating in the emergence of the Divine Minister as the personal creative associate of the Creator Son in the newly organized universe. [10]
Life Carriers initiate the divine energy that pervades creation, enabling the evolution of physical capacity for mind and the development of intelligent life. [11] Life is a divine gift from the Mother Spirit, activating and vitalizing all living beings in the universe. [12]
Life evolves through the production of mind and spirit on three distinct levels: physical-energy, mind ministry of adjutant spirits, and spirit endowment of mortal mind. [13] Master Spirits and Life Carriers collaborate to initiate and develop material life capacities for intelligent reactions in organisms. [14]
Master Physical Controllers, Seven Master Spirits, and Life Carriers work together to create premind life with the capacity for intelligent reaction to external and internal stimuli. [15] The creation of life is the prerogative of God; scientists can never create living organisms. [16] Life is a process of organized patterns, material organizations, and supermaterial forces working together for existence and evolution. [17] The vital spark from Mother Spirit is bestowed through Life Carriers, transforming inert material into living matter. [18]
Life varies greatly on each evolutionary planet, even within a single family of worlds, due to the constant efforts of Life Carriers to enhance and diversify planetary types. [19] The manifold, apparently useless forms of life produced by evolution are essential to the final function of higher intelligent beings. [20]
Life evolves through adaptive processes driven by innate striving for perfection and constant environmental adjustments, as seen in the development of vital evolutionary techniques like the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen, demonstrating the ongoing complexity and adaptability of living organisms. [21]
Life Carriers can organize material forms of living beings, but the spark of life and mind endowment come from the Spirit, while reproductive powers are endowed by the Universe Spirit. [22]
Life, fully resistant to short space rays, is established in the essential environment of space energy conditions, unaffected by the vast cosmic chemical laboratories. [23] Life possesses an inherent capacity to mobilize and transmute universal energy. [24] The study of life evolution on Sphere Number Four reveals the essential role of lower forms in the grand design of intelligent species. [25]
Missing links in evolution never existed between the great divisions of the animal kingdom, as radically new species of animal life arise suddenly and without gradual accumulation of small variations. [26] Life does not spontaneously appear in the universes; the Life Carriers must initiate it on the barren planets, as life springs only from life. [27] Only one planet in forty is suitable for life in this superuniverse, with Urantia being among the privileged few. [28] Over one million cosmic chemical formulas shape the essence and diversity of life manifestations. [29] Life on different planets shows planetary variations, making each evolutionary world unique and distinct in its own way. [30]
Life given by the Life Carriers to plants and animals does not return to them upon death; instead, it evolves as part of the cosmic forces, not as individual life. [31]
The bestowal of life and personality grants material-energy systems the ability to perpetuate, propagate, adapt, determine, evolve, and identify with a fusion spirit of Deity. [32]
Life on decimal planets, like Urantia, is a result of established life-modification techniques implemented by Life Carriers in accordance with carefully planned and executed experiments designed to improve standard universe life designs. [33] Urantia is an ideal situation for life in your solar system. [34]
Life was implanted by Life Carriers on 3 sites 550 million years ago, leading to the origin of planetary life on Urantia, with mankind's ancestors evolving from the slime and ooze of ancient seas. [35]
Man evolved from the higher mammals due to the western implantation of life in ancient east-west sheltered seas, with the eastern focus failing to reach human potentialities. [36] Through ingenious methods of salt disposal and conservation, marine life evolved to survive the changing salt levels in the oceans. [37] During the Permian era, life faced great tribulation with thousands of species perishing and only a fraction surviving. [38]
450 million years ago, a gradual transition from primitive vegetable forms to well-defined animal organisms occurred in the shallow waters of tropic bays, with transitional slime molds persisting today. [39]
The six essentials for a fulfilling life include good health, clear thinking, skill, wealth, resilience, and education. [40] Life is the animation of pattern-configured energy, separate from force-energy that responds to gravity. [41] Life is the result of Universal Mind's action, adapting cosmic causation to universe situations and progressing towards God-consciousness. [42] Life is a domain characterized by numbers 3, 7, and 12, with twelve distinct divine concepts of transmissible life originally. [43] The foundation of universes is material, but the essence of life is spirit. [44] Living things exhibit an innate striving for perfection through continuous efforts towards environmental adaptation and increased life realization. [45] The Universal Father bestows life through his Sons, who are the personal expressions of himself in the evolving universes of space. [46] The eternal, unchanging nature of the Universal Father is manifested in his self-sustaining life and eternal presence throughout the universe. [47] Life, sourced from the Father through the Son by the Spirit, remains a mystery in its elaboration on evolutionary planets. [48] In God we live, move, and have our being; His divine spirit is concealed in the mind of every mortal child. [49] There is inherent joy in promoting reactions of joy among the various orders of angelic hosts and lower will creatures. [50] Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, leading all to the Father. [51] In Christ, old life is transformed, unified, and made new. [52] Master Spirits channel life to creation through the river of life poured out upon all creation from the Father through the Son and by the Spirit. [53] Life is ministered and maintained through Mother Spirits in partnership with the Creator Son and Creative Spirit. [54]
Life never fails to develop cosmic mind intuitions of causation, duty, and worship, responding on three levels of universe reality, innate in the cosmic mind of all will creatures. [55] Life is not gravity responsive, as it is the animation of a pattern-configured system of energy. [56]
Life is the process of individual effort and actual living, a dynamic interaction between organism and environment, leading to the acquisition of bona fide personality possession. [57] The evolving personality's survival depends on transferring identity from material body to immortal soul through sincere, God-seeking decisions. [58]
Life is the adaptation of cosmic causation to universe situations, activated by the Universal Mind and the spirit spark of God, with its meaning found in adaptability and its value in progress towards God-consciousness. [59] About the concept of “bread of life” see link below. About the concept "water of life" see link below.
Life on evolutionary worlds, even the most ideal, is always attended by struggle, effort, and decision for the acquirement of survival values. [60]
Self-control in early evolutionary religion taught the art of augmenting life's fraction by lowering personal demands, a worth-while advancement in social evolution. [61] Believers unafraid of life endure suffering bravely, knowing salvation awaits. [62] Life, beset by inevitabilities, shapes man's character through hardships and uncertainties, guiding him towards divine ideals and selflessness. [63] The confusion of months and years distorts the recording of ages, leading to exaggerated accounts of long-lived individuals. [64]
During overpopulation, human life is devalued and the worst traits of human nature are exposed; improving land yield, advancing technology, and decreasing population can nurture the better side of humanity. [65]
Mortal life on Urantia is the first link in an unbroken chain through eternal ages, where the experience of living is more important than what is learned. [66] The full summation of human life is education from fact, wisdom's ennoblement, and justification through religious faith. [67] The great problem of life is reconciling flesh with spirit, serving two masters while striving for spiritual allegiance. [68] The paradox of saving one's life and losing it can only be resolved in the eternal, where selfless sacrifice leads to true abundance in life. [69]
The long lifespan of the early descendants of Prince's staff, the Adamites, was gradually reduced over generations, as evidenced by the reigns of the Sumerian kings stretching back several thousand years. [70]
The two major problems in life are earning a living and achieving eternal survival, both highly personal and requiring a balance between temporal and spiritual goals. [71] Life is not about what we learn, but the experience of living and the way in which we do our work on this first link in the chain of mortal existence. [72]
Our real life begins after mortal life, as we ascend the evolutionary planets towards our ultimate goal of eternal unity with our divine Thought Adjuster. [73] Primitive Urantians, living lives of peril and constant dread, struggled for existence, with luck playing a key role in their existence. [74]
About the purpose of life see link to “goals”.
Life on this highly cultured world is refreshingly simple, as individuals and groups excel in competitive play, humor, science, philosophy, literature, oratory, and language, achieving an inspiring intellectual and spiritual attainment. [75] Life is short and intense; do your day's work well, for when your earthly journey is complete, your spirit will return to God. [76] Learning to love others as brothers and sisters is the supreme experience of life. [77]
Life, a phenomenon that transcends material levels of nature by exhibiting control attributes of mind and creative qualities of spirit, is inherently superscientific. [78]
Try to live long on earth, dedicating your life to demonstrate the combined human affection and divine dignity of a God-knowing and Son-believing disciple. [79] Life is uncertain for mortals of the probationary-dependent orders of ascension. [80]
A victorious life is born of faith that challenges limitations, declaring the ability to overcome any obstacles with the strength of the Father-Absolute. [81]
About the mortal life of Jesus, see link below.
Jesus came to give us abundant life, revealing the Father's supreme wisdom through living it and offering deliverance from bondage and salvation to all. [82] Jesus exemplified humility, choosing to live his human life in the natural flow, an example for all to follow. [83]