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10 orders of life on architectural spheres. [1] Abundant evidence of intelligent planning. [2] Accretion worlds in proper relation to sun best for. [3] Antidotal complements of life currents for Prince’s staff in tree of life. [4] Appears on planets by importation or through Life Carriers. [5]
24 pattern units; 48 human trait determiners. [6] Of Prince’s staff reorganized by life circuits. [7]
Ancients of Days involved in. [8] Attributes are mind, ability to reproduce. [9] Creator Son’s proclamation for projection of. [10] Life Carriers initiate. [11] Life is gift of Mother Spirit. [12] Life produced on 3 distinct levels of matter, mind, and spirit. [13] Master Spirits influence initiating work of Life Carriers. [14] Premind life formulated by Master Physical Controllers, Seven Master Spirits, and Life Carriers. [15] Prerogative of God; scientists can never create. [16] Process. [17] Vital spark from Mother Spirit bestowed through Life Carriers. [18]
Differs on each planet. [19] Evolution produces apparently useless forms. [20] Evolutionary techniques. [21] Experimental life is devoid of mind endowment and reproductive powers. [22] Fully resistant to short space rays. [23] Inherent capacity for transmutation of energy. [24] Lower forms of life often antagonistic to mortals. [25] Missing links in evolution never existed. [26] Not inherent in matter; life springs only from life. [27]
Establishment. [28] Ideal situation for life. [29] Implanted by Life Carriers on 3 sites 550 million years ago. [30] Man evolved from western implantation. [31] Methods of salt disposal or conservation. [32] Thousands of species perished in Permian. [33] Transition from vegetable to animal life. [34]
Only 1 planet in 40 suitable for life. [35] Over 1,000,000 cosmic chemical formulas for. [36] Planetary variations. [37] Plants, animals do not individually survive death. [38] Renders material-energy systems capable of self-perpetuation, self-propagation, and self-adaptation. [39]
6 essentials. [40] Animation of pattern-configured energy. [41] Bread of life. Comes into being by action of Universal Mind. [42] Domain characterized by numbers 3, 7, and 12. [43] Essence is spirit. [44] Evidences innate striving for perfection. [45] Father bestows life through his Sons. [46] Father has life in himself. [47] Flows from Father through the Son by the Spirit. [48] In God we live and move and have our being. [49] Inherent joy in. [50] Jesus is life. [51] Jesus unifies life. [52] Master Spirits channel life to creation. [53] Ministered and maintained through Mother Spirits. [54] Never fails to develop cosmic mind intuitions of causation, duty, and worship. [55] Not gravity responsive. [56] Process which takes place between organism and its environment. [57] Unbalanced equilibrium of energies and intellect. [58] Value is progressability to God-consciousness. [59] Water of.
Always attended by struggle. [60] Augment fraction of life by lowering denominator of personal demands. [61] Believers unafraid of. [62] Beset by inevitabilities. [63] Confusion of months and years in recording ages. [64] During periods of overpopulation, human life cheapened. [65] First link in unbroken chain through eternal ages. [66] Full summation of. [67] Great problem is to reconcile flesh with spirit. [68] He who will save his life shall lose it. [69] Jesus came to give us abundant life. [70] Jesus lived life in channel of its natural flowing. [71] Long lifespan of early descendants of Prince’s staff; Adamites. [72] Major life problems are earning a living, surviving. [73] Not what we learn, but the experience of living. [74] Of Jesus. Our real life begins after mortal life. [75] Primitive Urantians struggled for existence. [76] Purpose of l. Refreshingly simple in light and life. [77] Short and intense; day’s work, do it well. [78] Supreme experience of life is learning to love. [79] Transcends material levels of nature. [80] Try to live long on earth. [81] Uncertain. [82] Victorious life born of faith that challenges limitations. [83]