© 2023 André Desjardins
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
André Desjardins
The majority of people on our planet know Adam and Eve and many interpretations are still present today about their coming, their activity and their fate in the Garden of Eden.
The Book of Genesis refers to them as the first humans on our planet and talks about the origin of their creation. Several graphic reproductions showing them naked have been produced, and this allegory is still current today for most people who have an idea of Adam and Eve. This allegory of nudity has become a modern expression indicating a person dressed in an Adam’s costume and an Eve’s outfit.
It would be logical to think that Adam and Eve failed in their mission as Material Son and Daughter of Satania on Urantia, but one must consider the aspect of confusion, disorder, tumult and spiritual quarantine that prevailed on our planet caused by the Lucifer rebellion. The context of their mission proved delicate and the Lucifer rebellion was very present when they arrived on Urantia. The choice of Urantia of our Creator Son Michael for his seventh bestowal on our planet was due in part to the failure of the Adamic couple. (UB 119:7.2) The privilege of our Creator Son to bestow himself on Urantia made our planet a prominent place and a center of interest for the entire local universe of Nebadon.
The Urantia Book fairly depicts the closest reality of the coming to our planet of this Adamic couple; it recalls in depth their creation, their origin, their history, the purpose of their bestowal on our planet, their fault in their mission as biological uplifters and their contribution to the evolution of the planetary human race. This Adamic couple represents one of the most fascinating creations of divine origin from Jerusem imported to our planet Urantia. UB 51:1.6 “These unique and wonderfully useful beings are the connecting links between the spiritual and physical worlds.” The story of the Material Son and Daughter on Urantia begins with the first human-type volitional manifestation by Andon and Fonta, the appearance of the colored races, the subsequent coming of the Planetary Prince Caligastia authorizing their bestowal according to “The Plan of Progressive Attainment” of the Universal Father.
The origin of the first Material Son is an original personalized creation of a Creator Son. The original Material Son of Satania is Adam, and those who go to the system worlds as biologic uplifters always bear the name of this original first Son of their unique order. UB 51:0.1. The Creator Son produces only one pair of these beings in each local system. UB 37:9.9. “When a creative liaison between the Creator Son and the universe representative of the Infinite Spirit, the Universe Mother Spirit, has completed its cycle, when no more offspring of the combined nature are forthcoming, then does the Creator Son personalize in dual form his last concept of being, thus finally confirming his own and original dual origin. In and of himself he then creates the beautiful and superb Sons and Daughters of the material order of universe sonship. This is the origin of the original Adam and Eve of each local system of Nebadon. They are a reproducing order of sonship, being created male and female.” A Creator Son personalizes the original First Adamic Pair of his local universe with the capacity to reproduce Material Sons and Daughters for settlement on the various inhabited planets of his universe.
The personalization of an original Material Son and Material Daughter by a Creator Son of a Local Universe are “his Sons and Daughters of the material order.” These material sons and daughters are dual in constitution; they are immortal morontia in form and possess the physical material properties which can be akin to a human body with all its associated elements and can make themselves visible to material creatures on the planets of their bestowal. Jerusem, the capital of Satania, is the permanent residence of the Material Sons and Daughters, and by their morontia nature they can materialize, bestow, reproduce, and become full citizens of a planet such as Urantia. The materialization of the Material Sons on a planet is not uniform throughout the local universe and is always dependent upon the context in which they manifest. Material Sons once settled on their adopted planet cannot return to Jerusem of their own free will; they must adapt to the surrounding environment as it is current at the time of their materialization and conform to common planetary uses by adopting human characteristics and a language belonging to the world of their effusion.
The nature of the original Adam and Eve of a local universe is immortal, but their Adamic offspring are conditioned by two associated elements upon their bestowal on a planet such as Urantia in order to retain their immortal status:
Uninterrupted intellectual synchronism with the mental gravity circuit of the Spirit. (UB 51:1.5)
A super food from Edentia imported to Urantia by the Most Highs of Norlatiadek at the time of Caligastia’s arrival. (UB 66:4.13)
Neglect of these two essential conditions of their Adamic immortal status demotes them to planetary mortal status. To maintain their physical and material constitution, they must consume energy food produced in their environment like all material creatures on the planet. The diet of Adam and Eve bestowed on Urantia consisted exclusively of vegetarian food.
Until the time of leaving the first garden, Adam and his family had always lived on fruits, grains and nuts. UB 76:3.7
Six important events must occur before the bestowal of Adamic Sons on a planet:
The CV of the Adamic couple bestowed on Urantia demonstrates great expertise in their accomplishments:
“The Melchizedek examiners, with the approval of Lanaforge and the Most Highs of Edentia, finally selected the Adam and Eve who subsequently came to function as the biologic uplifters of Urantia.” After the unanimous approval of the examiners’ selection of Adam and Eve as ideal candidates for their planetary bestowal on Urantia, they were summoned before the System Sovereign Lucifer and his ministry for their final examination and to receive final instructions prior to their departure from Jerusem. (UB 74:1.3)
In the universe of Nebadon the Adams and Eves are regarded as permanent citizens of Jerusem. Owing to their semimaterial constitution, they must undergo a kind of transformation of their materially nontransportable constitution under the direction of the transporting seraphim and be reformed by the Life Carriers into material form according to the type of planet of their bestowal. The cooperation of a Life Carrier is necessary to reestablish the physical form of the Material Son and Daughter in order to make them visible in human form among the hosts prepared to receive them. The material forms of the Material Sons and Daughters vary in size from “eight to ten feet” and are endowed with a blood system comparable to a human blood system, and by their morontia constitution “they are supercharged with divine energy and saturated with celestial light.” (UB 51:1.3) The Material Sons have similar characteristics, but their personality is unique through the gift of the personality of the Paradise Father. The Adamic couple must adapt and acclimatize to the new environment and current events during their planetary mission.
“On a planetary mission the Material Son and Daughter are commissioned to found the Adamic race of that world, a race designed eventually to amalgamate with the mortal inhabitants of that sphere. Planetary Adams are both descending and ascending Sons, but we ordinarily class them as ascending.” (UB 37:9.10)
As a biological uplifter, the Material Son and Daughter are not directly involved in reproducing with the mortal races when they are bestowed upon a planet; that work of procreation is for their pure Adamic blood children to mix with the blood of the native human races. The direct descent of the Adamic offspring contributes to the betterment of the native races on their adopted planet by enhancing their mental capacity, physical constitution, and promoting their spiritual progression. UB 52:3.6 “The result of the gift of the Adamic life plasm to the mortal races is an immediate upstepping of intellectual capacity and an acceleration of spiritual progress. There is usually some physical improvement also.”
The introduction of the violet race imported from Jerusem to Urantia by the Material Sons is considered to be an annexed race to the eight indigenous races established on the planet; it is not considered to have a mortal origin such as the Andonite race, the six colored races, and the Nodite race which later became the eighth race on Urantia. The Adamic race is considered to be the ninth race on Urantia by integrating itself with the eight indigenous races existing on Urantia. UB 76:4.1 “Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia.”
Material Sons do not possess a Thought Adjuster by their divine creation, and it is by bestowal on a material planet that they can receive an Adjuster by actually experiencing a human life such as on Urantia. Material Sons are considered ascending citizens and are destined to live like all mortal inhabitants who are eligible for a Thought Adjuster. UB 31:5.2 “Certain of these Material Sons have partially failed or technically defaulted in their mission as biologic accelerators, as Adam did on Urantia; and then are they compelled to take the natural course of the peoples of the realm, receive Adjusters, pass through death, and progress by faith through the ascendant regime, subsequently attaining Paradise and the Corps of the Finality.”
Andon and Fonta were the first couple to attain human status on Urantia following their moral decision to flee their primitive tribe. This first personal initiative of the primitive twins heralded the appearance of a volitional human-type mind with its prerogatives of choice. Urantia has been recorded as an inhabited planet since this first mental decision of Andon and Fonta confirming them as the first human parents on Urantia who became receptive to the adjutants of Worship and Wisdom. UB 62:7.3 “…This is the first mental decision—of a human-type mind on Urantia”
The seven adjutant mind-spirits of the Divine Minister are present throughout the Nebadonian local universe, however, the adjutants of Worship and Wisdom although also present on Urantia were not fully functional on the Urantia mind type prior to the choice and decision of Andon and Fonta to flee their primitive tribe.
UB 62:6.5 “Imagine our joy one day—the twins were about ten years old—when the spirit of worship made its first contact with the mind of the female twin and shortly thereafter with the male. We knew that something closely akin to human mind was approaching culmination; and when, about a year later, they finally resolved, as a result of meditative thought and purposeful decision, to flee from home and journey north, then did the spirit of wisdom begin to function on Urantia and in these two now recognized human minds.”
Andon and Fonta’s attainment of the adjutant of worship and wisdom forever distinguished them from the animal kingdom by becoming the founders of the human race on Urantia. Since that time, Urantia has been considered an inhabited planet with the volitional quality; other living organisms on the planet will evolve to the animal level by the first five adjutants, but will no longer be able to avail themselves of the faculties of will and choice by this first human couple of primitive origin once they have emerged to the level of the adjutants of worship and wisdom. UB 133:7.6 “When an animal becomes aware of itself, it becomes a primitive man.”
The first moral choice of the twins Andon and Fonta initiated the process of natural human evolution on Urantia before the appearance of the colored races.
“When the Life Carriers operating on a new world have once succeeded in producing a being with will, with the power of moral decision and spiritual choice, then and there their work terminates—they are through; they may manipulate the evolving life no further.” (UB 36:3.8)
The Life Carriers have achieved the goal of bringing forth the will and power of choice manifested in the first human pair on Urantia according to their established plan. Although the Life Carriers are not permitted to interfere with the established human material life pattern, they are permitted to act upon the ambient space, to protect and manipulate the essence of the genetic plasma of the first human pair. (UB 62:7.4) Since Urantia is an experimental planet, the Life Carriers can deviate from the normal process of evolution on a decimal planet and initiate a new form of life manipulation.
The work of the Life Carriers in protecting and manipulating the genetic plasm of the first primitive human pair continued through their direct Andonic lineage giving birth to a second generation of more evolved humans. Among this Andonic stock progeny, a couple of the Badonite tribe suddenly gave birth to a family of children of superior intelligence designated as the ancestors of the six colored races of Urantia.
The Badonite couple gave birth to nineteen children composed of six different colors; Urantia is the first world of Satania where the six colored races are descended from the same human family. UB 64:5.3 “Of these nineteen children, five were red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue and two indigo.”
“On an average evolutionary planet the six evolutionary races of color appear one by one; the red man is the first to evolve, and for ages he roams the world before the succeeding colored races make their appearance. The simultaneous emergence of all six races on Urantia, and in one family, was most unusual.” The six colored Sangik races were added to the Andonic race established on Urantia. (UB 64:6.1)
Andon and Fonta are the true parents of humanity on Urantia. This first primitive human race on Urantia was designated the “Andonite” in honor of the first human Andon, and this first family of nineteen children had their own common language to communicate with each other. UB 63:4.6. “This language became the word of Urantia, the tongue of the early human family, until the later appearance of the colored races.”
Note: It may be interesting to note that the direct offspring of the Andon family included nineteen children, the same number of children of the Badonite couple.
Andon and Fonta had nineteen children in all, and they lived to enjoy the association of almost half a hundred grandchildren and half a dozen great-grandchildren. The family was domiciled in four adjoining rock shelters, or semicaves, three of which were interconnected by hallways which had been excavated in the soft limestone with flint tools devised by Andon’s children. (UB 63:3.2)
The Life Carriers made the necessary arrangements to divide the races into six colors. The different colors of the Sangik races allow for the diversification of the different types of humans according to their aptitudes, their diverse talents and their distinct behaviors conducive to developing their mental capacities and stimulating their creative imagination. Each race had a unique dialect, different customs and habits and tribal traditions according to their hereditary color. UB 52:2.5 Color is the basis of tribal and national groupings, and the different races often develop separate languages. Each expanding group of mortals tends to seek isolation. This segregation is favored by the existence of many languages.”
Initially these six races were intended to be associated with the Andonic language considered to be “the word of Urantia” and spoken by Adam and Eve during their bestowal among the inhabitants of the Garden.
The Caligastia defection destroyed the hope of the world for a universal language, at least for untold ages. (UB 66:5.10)
The extraordinary event of the appearance of the will on Urantia by Andon and Fonta and the sudden birth of the colored Sangik races opens the way for the evolution of humanity on Urantia. This task falls within the domain of the Planetary Prince with his staff of one hundred to prepare for the subsequent bestowal of the violet race of Material Sons. Normally a Planetary Prince bestows himself on his planet as soon as the human will is manifested by the appearance of the colored races.
“Ordinarily, will does not emerge until the colored races have long been in existence, usually first appearing among the superior types of the red man. Your world is the only planet in Satania where the human type of will has appeared in a precolored race.” (UB 65:4.11)
Urantia does not operate normally according to the plans of progressive evolution, it is an experimental planet where the Life Carriers use this laboratory to make experimental variations in the normal evolution process.
“Another outstanding variation of procedure was the late arrival of the Planetary Prince. As a rule, the prince appears on a planet about the time of will development; and if such a plan had been followed, Caligastia might have come to Urantia even during the lifetimes of Andon and Fonta instead of almost five hundred thousand years later, simultaneously with the appearance of the six Sangik races.” (UB 65:4.8)
Upon the appearance of a human-type mind decreed by the Life Carriers, it initiates the normal process according to “The Plan of Progressive Attainment.” The Life Carriers are instructed to formulate a request to the System Sovereign requesting a Planetary Prince for this new inhabited planet. “The System Sovereign delegates the Planetary Prince after being informed by the Life Carriers that the will is functioning, even though relatively few individuals have so developed.” (UB 52:1.8) Urantia was recorded as a world inhabited by the Life Carriers when Andon and Fonta were the first humans on our planet with minds having volitional capacities.
The System Sovereign is one of the primary Lanonandek Sons, supported by one or two Secondary Sons and associated as local system rulers and planetary directors.
“The chief executive of a local system, the System Sovereign, is always supported by two or three Lanonandek Sons, who function as first and second assistants. But at the present time the system of Satania is administered by a staff of seven Lanonandeks:” (UB 45:3.1)
On Urantia Caligastia was the secondary Lanonandek Planetary Prince in charge of planetary administration and Lucifer was the primary Lanonandek System Sovereign and was his superior prior to the system rebellion. This Lanonandek order of creation is descended from the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit and are created to better understand and relate to the evolutionary creatures inhabiting the worlds of time and space. The Lanonandek Sons are of the descending order of sonship originating from Jerusem; they are part of a later and lower order of sonship in divinity. Each local system in a universe is ruled by a System Sovereign and each inhabited planet is ruled by a Planetary Prince.
Lucifer the System Sovereign authorized the coming of Planetary Prince Caligastia to Urantia. The mission of Planetary Prince Caligastia on Urantia was to prepare for the eventual coming of the Material Son and Daughter, to select a site for their bestowal, to set up headquarters, to establish schools to advance the interests and promote the welfare of the human races, assisted by his staff of one hundred Jerusemitic volunteers.
“The Planetary Prince of Urantia was not sent out on his mission alone but was accompanied by the usual corps of assistants and administrative helpers.” (UB 66:2.1)
All new planets inhabited by primitive humans are assigned a planetary leader.
The Prince’s staff is composed of one hundred specialized educators designated as “the hundred of Caligastia” responsible for developing manual skills, competence in commercial relations, and promoting the intellectual and spiritual development of the inhabitants of Urantia following the appearance of the human will.
These one hundred rematerialized members of the Prince’s staff were chosen by Caligastia from over 785,000 ascendant citizens of Jerusem who volunteered for embarkation on the Urantia adventure. Each one of the chosen one hundred was from a different planet, and none of them were from Urantia. (UB 66:2.4)
Caligastia’s selection of the one hundred volunteers represented the best disparate elements of fitness for bestowal on a material planet. This diversity of personalities from Jerusem and originally from different planets of Satania did not possess the physiological and biological attributes required for bestowal among the inhabitants of Urantia.
Like the Material Sons, the bestowal of the one hundred Jerusemitic volunteers from Caligastia on Urantia could not be realized without their undergoing a biological transformation of their semi-material nature by the Life Carriers to acclimate and adjust themselves to a material planet such as Urantia. These volunteers were to have a physical appearance in harmony with the inhabitants of material origin on the planet and a morontia constitution with the privilege of immortality under certain conditions. UB 66:2.5 “…a true physical body formed of flesh and blood, but also in resonance with the life circuits of the system.”
One hundred Andonite representatives were also selected and assembled at the threshold of Prince Caligastia’s headquarters through the directives of the Thought Adjusters coordinated with seraphic rulers. The selection of the one hundred Andonites to participate in human evolution was chosen according to their physical and mental abilities; they were strangers to one another and came from widely dispersed locations among the various primitive tribes. “Accordingly, fifty males and fifty females of the Andon and Fonta posterity, representing the survival of the best strains of that unique race, were chosen by the Life Carriers. With one or two exceptions these Andonite contributors to the advancement of the race were strangers to one another. They were assembled from widely separated places by co-ordinated Thought Adjuster direction and seraphic guidance at the threshold of the planetary headquarters of the Prince.” (UB 66:2.7)
On Urantia the material constitution of the Caligastia hundred staff had a physical body and a human appearance just like the Andonites; the Life Carriers had incorporated the actual living plasma of the first human race on Urantia; that of the Andonic race.
“Eventually the one hundred Andonites were made aware of their contribution to the new forms of their superiors, and these same one hundred children of the Andon tribes were kept at headquarters as the personal attendants of the Prince’s corporeal staff.” (UB 66:4.16)
Note: Vital plasma could be considered today as DNA containing the genetic code containing all the hereditary information of an individual.
By contributing to the rematerialization of the one hundred members of the Prince’s staff through their human germ plasm, the one hundred selected Andonites were chosen as associates to collaborate in these schools of teaching. These Andonites were also privileged to receive the antidotal complement of life currents from the tree of life, a shrub from Edentia sent to Urantia. It was through the fruits from the tree of life that the one hundred modified Andonites could live indefinitely as the one hundred members of the Planetary Prince’s staff.
“While of no value to the evolutionary races, this supersustenance was quite sufficient to confer continuous life upon the Caligastia one hundred and also upon the one hundred modified Andonites who were associated with them.” (UB 66:4.14)
This combination of beings of Jerusem origin associated with a type of human being of Andonic lineage of Urantian origin formed an alliance of two hundred members destined to form schools of teaching in order to promote the evolution and the quality of life of the inhabitants of Urantia. The modified Andonites contributed with the staff of the Planetary Prince to prepare the site of the Garden for the later arrival of the Adamic couple. To make themselves understood and to incorporate themselves among the recruited students, these one hundred materialized Jerusemites of the staff of Caligastia had the skin color and the language of the Andonic race. (UB 66:4.7)
But the corporeal staff were nonetheless superhuman. They began their mission on Urantia as extraordinary threefold beings: (UB 66:4.3)
Ternary beings are presented as follows:
The Hundred of Caligastia were charged with teaching the best methods to improve human and religious conditions by constructing ten different branches of teaching. The organization of the Hundred Mentors of Caligastia was constituted in ten autonomous councils of ten members each. (UB 66:5.1) These ten groups of educators were constituted as follows:
These ten diverse schools of training promoted the evolution and quality of life of the human race on the planet; these schools were divided into different disciplines such as material welfare, arts and science, health, the basis of revealed religion, business and personal relations.
Near the Prince’s headquarters there dwelt all colors and strata of human beings. (UB 66:3.7)
It was among these neighboring tribes that the first students for the prince’s schools were recruited.
The hundred advisors of Caligastia assisted by the modified Andonites established their first visible and verbal contact with the Sangik races.
The majority of the Sangik race hominids belonged to different tribes scattered outside the headquarters of the Planetary Prince; they were strangers to each other, but represented the best elements of their race. The schools of the prince were located in Dalamatia, the planetary headquarters of Caligastia. The members of the staff of the Planetary Prince, assisted by the modified Andonites were responsible for guiding and teaching the recruited Sangik trainees who were then sent back to their tribe of origin to guide the families affiliated with their community according to their training received in these schools of teaching. The Sangik races had not had the prerogative to receive the superfood of the tree of life; this food was incompatible with their original mortal nature.
Lanonandek Sons are brought into existence by a Creator Son associated with the Mother Spirit of a local universe; their creation is classified as the third order of universe sonship. Their administrative task is concentrated at the local and planetary system level; although their creation is of divine origin, their classification is lower than the other orders of bestowal Sons. A Creator Son brings into existence this third order of existence for the purpose of approximation to material creatures.
“…They could have been made divinely perfect, but they were so created that they might better understand, and draw near to, the evolutionary creatures dwelling on the worlds of time and space.” (UB 35:9.7)
Lanonandeks provide intimate services by approaching material mortals established in local universes as specialized educators charged with developing their manual, mental and spiritual abilities from the appearance of human will on an inhabited planet. Lanonandeks are created with great personal freedom regarding choices in their methods of education.
This personal freedom despite their fidelity and loyalty to their commitment can lead to deviations in their method of education to enhance planetary progression and the quality of life as Urantia mortals. Lanonandek creatures through the free will of their personality can tamper with the usual progressive evolutionary process by shortcuts, short-circuit normal procedure, and violate the authorized plans of a recognized universe government for evolutionary mortals. Lucifer and Caligastia have manifested this personal freedom by casting off their universe allegiance through their neglect of fraternal obligations and blindness to cosmic relationships.
“…Lucifer and Caligastia had been patiently instructed and lovingly warned respecting their critical tendencies and the subtle development of their pride of self and its associated exaggeration of the feeling of self-importance.” (UB 66:8.2)
The birth of Lucifer’s rebellion insidiously spread through his mind, he fed himself upon his personal convictions and convinced himself that he was controlling the entire educational process according to his projected plans which finally culminated in actual rebellion. Lucifer possessed a sense of superiority born of self-pride and his record of service in many planetary systems; he fed upon his past successes to the point of deceiving himself into believing that his rebellion would actually work for the welfare of the inhabitants of Urantia, the planetary system, and even the local universe of Nebadon. The subsequent conduct of Lucifer, a successful Lanonandek administrator despite his vast experience of service in various planetary systems, demonstrates that the free will of a personality, its self-determination coupled with a sense of self-importance, can lead a personality to turn away from established plans in order to gratify personal desires. Several opportunities were presented to him to repent of his mental dissent, but he rejected every form of mercy from his Creator Son Michael with increasing contempt and disdain.
Lucifer was able to train Caligastia, his immediate subordinate, and Satan, the first lieutenant, a member of the same primary group of Lanonandek. Satan was mandated by Lucifer to plead his cause and promote individual freedom and systemic autonomy.
Whatever the early origins of trouble in the hearts of Lucifer and Satan, the final outbreak took form as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. The cause of the rebels was stated under three heads: (UB 53:3.1)
“Self-assertion was the battle cry of Lucifer’s rebellion.”
The cause of the rebels was presented under three headings:
The reality of the Universal Father.
The universal government of Michael, the Creator Son.
The attack on the universal plan of education of ascending mortals.
The reality of the Universal Father. Lucifer could not see the invisible Universal Father and was skeptical of his reality; he refused to acknowledge the gift of personality by the Universal Father by claiming that he did not really exist; a myth invented by the Paradise Sons.
The universal government of Michael, the Creator Son. Lucifer argued that local systems should be autonomous and argued against the right of Michael, his Creator Son, to assume sovereignty of Nebadon in the name of a hypothetical Paradise Father while recognizing him as his Creator-father, but not as his God and rightful ruler.
The attack on the universal plan of education of ascending mortals Lucifer described the educational system as unproductive in terms of expenditure of time and energy to support the established program of prolonged training deemed ineffective and unhealthy.
His manifesto was presented at the annual Satania conclave by Satan, delegated by Lucifer to plead his cause on Urantia. “Satan proclaimed that one could worship the universal forces—physical, intellectual, and spiritual—but that one owed obedience only to Lucifer, the present ruler, UB 53:4.1 ”…the friend of men and angels“ and the ”God of liberty."
A rebellion by a system sovereign can bring about the downfall of a Planetary Prince because his personal hold is almost complete. The rebellion broke out on Jerusem; Caligastia and Satan tied their lot with the rebel System Sovereign. This rebellion fomented on Jerusem by the conspiracy trio resulted in the quarantine of the Satania system, which was isolated from the other neighboring systems. There was a “war in heaven” in the headquarters of Satania, and this war extended to all the planets of the Satanic system. Every conscious personality from the Lucifer rebellion down to the commissioned personalities on Urantia had to choose sides, whether or not to take part in the Luciferian rebellion, and each personality had to make a personal decision according to his free will and by the absolute sovereignty of the personality. The gift of personality by the Universal Father and the absolute sovereignty inherent in personal free will prohibit the exercise of any coercion or the compelling of any other personality to use any form of control over the individual choice of each personality.
Lucifer was left free to continue his sedition without hindrance or restraint according to the Universal Father’s decree of non-intervention. The trio were able to roam freely throughout Jerusem, the morontia spheres, and even the established planets and pursue their treacherous plan by advocating their rebellious cause. It was not until the bestowal of our Creator Son on Urantia that the Luciferian rebellion ended throughout Satania; during the rebellion, Michael ruled by divine right as vicegerent of the Universal Father, but had not attained his full authority over Nebadon. UB 53:5.2 “…he had not completed his bestowal career; he had not yet been invested with ‘all powers in heaven and on earth.’”
The Luciferian rebellion thwarted the normal plan of training, education and instruction in the schools of the Planetary Prince established in Dalamatia. Caligastia circumvented the usual practice of training by attacking the universal plan of progressive education of ascending mortals considered unproductive. The diversion of the usual procedure of evolution by “the proclamation of personal freedom” caused chaos, confusion among the inhabitants of Dalamatia and all will creatures in Satania were left free to choose their side. This personal freedom engendered confusion and mass desertion of its inhabitants. The chaos by the proclamation of “personal freedom” caused the collapse of the city of Dalamatia; the seat city of Caligastia.
The systemic rebellion caused a terrible setback to planetary evolution and resulted in many losses among the best elements of the Prince’s staff members and also caused many losses among the modified Andonites.
The council headed by Van served as a court of appeal for the other nine administrative councils and its function was to supervise human affairs on Urantia. After the proclamation of Luciferian liberty, a census was taken of the consequences of the planetary rebellion:
Sixty members of the general staff out of a hundred took part in the rebellion.
Forty-four modified Andonites adopted the rebel cause.
Forty members of the council remained loyal to the planetary administration.
Fifty-six modified Andonites supported the planetary cause.
Of the one hundred leaders of the Caligastia staff, sixty of them took part in the insurrection in the schools established in Dalamatia and forty-four modified Andonites involved in this false personal freedom adopted the Luciferian theory about the one hundred installed in these schools. After the fall of Dalamatia, the sixty members of the disloyal staff and the forty-four rebellious Andonites emigrated north and east under the command of Nod. Upon the desertion of Dalamatia, Nod became the commander of the sixty members of the rebel staff and the modified Andonites associated with the rebellion. “The forty-four modified Andonites who followed the systemic rebellion made a great contribution to the best stocks of the Nodite peoples.” (UB 77:2.7)
The Nodite race was named in honor of Nod “the head of the commission of industry and commerce” and became the eighth race to appear on Urantia:
“…And this new feature of human life on Urantia represents another phase of the outworking of the original plan of utilizing this planet as a life-modification world, except that this was one of the unforeseen developments.” (UB 77:2.8)
Van became the leader of his forty loyalists along with the fifty-six modified Andonites devoted to the cause. The convoy left Dalamatia taking with them the “priceless tree of life” to settle a few miles east of Dalamatia on the Mediterranean peninsula previously chosen by his committee as the intended location of the first Garden of Eden before the arrival of the Material Son and Daughter.
The Van loyalists and the modified Andonites had access to the fruits of the tree of life and cultivated it as an energy food. It was through the presence of the fruits and leaves of the tree of life that the Jerusamite loyalists and the modified Andonites prepared the Adamic headquarters usually referred to as the “Garden of Eden” for the subsequent bestowal of Adam and Eve.
Upon the outbreak of rebellion, loyal cherubim and seraphim, with the aid of three faithful midwayers, assumed the custody of the tree of life and permitted only the forty loyalists of the staff and their associated modified mortals to partake of the fruit and leaves of this energy plant. There were fifty-six of these modified Andonite associates of the staff, sixteen of the Andonite attendants of the disloyal staff refusing to go into rebellion with their masters. (UB 67:3.5)
“Although Caligastia and Daligastia had been deprived of much of their power for evil, they did everything possible to frustrate and hamper the work of preparing the Garden. But their evil machinations were largely offset by the faithful activities of the almost ten thousand loyal midway creatures who so tirelessly labored to advance the enterprise.” (UB 73:2.5)
Van and his associate Amadon were heroes during the Lucifer Rebellion; they took the lead in fighting the rebellion with the army that remained faithful to the plan of uplifting the mortals of Urantia.
The rebellion created confusion among the Andonic races and hindered the evolutionary progress of the human race on Urantia. “Amadon, a male descendant of Andon and Fonta, was one of the hundred mortals who had contributed their living plasma to the Prince’s staff and was attached to Van as Van’s modified Andonic human associate and assistant during the system rebellion.” (UB 67:3.8) Despite the rebellion and with a reduced cadre of loyal followers of the evolutionary cause, “Van and Amadon continued their planetary work in promoting the natural evolution of the human race, advancing the physical evolution of man to the culmination point warranting the sending of a Material Son and Daughter to Urantia.” (UB 67:6.7)
The Material Sons are the final link of divine origin connecting man with God since the divine conjoint plan of the Universal Father with the Eternal Son “to make mortal creatures in their own image.” Since the advent of human status on Urantia, the Material Sons of divine origin have been charged with the task of approaching and mingling with primitive humans in material form and promoting their mental, spiritual, and physical faculties through the plan of progressive attainment. UB 7:4.4 “The plan of progressive attainment. This is the Universal Father’s plan for evolutionary ascension.” The Material Sons are natives of Jerusem and are destined to function as biologic uplifters on the evolutionary worlds for the upliftment of the human races as on Urantia. Although of divine origin, the Material Sons can make themselves visible and adopt behaviors, customs, and language akin to human nature.
Normally, an Adamic couple is supported by a Planetary Prince to further the physical and mental evolution of the human inhabitants on their adopted planet. Urantia was deprived of the support of Planetary Prince Caligastia following the Lucifer system rebellion in Satania. This rebellion resulted in the quarantine of the entire Satanic system and caused planetary isolation on Urantia by blocking all forms of communications and other sources of intelligence. The Adamic couple was deprived of broadcast service and all interplanetary contact resources when the communications circuits were cut off.
The Melchizedek receivers, having fully advised Adam and Eve of the dangers they would encounter on Urantia from the presence of the rebel Planetary Prince on Urantia, authorized the bestowal of the Material Son and Daughter on their planetary mission in spite of the chaos caused by the system rebellion in Satania. Adam and Eve were placed in very poor circumstances when they arrived on Urantia without the support of the Planetary Prince Caligastia, and his malevolent presence contributed to the potential failure of the Adamic pair. Adam and Eve were subjected to the repercussions of the rebellion upon their arrival on Urantia and placed in a situation of confusion and chaos as they undertook their difficult mission as biologic uplifters to upgrade the human race without any further support or intervention from the system of Satania. The Material Son and Daughter remained loyal to the Most Highs of Edentia and Michael of Salvington and were never personally involved in the rebellion or endorsed it despite their fault.
Adam and Eve were recreated in human form, male and female, under the direction of the Life Carriers shortly after their arrival on Urantia and were presented to the Urantians as their new planetary rulers by Van. The coming of the Material Sons to Urantia terminated the dispensation of the Planetary Prince and inaugurated the third planetary epoch, indicating the entry into its third phase of evolution with a reduced complement of loyal planetary servants. “The dispensation of a Planetary Prince indicates that primitive man has reached the limit of natural evolutionary development, and this biological achievement alerts the System Sovereign that the time has come to send to this world the second order of sonship, the biological uplifters: the Material Son and Daughter.” (UB 51:0.1) The elder Melchizedek entrusted Adam and Eve with the responsibility and guardianship of the planet Urantia at the inauguration of the third planetary epoch. The arrival of the Material Sons on Urantia opened under favorable conditions, but was disrupted by the lack of cooperation of Prince Caligastia following the Luciferian rebellion.
Unlike the other created Sons of planetary service, the material order of sonship is not, by nature, invisible to material creatures like the inhabitants of Urantia. These Sons of God can be seen, understood, and can, in turn, actually mingle with the creatures of time, could even procreate with them, though this role of biologic upliftment usually falls to the progeny of the Planetary Adams. (UB 51:1.7)
The Edenic language was an improved alphabetic Andonic dialect on Dalamatia, and the Adamic pair had acquired full mastery of this language on Jerusem before their arrival on Urantia. Amadon understood and could converse personally with the Adamic pair in the Andonic language. Van and Amadon greeted Adam and Eve in the presence of a large assembled crowd and were the first to welcome them to their new garden home.
Normally in a local universe two educational centers are organized as soon as the human will appears on a planet; one domain for the Planetary Prince and another for the Material Sons. Usually these two separate world centers eventually amalgamate under favorable conditions.
“On normal worlds the garden headquarters of the violet race becomes the second center of world culture and, jointly with the headquarters city of the Planetary Prince, sets the pace for the development of civilization. For centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they work together in harmonious co-operation.” On Urantia, Dalamatia was the headquarters of Caligastia and the Garden of Eden was the central abode of the Adamic couple. (UB 51:6.2)
After the initial visit to the Garden and the examination of the premises with their residents, Adam and Eve became aware of the difficulties that would be encountered in their settlement in the Edenic garden without outside contact, without the support of the Planetary Prince, and through the defection of the majority of the Caligastia associates. In spite of all the confusion caused by the rebellion, the Adamic pair, assisted by the presence of the Melchizedeks, worked out new plans and methods for the uplifting of the social and spiritual culture of the Urantia natives since the regression to the usual evolutionary planes following the rebellion and the loss of the headquarters city of Dalamatia. As soon as the new plans and methods were accepted by the Adamic pair, the Melchizedek provisional administrators gave their final counsel before leaving the planet for Jerusem, accompanied by Van and Amadon. UB 74:5.2 “The time had come for the Material Sons to assume full responsibility for the conduct of world affairs. ” Despite their concentrated effort, Adam and Eve noticed that few primitive humans seemed receptive to receiving Adamic culture by seeking to apply it among races outside the garden headquarters.
Adam and Eve and their Adamic associates had difficulty promoting the arts and culture of Eden; the presence of Prince Caligastia, although deprived of external communication channels and the destruction of his headquarters city of Dalamatia, was able to circulate freely within the Satania system and on Urantia and interfere with the evolutionary progress of the Urantian inhabitants. Without a defined model and without a moral guide among its inhabitants, Caligastia could influence the minds of primitive humans on the planet and even those of the Edenites by advocating for “the merits of personal freedom.”
Caligastia’s influence caused the Adamic couple endless difficulties by opposing the established plans of human evolutionary progression. Despite the obstacles and his delay, Adam managed to continue his mission in the Garden. UB 74:5.7 “Before the collapse of the Edenic regime he succeeded in establishing almost one hundred outlying trade and social centers where strong individuals ruled in his name. Most of these centers had been organized aforetime by Van and Amadon.”
Urantia suffered the consequences of Satania’s system rebellion and affected the biologic uplift work of Adam and Eve. Since that event our planet has always followed a troubled career. Despite the planetary confusion, Adam and Eve persevered in carrying out their task of improving the human races established on the planet. Caligastia was able to make frequent visits to the Garden of Eden and to have numerous interviews with Adam and Eve in order to invite them to participate in the system rebellion. UB 74:5.5 “The fallen Prince had been deposed as world ruler, but he had not been removed from the planet. He was still present on earth and able, at least to some extent, to resist all of Adam’s plans for the rehabilitation of human society.” Deprived of the support of Prince Caligastia and without the support of the services of Van and Amadon transferred to Jerusem, the Adamic couple lived the real experience of a planetary and material life and had to organize themselves with the means at their disposal to carry out their task of biological elevator.
Little progress was made in the educational centers established outside the garden headquarters and the tribes seemed reluctant to receive Adamic culture among their inhabitants; the systemic revolt had also affected the minds of the primitive tribes through Luciferian personal freedom which had spread like a virus throughout the planet. Adam and Eve were experiencing planetary isolation since the loss of broadcast service and all other means of interplanetary communication with the rulers of Satania. The Adamic couple were affected by the aftermath of the rebellion and had to face ever-present difficulties and mental conflicts as they sought to find practical solutions to the problem of racial and religious improvement.
Adam and Eve knew and spoke the Andonic language developed by Van and Amadon, but communications with the inhabitants outside the Garden were impossible with the hundreds of dialects specific to the dispersed tribes. The enterprise of educating the biological elevators encountered even greater difficulties due to the little mental and spiritual evolution of their inhabitants.
Mind and morals were at a low level, and instead of beginning the task of effecting religious unity, they must begin all anew the work of converting the inhabitants to the most simple forms of religious belief. Instead of finding one language ready for adoption, they were confronted by the world-wide confusion of hundreds upon hundreds of local dialects. (UB 75:1.3)
Their loyalty to the Most Highs of Norlatiadek and to Michael of Nebadon was strong and the resistance to rejecting Caligastia’s plan was firm, but the minds of Adam and Eve were affected by the little evolution brought about by their teaching. The efforts deployed by the Adamic couple seemed hopeless and their enthusiasm wavering, but their deep conviction in their function as biological uplifters led them to start again on new educational bases after the difficulties encountered. Caligastia’s personal persistence in corrupting the Adamic couple seemed useless, but he used another means to carry out his plan by using Serapatatia and Cano as a qualified emissary to succeed in influencing Eve mentally through personal and confidential interviews in the Garden. Although their good intention, Serapatatia and Cano were honest in supporting the Adamic regime, they later became aware that Caligastia was using them to influence the mind of the Material Daughter.
Eve had the best intentions to encourage human evolution, but she took the personal initiative to alter the normal established process to accelerate her advancement by procreating a child whose origin was not of pure Adamic race in contravention of Adamic rules. Cano a magnificent Nodite specimen endowed with a superior physique and remarkable intelligence was the person designated to be the father of this unborn child who was named Cain; a child conceived with a portion of Adamic blood mixed with that of the Nodite race blood bringing the promise UB 75:4.7 of “a new and increased knowledge of human affairs and quickened understanding of human nature as supplemental to the comprehension of the Adamic nature.”
The real and irreversible disastrous consequence of Eve sharing her Adamic racial origin by mating with Cano resulted in her immortal status being substituted for that of a planetary mortal. The voluntary intimate relationship with Cano caused her rupture with the mental gravity circuits of Spirit by short-circuiting the program of the progressive evolution plan.
“Adam and Eve, like their fellows on Jerusem, maintained immortal status through intellectual association with the mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit. When this vital sustenance is broken by mental disjunction, then, regardless of the spiritual level of creature existence, immortality status is lost. Mortal status followed by physical dissolution was the inevitable consequence of the intellectual default of Adam and Eve.” (UB 75:7.5)
Eve’s misguided choice to obtain immediate results through her sexual relationship with Cano in order to accelerate biological advancement on humans was considered a personal fault. Through this intimate relationship, Eve agreed to adopt Caligastia’s strategy of accelerating the process of human evolution going against the divine plan of the normal process.
…the Melchizedeks, before departing, had especially enjoined Eve as to the peculiar dangers besetting their isolated position on the planet and had in particular warned her never to stray from the side of her mate, that is, to attempt no personal or secret methods of furthering their mutual undertakings. (UB 75:2.4)
Eve’s transgression of the divine plan by diverting it from the normal evolutionary procedure by a method more rapid in its execution represented an offense because it deviated from the progressive divine plan as instructed by the Melchizedeks. Eve’s idea of conceiving offspring directly from her Adamic essence with Cano’s original human essence “…constituted an evil because it represented the wrong way to achieve right ends, because it deviated from the right path, from the divine plan.”
Eve did not immediately realize that she had played Caligastia’s game of individual freedom by embarking on the path of living a personal experience according to the free will of the personality. This individual freedom advocated by Caligastia led to Eve’s downfall for having violated the divine plan by adopting a faster method in its execution. Adam was directly concerned by Eve’s decision, he noted that something unusual had happened to Eve by neglecting the Melchizedeks’ warning about the dangers of acting personally by circumventing the established rules of usual procedures. Eve had lost her status of immortality through her relationship with Cano, now she could no longer feed on the fruits of the tree of life in her impatience to obtain immediate results on human evolution.
Adam was not directly affected by Eve’s ill-advised personal choice; he could have continued to live his life as an immortal Material Son without Eve by continuing his function as a biological uplifter, but could not conceive of a solitary life without his companion.
…the day after Eve’s misstep, [Adam] sought out Laotta, the brilliant Nodite woman who was head of the western schools of the Garden, and with premeditation committed the folly of Eve. (UB 75:5.2)
By sharing Eve’s fate through his intimate relationship with Laotta, he knew that he was losing his immortal status in order to live the same destiny as his companion. Eve’s impatience and Adam’s errors of judgment caused a change in the immortal status of the Material Son and Daughter on Urantia relegated to the status of mortal like all planetary natives. Two children were born from these Adamic relationships with humans of mortal origin: Cain a son from Eve’s relationship and Cano and Sansa a daughter conceived from the relationship of Adam and Laotta.
Adam’s deliberate choice to share Eve’s fate indicates that absolute personality sovereignty is universally applied by the Heavenly Father to both material creation personalities and divine creation Sons. By this subterfuge, Caligastia had achieved her goal of influencing the Adamic couple through her proclamation of personal freedom. The Material Son and Daughter’s deliberate choice to go against the usual procedure ended their immortal status in the first Garden of Eden. The Material Son and Daughter’s yielding to Caligastia’s trap through the practice of individual freedom broke the bond of trust in their function as biological uplifters to the oath of allegiance to the Most Highs of Norlatiadek and to Michael of Nebadon.
“Always had the archangel custodian admonished Adam and Eve that default of trust would culminate in degradation of status, and access to this source of energy was denied them subsequent to their default.” (UB 75:7.6)
Adam and Eve were informed by the Melchizedek administrators of the failure of their planetary mission by announcing to them the loss of the privilege of immortality and the deprivation of the fruits of the tree of life. Regression to mortal status meant that they were to live henceforth as male and female like any human being of the indigenous race on Urantia with the consequences of physical deterioration and failure like any material being on the planet.
The Adamite population of the Garden seemed ungovernable in the face of the fate reserved for Eve, leading to a bloody war with the Nodites living in the immediate vicinity, who were considered responsible for their fate. This bloody war led to the annihilation of the Nodite village and caused a breakdown in relations between the Adamites and the Nodites. A large army was formed among the Nodite partisans in retaliation for the assault on the village and marched towards the Garden, causing an interminable war of war between these two camps, which had become enemies. The warriors sympathetic to the Nodites invaded the first Garden, destroying its temple and the tree of life with fire. The first Edenic Garden became the second temple of the Father, destroyed and subsequently engulfed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea; the city of Dalamatia was the first temple destroyed after its invasion by the inhabitants of neighboring tribes, causing the dispersion of its residents and its staff.
Adam disliked war and made plans for their future course of action; he decided to abandon the first garden to the Nodites without opposition and to emigrate to the second garden in the Euphrates valley accompanied by twelve hundred loyal followers pledged to follow their leader.
“This site was known to Adam as one of the three original selections of the committee assigned to choose possible locations for the Garden proposed by Van and Amadon.” (UB 76:1.3)
No facilities had been prepared to receive the arrival of the Adamic couple in the second Garden which in no way resembled the first in its inhospitable environment. Once installed in the second, Adam with the help of twelve hundred loyal supporters set to work with the means at their disposal to build a new center of religious culture, housing for its inhabitants and maintain the land to provide for their food needs.
“…Adam and his family were not permitted to carry the core of the tree away from the Garden.” (UB 73:6.7)
Without being able to benefit from the fruits of the tree of life, they were forced like all mortals to provide for their physical and material needs.
“Adam’s caravan had carried the seeds and bulbs of hundreds of plants and cereals of the first garden with them to the land between the rivers; they also had brought along extensive herds and some of all the domesticated animals. Because of this they possessed great advantages over the surrounding tribes. They enjoyed many of the benefits of the previous culture of the original Garden.” (UB 76:3.6)
Their once immortal life deprived of the nourishment of the tree of life caused the bodily deterioration and physical failures associated with the material world and eventually led to the death of the Adamic couple settled in the second Garden.
“Adam lived for 530 years; he died of what might be termed old age. His physical mechanism simply wore out; the process of disintegration gradually gained on the process of repair, and the inevitable end came. Eve had died nineteen years previously of a weakened heart.” (UB 76:5.5)
On Jerusem Adam and Eve were not qualified to receive a Thought Adjuster. Adjusters cannot indwell a personality of divine origin such as a Son and a
Material Daughter, only a personality of mortal origin or naturalized as mortal such as Adam and Eve after their fault can be indwelt by a personal Adjuster.
“Adam and Eve did not, as citizens of Jerusem, have Thought Adjusters, nor were they Adjuster indwelt when they functioned on Urantia in the first garden. But shortly after their reduction to mortal status they became conscious of a new presence within them and awakened to the realization that human status coupled with sincere repentance had made it possible for Adjusters to indwell them.” (UB 76:5.2)
Despite the failure of their planetary mission in the first Garden and the loss of their immortality, Adam and Eve managed to continue their task as biological uplifters in the second garden.
After becoming established in the second garden on the Euphrates, Adam elected to leave behind as much of his life plasm as possible to benefit the world after his death. Accordingly, Eve was made the head of a commission of twelve on race improvement, and before Adam died this commission had selected 1,682 of the highest type of women on Urantia, and these women were impregnated with the Adamic life plasm. (UB 76:4.8)
The gift of their Adamic DNA to planetary natives has allowed great progress in their evolution in their physical characteristics, through their mental evolution, through techniques to improve their human conditions and in their practices of religious worship. The human being of today is an assembly of four branches of different origin: Andonite, Sangik, Nodite and Adamic.
“With the passing of centuries, through the amalgamation of their progeny with the races of men, this same Material Son and Daughter become accepted as the common ancestors of mankind, the common parents of the now blended descendants of the evolutionary races. It is intended that mortals who start out from an inhabited world have the experience of recognizing seven fathers:” (UB 51:6.6)
Urantia suffered greatly from the Luciferian rebellion, the evil influence of the Planetary Prince Caligastia, and the failure of the Material Son and Daughter as biologic uplifters on our planet. Despite the technical failure of the Material Son and Daughter, they contributed greatly to the uplifting of the biologic and mental level on Urantia and to the influence of the seventh and final bestowal of our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. The selection of Michael for his final bestowal resulted, in part, from the failure of the Adamic mission on Urantia.
“The public announcement that Michael had selected Urantia as the theater for his final bestowal was made shortly after we learned about the default of Adam and Eve.” (UB 119:7.2)
Urantia was once regarded as “a small and insignificant planet,” but since the final bestowal of the Creator Son Michael of Nebadon, it is today regarded as his human home and a center of interest for the entire universe of Nebadon. This expected seventh bestowal of our Creator Son Michael was necessary in order to proclaim him Supreme Sovereign of his universe of Nebadon and to gain his full sovereignty by incarnating in the flesh of a human babe and experiencing the full human experience.
Urantia has been extremely fortunate in being chosen for the final scene of the bestowal of the Creator Son of our local universe. The selection of the seventh bestowal of a Creator Son occurs only once in its universe out of nearly ten million planets.
“…the Creator Son prepares for his terminal bestowal on some evolutionary world, as occurred when Michael of Nebadon appeared on Urantia to bestow himself upon your mortal races. Only one world in near ten million can enjoy such a gift; all other worlds are spiritually advanced by the bestowal of a Paradise Son of the Avonal order.” (UB 52:5.2)
Urantia represented one of the most propitious planets for the final bestowal of our Creator Son to end the systemic rebellion of Lucifer, the betrayal of Caligastia and the fault of the Adamic couple. Urantia was chosen by Michael as the final choice for his seventh and final bestowal by his primary objective to manifest the will of his Heavenly Father. Michael of Nebadon incarnated as the human Jesus manifested the personality of the Heavenly Father on our planet helping to enlighten and guide the mortals of Urantia into a way of life UB 34:7.6 “… by which human beings can escape to a very great extent the disastrous consequences of the Caligastia rebellion and most effectually compensate for the frustrations resulting from the Adamic fault.”
For over 2000 years Urantia has become UB 119:8.8 “…the sentimental sanctuary of all Nebadon; the most important of ten million inhabited planets, the human home of Christ Michael, sovereign of all Nebadon.”
Urantia was the arena on Mount Hermon where Michael as the Son of Man incarnate as Joshua ben Joseph confronted the rebels of Satania. The human Jesus confronted Satan and Caligastia accompanied only by his indwelling Adjuster to guide and support him against his implacable enemies of the Satanic system made fully visible for the final decisive battle for the sovereignty of the universe of Nebadon. Michael of Nebadon won the undisputed sovereignty of his universe in this final spirit battle against the rebels of Satania “and saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
The bestowal of Michael incarnate in the flesh of Jesus ended the rebellion on Satania except on the planets of the rebellious Planetary Princes. Since the day of Pentecost: the UB 53:8.6 “… apostate Planetary Prince is still free to pursue his nefarious purposes on Urantia, but has absolutely no power to penetrate the minds of men or approach their souls to tempt or corrupt them, unless men really desire to be cursed by his evil presence.”