© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Claude Flibotte — Sainte-Julie
This is a question that was running through my head, so I started looking for an answer with the help of our dear revealers.
In the universe of universes there are four great categories of gravity, there is the personality gravity of the Universal Father, the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son, the mental gravity of the Conjoint Actor, and the material gravity of the Eternal Isle (UB 15:9.1). These four circuits of gravity are absolute (UB 12:3.2), but in its linear or local form, that is, in the electrical stage of energy or matter, material gravity is not (UB 11:8.3). Is there anything, then, that is not subject to gravity? The answer is in the affirmative, in three realities. Space does not respond to gravity, but it acts upon gravity as a balancer (UB 11:8.3). The amount of space separating two celestial bodies determines the quality of linear gravity exerted upon them. For example, the two Voyager space probes have moved away from the Sun and will come out of its gravitational influence one of these days. The second reality exempt from gravity is pure spirits. The Adjusters are not subject to gravity since they are entities of fractionation hypothetically prior to the appearance of gravity (UB 107:6.6). The third would be the beings from the Trinity. They possess transit prerogatives which make them independent of transport personalities (UB 19:7.4). I could mention a fourth reality not subject to linear gravity, but still to absolute gravity, these are the ultimatons, these mysterious components of electrons (UB 42:6.3).
As human beings, we are material and fully subject to gravity in all its forms. Our body is ballasted by linear gravity centered on our planet. Our mind is ballasted by the mental gravity of the Third Source-Center (UB 9:6.1), and since our Divine Minister acquired her personal status, she exercises this control of gravity (UB 34:2.2). Spirit gravity with its fundamental values is ballasted by the Eternal Son (UB 115:6.1) and by the Spirit of Truth of the Creator Son. Finally, our personality, a gift from the Universal Father, seeks to return to its source by unifying all its parts to become like the Father (UB 0:5.11).
On earth we are equipped with a temporary material mind (UB 111:1.5). On the morontia worlds we will have a morontia mind (12:8:7, 16:4.5). After considerable training we will reach the spirit stage on Salvington (UB 48:1.5). Then in Havona and finally on the Isle of Paradise we will be experientially perfect spirits of the sixth stage concerning divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation and God consciousness (UB 1:0.5). But will we be free of material gravity to move independently?
It certainly seems that this is the case! According to the revelators, once in Havona, we will have the ability to move autonomously only in the territories already conquered, but we will constantly need the supernaphim transporters to move us from one sphere to another in the unconquered territories (UB 14:5.5) until we have reached the last circle of Havona, passed through the last sleep of time and space for an eternal awakening in Paradise (UB 39:2.10). So, what changes in us that makes autonomous transportation suddenly possible? The answer may be found in Paper 46. It is written that spirit personalities move by connection with higher forces and spiritual sources of energy (UB 46:2.4). The words “force” and “energy” are global terms applying to the spiritual, mental and material realms (UB 0:6.2). I presume that having become perfect spirits of the sixth stage, having also personally known the Infinite Spirit, the Eternal Son, the Universal Father and having sworn an oath to the Paradise Trinity, our new status qualifies us to make use of spiritual sources of energy.
It is as if being a perfect spirit having transcended the reality of finite level time and space to approach the infinity circle of creation, we become empowered and equipped to use the currents of universal energy to move autonomously.
You have surely read that a spirit passes through walls without any difficulty! Material reality is completely immaterial for a spiritual being for the simple reason that it is not their reality of existence (UB 44:0.16). It is the same reasoning for us, spiritual beings are non-existent for our primitive senses. Spirit beings do not occupy space as we occupy space. We even have space inside us. Spiritual beings only exist in relation to space; they do not occupy or move space, and do not contain any either (UB 118:3.7). This is a first reason established to explain our future movements in the universe. The second reason is perhaps found in the very nature of space, it is an ultimate reality (UB 118:3.5). Who says ultimate, says transcendence of the universal laws governing the finite material level.
So, picture the scene: you are a spirit that neither occupies nor moves space, so there is no possible friction phenomenon. Furthermore, you are traveling in a space that has the potential to transcend the gravitational limits of the finite level. So, thus equipped, you can “hook” onto any energy circuit running through the cosmos to get from one place to another. It’s as simple as taking a subway train or getting into the current of a river and letting yourself be carried along.
Now the question that comes to my mind is this: it is good that I can move like this, but why do I not pass through the sphere that is the purpose of my movement? The answer probably lies in my form! With a few exceptions, all spiritual beings have a form (UB 42:12.10). Although we are spirits, we have at this stage a cosmic mind, and every mind is able to create a perceptible form (UB 42:12.9-11,13) for itself. This form of mind can free itself from the material constraints of linear gravity, but not from absolute gravity. It will be remembered that the gravitational forces of the material universes converge at the center of nether Paradise (UB 0:3.13). Therefore, within any given sphere there exists a linear gravity force and an absolute gravity force. The proximity of such a sphere would make linear gravity prevail over absolute gravity. Thus, having mental control of my technique of movement in space, once I reach my destination, I synchronize with the attraction of this planet and I use its energy circuit to move as I please. Hypothesis that I will have to put to the test when I reach this stage of existence! If you have a better idea, I’m interested!
The revelators teach us that the seraphim who carry personalities must wear anti-friction shields, the same ones that have been mistaken for a pair of wings by humans. These famous shields are energy insulators (UB 39:5.12). They isolate the personality from the strong energy currents encountered by the seraphim on its journey. Why use these shields, you might ask? The seraphim are spirits, in principle shields would not be necessary for them! Unless they are children of the Divine Minister of a local universe (UB 26:1.14), they do not meet all the necessary criteria as a spirit to do without them! But what about the passengers? A material being cannot be transported in this way (UB 51:2.2). There is no compatibility between the two natures. What is transportable by the seraphim are morontia beings at all stages and spirit beings who have not yet attained full Paradise citizenship status. So these types of beings all need protection so they don’t simply burn out along the way! Anyway, I’ll leave you to think about all that!