© 2017 David Elders
© 2017 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
The UBIS Experience | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 79 — September 2017 | Report of the 2017 National Meeting |
A strategy for the decades to come
The purpose of this essay is to offer an examination of a number of educational imperatives to guide us, as among the first recipients of the new truths revealed in The Urantia Book, in implementing an educational strategy designed to encourage the transition in human consciousness from the fourth epochal revelation to the fifth. One aspect of this educational strategy deals with how we choose to address the risk typically associated with the challenge of integrating new truth while minimizing its dilution and contamination by past religious beliefs, symbols, practices, and institutions. A Melchizedek observes that:
“You who today benefit from the advantages of printing, you have difficulty understanding how difficult it was to perpetuate the truth in antiquity, and how easily a new doctrine was lost sight of between one generation and the next. The new doctrine always tended to be absorbed into the old body of religious teaching and magical practices. A new revelation is always contaminated by older evolutionary beliefs._” (UB 93:7.4)
The intent of our educational initiatives is to develop and implement the means and mechanisms by which the human consciousness that exists on our planet, individually and collectively, can be challenged by new truth to move from the fourth to the fifth epoch of revealed truth in order to expand cosmic consciousness and increase spiritual perception. The revealed gospel of the fourth epoch is the Fatherhood of God, universal sonship, and spiritual brotherhood of man. The “gospel” of the fifth epoch of revelation could be defined as the decision of the personality will to respond to the inescapable command to become perfect in our realm as the Father is in His, this decision facilitated by the increased cosmic consciousness and heightened spiritual perception offered by our new epochal revelation of truth.
This gospel is intended to augment, not replace, the fourth-epoch gospel as revealed to us through the final incarnational bestowal of Michael of Nebadon as Jesus of Nazareth.
One dimension of Michael’s bestowal career was the planned revelation of the various wills of the Paradise Deities as well as the synthetic will of the Supreme Being on all levels and for all personalities in his local universe realm and perhaps beyond. Applying this scheme to enlightenment and spiritual growth, while Michael/Jesus revealed the will of the Father during the fourth epoch, The Urantia Book could be a revelation of the will of the Conjoint Actor, the God of Mind during the fifth epoch.
For all of us who feel impatient because of our perception that our community has been slow to encourage revelatory adoption during our short three generations of public promotion, here is a brief account that may provide some insight, not only on the scale of universal time, but also on a higher model of universal experience and education that may yield useful information for our educational attempts.
Nine hundred billion years ago, permission was given to begin development of the superuniverse space site of Orvonton which was to become our local universe; 400 billion years ago, our Creator Son, Michael, selected this site as the location of his local universe of Nebadon. Some two million years later, Salvington and 100 headquarters planets needed for the constellations were completed and ready for occupancy. We know little of what Michael and the Creator Mother were busy with as the years passed beyond the organization of their universe by expressions of matter, morontia, mind, and spirit and the population of these spheres by living beings. All this creative work apparently takes a LOT of time!
Approximately one billion years ago Michael, our Creator, undertook the implementation of the mission given by the Eternal Son in the name of the Trinity to bestow himself seven times upon the universe creatures whom he had created on the outer reaches of the seventh superuniverse. The pattern for these bestowals was first manifested by the Eternal Son who bestowed himself upon the seven circuits of the central universe of Havona, as did the original Paradise Son Michael. The acceptance by the Creator Son of this solemn responsibility impacts the reality of his local universe and has repercussions upon the grand universe home of the Supreme and perhaps beyond. On Urantia we have directly experienced and benefited from this obligation because of the Creator Son’s choice to complete his bestowal service on our world in his incarnation as the human Jesus only nearly 2,000 years ago.
“When the Eternal Son bestows a Creator Son upon a projected local universe, that Creator Son assumes full responsibility for the completion, control, and composure of that new universe, including the solemn oath to the eternal Trinity not to assume full sovereignty of the new creation until his seven creature bestowals shall have been successfully completed and certified by the Ancients of Days of the superuniverse of jurisdiction. This obligation is assumed by every Michael Son who volunteers to go out from Paradise to engage in universe organization and creation.” (UB 119:0.3)
The seven bestowals of a Paradise Creator Son always terminate at the lowest level of mortal bestowal in which the universe ruler is born and dies as a mortal of the realm.
“Though these seven bestowals vary in the different sectors and universes, they always embrace the mortal-bestowal adventure. In the final bestowal a Creator Son appears as a member of one of the higher mortal races on some inhabited world, usually as a member of that racial group which contains the largest hereditary legacy of the Adamic stock which has previously been imported to upstep the physical status of the animal-origin peoples. Only once in his sevenfold career as a bestowal Son is a Paradise Michael born of woman as you have the record of the babe of Bethlehem. Only once does he live and die as a member of the lowest order of evolutionary will creatures.” (UB 21:4.3)
The bestowal experiences of a Paradise Creator Son Michael increase his universal sovereignty, his experiential understanding of the intentions of the grand universe Supreme, and reveal the various wills of the Paradise Deities as those wills are manifest in the persons of the Seven Master Spirits of the grand universe. 35,000 years ago, as the universes watched the fall of Adam and Eve, it was announced that the incarnational bestowal, the seventh and final incarnational bestowal of Michael, the Creator Son, would take place on our world—some 33,000 years later in the form of a human child born to a human couple.
Michael’s selection of Urantia as the site of his bestowal as a mortal creature of will appears to have been his own choice. As was the timing. Michael’s seven bestowals have occurred on the average every 150,000,000 years, beginning a billion years ago. In each of his bestowals, Michael purposely revealed one of the various wills of the Paradise Deities whose synthetic unity reveals the will of the Supreme Being:
Expression of the will of the Creator Son by effusion
Effusions | Personality | Expression of will |
First Outpouring | Melchizedek | United Will of Father, Son and Spirit |
Second outpouring | Lanonandek | Will of the Father and the Son |
Third outpouring | Adamic | Will of the Father and the Spirit |
Fourth Outpouring | Seraphic | Will of the Son and the Spirit |
Fifth Bestowal | Mortal of Uversa | Will of the Conjoint Actor |
Sixth Bestowal | Morontia Mortal | Will of the Eternal Son |
Seventh bestowal | Human mortal | Will of the Universal Father |
“In completing his creature bestowals, Michael was not only establishing his own sovereignty but also was augmenting the evolving sovereignty of God the Supreme. In the course of these bestowals the Creator Son not only engaged in a descending exploration of the various natures of creature personality, but he also achieved the revelation of the variously diversified wills of the Paradise Deities, whose synthetic unity, as revealed by the Supreme Creators, is revelatory of the will of the Supreme Being.” (UB 119:8.3)
“These various will aspects of the Deities are eternally personalized in the differing natures of the Seven Master Spirits, and each of Michael’s bestowals was peculiarly revelatory of one of these divinity manifestations. On his Melchizedek bestowal he manifested the united will of the Father, Son, and Spirit, on his Lanonandek bestowal the will of the Father and the Son; on the Adamic bestowal he revealed the will of the Father and the Spirit, on the seraphic bestowal the will of the Son and the Spirit; on the Uversa mortal bestowal he portrayed the will of the Conjoint Actor, on the morontia mortal bestowal the will of the Eternal Son; and on the Urantia material bestowal he lived the will of the Universal Father, even as a mortal of flesh and blood.” (UB 119:8.4)
Michael’s required bestowal experience represents a model expression for the universal education process designed to demonstrate that personal sovereignty, at least for a Paradise Son, is based on experiential understanding of the wills of the Paradise Deities as they impact and influence the expression of God’s diversity in the finite realm (time and space). Is our personal sovereignty, as will creatures, also dependent on such an experience of divinity?
Indeed, it may be speculated that the experiential understanding of the wills of the Paradise Deities and the will of the Supreme Being is echoed at every level of finite reality as an inherent facet of the realization of God the Supreme. Not only does our Creator Son do this in his bestowals, but he also experiences the other superuniverses in order to augment this unification.
Speculatively, it seems likely that the sum of epochal truth revealed on the planetary level from initial human consciousness to light and life offers a similar diversity of unifying will experience to ascending mortals. In accordance with the higher patterns, ascending human creatures of will, upon attaining spiritual status, will journey to the other six superuniverses to increase their realization and experiential unification of the diverse wills of the Paradise Deities as well as the synthetic will of the Supreme Being. If the pattern of Michael’s seven bestowals predicts a similar mortal experience of the wills of the Paradise Deities and the Supreme, we may wonder how this pattern might be projected upon our world:
Projected expression of will according to the mortal planetary era
Epoch of revelation/Personality | Expression of will |
1 — Planetary Prince (Lanonandek) | Will of the Father/Son |
2 — Adamic (Adam & Eve) | Will of the Father/Spirit |
3 — Melchizedek | Will of the Father/Son/Spirit * |
4 — Mission & diffusion of the Creator Son | Will of the Father |
5 — The Urantia Book (multiple) | Will of the Conjoint Actor (mental) |
6 — Trinity Teaching Sons (Daynals) | Will of the Son/Spirit |
7 — Magisterial Son (Avonal) | Will of the Eternal Son |
* If Melchizedek, on an emergency mission, does not fit into this model, the Daynals could express the united will of the Father/Son/Spirit and the Light and Life would represent the seventh epoch since we are told that there are…at least seven epochs in human life.(UB 52:0.1)
These strategic education imperatives are worth considering as principles adopted to guide our early Fifth Epoch education initiatives:
Transition imperative of the fifth era:
In developing an educational strategy for the coming decades, it is imperative that our educational initiatives be designed to communicate that the revelation of new truth brought by The Urantia Book during our fifth epoch is intended for all peoples of the planet and is not identified as a trait of any fourth epoch religion, including Christianity. The purpose implied by the book, and which must be integrated into our educational activities, is to facilitate in human consciousness the transition from our fourth epoch to our fifth epoch of spiritual growth, being fueled by the planned epochal revelation of new truth designed to expand cosmic consciousness and heighten spiritual perception.
Avoid the imperative of parochialism:
Established in the United States in the mid-twentieth century, the fifth epochal revelation initially attracted a significant number of American readers with Christian backgrounds and evolutionary experience. Thus, it is not surprising that there is a tendency to understand and enclose the new truths of revelation in the old wineskins—the colloquial language, rituals, and theological beliefs of evolutionary Christianity with a distinctly American bent.
It is worth considering that Christianity as a religion of institutionalized authority is an evolutionary reaction to revelation and not revelation itself despite the fact that some of Jesus’ teachings are still present in it just as truth exists in many religions. We have been warned about this contamination and dilution of truth.
We can neither pretend to be surprised nor avoid developing educational approaches to minimize such dilution and bring into awareness the universal planetary intentions of the revelation. The book powerfully teaches that our sonship with a common Father God and therefore a universal brotherhood of all Urantia human beings will ultimately be realized in the actualization of a world community that could be identified as the united human beings of Urantia. Our educational initiatives, by raising human awareness of this future reality as a revealed feature of this fifth epoch, can begin to introduce these concepts of radical change into human consciousness, and thereby help to diminish the risk of contamination. (See APPENDIX)
The imperative of a complete text:
Our educational strategy must not sacrifice the illumination of the revealed truths of the entire Urantia Book to the apparent familiarity and appeal of Part Four. The true religious power of the fourth revelation of Jesus, as treated in the last third of The Urantia Book, derives in this fifth epoch from the expanded cosmic context provided by the revelators in Parts I through III, including the Introduction. It is imperative that our educational activities establish for future generations the expanded cosmic awareness that the fifth epoch provides as the context in which to truly understand the mission of our Creator Son as the human Jesus AND as the Creator Son of our local universe.
This educational positioning should help ensure the final integration into human consciousness of the meanings and values of this new teaching for all citizens of the planet. That is, the fifth epochal revelation belongs to every common child of God the Father and not to any specific group of fellow human beings. Linking the revelation to ANY institutionalized response of truth would surely hinder its ability to provide growth for all. While such an approach may be difficult and require patience in the short term, its benefit will surely be realized over generations to come. This outcome is inevitable. Our choice is whether we consciously want to be part of its realization.
Know the imperative of Michael’s goal of effusion:
The bestowal of Michael as the human Jesus on our planet connects the completion of the bestowal promise of our Creator Son to the Eternal Son in our planet’s fourth epoch of personal religious growth and progress. As part of our educational mission to facilitate the transition of human consciousness from the fourth epoch to the fifth, we must develop educational initiatives that both differentiate and blend the benefits of this revelatory progression from the fourth to the fifth. The dimensions of both revealed truth and fact can help define our educational strategy. In the words of a Melchizedek:
“Though reason can always question faith, faith can always supplement both reason and logic. Reason creates the probability which faith can transform into a moral certainty, even a spiritual experience. God is the first truth and the last fact; therefore does all truth take origin in him, while all facts exist relative to him. God is absolute truth. As truth one may know God, but to understand—to explain—God, one must explore the fact of the universe of universes. The vast gulf between the experience of the truth of God and ignorance as to the fact of God can be bridged only by living faith. Reason alone cannot achieve harmony between infinite truth and universal fact.” (UB 102:6.6)
I believe this statement provides a context in which to understand why the truths of Michael’s revelation as Jesus in the fourth epoch are expressive of the will of the Father AND why the understanding of the factual reality of God in the universe of universes as presented in the fifth epochal revelation could be expressive of the will of the God of Mind. If this expanded exploration of the factual reality of God as offered to us by the revelation of The Urantia Book is obscured by the familiar appeal of Jesus’ revelation to the truth of sonship with God, the power of the fifth epochal revelation toward a transitional consciousness to the next epochal level will be diminished.
Top-down versus bottom-up education imperative:
A Divine Counselor tells us that:
“For example: The human mind would ordinarily crave to approach the cosmic philosophy portrayed in these revelations by proceeding from the simple and the finite to the complex and the infinite, from human origins to divine destinies. But that path does not lead to spiritual wisdom. Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form of genetic knowledge, but at best it can only reveal man’s origin; it reveals little or nothing about his divine destiny.” (UB 19:1.5)
The remainder of this section of Booklet 19 is worth studying.
Informed by this teaching and truly attentive to the very construction of The Urantia Book, it is imperative that our educational pedagogy give preference to a top-down educational approach. As most of us have experienced in various settings of study, even students of The Urantia Book tend to project onto the new truth they encounter beliefs and doctrines that are already present in their consciousness. Although they may attempt to dress their thinking and presentation in verbal symbols drawn from revelation, nevertheless their attempt at new knowledge is contaminated by what they already know and believe. A Melchizedek instructs us:
“Rationalism is wrong when it assumes that religion is at first a primitive belief in something which is then followed by the pursuit of values. Religion is primarily a pursuit of values, and then there formulates a system of interpretative beliefs. It is much easier for men to agree on religious values—goals—than on beliefs—interpretations. And this explains how religion can agree on values and goals while exhibiting the confusing phenomenon of maintaining a belief in hundreds of conflicting beliefs—creeds. This also explains why a given person can maintain his religious experience in the face of giving up or changing many of his religious beliefs. Religion persists in spite of revolutionary changes in religious beliefs. Theology does not produce religion; it is religion that produces theologic philosophy.”
Rationalism is wrong when it assumes that religion is at first a primitive belief in something which is then followed by the pursuit of values. Religion is primarily a pursuit of values, and then there formulates a system of interpretative beliefs. It is much easier for men to agree on religious values—goals—than on beliefs—interpretations. And this explains how religion can agree on values and goals while exhibiting the confusing phenomenon of maintaining a belief in hundreds of conflicting beliefs—creeds. This also explains why a given person can maintain his religious experience in the face of giving up or changing many of his religious beliefs. Religion persists in spite of revolutionary changes in religious beliefs. Theology does not produce religion; it is religion that produces theologic philosophy.
Rationalism is wrong when it assumes that religion is at first a primitive belief in something which is then followed by the pursuit of values. Religion is primarily a pursuit of values, and then there formulates a system of interpretative beliefs. It is much easier for men to agree on religious values—goals—than on beliefs—interpretations. And this explains how religion can agree on values and goals while exhibiting the confusing phenomenon of maintaining a belief in hundreds of conflicting beliefs—creeds. This also explains why a given person can maintain his religious experience in the face of giving up or changing many of his religious beliefs. Religion persists in spite of revolutionary changes in religious beliefs. Theology does not produce religion; it is religion that produces theologic philosophy. (UB 103:1.4)
From an educational perspective, we have both an obligation and an opportunity to build our educational strategy on the revelatory teaching that the spiritual truth of God’s reality is experienced first as a quest for values followed by evolutionary interpretations and beliefs that temporarily serve to define our understanding—until we experience growth.
Educating from the bottom up fosters projections of existing belief which contaminates newly revealed truth preventing the ability of that truth to nurture growth and illuminate destiny.
Mota No. 16 asserts that truth is revealed when the sequence of its encounter flows from the experience of the spirit to the perception of the soul: “You cannot perceive the truth until you have experienced it…”
Facilitating this shift in consciousness and identity from the mind to the soul as the gateway to truth illuminates a process by which our educational pedagogy can implement this imperative to educate from the top down and not from the bottom up.
Educational compensation requirement:
Had the Planetary Prince not rebelled and Adam and Eve not sinned, Urantia would have benefited from planetary leadership as a model of teaching and growth guidance to guide and influence the development of consciousness on our world as it transitions from epoch to epoch. As a consequence of the shortcomings resulting from rebellion and sin, our educational strategy must consciously incorporate approaches that compensate for this lack of anticipated leadership. The Urantia Book offers us the revealed truths that our educational initiatives must bring to light to make effective experiential compensation for the lack of higher planetary guidance designed to facilitate the transition from the fourth to the fifth epoch of spiritual growth.
Imperative of revealed religion versus evolutionary religion:
The Urantia Book, the fifth epochal revelation of truth to our world, is a revelation of the personal experience of God as a spiritual Father to every human being on our planet – that is, true religion – within the context of the factual existence of God in the universe of universes. There is no equivalence between the fifth epochal revelation and the evolutionary religions that have been developed by well-meaning human beings IN RESPONSE to the gift of past revelation to human consciousness, both personal and epochal. While we have the responsibility to ensure that our educational activities do not suggest or imply the arrogance of a chosen religion, we must also avoid weakening the power of revealed truth to challenge the human evolutionary response to revelation to progress into a higher and less diluted expression. The humbly expressed expression of “well, we believe this to be a revelation” could profitably be reinforced in our educational pedagogy by “we know and experience it as a new revelation of the truth of God’s reality.
Quasi-institutional transition imperative:
One of the unfortunate results of the fourth revelation was the transformation of the truths revealed by Jesus into a diluted religion “about him” that formed the skeleton of cultish institutions claiming fidelity to the teachings of Jesus while claiming theological authority. Our educational strategy for the coming decades of the fifth epoch must include the evolution of a quasi-institutional, gradual transition framework that serves as a “container” for the living experience of reader-believers as they socialize true religion based on newly revealed truth and not on artificial agreement or identification with yet another evolutionary and theological authority.
I would argue that the revelators have provided us with rare specific guidance for optimal forward movement: the formation of thousands of study groups designed to provide a context in which we can know and experience the truth of God as we also seek to understand the factual reality of God in the ongoing pursuit of the study of the universe of universes. Study groups, if commissioned and supported as informal schools for fifth epoch studies, represent an unparalleled opportunity to facilitate the transition to the fifth mortal planetary epoch by implementing an educational pedagogy that augments the fourth epoch truth revelation of Jesus with expanded cosmic awareness and heightened spiritual perception provided by the fifth epoch revelators. Note: Charles Olivea recently published an excellent article focusing on the intentions and opportunities of study groups.
The educational strategy that guides our educational activities should be rooted in a commitment to facilitate the transition of human religious consciousness from the fourth to the fifth planetary epoch. This educational imperative, to be successful, must include an awareness of the differences between the fourth and fifth epochs of projected spiritual growth. It must reflect the higher pattern of direct experience with the various wills of the Paradise Deities who together constitute the synthetic will of the Supreme Being and recognize that epochal, planetary, and progressive revelations of truth are a planned feature of human ascension from the birth of self-consciousness to the relative perfection of light and life.
Our strategic pedagogy of education should reflect the ongoing and ongoing presentation of direct encounter with newly revealed truth, leaving the human response to such truth to individual religionists and socializing institutions who, when challenged by revealed truth, will develop their own evolutionary understandings that will inevitably blend the new truth with mainstream beliefs. Our primary educational imperative is a reflection of our commitment to epochal education, a commitment that is part of the primary external vectors of human encounter with newly revealed truths that nourish the expansion of human consciousness and the heightened spiritual perception that are necessary for human will creatures to respond to the Father’s challenge to become perfect in His image—the “gospel” of the fifth epoch.
Our educational initiatives in the name of the revealed truths of the fifth epoch given in The Urantia Book, represent an opportunity to instill in human consciousness a high level of courage and commitment necessary to replace, fearlessly and progressively, the old beliefs and doctrines with the newly revealed truths of the fifth epoch encountered in the appropriate universal sequence of spirit experience and soul perception. If we do not model in our educational initiatives the bold response to this fifth epoch challenge, what will?
Seek the great thing, and you will find the lesser things contained therein; ask the heavenly things, and the earthly things will be included therein. The shadow is sure to follow the substance. (UB 165:5.3)
Identifying The Urantia Book as a feature of denominational Christianity represents a significant risk to the effectiveness of a newly revealed truth in facilitating the transition of human consciousness from the fourth to the fifth epoch. Such an identification, whether conscious or unconscious, could expand VAGUE’s conception of sectarian Christianity and make it more difficult to replace that perception with the religion OF Jesus expanded by the revelation of Michael’s bestowal. In the context of this essay, two types of dilution come to mind:
\1) First, Michael chose the time of his final bestowal on our planet. He appeared as a human child only 2,000 years after an emergency mission from Melchizedek to prevent the light of truth from being extinguished by rebellion and wrongdoing. Although Jesus, as the human face of our Creator Son Michael, surely embodied the supreme truths of our relationship with the Father that could be manifested in the fourth epoch of Urantia, Jesus’ revelation of 2,000 years ago might not have been entirely the same as that which he would deliver to us had he arrived, for example, at the dawn of light and life when spiritual consciousness would have been much more developed.
His revelation promoted the growth potentials rooted in new truth from those obtained in the post-Melchizedek era. Moreover, his revelation anticipated the universe sojourn of the Adjusters at Pentecost following his gift of the Spirit of Truth. But while the revelation of his religious life endures for the ages to come, it revealed no more than the evolutionary mind of the time could comprehend. Specifically, as noted below, he focused faith on the TRUTH of the Father’s existence; he did not dwell on the FACT of the reality of God in the universe of universes.
The newly revealed truths in The Urantia Book show the dividing line between epochs four and five. Jesus, as the human embodiment of the truth of the fourth revelation, must be expanded and enhanced for the fifth epoch to reveal Jesus as the human incarnation of our Creator Son fulfilling his promise to the Trinity to complete his bestowal responsibility in order to assume full sovereignty of his local universe within the context of the factual existence of the universe of universes.
\2) To identify The Urantia Book as one of the sectarian expressions of Christianity while expressing the hope of an “easy sale” of the book to Christians after its short planetary availability of 60 years (barely a blink of an eye on Michael’s time scale) will surely contaminate the new truth with the evolutionary doctrines and beliefs of an authoritative religion created by well-meaning fourth-epoch human beings. Although we are told that Christianity contains more of the teachings of Jesus than any other evolutionary religion, it is nevertheless an evolutionary response “about” revealed truth and NOT an expression of revealed truth. Our educational task of transitioning religious consciousness to the fifth epoch is made considerably more difficult by the dilution of the potentials of the new truth in the conscious or unconscious choice of implanting in the institutional and evolutionary soil even the best existing fourth-epoch authoritative religion. And after only 60 years! Breaking the record for impatience offers no satisfaction. It took Eve a little over 100 years to let her impatience overwhelm her better judgment.
Would it not be wise to use the Uvantia Book as our educational model rather than evolutionary cultural educational methods and current institutional approaches? That is, to use revealed educational techniques rather than evolutionary techniques. Jesus shared the reality of his sonship “in passing” and related to his children the will creatures. But, the Urantia Book opens its gifts of revelation through study and continuing education. Michael could have sent another son to reveal the truth in our time. But he chose, instead, to offer us our revelation of the new truth in the verbal symbols of a planetary language. Why?
The methodology and pedagogy of the UBIS (Urantia Book Internet school) is consistent with the approach used by The Urantia Book: self-discovery of revealed truth, facilitated by the use of study and question-and-answer to guide the experience. Interpretive teaching, especially in the arena of true religion, expanded consciousness, and heightened spiritual perception, results in teaching only what the teacher knows and believes rather than revealed truth. Thus, teaching by interpreting specific revealed truths for the student is inherently dilutive. Remember mota 16: “Truth cannot be perceived until it is experienced.” Another educational imperative to consider is to act as a facilitator in the experience of self-discovery of truth revelation by the person, or persons, who is or are “taught.”
My apologies to the wisdom of Chris Wood. Human and Human Beings are used throughout this article!
David Elders
The UBIS Experience | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 79 — September 2017 | Report of the 2017 National Meeting |