© 2021 Georges Michelson Dupont
© 2021 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
MAX Is In Transit To Maisonia No. 1 From Jerusem | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 96 — December 2021 | Promise Me |
George Michelson Dupont
Reclosed October 2021
Urantia is going through troubled times during which societal difficulties, dangers to the climate and biodiversity, a viral pandemic and ideological conflicts are accumulating, seriously threatening the well-being of our societies.
This world must therefore evolve from barbarism to a civilization based on the Gospel of Jesus, it is the destiny of Urantia because it is the will of God supported by our Creator Son. However, laws, morals, education, theological beliefs and even the reading of The Urantia Book will do nothing if the human being, in his interior life, is not reborn of the Spirit, does not desire to do with all his heart the will of the Father who is in heaven and does not act accordingly in his everyday life.
““I demand of you a righteousness that shall exceed the righteousness of those who seek to obtain the Father’s favor by almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. If you would enter the kingdom, you must have a righteousness that consists in love, mercy, and truth—the sincere desire to do the will of my Father in heaven.”” (UB 140:6.3)
Therefore being reborn from the Spirit is the prerequisite for the spiritual progress of each human being and this dynamic of love will generate, by contagion, the progressive evolution of humanity towards light and life.
“Spiritual growth is first an awakening to needs, next a discernment of meanings, and then a discovery of values. The evidence of true spiritual development consists in the exhibition of a human personality motivated by love, activated by unselfish ministry, and dominated by the wholehearted worship of the perfection ideals of divinity. And this entire experience constitutes the reality of religion as contrasted with mere theological beliefs.” (UB 100:2.2)
“Truth may be but relatively inspired, even though revelation is invariably a spiritual phenomenon. While statements with reference to cosmology are never inspired, such revelations are of immense value in that they at least transiently clarify knowledge by:”
- The reduction of confusion by the authoritative elimination of error.
- The co-ordination of known or about-to-be-known facts and observations.
- The restoration of important bits of lost knowledge concerning epochal transactions in the distant past.
- The supplying of information which will fill in vital missing gaps in otherwise earned knowledge.
- Presenting cosmic data in such a manner as to illuminate the spiritual teachings contained in the accompanying revelation. (UB 101:4.5-10)
While rereading booklet 52 entitled “Planetary Epochs of Mortals” and more particularly sections 2 (Man after the Planetary Prince) and 3 (Post-Adamic Man) I was struck by the author’s uncritical judgment, a Melchizedek, on the current state of our society, among other things on couples, gender equality, the family, delinquency, social misfits, the mentally retarded and the purification of racial lines.
My purpose here is to explain that the solution of these problems lies largely in a family education based on the gospel of Jesus and an expansion of the mental framework through the study of this revelation. The universe career of every mortal, from Urantia to Paradise and beyond, is governed by the supreme government of the Universal Father. (3.5)
1. Is *courage—*strength of character—desirable? Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments.
2. Is *altruism—*service of one’s fellows—desirable? Then must life experience provide for encountering situations of social inequality.
3. Is *hope—*the grandeur of trust—desirable? Then human existence must constantly be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties.
4. Is *faith—*the supreme assertion of human thought—desirable? Then must the mind of man find itself in that troublesome predicament where it ever knows less than it can believe.
5. Is the love of truth and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.
6. Is *idealism—*the approaching concept of the divine—desirable? Then must man struggle in an environment of relative goodness and beauty, surroundings stimulative of the irrepressible reach for better things.
7. Is *loyalty—*devotion to highest duty—desirable? Then must man carry on amid the possibilities of betrayal and desertion. The valor of devotion to duty consists in the implied danger of default.
8. Is *unselfishness—*the spirit of self-forgetfulness—desirable? Then must mortal man live face to face with the incessant clamoring of an inescapable self for recognition and honor. Man could not dynamically choose the divine life if there were no self-life to forsake. Man could never lay saving hold on righteousness if there were no potential evil to exalt and differentiate the good by contrast.
9. Is *pleasure—*the satisfaction of happiness—desirable? Then must man live in a world where the alternative of pain and the likelihood of suffering are ever-present experiential possibilities. (UB 3:5.6-14)
The observation that we can make of the current state of our societies is not brilliant and these inevitabilities have ample material to be experienced. No longer having a Planetary Prince to guide us nor Material Sons to educate us, we must now accomplish by ourselves the progress due to each planetary era.
2000 years ago Jesus of Nazareth came to show us the way and left us his Gospel as a legacy. He spread his Spirit of Truth and granted the Mystery Monitors as personalized aids. Today, we benefit from a precious complement, the very latest revelation of the truth. The two form an inseparable whole, one addressing the soul and the other the mind.
Spiritual evolution is based upon the adjustments of our minds to the desire to put into practice the gospel of Jesus and the choices of our personality to live according to our highest conception of truth, beauty, and goodness. The presence of the Spirit of Truth and the Mystery Monitors, combined with the facts presented by the authors of the Urantia Papers, will enhance growth and provide solutions to the problems facing our civilizations as we cooperate with them.
Where are we in relation to the planetary epochs of advancement? Melchizedek reveals to us that certain accomplishments which should have been realized still have not been. (Paper 52)
This is the dispensation of the realization of sex equality. On some planets the male may rule the female; on others the reverse prevails. During this age normal worlds establish full equality of the sexes, this being preliminary to the fuller realization of the ideals of home life. This is the dawn of the golden age of the home. The idea of tribal rule gradually gives way to the dual concept of national life and family life. (UB 52:2.7)
On average worlds, during the latter part of the prince’s rule, national life begins to replace tribal organization or rather to be superimposed upon the existing tribal groupings. But the great social achievement of the prince’s epoch is the emergence of family life. Heretofore, human relationships have been chiefly tribal; now, the home begins to materialize. (UB 52:2.6)
One of the great achievements of the age of the prince is this restriction of the multiplication of mentally defective and socially unfit individuals. Long before the times of the arrival of the second Sons, the Adams, most worlds seriously address themselves to the tasks of race purification, something which the Urantia peoples have not even yet seriously undertaken. (UB 52:2.10)
This age usually witnesses the completion of the elimination of the unfit and the still further purification of the racial strains; on normal worlds the defective bestial tendencies are very nearly eliminated from the reproducing stocks of the realm. (UB 52:3.4)
During the closing centuries of the post-Adamic age there develops new interest in art, music, and literature, and this world-wide awakening is the signal for the appearance of a Magisterial Son. The crowning development of this era is the universal interest in intellectual realities, true philosophy. Religion becomes less nationalistic, becomes more and more a planetary affair. New revelations of truth characterize these ages, and the Most Highs of the constellations begin to rule in the affairs of men. Truth is revealed up to the administration of the constellations. (UB 52:3.11)
Great ethical advancement characterizes this era; the brotherhood of man is the goal of its society. World-wide peace—the cessation of race conflict and national animosity—is the indicator of planetary ripeness for the advent of the third order of sonship, the Magisterial Son. (UB 52:3.12)
Some of the statements of the Mighty Messenger sponsoring this booklet may offend the sensibilities of some readers, but does that prevent us from reflecting on these burning and current topics? After all, the author looks at the state of progress of our planet in the light of the divine plan of perfection whose goal is to establish the local universe of Nebadon, of which Urantia is a part, in the era of light and life. He is temporarily attached to the staff of Gabriel, the right hand of Jesus, which shows the involvement of our Creator Son in this revelation and the interest he has in us. Is he not our Sovereign Prince in whom we have all confidence and gratitude? Let us also remember that the author is a Mighty Messenger, an ascending mortal who has reached supreme perfection, from an evolutionary planet like ours. He therefore knows what he is talking about. Let us keep this in mind as we discuss the methods and means to achieve these accomplishments.
“This problem of race improvement is not such an extensive undertaking when it is attacked at this early date in human evolution. The preceding period of tribal struggles and rugged competition in race survival has weeded out most of the abnormal and defective strains. An idiot does not have much chance of survival in a primitive and warring tribal social organization. It is the false sentiment of your partially perfected civilizations that fosters, protects, and perpetuates the hopelessly defective strains of evolutionary human stocks.” (UB 52:2.11)
This is where education comes in. An Archangel of Nebadon explains to us that:
“Insects are born fully educated and equipped for life—indeed, a very narrow and purely instinctive existence. The human baby is born without an education; therefore man possesses the power, by controlling the educational training of the younger generation, greatly to modify the evolutionary course of civilization.” (UB 81:6.24)
Parents therefore have the power to modify the evolutionary course of civilization. This statement should make us reflect on our individual and collective responsibility for the evolution of our civilization in light of the unfinished accomplishments mentioned above. Any normal parent wants the well-being of their children, but this notion is vague and few know how to go about it, absorbed as they are by daily and stressful life. There is an urgent need to develop parenting instruction modules and introduce them into our schools and educational institutions as an integral part of the student’s curriculum if we truly want to build a fairer world for our children.
It is precisely the aim of this presentation to attempt a first approach to what parental education can be in order to resolve the civilizational problems which we are confronted with and which are described to us above.
First, we will analyze the relationship and functioning of the child’s mind-brain couple from birth until the granting of the Thought Adjuster, that is, over a period of approximately 5 to 6 years. It is during this learning phase that the mental framework, the quality of thought, the character and many other things that we will examine are formed. Second, we will see how parents can act individually and collectively to develop in their children an education based on the values of truth, beauty and goodness in preparation for the coming of the Thought Adjuster.
The human mind
“2. Mind. The thinking, perceiving, and feeling mechanism of the human organism. The total conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with the emotional life reaching upward through worship and wisdom to the spirit level.” (UB 0:5.8)
The mind is a universal mechanism originating from the Infinite Spirit (9.5) and made functional in the local universe by the ministry of the Master Physical Controllers for the unteachable intellect of the most primitive forms of material life (UB 42:10.3), and by that of the Mother Spirit for the teachable mind functioning primarily in the animal kingdom. It produces “Consciousness” (UB 16:8.6) that we share with animals. What differentiates us from them (and which induces the truth that man is the culmination of animal evolution) is the gift of personality and free will by the Universal Father who superimposes “self-consciousness” on purely animal consciousness.
The human mind is endowed with a quality called “sensitivity to reality” (UB 16:6.4) This sensitivity allows the person’s mind to react:
- *Causation—*the reality domain of the physical senses, the scientific realms of logical uniformity, the differentiation of the factual and the nonfactual, reflective conclusions based on cosmic response. This is the mathematical form of the cosmic discrimination.
- *Duty—*the reality domain of morals in the philosophic realm, the arena of reason, the recognition of relative right and wrong. This is the judicial form of the cosmic discrimination.
- *Worship—*the spiritual domain of the reality of religious experience, the personal realization of divine fellowship, the recognition of spirit values, the assurance of eternal survival, the ascent from the status of servants of God to the joy and liberty of the sons of God. This is the highest insight of the cosmic mind, the reverential and worshipful form of the cosmic discrimination. (UB 16:6.6-8)
The mind that is given to us represents the control tower of the “brain-mind” couple.
“Material mind is the arena in which human personalities live, are self-conscious, make decisions, choose God or forsake him, eternalize or destroy themselves.” (UB 111:1.3)
“Mortal mind is a temporary intellect system loaned to human beings for use during a material lifetime, and as they use this mind, they are either accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. Mind is about all you have of universe reality that is subject to your will, and the soul—the morontia self—will faithfully portray the harvest of the temporal decisions which the mortal self is making. Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above. Of neither of these two systems is the human being ever completely conscious in his mortal life; therefore must he work in mind, of which he is conscious. And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity.” (UB 111:1.5)
The mind is also the mechanism that allows the Spirit to master energy-matter through the choices of the personality, which translates into everyday life through the decisions-actions that we take to seek or not to do the will of God, altruism vs. selfishness, selfless service vs. satisfaction of the self. This is the principle of Supremacy, the Power-Personality synthesis.
“The Third Source and Center assists in the maintenance of the equilibrium and co-ordination of the combined physical and spiritual energies and organizations by the absoluteness of his grasp of the cosmic mind and by the exercise of his inherent and universal physical- and spiritual-gravity complements. Whenever and wherever there occurs a liaison between the material and the spiritual, such a mind phenomenon is an act of the Infinite Spirit. Mind alone can interassociate the physical forces and energies of the material level with the spiritual powers and beings of the spirit level.” (UB 12:6.3)
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“There is a cosmic unity in the several mind levels of the universe of universes. Intellectual selves have their origin in the cosmic mind much as nebulae take origin in the cosmic energies of universe space. On the human (hence personal) level of intellectual selves the potential of spirit evolution becomes dominant, with the assent of the mortal mind, because of the spiritual endowments of the human personality together with the creative presence of an entity-point of absolute value in such human selves. But such a spirit dominance of the material mind is conditioned upon two experiences: This mind must have evolved up through the ministry of the seven adjutant mind-spirits, and the material (personal) self must choose to co-operate with the indwelling Adjuster in creating and fostering the morontia self, the evolutionary and potentially immortal soul.” (UB 111:1.2)
We therefore see that without the mind, the material brain is little more than an organ made up of specialized cellular matter, organized into specific zones, endowed with memory capacity (like the SSD memories of computers) and receptivity to the physicochemical stimuli of the different physical organs. For the latter to be able to ensure its function as a “control tower”, it needs an underlying higher mechanism which “makes it conscious”, structures the logic of causality, installs sensitivity to realities and makes it receptive to the Spirit.
How is our mental framework, the support of consciousness, formed?
This framework is formed from the beginning of life. Studies show that at a certain stage of advancement in the multiplication, specialization and organization of brain cells, the intellectual mechanism is slowly put in place and the fetus begins to react to music, to the voice of its parents, to caresses on the mother’s belly and certainly to many other things. It is likely that at this stage of development, the brain becomes sensitive to the first adjunct mental spirit, that of spatialization, because the fetus seeks the best position to come out.
At birth, the brain is a real sponge. The synaptic nodes of the brain are still underdeveloped, they only need to multiply to build a real network. Under the influence of the mental mechanism, all the information perceived by its five senses begins to be organized. They are transmitted to the brain in electrochemical forms by traveling through a network of dendrites and synapses and are finally stored in the cells forming physical memory. The next information resembling information already memorized will pass through this “path of least resistance”. This is how conditioned reflexes are formed, the basis of our future behavior, it is also the subconscious reason why we have so much trouble accepting change because these paths of thought of least resistance constitute a “comfort zone” that our mind is reluctant to leave.
The child’s experience with material, intellectual and spiritual realities is thus memorized, classified and integrated into behavior. It contributes to building character. This organization in the formation of the brain is directly sensitive to the ministry of the adjutant mental spirits and orchestrated by them. It depends on them for the development of the aptitudes that we call “innate and acquired” of the child. Racial heredity brings innate characteristics, education, social environment, and sensitivity to values allow the acquisition of others. We will see later the importance of the functioning of the last two adjutant mental spirits with regard to the formation of ideals and the installation of righteousness in the character.
In the newborn, the construction of the brain-mind couple relationship and the quality of its functioning depend a lot on the environment in which it will evolve. Parental love, daily care, patience play an educational role in the construction of its mental framework, its character and the development of future relationships that the baby will have with those around it. For him, “mom-dad” is the nourishing, protective couple and his only reference. Later, he will tend to reproduce what he himself has experienced. Toddlers who, from birth, are mistreated, exposed to physical or verbal violence within the family keep these impressions engraved in their unconscious under construction and can develop irrational fears or uncontrolled violence in their adult life.
From the appearance of self-will and self-consciousness to the coming of the Thought Adjuster.
This phase sees the personality unfold and the functioning of free will develop under the combined ministry of the last two adjutant mental spirits. Personality, as a quality, gradually acquires the 14 characteristics described in the introduction to booklet 112. The child begins to discriminate between good and evil, to make choices that position him in relation to values, he chooses heroes.
This is the period of discovery of the world, of questioning those around you, of building character involving the affirmation of one’s personality and the balance of power with parental authority. It is during this period that spiritual perception must be developed, it consists of the child’s recognition of the values of truth, beauty and goodness and their application in his life. It must be done through a wise daily approach and by example within the family.
The child’s imagination is very sensitive to appropriate readings in the evening before bedtime, they are privileged moments to gently convey these values in a playful way because the child will fall asleep thinking about them. We can thus measure how much parental education conditions the formation of the child’s mental framework during the first 5 years and the responsibility that is theirs. After this age, education becomes more and more difficult.
This period of the child’s life is of particular interest to the Thought Adjuster who will come to inhabit his mind. Indeed the Solitary Messenger reveals that:
“The volunteering Adjuster is particularly interested in three qualifications of the human candidate:”
1. Intellectual capacity. Is the mind normal? What is the intellectual potential, the intelligence capacity? Can the individual develop into a bona fide will creature? Will wisdom have an opportunity to function?
2. Spiritual perception. The prospects of reverential development, the birth and growth of the religious nature. What is the potential of soul, the probable spiritual capacity of receptivity?
3. Combined intellectual and spiritual powers. The degree to which these two endowments may possibly be associated, combined, so as to produce strength of human character and contribute to the certain evolution of an immortal soul of survival value.
With these facts before them, it is our belief that the Monitors freely volunteer for assignment. Probably more than one Adjuster volunteers; perhaps the supervising personalized orders select from this group of volunteering Adjusters the one best suited to the task of spiritualizing and eternalizing the personality of the mortal candidate. (In the assignment and service of the Adjusters the sex of the creature is of no consideration.)
The short time intervening between the volunteering and the actual dispatch of the Adjuster is presumably spent in the Divinington schools of the Personalized Monitors where a working pattern of the waiting mortal mind is utilized in instructing the assigned Adjuster as to the most effective plans for personality approach and mind spiritization. This mind model is formulated through a combination of data supplied by the superuniverse reflectivity service. At least this is our understanding, a belief which we hold as the result of putting together information secured by contact with many Personalized Adjusters throughout the long universe careers of the Solitary Messengers. (UB 108:1.3-8)
We appreciate how much we can facilitate the task of the Thought Adjusters by preparing the mind of the child through proper education for receptivity to their guidance. The great difficulty confronting educators lies in the persistence of undesirable morals, medieval religious traditions, and racial prejudices.
Gender equality, domestic happiness, the disappearance of social misfits, the progress of social ethics and many other achievements will be achieved through education. To advance our civilization, man must first broaden his mental framework, expand his cosmic consciousness to think better and enhance his spiritual perception to accept more to live the Gospel of Jesus. Only then will the evolutionary course of our civilization change.
The destiny of Urantia in the Second Universe Age is to succeed, revelation after revelation, in establishing the Kingdom of God in light and life, that is, the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. This will be done because it is the will of God, supported by the plan of our Creator Son.
By the year 3000, gender equality is fully realized in all cultures, family life is stable, parents know how to educate their children to face social life and be good citizens, social misfits and sexual predators have disappeared, mental illnesses are being eradicated thanks to scientific progress, racial improvement is no longer a taboo and their relations are calming down, leaders of countries abandon national egoisms and nations cooperate to make the world a better and safer place, social ethics are developing, corruption and drugs have disappeared, a powerful spiritual revival is taking place and a true social brotherhood is beginning to develop.
Good luck.
MAX Is In Transit To Maisonia No. 1 From Jerusem | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 96 — December 2021 | Promise Me |