© 2000 Nicholas W. Scalzo, Georges Michelson-Dupont, Al Gates Lockett, Kalevi Eklöf, Seppo Kanerva, Peep Sõber, Ruth Kask, Phil Taylor, Kathleen Swadling, Moussa Ndiaye, Carolina Arana, Carol Cannon, Gaétan Charland, Cathy Jones
© 2000 Urantia Association International (IUA)
A News Journal for Readers of The Urantia Book
The International Urantia Association presents
Urantia 2000
The Spiritual Experience:
August 4-7, 2000 Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, USA
This issue presents most of the discourses presented at the IUA International Conference, which was held at Wagner College in New York City on August 4-7, 2000.
Several of the discourses were not available at press time. They will be printed in later issues of the Journal as they become available.
Printed copies of many of these speeches were handed out at the conference. All of these texts have been edited somewhat for correctness, clarity, and consistent referencing of quotes from The Urantia Book.
The photographs were taken by James Woodward. Thanks to all who helped in the production of this issue.
August 4-7, 2000 New York City, USA
Three hundred and fifteen people from 23 countries attended the International Urantia Association’s biennial conference held August 4 through 7 at Wagner College on Staten Island, just across the bay from New York City. This included 41 children ages 7 to 18 who came to share in the experience. The Urantia Association of Greater New York (UAGNY) and the Urantia Association of New England (UANE) co-sponsored the conference. Urantia Conference 2000 was in fact an international conference. There were representatives from around the world, including France, Finland, Bolivia, Australia, Senegal, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Greece, Argentina, The Netherlands, Cuba, and the United Kingdom-to mention a few.
The theme of the conference was “Living the Will of Our Father.” Eighteen speakers from around the world presented discourses on various perspectives of this theme. Some of the discourses were presented in more than one language. Written translations were also available for many of the discourses. In the later afternoons, participants could choose from a variety of workshops, giving them an opportunity to exchange ideas in a less formal setting.
The children were invited to attend the opening session and were presented with their own copies of The Urantia Book. Later the children attended workshops designed especially for them. Their program included a trip to Manhattan with adult chaperones.
To some extent, the success of this type of conference can be measured by the diversity of the group attending, diversity, not only of nationality, but ethnicity, age and socio-economic group and other categories as well. As was illustrated in one of the presentations, the vast majority of those attending were in the "over 45 " category. But there was a larger than usual number of young people in attendance. They helped with the children, attended workshops, performed, and otherwise participated in conference activities. It was great to see them there. These young people are the future of the movement and of the planet. We need their perspectives and their energy.
No conference is complete without the arts. At this conference, they were abundant and diverse. Carlos Rubinsky of Argentina displayed some of his paintings representing the sacred geometry. Alfons Halsema from the Netherlands led beautiful choir music and Urs Ruchti of France presented an excellent piano recital. The “Little Savages Ensemble” lightened the days with musical interludes. Bert Cobb of the United States read some of his poetry, and Chris Wood wrote a play that was performed by many of the under-25 participants. There was also theater, poetry, dance, and lots of other music by various performers. On Monday morning Helen Anvelt of Estonia presented an artful tapestry of words, music and dance. This worshipful presentation of truth, beauty and goodness brought tears of joy to many.
Conferences are always a great place to renew old friendships and make new ones. The firsttime conference attendee is often overwhelmed with joy to finally meet so many other readers. The seasoned attendee is refreshed to see the progress and growth of the circle of readers. The New York conference provided a wonderful venue for the meeting of mind and spirit.
The Mystery of His Spirit Indwelling Has Been Revealed!
We Proclaim this Day as the Beginning of Our Return to the High Spiritual Concept of the Will of Our Heavenly Father Dominant and Transcendent in the Hearts, Minds and Souls of Mankind!
The human Jesus saw God as being holy, just, and great, as well as being true, beautiful, and good. All these attributes of divinity be focused in bis mind as the “will of the Father in heaven.” Jesus’ God was at one and the same time “The Holy One of Israel” and “The living and loving Father in heaven.” The concept of God as a Father was not original with Jesus, but be exalted and elevated the idea into a sublime experience by achieving a new revelation of God and by proclaiming that every mortal creature is a child of this Father of love, a son of God. [UB 196:0.2]
“The Lord our God is one Lord, and you should love him with all your mind and heart while you do your very best to love all bis children as you love yourself. This one God is our heavenly Father, in whom all things consist, and who dwells, by bis spirit, in every sincere human soul. And we who are the children of God should learn how to commit the keeping of our souls to him as to a faithful Creator. With our heavenly Father all things are possible. Since be is the Creator, having made all things and all beings, it could not be otherwise. Though we cannot see God, we can know him. And by daily living the will of the Father in heaven, we can reveal him to our fellow men.” [UB 131:10.2]
Sooner or later all universe personalities begin to realize that the final quest of eternity is the endless exploration of infinity, the never-ending voyage of discovery into the absoluteness of the First Source and Center. Sooner or later we all become aware that all creature growth is proportional to Father identification. We arrive at the understanding that living the will of God is the eternal passport to the endless possibility of infinity itself. Mortals will sometime realize that success in the quest of the Infinite is directly proportional to the acbievement of Fatber likeness, and that in this universe age the realities of the Father are revealed within the qualities of divinity. And these qualities of divinity are personally appropriated by universe creatures in the experience of living divinely, and to live divinely means actually to live the will of God. [UB 106:9.11]
To material, evolutionary, finite creatures, a life predicated on the living of the Father’s will leads directly to the attainment of spirit supremacy in the personality arena and brings such creatures one step nearer the comprebension of the Father-Infinite. Such a Father life is one predicated on truth, sensitive to beauty, and dominated by goodness. Such a God-knowing person is inwardly illuminated by worship and outwardly devoted to the wholehearted service of the universal brotherbood of all personalities, a service ministry which is filled with merry and motivated by love, while all these life qualities are unified in the evolving personality on ever-ascending levels of cosmic wisdom, self-realization, God-finding, and Father worship. [UB 106:9.12]
Every mortal who is consciously or unconsciously following the leading of his indwelling Adjuster is living in accordance with the will of God. Consciousness of Adjuster presence is consciousness of God’s presence. [UB 107:0.4]
Nicholas W. Scalzo
I am very happy to be here with you today at this International Urantia Association conference to celebrate the Spirit of the Universal Father that resides in each and every one of us. This conference is being held to remind us that the Spirit of our Universal Father indwells our minds and shares our daily lives with us every day of our human existence.
And it is in recognition of this outpouring of God’s pre-personal Spirit upon all mankind and upon ourselves personally that we have dedicated this conference and our lives to the glory of the Universal Father and the personal spiritual experience of living his will.
In the next few days, not only will we explore the reality of having a fragment of God indwelling our minds and leading our hearts, but we will also attempt the joy of exploring the many avenues of doing his will in continuous and conscious ways as we live and share our life with him. In essence we will share with each other the personal spiritual knowledge of our Godconsciousness to make his will more personal, more real and a living part of our lives.
Georges MichelSon-Dupont, France
What I am about to tell you this morning should not be considered an attempt to convince those who don’t believe in God, or even an example for someone else to consider; it should rather be viewed as an honest sharing with you of my modest spiritual life with my Father, my understanding of what he wants of me, a sincere explanation of my personal struggle between my animal tendencies and my longings for truth, beauty, and goodness.
The answers I found for myself and which I am about to share with you are strictly personal and would not be applicable in your personal case; nevertheless, I invite those of you who are interested in this subject to make a similar spiritual exercise, in which honesty and humbleness are instrumental.
I take the opportunity to thank the team of dedicated people from the New York Association and the staff of Urantia Foundation who have set up this conference and chosen this theme. Indeed, revisiting the topic, meditating on my personal experience, and putting in writing my findings helped me to clarify in my mind some aspects and served my desire to do his will. I hope the conference will be equally helpful to you.
Al Gates Lockett
Universal Father, at the center of all eternity and all creation, we are thankful for your will.
I would like to thank all of those responsible for this wonderful occasion and all of you who traveled such great distances to be here. What a great time to be living the will of the Father. When I imagine the enormous spiritual energy with all of the Thought Adjusters presently in this location and the guardian seraphim and legions of angels gathered about this location, at this event, I am thrilled to be here. What a powerful moment to be living the will of the Father. What a great time to focus and re-focus on the very reason we all exist!
It was over 28 years ago when The Urantia Book was given to me, and in that time I have learned what it means to live the will of the Father. It was during that exciting time that I consciously began to actively participate in the perfection of my life and destiny. It is a part of that destiny that I appear before you today to share my experience of living the will of the Father.
Prior to discovering The Urantia Book, I was subject to many confusing interpretations of what the will of God was. Growing up there were different occasions in which I got a chance to see God’s will at work. For example, one time at a funeral I heard someone remark, “It was God’s will.” Or there would be an awful tragedy, and that too was God’s will. If something occurred and there was no coherent reason for it, it became the will of God. Even in my prayers as a child I was taught to say, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Always these cryptic elucidations of the will of God. How many religious causes or zealots have justified their actions by claiming it was God’s will? As a result, God’s will takes on a pretty ominous and complicated form. The anthropomorphic picture is God sitting there on a massive throne, with a long white beard (thanks to Michelangelo), going about the business of doling out blessings, answering prayers, and affecting his will upon mankind at his whim. God’s will becomes a very complicated issue and living it even more so.
Kalevi Eklöf, Finland
We have in Finland an old adage that goes: “A beloved child has many names,” and in my reading The Urantia Book this saying very often crosses my mind, particularly where the discussion concerns the Thought Adjusters. We are familiat with appellations like Thought Adjuster, Mystery Monitor, Thought Changer, Thought Controller and many others. All of these denotations depict, tell about or express some of the many methods, ways or forms of acting that the Thought Adjusters make use of and apply.
The book tells us:
Seppo Kanerva, Finland
Jesus’ earthly life was devoted to one great purpose-doing the Father’s will, living the human life religiously and by faith. [UB 196:0.14] Never lose sight of the fact that the supreme spiritual purpose of the Michael bestowal was to enbance the revelation of God. [UB 120:4.4]
Jesus, the incarnated Christ Michael, is a Paradise Son of the Michael order, a Creator Son, and we are instructed that each Creator Son has to win and earn the unchallenged authority to rule his local universe, a congregation of ten million inhabited worlds, thousands of architectural spheres and trillions of mortal and celestial beings. The last phase in a Creator Son’s gaining full sovereignty over his creation is the seventh bestowal, an incarnation, which happens only once during his career and always in the likeness of a human, the lowest creature with survival potentials and capacity.
Peep Sõber, Estonia
It is one of the basic laws of life and existence in the universe that we all are connected to the network of sharing. It begins with Deities and ends in the life of cells or perhaps even on the quantum level of matter.
If we wish to be God-like, we should become involved in the sharing of our spiritual life. “God is Spirit.” By living our spiritual life we can become more and more spiritual and thereby God-like. “God is love.” Love is nothing more than sharing living relationships. We can share spiritually only those values which we have experienced, comprehended and assimilated. On the material level we can share what we have, but on the spiritual level we can share what we are.
How do we distinguish between having and being? We can agree that having exists on a superficial level; being is all that which lies deep within, the inner state of mind. To have some ideas of truth and to understand them properly does not take much time and effort. We can have some knowledge of truth. We can read The Urantia Book, understand somewhat its basic concepts and teachings, but to live that truth will take much time, struggle, and dedication. But when we live that truth, we start to assimilate it and become that truth. As Jesus said, “I am the truth.”
Ruth Kask, Estonia
Although the average mortal of Urantia cannot bope to attain the high perfection of character which Jesus of Nazareth acquired while sojourring in the flesh, it is altogether possible for every mortal believer to develop a strong and unified personality along the perfected lines of the Jesus personality. [UB 100:7.1]
Be you perfect even as your Heavenly Father is perfect! How long will it take to become perfect like him? The question will arise in a beginner’s mind who wishes to start his/her heavenly path. Those who have discovered their path and who believe and trust in their Heavenly Father will not ask a question like that. They know that at every moment of their lives they will become more divinely perfect. A true faith son grows every moment in this wisdom, and our next question is, what is that wisdom?
Intelligence grows out of a material existence which is illuminated by the presence of the cosmic mind. Wisdom comprises the consciousness of knowledge elevated to new levels of meaning and activated by the presence of the universe endowment of the adjutant of wisdom. [UB 180:5.3]
Philip Taylor, U.S.A.
Peace be with you my brothers and sisters. I am glad to have this opportunity to speak with so many God-knowing men and women, and it gives me great pleasure to be able to share these words with you. Know this, I pray often for the spiritual progress of this movement, and so too, do I pray for the spiritual progress of each and every one of you. I say this to express my love for you, my brothers and sisters, who I sincerely hope will achieve that divine greatness to which you are all entitled.
I commence this speech with this expression of my love for you, as I know it is the desire of our brother Michael to have love as the keynote to everything we do. If this organization is not heralded by love, then it has not the blessing of our creator and it has not the strength to continue. I say this because this conference is dedicated to doing the will of our Father in heaven, and his will can only be achieved through the desire of love-saturated souls. This requirement is not to be taken lightly. We must truly and genuinely love one another for the Urantia movement to be a success.
Kathleen Swadling, Australia
Good morning. I’ve been asked to present this topic on “Living the Will of our Father—Sharing God, the Sublime Consciousness of Knowing God.” When I was first asked to present this topic, my immediate thoughts were, "Oh my gosh, how on earth am I going to talk about something so immense and so profound; something so close to my heart without distorting the truth and beauty of something that lies way beyond the realm of words?
I thought, “How can I talk about this subject to a group of religionists without telling them something they don’t already know—without ‘preaching to the choir’ so to speak?”
I thought, “How can I talk about something that really can only be understood and recognised, for the most part, by our actions—by the fruits of the spirit?” I’ve had doubts as to whether I can do it justice or not.
Moussa Ndiaye, Senegal
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me specify that this study of the given theme will be discussing man, his relationship with God and his performance in the created universes marching towards life and light.
1. Man Himself
When we view a human individual, we first ascertain his being: he is unity (still unfathomable) of three realities that make him recognisable— body, mind and free will. These fundamental endowments, in a functional unity, make up the minimum for him to be spoken of as a normal human being who lives on the face of the earth.
Once we cast a more attentive look at an average human being, we arrive at a more comprehensive grasp: each constituent part of his being achieves its full manifestation. Through a series of transformations, mutations and metamorphoses his body transmutes from an embryonic state to the soma of an adult. His mind’s simple primal reflexes in the cradle become the mind of an intellectual, moral and social reason, and his personality (his free will) evolves from one that responds to pleasure or pain to one that makes choices, is idealistic and surpasses itself.
Carolina Arana, Bolivia
This is the fifth and last paper of the series presenting the narrative of the Universal Father by a Divine Counselor of Uversa. The paper has six sections. The author leads us progressively from: the approach to God, the presence of God, true worship, God in religion, the consciousness of God and the God of personality. The Divine Counselor explains to us one of the greatest unfathomable mysteries of God: The divine presence in the mind of man is the mystery of mysteries [UB 1:4.1].
The divine mystery consists of the inberent difference which exists between the finite and the infinite, the temporal and the eternal, the time-space creature and the Universal Creator, the material and the spiritual, the imperfection of man and the perfection of Paradise Deity. [26.17-27.0]
Carol Cannon, U.S.A.
I think you all know where I’m going with this. We’re all saying essentially the same thing this weekend, but in all of our diverse ways. We could just go into a deep meditation now and save ourselves a lot of time and talk, but I’ll try to be quick, so here is my one minute overview:
It is my belief that we humans, two-legged two-brained creatures, are designed and born to feel and express joy on an on-going basis and that is the Father’s will for us.
Through these very physical apparatus we call our bodies, especially at this current time, not only in our culture’s history, but also astro-physically where we are in space, along with our increasing understanding of how quantum physics works, we have everything we need to have a full-time joyous experience, even while presented with the task of dreaming this adolescent world into Light and Life.
Gaétan Charland, Canada
Yes we all have what it takes to live according to the will of God and in doing so, we can be certain of reaching Paradise one day in the eternal future. But to have all the right qualities and know how to make that long trip is not enough; we have to act according to our decisions and those decisions must be the right ones. The survival of our personality and our fusion with our adjuster is dependent upon our decisions, the intention behind the decisions and the actions that will be supportive of those decisions. All those decisions and actions must be motivated and enriched by our faith. We can say that without decisions and actions there is no spiritual progress.
Are we doing all that it takes? Do we have a plan for achieving our spiritual goals? Do we know how to reform our self spiritually? Do we think and live according to our spiritual wish? Do we express in our intentions and actions the will of our divine Father? Those are questions that must confront us in our everyday life. We have to push ourselves further and further on the road of mastering and transcending our animal nature if we really want to answer the call of our divine gift the Mystery Monitor.
Catherine Jones, U.S.A.
What if I told you this moming that you have a personal, special message from a spirit personality, one who was created by the Infinite Spirit at the Third Source and Center. This spirit personality is a Solitary Messenger, part of a corps of Solitary Messengers who were created to possess the most efficient and fastest means of communication within the master universe, having the capacity to travel at 841,621,642,000 miles [1.354.458.739.000 kilometres] per second of our time, and that this Solitary Messenger was attached to the commission sent to our world, Urantia, around 1934 to enlarge the revelation of truth to our world.
Would this get your attention? It did mine.
A memorial fund has been set up in the name of Richard H. Brinkman to benefit the translation of The URANTIA Book into the Chinese language. The memorial was established by Hilvania C. Adams in memory of Rick, who had been a reader of The URANTIA Book since 1960. He was the first president of the United States URANTIA Association, the founder and first president of the Greater New York URANTIA Association and most recently President of the URANTIA Association of Florida.
Rick passed away unexpectedly May 20, 2000.
Those who wish to contribute to the fund may do so by sending their donation to URANTIA Foundation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614. Please specify that it is for the Richard H. Brinkman Fund.
On June 3, 2000, the Council of National Presidents and Vice Presidents (the CNP) passed a resolution to distribute the IUA Journal free of charge to all IUA members beginning with the June (2000) issue.
This 20 -page publication is published quarterly in four languages: Spanish, French, Finnish, and English. It includes IUA news, discourses from conferences around the world, and articles from readers on a variety of topics.
All IUA members are asked to make a yearly donation to the IUA to cover the costs of this benefit of membership. The funds collected will be divided between the distributing association and the entity which produces the respective version of the Journal, so to cover the distribution expenses and the costs of the production of the Journal. The Journal will also be available by paid subscription to other interested people. In addition, the IUA website will feature a downloadable version of the most recent issue in each language.
The Council also resolved to let each national association, if it so desires, to perform the distribution of the Journal to its members and to the subscribers within its jurisdiction.
Show your support for the IUA by sending a donation to cover the cost of your subscription.
The Council of National Presidents and Vicepresidents of the IUA (CNP) held its statutory biannual meeting on 3 August 2000, on the “pre-conference” day of the International Conference of the IUA in New York.The CNP Rules prescribe that for a meeting to constitute a quorum the presence of two thirds of its voting members is required. The CNP currently unites fourteen voting members, and the New York meeting was attended by twelve voting members or their representatives; a quorum, thus, was present. The voting members at the meeting included President Patricia Ramírez and Ramón Ortiz, who represented the Vicepresident of the Colombian association, from Colombia; President Betty Zehr and Vice-president Dorothy Elder from the United States; Kathleen Swadling from Australia, representing the President and the Vicepresident of ANZURA; Séverin Desbuisson and Joseph Le Dain from France representing the President and the Vice-president of AFLLU; President Gaétan Charland and Vice-president Nathen Jansen from Canada; and President Kalevi Eklöf and Kristina Siikala, who represented the Vice-president, from Finland.
The meeting was attended also by a number of observers, including Mario Casassus, Carlos Rubinsky and Nadine Loubet, the President, Vice-president and Secretary of the Southern Cone Association (Chile, Argentina, Bolivia); Peep Sõber and Ruth Kask, the President and Vice-president of the Estonian Association; Rodrigo Miño from the prospective Ecuadorian association; Moussa Ndiaye from the prospective Senegalese association; Costas Diamantopoulos from the prospective Greek association; Luiz Dolabella from the prospective Brazilian association; and Cathy Jones, the IUA Administrator.
The CNP re-elected Seppo Kanerva from Finland as chairman and Kathleen Swadling from Australia as recorder for the period of 2000-2002. Both elections were unanimous and uncontested. The meeting approved of the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting conducted via an exchange of electronic mail during the period of 1998-2000. The chairman informed the CNP of the progress of the ongoing work on a major revision of the statutory documents, the Charter and Bylaws, of the IUA, and outlined the most essential features of the foreseen new structure of the organisation.
The CNP was formed and its Rules were set by the Board of Directors of the IUA (the Trustees) in 1998, during the IUA International Conference in Helsinki. The purpose of the CNP is to serve, integrate and coordinate the functions of IUA constituencies worldwide. The CNP functions as the international administrative governing unit of the IUA. As its name indicates, the CNP consists of the presidents and vicepresidents of the national associations of the IUA, which now include Australia-New Zealand, Canada, Colombia, Finland, France, Peru and the United States.
Because it would be excessively expensive for the CNP to meet face-to-face and because of the many time zones and the many languages involved, teleconferences would be an impossible working method. Therefore, the CNP has created its own ways of conducting its business: The CNP is in constant session via an exchange of electronic mail on a separate and exclusive CNP list. The Council conducts its deliberations in three (occasionally four) languages, with the contributions of each member always translated into the other languages in use. This working method has proven very effective, and the CNP has, in its deliberations, covered a great number of issues of international importance: the IUA Journal and its distribution, international conferences, a number of issues of statutory character, IUA brochure, IUA website, etc
Gaétan Charland of Quebec is compiling a special commemorative C D that will include pictures, sounds, and text from the Urantia 2000 conference in New York. Proceeds from the sale of the CD will benefit IUA. He is also looking for recordings of music from the conference and pictures of activities other than those in the theatre. If you have pictures or recordings to share, please contact him. If you would like more information about purchasing the CD , please contact:: Gaétan Charland, 569 Francine, Ste-Sophie, QC. J0R 1S0 CANADA
Tel: 450-565-3323
The International Urantia Association JOURNAL is a quarterly news journal for readers of The Urantia Book, produced by International Urantia Association, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60614, USA.
Board of Editors
Carolyn Prentice, chief editor. Pascal Coulombe, France; Catherine Jones, USA; Kari Kuosmanen, Finland; Janet Nilsen, USA; Maggie Pyle, USA; Andrés Rodriguez, Colombia; Trevor Swadling, Australia.
Foreign Language Editions Staff
Seppo Kanerva, Forcign Language Supervising Editor
Seppo Kanerva, Finnish Traslator
Chris Ragetly, Nicole Ragetly and Jean Royer, French Translators David Carrera, Elias Garcia, William Lloyd and Gustavo Proaño, Spanish Translators
Technical Assistants: Marie Vasile, Shirley Pelland., and Jerry Prentice.
Quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from The Urantia Book © 1955 Urantia Foundation. The method of identifying quotations is the method used in The Urantia Book Concordance © 1993 Urantia Foundation.
Urantia Foundation has Respresentatives in Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Estonia, Lithuania, Mexico, Norway, Peru, and Venezuela. If you require information on study groups, where you can obtain The Urantia Book or a Representative’s telephone number, please contact the office nearest you or the head office in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Urantia Foundation
533 Diversey Parkway
Chicago, Illinois 60614 USA
Tel: +1-773-525-3319
Fax: +1-773-525-7739
Email: urantia@www.urantia.org
Website: http://www.urantia.org
Urantia Foundation
7 Walsh Street
North Narrabeen 2101 NSW AUSTRALIA
Tel/Fax: +61-2-9970-6200
Email: urantia@urantia.org.au
Website: http://urantia.org.au
Urantia Foundation
Runeberginkatu 54a A5
00260 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel: +358-9-496561
Fax: +358-9-496225
Email: seppo.kanerva@kolumbus.fi
Website: http//www.urantia.org
Urantia France S.A.
48, rue Douy Delcupe 93100 Montreuil su Bois FRANCE
Tel: +33141581515
Email: georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Website: http://www.urantia.org
Fondation Urantia 707 Route 138
Cap-Sante PQ G0A 1L0 Quebec, CANADA
Tel: +1418 285-3333 Fax: +1 4182850226
Urantia Foundation
2150 Bellevue Avenue 805
West Vancouber BC
Tel: +16049265836
Email: cascades@telus.net
Urantia Foundation Casilla 13509
Correo 21
Santiago CHILE
Tel: +562316-1791
Website: www.urantia-latina.org
Urantia Foundation
2 Wanbourne Lane
Nettlebed, Oxfordshire
Tel/Fax: +44 1491 641-922
Email: chris_moseley@mon.bbc.co.uk
Urantia Foundation
Solidarnsti av 12-2-526
St. Petersburg 193312 RUSSIA
Tel. +7812-580-3018
The JOURNAL is sent free of charge to all registered IUA members. Others may subscribe to the JOURNAL at these rates:
Annual (4 issues): 15$ US, 15$ Australian, or 50 Finnish Marks
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Other foreign language edition rates will be equal to 15$ US for subscription or 3$ US for a single issue, in local currency, according to international exchange rates at the time of subscription.
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JOURNAL accepts all article submissions for consideration for current or future issues. All submissions become the property of JOURNAL, and none are returned. Any not used in the current issue are kept on file for potential future use. JOURNAL does not compensate any author through payment or in any other manner for such voluntary submissions. While JOURNAL makes efforts to attempt to contact authors during the editing process, JOURNAL reserves the right to edit materials, as it deems necessary, for publication. While JOURNAL is grateful for and relies upon author submissions, it is unable to personally acknowledge each submission made; however, authors may contact JOURNAL to ensure their submission was received for consideration for inclusion in the JOURNAL.
Send correspondence or article submissions for the International Urantia Association JOURNAL in care of any Foundation Office. For earliest consideration, directed your correspondence to the Main Office for Urantia Foundaion, or send email messages to: p. carrie@eudoramail.com. International Urantia Association, and the International Urantia Association JOURNAL are affiliated with Urantia Foundation, original publisher of The Urantia Book. For further information about International Urantia Association, the IUA JOURNAL, or Urantia Foundation, please contact any Urantia Foundation office.
Any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of International Urantia Association, the national or local Urantia Associations, the Trustees of Urantia Foundation, or the Board of editors of the International Urantia Association JOURNAL.
© 2000 International Urantia Association