© 2012 Ivan Stol, Guy de Viron, Patrick Baumann, Max Masotti, Meredith J. Sprunger, Ivan Stol, Richard Dulask, Rosette Poletti, Barbara Dobbs, Dominique Ronfet
© 2012 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Dear Urantians of France,
It was at La Neylière that some of you did me the honor of placing me at the head of this organization that is the AFLUB. I regret a little that this meeting did not bring together more people on this site because it was the occasion for a very interesting exchange on truth, beauty and goodness.
I have the opportunity to help you, the readers of this exceptional book, with the help of all the members of the board of directors, to carry out your meetings and your projects to make those around you aware of the reality of this cosmic plan of God for men. The goal is to put on a sweet music to wake people up pleasantly in a world of hope and warm brotherhood.
Ivan Stol
Here is a spring edition of the Urantian Link, invigorating and refreshing as you wish! Starting with a more airy, more fluid layout, which should please our senior readers! It’s up to you to judge! For the moment, no return to colonization planned as in the Urantia Cosmogony or certain other editions of the Urantia Book.
Basically, we are on our way with the third part of Meredith Sprunger: our superconsciousness, the soul and the personality! Reading this excerpt we will have an emotional thought for its interpretation since the beginning of this year marks the departure from Urantia of this great thinker.
Literary flowering obliges, here is a new section of compilations ready to put into practice. We will begin with “Self-esteem”, a magnificent program that allows us to stay in shape and which completes the Testimony of Joseph Stutz, the millionaire, and supports the theme of confidence so dear to our Master Michael of Nebadon.
Guy from Viron
Editor’s note (editor’s note):
The Links are quarterly and appear on the 15th of March, June, September and December! They are first sent to subscribers in digital form (PDF format) on these same dates and then, as far as possible, in their “paper” form. As AFLUB prints are grouped with other periodicals, it is possible that the deadline for the paper format is longer. As for the texts intended to be published within the Link concerned, they must imperatively arrive 30 days before the aforementioned publication date and approved by our president, Ivan Stol, director of publication. Thank you for your understanding.
L’Illustré, Wed December 14, 2011: Testimony of Joseph Stutz, The Millionaire of Happiness.
Some 100,000 French-speaking households received a small book in their mailbox. A gift that surprised or delighted, offered by a mysterious wealthy retiree. “L’illustré” went to meet Joseph Stutz, a funny Santa Claus.
This book gives you valuable and useful tools to free yourself from your psychological suffering and lead you towards a fulfilled life. When you read this book, you will discover how to control your stress and feel good, even if sometimes everything seems to be going wrong.
Patrick Baumann
Poem for those who want to improve their self-esteem
I am what I am.
By having faith in the beauty within me, I develop confidence.
In gentleness, I find strength.
In silence, I walk with the gods.
In peace I understand myself and I understand the world.
I am moving away from the conflict.
I find freedom in letting go.
Stuart Wilde
Local Universe
Max Masotti
5. Eternal Personal Realities: Our Superconscious, Soul and Personality
Human beings are material organisms. We are the creation of a long and controlled evolutionary process, divinely implemented. Homo sapiens has achieved rational intelligence and a perception of the values of truth, beauty, and goodness. Through these cognitive abilities we have built an enduring civilization and culture. However, as individuals we are temporary inhabitants of planet Earth. Our material bodies and minds are transient phenomena. We are laying the foundation for a more permanent existence. The only surviving aspects of our mortal experience are our spiritual superconscious, our semi-spiritual soul, and our divinely bestowed personality, which carry our identity, value, and interpersonal memories to the next stage of our development.
The Superconscious
Meredith J. Sprunger
May the sweetness of friendship be made of laughter and shared pleasures.
If you don’t understand your friend in all circumstances, you will never understand him.
Do not think that you can bend the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
We are like nuts. We must be broken to be discovered.
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s call to itself
Khalil Gibran
To La Neylière with truth, beauty, goodness
This site, although lacking in sanitary facilities, is comfortable and pleasant. The welcome was friendly and attentive, the food good and simple.
First of all, the general meeting.
A simple and complete presentation, available soon on our site and on request for non-Internet users, was made during this assembly. In summary, a stability in the number of readers, a site that lives without progressing too much but is quite well placed, solid accounting thanks to the many generous donations, allows us to see the future with serenity.
Ivan Stol
Trust: Our Weapon Against Worry
Through the ability to trust that God has given us, we have the power to free ourselves from complications, to purify ourselves from corrosive emotions. With time and application, there is no negative emotion that trust cannot remove. All anxiety, all fear of the future can be abolished. When we learn to trust God absolutely, we are freed from all our worries. Our state of consciousness rises to a level where we are positive, sure, confident, and able to act as we are meant to do. Our state of consciousness feels free and light.
Trust is a great power of universal application. It is as simple as breathing, so simple that even a child can do it. Perhaps a short prayer or an affirmation of truth is enough to put us in a trusting frame of mind. Perhaps we want to precede our affirmation with a moment of relaxation by taking a deep breath or resting for a few moments. This is helpful in reminding the body that it does not have to worry, that all the details of our lives are in the hands of God who has the perfect solution. We can use this ability to trust in God, anywhere and at any time. It only takes a moment of relaxation to turn our concerns over to God’s care, to trust Him completely.
Richard Dulask
Breathing like the ocean wave
Comes from the universe and returns to nothingness.
The inspiration is the flow
And the expiration the reflux.
At once changeable,
And always constant,
She is, as are all waves,
Companion of laughter or lover of sobs.
She weaves her weft
In a constant concern
And reveals the depths of the soul
Like the waves, those of the ocean.
Yochin Tarutode
Self-Esteem Statement
In the entire universe, there is not another person who is exactly like me.
I am me and all that I am is unique.
I am responsible for myself,
I have everything I need here and now to live fully.
I choose to manifest the best of myself,
I choose to love, to be competent, to find meaning in my life and order in the universe,
I choose to develop, grow and live in harmony with myself, others and God.
Rosette Poletti and Barbara Dobbs
Jeremy RIFKIN in his book “A new consciousness for a world in crisis” develops a theory based on results of behavioral analysis and research in neuroscience: empathy, this intuitive capacity to recognize the feelings of others is innate. It begins as a baby but will be repressed, stifled by a guilt-inducing education.
Our society erases this reality to only value power over others, of what is acquired to the detriment of others. This vision was largely theorized by Freud and ended up becoming obvious to many. We would have been born to dominate, born to satisfy our immediate desires as closely as possible.
Dominique Ronfet
Max Masotti
Return to his homeland.
Tidy up your house before having a friend over.
To find oneself.
Little dreamer Thumb, find your way.
Dominique Ronfet
Le Lien Urantien is the journal of the French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book, a member of the UAI, the International Urantia Association.
Head office | rue du Temple 1, F-13012 Marseille, +33 (0)4 91 27 13 20 |
afflu@urantia.fr | |
Site | www.urantia.fr / http://forum.urantia.fr |
Publication Director | Ivan Stol, ivan.stol@free.fr |
Editor in Chief | Guy de Viron, guydeviron@bluewin.ch |
Reading Committee | Jean Royer, Max Masotti |
Subscription | €20 per year (quarterly publication 4 issues) |
Legal deposit | December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116 |
Print run | 125 copies © 1955 URANTIA Foundation |
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any artistic depictions, interpretations, opinions or conclusions implied or stated are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of URANTIA Foundation or its affiliates.