© 2022 Ivan Stol, James Perry, Sophie Malicot, Georges Michelson Dupont, Claude Flibotte
© 2022 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Hello dear UB readers, Many people ask questions about the weather (when it is not about meteorology) and I would like to present some of its particularities to you.
First of all, can you own time? It is said that some people have time and others never have time. On the other hand, some people waste their time while others take their time (whose time?).
But those who have time, usually take the time and eventually end up running out of time because it’s a waste of time.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 1, rue du Temple, 13012 Marseille. +33 (0)980 978481
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
Dr. James Perry
About the author:
Dr. James Perry is a retired physician. He has been a book student since 1977 and has continued to lead a bimonthly study group in his home since 1982. Dr. Perry was the first Vice President of UAUS. He has held several positions in the local Virginia-Carolina Readers Association of UAUS, including President and Vice President. He continues to serve as Membership Chair of the Virginia-Carolina Readers Association (VCR).
He has given over 45 presentations, including plenary presentations, at local and international conferences. Dr. Perry has published articles in various Urantia journals and newsletters. He resides in Raleigh, NC, with his wife of 55 years, Marion Perry, who is also a longtime student of Revelation.
Sophie Malicot
Jesus taught that faith, simple childlike belief, is the key to the gate of the kingdom, but he also taught that after entering the gate, there are the successive degrees of righteousness through which every believing child must grow to the full stature of the robust sons of God.
It is through the study of the technique of receiving God’s forgiveness that the way to attain kingdom righteousness is revealed. Faith is the price you pay to enter God’s family; but forgiveness is the act of God accepting your faith as the price of admission. And the reception of God’s forgiveness by a kingdom believer involves a specific and real experience comprising the following four steps, the kingdom steps of inner righteousness:
- Man can effectively have God’s forgiveness and experience it personally to the exact extent that he forgives his fellow men.
- A man does not truly forgive his fellow men unless he loves them as himself.
- To love one’s neighbor as oneself is the highest ethics.
- Moral conduct, true righteousness, is then the natural result of this love. » Urantia Book » Excerpt from Paper 170 Section 3 UB 170:3.3-7
Perhaps only the experience of true forgiveness can speak worthily of forgiveness? We do not forgive with our lips or our hearts, but in the entirety of our being. It calls so much upon our entirety that to pull on its Ariadne’s thread is to enter fully into spirituality. All the high values are contained in it. In this, forgiveness is not an act, even if it contains it, and even less the forgetting of an offense. Except for amnesia, nothing is forgotten and even less that which wounds the soul to the point of having to forgive.
Georges Michelson Dupont
God has become my life partner. Not a day goes by that I don’t talk to Him, that I don’t tell Him how much I want to do His will, that I thank Him for His presence, His unconditional love and His daily support. As I scan the night sky from my garden I realize that the colossal energy keeping the nebulae in orderly rotation is also the very source of my personality, in truth the source of all realities, whether material, intellectual, spiritual or personal.
God is a person, an absolute person. In my imagination I visualize him in paradise, the center of all things, in the form of a luminous source from which waves of love and energy leave, spreading throughout galactic space and “nourishing” the universe and its creatures. In my meditations-adorations, I try to feel his gentle, relaxing and soothing presence; I then feel in harmony, at peace.
Claude Flibotte
Many discussions on UBIS revolve around the correct understanding of personality. I would like to share my very personal view on the subject!
“Human personality is the time-space image-shadow cast by the divine Creator personality. And no actuality can ever be adequately comprehended by an examination of its shadow. Shadows should be interpreted in terms of the true substance.” (UB 1:6.1)
This may explain why it is so difficult for us to get a proper idea of what personality is. If, to begin with, we were to ask ourselves what specifically characterizes personality and what is its function?
“Personality is a level of deified reality and ranges from the mortal and midwayer level of the higher mind activation of worship and wisdom up through the morontial and spiritual to the attainment of finality of personality status. That is the evolutionary ascent of mortal- and kindred-creature personality, but there are numerous other orders of universe personalities.” (UB 0:5.1)
AUGUST 10, 2022
Urantia Foundation Welcomes Four New Trustees
The Trustees of Urantia Foundation are pleased to announce the election of a new generation of Trustees. Our leadership team needs more qualified servers to fulfill our mission of spreading The Urantia Book and its teachings throughout the world.
Each new trustee brings years of professional experience to the Urantia Book community. They add geographic and gender diversity critical to the global expansion of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. “It is wonderful to finally expand the Urantia Foundation Board of Trustees from the current five members to a new nine-member board,” said Marilynn Kulieke, Urantia Foundation vice president. “We are so grateful that each new trustee has chosen to share their talents, experience, and dedication with us. What a wonderful day!”
European Congress Committee
20 — 23 October 2022
Overcoming Materialism — Enlightening Europe
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 3rd European Urantia Conference to be held at Sol Torremolinos Resort, Malaga, Spain from October 20-23, 2022.
Dear readers and students of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, The next LINK published by our association will be number 100. At a rate of 4 issues per year, this will be its twenty-fifth year of publication; ¼ of a century!
To celebrate this anniversary I will ask you to send me personal testimonies, how did you discover The Urantia Book, how the revelation transformed your life, what are the “inevitabilities” that you have gone through and what repercussions on your perspective of life, the expansion of your cosmic consciousness has it had?
G. Michelson Dupont