© 2023 Ivan Stol, Claude Flibotte, Sophie Malicot, Dominique Ronfet, Jean Claude Romeuf, Georges Michelson Dupont
© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Dear readers,
Here comes the end of the year with its celebrations of all kinds. I wish you all much Love and Brotherhood, a good end of the year and a good new year to come.
Yet another cycle complete, life and energies are cyclical, from the smallest to the largest everything turns, breathes and surrounds us with vibrations of all kinds in the midst of which we must react and adapt.
Le Lien is the journal of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book (AFLUB), a member of the UAI, Urantia Association International.
Head office: 30 Chemin Hugues, Quartier Barban 83500 La Seyne sur Mer. +33 (0)7 66 84 17 28
Cœurriel: afllu@urantia.fr
Site/Forum: http://www.urantia.fr and http://forum.urantia.fr
Publication Director: Ivan Stol; ivan.stol@free.fr
Editor-in-Chief: Georges Michelson-Dupont; georges.michelson-dupont@wanadoo.fr
Reading Committee: Jean Duveau; Ivan Stol & Patrick Morelli.
The Link: Published 4 times a year electronically to AFLLU members
Legal deposit: December 1997 — ISSN 1285-1116
All rights reserved. Materials from The Urantia Book are used with permission. Any literary or artistic representation(s), interpretation(s), opinion(s) or conclusion(s) implied or stated are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Urantia Foundation or its affiliates.
Claude Flibotte — Sainte-Julie
This is a question that was running through my head, so I set out to find an answer with the help of our dear revealers.
In the universe of universes there are four great categories of gravity, there is the personality gravity of the Universal Father, the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son, the mental gravity of the Conjoint Actor, and the material gravity of the Eternal Isle (UB 15:9.1). These four circuits of gravity are absolute (UB 12:3.2), but in its linear or local form, that is, in the electrical stage of energy or matter, material gravity is not (UB 11:8.3). Is there anything, then, that is not subject to gravity? The answer is in the affirmative, in three realities. Space does not respond to gravity, but it acts upon gravity as a balancer (UB 11:8.3). The amount of space separating two celestial bodies determines the quality of linear gravity exerted upon them. For example, the two Voyager space probes have moved away from the Sun and will one day be free of its gravitational influence. The second reality exempt from gravity is the pure spirits. The Adjusters are not subject to gravity since they are entities of fractionation hypothetically prior to the appearance of gravity (UB 107:6.6). The third would be the beings from the Trinity. They have transit prerogatives that make them independent of the transport personalities (UB 19:7.4). I could mention a fourth reality not subject to linear gravity, but still to absolute gravity, these are the ultimatons, these mysterious components of electrons (UB 42:6.3).
Summary of a conference on the Urantia Quebec Site on 10/22/2023
Sophie Malicot
Time is simultaneously an everyday reality and a difficult concept to understand, probably more difficult than space. At our level, time is constructed thanks to space: to go from point A to point B, it takes so much time. Thus time is included in space. The Urantia Book offers us an inversion: constructing space from time, space becoming a necessary extension where a temporal unfolding takes place. In other words, time “throws” space in which it will be able to deploy its spirals in the form of sequences. Thus can take place the phenomenon of evolution, so important to the UB.
- You always talk to me about your faith in God. But how can I trust someone I don't know?
- Your question is very wise. I allow myself to translate it like this: Indeed, why expect more from life if we are not lacking? And here lacking something vital! We must feel lacking, we must have identified within ourselves this gaping hole of uncertainty. This space where doubt is king.
- But you talk to me about faith, how can doubt give me hope?
- There is a story about this: “A wise man who lived in the greatest poverty sent prayers of thanks to God every day. A surprised passerby finally asked him why he was acting like this, given his situation? The wise man then replied: ”It is poverty that I need, so every day I thank God for granting my wishes."
Jean-Claude Romeuf — November 1, 2023
All the thinkers of yesteryear, philosophers and theologians of the Age of Enlightenment; all the scholars, astrologers, prophets and magicians of nonsense who have reproduced themselves from the Middle Ages to the present day, have asked themselves the following question: is man good by nature?
An intellectual war made of ideas generating assassinations, civil wars, genocides, nuclear explosions, has separated the intelligentsia into different groups of partisans of all sides, who continue to bombard us with more or less far-fetched, mendacious and destructive theories, despite the experience of the past.
The first issue of Réflectivité appeared in 1982, initially under the direction of Guy Hévey. Its mission was to connect Quebec readers of the Urantia Book. It included news from readers, activities, and articles on various subjects. It had adopted the 8 ½ x 11 in. paper format. It appeared in this format until 1984, with three issues per year.
It was in 1985, under the tutelage of Jacques Tétrault, that the monthly publication of Réflectivité continued, but this time in a double-sided paper format of 8 ½ x 14$ inches.
It was in 1986 that Lise and Pierre Routhier took over. Still in the same paper format, but in the form of a leaflet. They valiantly continued the publication until September 2006.
Claude Flibotte, Editor-in-Chief of Reflectivity
Georges Michelson Dupont
Recloses November 2023
The first paragraph of The Urantia Book begins with bad news, the Divine Counselor notes and I quote:
“IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia—that being the name of your world—there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such terms as God, divinity, and deity. Human beings are still more confused and uncertain about the relationships of the divine personalities designated by these numerous appellations. Because of this conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion, I have been directed to formulate this introductory statement in explanation of the meanings which should be attached to certain word symbols as they may be hereinafter used in those papers which the Orvonton corps of truth revealers have been authorized to translate into the English language of Urantia.” (UB 0:0.1)
To tell the truth, it is clear that he is not wrong. The eventful history of our planet partly explains the situation, but not only that. By that I mean that “this poverty of concepts associated with so much confusion in ideation” belongs to us. How is it that having 3 major monotheistic religions, proclaiming the existence of a single God, their followers have been tearing each other apart for so many centuries without admitting or realizing that it is the same God.
Thank you for sending the journal “Le Lien”! I read it with great interest, hoping that all French-speaking readers around the world will take the time to read our publications (Le Lien, Réflectivité, etc.) which extend the study of the Urantia Book by bringing our human reflections of meanings. I have three observations to make to the authors of this issue 103:
1- In the very interesting and well-documented text by Jean Claude Romeuf entitled “Life”, he attributes to plants a mechanical mind that cannot be taught. Obviously, we are all entitled to our opinions, which allows me to formulate my comments. According to my understanding, plants are indeed living organisms. They are endowed with the capacity to react chemically to aggressions and physically to light. They also manage to communicate with each other through a complex root network. They are not conscious of their existence as animals are and even less so as humans. However, they are endowed with the original gift of adaptation, the “desire” to achieve perfection (UB 65:6.2). I do not have the impression that they have a nervous system capable of supporting a mental circuit. I would tend to think that the action of the intuitional mind manifests itself much later in the process of biological evolution, because in order for it to act, there must be the presence of a nerve center sufficiently developed to support the mental circuit provided by the Divine Minister of our universe (UB 36:5.4-6). The faculty of learning, memory and differential reaction to the surrounding environment are the endowment of the mind (UB 65:6.8). Pre-intelligent organisms react to environmental stimuli, but organisms responsive to the ministry of the mind can manipulate and adjust the surrounding environment itself (UB 65:6.9).
Claude Flibotte