Machiventa Melchizedek who lived on Urantia in the time of Abraham was known locally as Prince of Salem (UB 35:4.5)
Nambia is the name of the original Life Carrier and firstborn of Nebadon (UB 36:1.2)
Lucifer’s rebellion took place on a systemic scale. Only on Panoptia did the Planetary Prince fail to draw his peoples with him. On that world, and under the leadership of the Melchizedeks, the people rallied to Michael’s support. Ellanora, a young woman from that mortal realm, took command of the human races, and not a single soul from that conflict-torn world enlisted under Lucifer’s banner. And ever since, these loyal Panoptians have served on the seventh transitional world of Jerusem as guardians and builders on the Father’s sphere and the seven detention worlds surrounding it.
It is the presence of the seven adjutant mind-spirits on the primitive worlds which conditions the course of organic evolution UB 36:5.1
Beelzebub was the leader of the disloyal Midwayers who allied with the forces of the traitor Caligastia (UB 53:1.5)
These three settlements of life have been named: the central or Eurasian-African, the eastern or Australasian, and the western, encompassing Greenland and the Americas (UB 58:4.2)
Andon is the Nebadonian name meaning “the first creature like the Father and showing a thirst for human perfection.” Fonta means “the first creature like the Son and showing a thirst for human perfection” (UB 63:0.3)
UB 135:0.1 John the Baptist was born on March 25, 7 B.C.E., in accordance with the promise Gabriel had made to Elizabeth in June of the previous year.(UB 135:0.2) … He grew up as an ordinary child, day by day and year by year, in the little village then known as the City of Judah, about seven kilometers west of Jerusalem.(UB 45:4.17) 15. John the Baptist, the forerunner of Michael’s mission to Urantia; by blood he was a distant cousin of the Son of Man.
Certain wise men of Earth knew of the imminent arrival of Michael. Through interworldly contacts these wise men of spiritual insight learned of Michael’s approaching bestowal on Urantia, and the seraphim announced this through the midwayers to a group of Chaldean priests, led by Ardnon. These men of God visited the newborn child. The only supernatural event associated with the birth of Jesus was this annunciation to Ardnon and his companions by the seraphim who had formerly been attached to Adam and Eve in the first garden.(UB 119:7.6)
The entire twenty-ninth year of Jesus was spent completing the tour of the Mediterranean world and he never revealed this journey to any member of his family, nor to any of the apostles except to Zebedee of Bethsaida(UB 129:3.1)
In all his world travels, he made intimate and personal contact with members of every surviving race on Urantia except the red(UB 134:2.3)
John’s disciples, standing by the water’s edge, did not hear these words, nor did they see the appearance of the Personalized Adjuster. Only the eyes of Jesus saw him. P. 1504.4 and UB 136:2.3
Jesus was thus able to observe his own previous divine spirit descending towards him in a personalized form UB 136:2.3