The first jubilee marked the mortal’s agreement with his Thought Adjuster when the purpose to survive was sealed. The second was awakening into the morontia life; the third, fusion with the Thought Adjuster; the fourth, awakening in Havona. The fifth celebrated the discovery of the Universal Father; and the sixth jubilee marked the occasion of awakening on Paradise after the final slumber of the transit of time. The seventh jubilee marks entry into the corps of mortal finaliters and the beginning of the service of eternity.(UB 27:7.8)
Because it is possible that the limit of absonity has been reached by the ascending series of Master Architects and that the (28.01)2nd attempt has encountered the mathematical level of the presence of the Absolute. The personality of the 28’012th being seized by the Universal Absolute.(UB 31:9.10)
The Supreme Seraphim. UB 39:1.1 — They operate in seven groups
The Seraphim of the Future.(UB 39:7.1)-Since these angels are not now directly concerned with Urantia or Urantians, we feel it best not to describe their exciting activities.(UB 39:0.2)
Local Universe and rebellion
The educational system of Nebadon is administered jointly by the Trinity Teacher Sons and the Melchizedek teaching corps.(UB 37:6.1)
The cherubim and the sanobim then emerge from this second embrace as qualified seraphim.(UB 38:8.6).
Vevona, acting as leader of the angelic armies.(UB 39:5.5).
The biological father — the physical father.
The father of the kingdom — the Planetary Adam.
The father of the spheres — the Systemic Sovereign.
The Most High Father — the Father of the Constellation.
The Father of the universe — the Creator Son and supreme ruler of local creations.
The super-Fathers—the Ancients of Days who govern the superuniverse.
The spiritual Father or Father of Havona.(UB 51:6.7-13)
The dragon eventually became the representative symbol of three evil characters, Caligastia, Beelzebub and Abaddon(UB 53:1.6)
UB 58:0.1 THERE are only sixty-one worlds like Urantia in all Satania—planets where life is modified.
UB 74:6.5 The bodies of Adam and Eve emitted a diffuse light, but they always dressed according to the customs of their associates. They were very lightly dressed during the day, but wrapped themselves in blankets in the evening. The origin of the traditional halo around the heads of supposedly pious and holy people dates from the time of Adam and Eve. The luminous emanations of their bodies being almost completely obscured by their clothing, only the glow emanating from their heads was perceptible.
Ratta.(UB 77:5.6) Adamson and Ratta had a family of sixty-seven children.
(UB 93:2.4). Salem was the place which, after the disappearance of Melchizedek, became the city of Jesus, which later received the name of Jerusalem.
(UB 124:6.9). It happened that Joseph and his family were settled near the house of a certain Simon who had three children about the same age as Jesus—Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They invited the family from Nazareth to stay with them, and a lifelong friendship was born between the two families.
UB 132:0.4 Jesus may have anticipated that the Jews would reject his mission, but he certainly foresaw that his messengers would soon come to Rome to proclaim the kingdom of heaven. Thus these men and women taught by Jesus were prepared to recognize additional and similar truths in the teachings of the early Christian missionaries. This ready acceptance of the teachings of the preachers of the gospel was the element which gave such a powerful impulse to the rapid spread of Christianity in Rome and from there throughout the empire.
Taddée = Who offers praise. Lébbée = Man of heart.
(UB 146:4.2) There were very important mines in Iron at the time, and Jesus had never shared the life of the miners. During his stay in Iron, he therefore spent most of his time in the mines. He worked there with the miners underground, while the apostles visited the homes and preached in the public squares.
(UB 158:3.2) The acceptance of the fullness of the bestowal of Michael’s incarnate life on Urantia by the Eternal Son-Mother of Paradise. Jesus now had the assurance that the requirements of the Eternal Son were being met in his case. This assurance was brought to him by Gabriel. UB 158:3.3 2. The testimony of the satisfaction of the Infinite Spirit as to the fullness of the bestowal on Urantia in the likeness of mortal flesh. The representative of the Infinite Spirit in the universe of Nebadon, Michael’s immediate associate and ever-present co-worker on Salvington, spoke on this occasion through the agency of the Father Melchizedek. UB 158:3.4 Jesus received with pleasure the two testimonies concerning the success of his earth mission brought by the messengers of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, but he noticed that his Father did not indicate that the bestowal on Urantia was complete.
Good physical health.
Clear and pure thinking.
Skills and ability.
Wealth — the goods of life.
The ability to resist defeat.
Of culture — instruction and wisdom.(UB 160:4.3-8)
Cain sang: “Remona, I had a wonderful dream! Remona, we had both left. We were going slowly far from all jealous glances. And never had two lovers known a sweeter evening. Remona, I could then get drunk on your eyes, your perfume, your kisses. And I would give anything to relive one day, Remona, this dream of love.” UB 76:2.9