The three grandiose spheres of activity on High Paradise are: The Deity Presence, the Most Holy Sphere and the Holy Area. UB 11:3.1
A Perfecter of Wisdom informs us that:
The Pregravity (Force) Stages are called — pure energy or segregata.
The Stages of Gravity (Energy) are called — ultimata.
Postgravity Stages (Universe Power) — are called gravita. UB 11:8.4-6
The Tertiary Supernaphim of Havona, some of the most senior chief archivists are chosen as Keepers of the Records, as guardians of the official records of the Isle of Light. UB 25:5.1
Local universe
The 7 orders of Help from the Universe that the booklets present to us are.
1 The Radiant Morning Stars.
2 The Bright Evening Stars.
3 The Archangels.
4 The Very High Assistants.
5 The High Commissioners.
6 The Celestial Supervisors.
7 The Educators of the Worlds of Houses UB 37:1.2-8
The present constellation government has, however, been expanded to include twelve Sons of the Vorondadek order. UB 43:5.2
The 24 Advisors are:
1. Onagar — 2. Mansant — 3. Onamonalonton — 4. Orlandof — 5. Porshunta 6. Singlanton — 7. Fantad-8. Orvonon — 9. Adam — 10. Eve — 11. Enoch — 12. Moses — 13. Elijah — 14. Machiventa Melchizedek-15. John the Baptist — 16. 1-2-3 the First, the leader of the middle creatures loyal to the service of Gabriel at the time of the betrayal of Caligastia P 513 — §6 to P 514 — §10. Seats numbers 17, 18, 19 and 20 are not permanently filled.
These dispensations of the Magisterial Sons last from twenty-five to fifty thousand years of Urantia time. UB 52:4.10
Lucifer’s rebellion took place on a systemic scale. Thirty-seven Planetary Princes followed Lucifer’s rebellion. UB 53:7.1
The birth of the first two human beings was exactly 993,419 years before the year 1934 of the Christian era UB 62:5.1
Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his descendants had blue eyes, and the violet race men were characterized by fair complexions and blond (yellow, red, and brown) hair. UB 76:4.1
The initial number of secondary midwayers was 1,984. Of these, 873 did not fall under Michael’s leadership and were duly interned at the planetary judgment of Urantia on the day of Pentecost. UB 77:7.2
To his brilliant disciple Nordan the Kenite and his band of diligent students he taught the truths of the superuniverse and even of Havona. UB 93:3.4
The volunteer Adjuster is particularly interested in three qualifications of the human candidate.
Intellectual capacity.
Spiritual perception.
Combined intellectual and spiritual powers. UB 108:1.3-6
On Saturday, April 9, in the year 7, Jesus was qualified to go to Jerusalem with his parents and participate with them in the celebration of his first Passover. UB 124:6.1
Jesus’ answer to the Pharisee’s spokesman was: “There is only one commandment, which is the greatest of all, which commands: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God; the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it; in truth, it flows directly from the first and commands: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There are none other greater than these; on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” That same evening, this lawyer went to the Master’s camp near Gethsemane, confessed his faith in the gospel of the kingdom and was baptized by Josiah, one of Abner’s disciples.
As Jesus stood there before them, (in the midst of the Greeks), he perceived that one dispensation was ending and another was beginning. UB 174:5.6
After his ascension to the Father, promised to send into the world in his place a new teacher, the Spirit of Truth, and he did so on the day of Pentecost. Secondly, he most certainly promised his disciples that one day he would personally return to this world. But he did not say where, when, or how he would revisit this planet on which he had experienced his incarnate bestowal.
Jesus and the apostles had given the brothers Zebedee, James and John, the nickname: “sons of thunder.”
Unbelieving materialists and fatalists can hope for only two kinds of peace and consolation of the soul: either they must be stoical, determined to face, with unwavering resolution, the inevitable and endure the worst, or they must be optimistic and abandon themselves indefinitely to the hope which springs eternally in the breasts of men aspiring in vain for a peace which never really comes. UB 181:1.7