© 2020 Patrick Morelli
© 2020 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
In this attempt to define space, the Central Island of Paradise must be excluded, because it has no location in this space, and is moreover totally timeless, although:
“The eternal Isle is composed of a single form of materialization—stationary systems of reality. This literal substance of Paradise is a homogeneous organization of space potency not to be found elsewhere in all the wide universe of universes. It has received many names in different universes, and the Melchizedeks of Nebadon long since named it absolutum. This Paradise source material is neither dead nor alive; it is the original nonspiritual expression of the First Source and Center; it is Paradise, and Paradise is without duplicate.” (UB 11:2.9)
The Urantia Book allows us, before any intellectual approaches, to give us a moment of popularization of what these two kinds of spaces can be, with the island of Paradise as its center:
“The vertical cross section of total space would slightly resemble a Maltese cross, with the horizontal arms representing pervaded (universe) space and the vertical arms representing unpervaded (reservoir) space. The areas between the four arms would separate them somewhat as the midspace zones separate pervaded and unpervaded space. These quiescent midspace zones grow larger and larger at greater and greater distances from Paradise and eventually encompass the borders of all space and completely incapsulate both the space reservoirs and the entire horizontal extension of pervaded space.” (UB 11:7.3)
At this stage of the explanation of the Urantia Book comes “the breathing of space”, in fact we are told that without knowing the mechanism, space is alternately in contraction and expansion, this affects the horizontal expansion of the space penetrated by the horizontal arms of our Maltese cross, but also the vertical extensions of the space not penetrated by the vertical arms of the same cross. The revealers are even more precise:
“When the universes of the horizontal extension of the penetrated space expand, the reservoirs of the vertical extension of the unpenetrated space contract and vice versa.” UB 11:6
The confluence of these two spaces is located just below Lower Paradise, the essential difference between these two types of space is that one is penetrated by forces, energies, powers and presences, while the other space is in some way virgin of all influences of this kind.
This breathing cycle, we are told, lasts a little over a billion Urantia years, and we are informed that we are presently at the midpoint of the expansion phase of permeated space, while unpermeated space is approaching the midpoint of its contraction phase, so that the extreme limits of the two space extensions are theoretically, roughly equidistant from Paradise:
“The cycles of space respiration extend in each phase for a little more than one billion Urantia years. During one phase the universes expand; during the next they contract. Pervaded space is now approaching the mid-point of the expanding phase, while unpervaded space nears the mid-point of the contracting phase, and we are informed that the outermost limits of both space extensions are, theoretically, now approximately equidistant from Paradise. The unpervaded-space reservoirs now extend vertically above upper Paradise and below nether Paradise just as far as the pervaded space of the universe extends horizontally outward from peripheral Paradise to and even beyond the fourth outer space level.” (UB 11:6.4)
“Roughly: space seemingly originates just below nether Paradise; time just above upper Paradise. Time, as you understand it, is not a feature of Paradise existence, though the citizens of the central Isle are fully conscious of nontime sequence of events. Motion is not inherent on Paradise; it is volitional. But the concept of distance, even absolute distance, has very much meaning as it may be applied to relative locations on Paradise. Paradise is nonspatial; hence its areas are absolute and therefore serviceable in many ways beyond the concept of mortal mind.” (UB 11:2.11)
Particularly at the outer edge of the lower surface of the Central Island, we are told the terms “primordial force charge of space”, this space from the beginning is far from being empty, but indeed charged with power and energy. Details are given to us as to the orientation of this current of energy that is space, in fact the Paradise Island appears to act like a gigantic generator which propels spatial energy on the one hand and captures it on the other:
“3. Occupying the outer margins of the under surface is a region having mainly to do with space potency and force-energy. The activities of this vast elliptical force center are not identifiable with the known functions of any triunity, but the primordial force-charge of space appears to be focalized in this area. This center consists of three concentric elliptical zones: The innermost is the focal point of the force-energy activities of Paradise itself; the outermost may possibly be identified with the functions of the Unqualified Absolute, but we are not certain concerning the space functions of the mid-zone.” (UB 11:5.4)
In a very simplistic way we can imagine that space is the vector that allows the energy-force to distribute itself, but space is both the support and apparently the only means of manifestation of this energy-force, even if space is not the cause, it becomes an integral part of its reality. At this stage of investigation we can cite what can pass for a paradox in the following paragraph: :
“All physical force, energy, and matter are one. All force-energy originally proceeded from nether Paradise and will eventually return thereto following the completion of its space circuit. But the energies and material organizations of the universe of universes did not all come from nether Paradise in their present phenomenal states; space is the womb of several forms of matter and prematter. Though the outer zone of the Paradise force center is the source of space-energies, space does not originate there. Space is not force, energy, or power. Nor do the pulsations of this zone account for the respiration of space, but the incoming and outgoing phases of this zone are synchronized with the two-billion-year expansion-contraction cycles of space.” (UB 11:5.9)
The difficulty, even schematic, comes as soon as we approach the immobility of the core that is Paradise and the alternating flow of the two preceding spaces. There exists a comparatively quiet zone between the penetrated space and the unpenetrated space, we are told that: that:
“Geographically these areas appear to be a relative extension of Paradise, but there is probably some movement occurring there.” UB 11:7
Perhaps the most effective way to try to imagine what these quiet zones of middle space are like is to visualize a hermetic sphere covering the entire periphery of both the penetrated and unpenetrated spaces of our Maltese Cross:
“These quiet zones of middle space become more and more vast as their distance from Paradise increases, eventually they surround the edges of all space and hermetically enclose both the reservoirs of space and the entire horizontal extension of the space penetrated.” UB 11:7
These zones are apparently to be compared with the zones of slowed space motion between the various levels of pervaded space, with the various series of elliptical levels. There are six concentric ellipses composing the Master Universe, extending from Paradise outward through the horizontal extension of pervaded space. Between these zones, such as the seven superuniverses and the four outer universe rings, relatively quiet zones between these levels of material creation, are enormous elliptical regions where space activities are at rest. The alternation of these zones of quiet and activity, both pervaded by space, acts both as an activator for the zones of activity and as a dampener for the zones of quiet. These elliptical rotations also serve to capture the cosmic energies, to prevent the loss in a straight line into infinity of these cosmic forces. This also joins the principle of “divergence convergence” of Bill Sadler, because that which has its origin in the Deity of Paradise, can only have a paradisiacal destination or a Divine destiny. In addition, this alternating zoning of the master universe is associated with the equally alternating flow of galaxies in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, this ensures the stabilization of physical gravity:
“The successive space levels of the master universe constitute the major divisions of pervaded space—total creation, organized and partially inhabited or yet to be organized and inhabited. If the master universe were not a series of elliptical space levels of lessened resistance to motion, alternating with zones of relative quiescence, we conceive that some of the cosmic energies would be observed to shoot off on an infinite range, off on a straight-line path into trackless space; but we never find force, energy, or matter thus behaving; ever they whirl, always swinging onward in the tracks of the great space circuits.” (UB 12:1.2)
And :
“A space level thus functions as an elliptical region of motion surrounded on all sides by relative motionlessness. Such relationships of motion and quiescence constitute a curved space path of lessened resistance to motion which is universally followed by cosmic force and emergent energy as they circle forever around the Isle of Paradise.” (UB 11:7.8)
There are several kinds of gravity in relation to space, it is the gravity of Paradise, which can possibly be considered first. The inescapable attraction of this gravity seizes all the worlds of all the universes of all space, it is the all-powerful hold of the physical presence of Paradise. At this level of definition of space we find one of the interpretations of what space is:
“Space is nonresponsive to gravity, but it acts as an equilibrant on gravity. Without the space cushion, explosive action would jerk surrounding space bodies. Pervaded space also exerts an antigravity influence upon physical or linear gravity; space can actually neutralize such gravity action even though it cannot delay it. Absolute gravity is Paradise gravity. Local or linear gravity pertains to the electrical stage of energy or matter; it operates within the central, super-, and outer universes, wherever suitable materialization has taken place.” (UB 11:8.3)
Space is also a gift from Paradise, what it is not is clearly stated in the following paragraph of the booklet:
“Space is neither a subabsolute condition within, nor the presence of, the Unqualified Absolute, neither is it a function of the Ultimate. It is a bestowal of Paradise, and the space of the grand universe and that of all outer regions is believed to be actually pervaded by the ancestral space potency of the Unqualified Absolute. From near approach to peripheral Paradise, this pervaded space extends horizontally outward through the fourth space level and beyond the periphery of the master universe, but how far beyond we do not know.” (UB 11:7.4)
We are told that the Unqualified Absolute is functionally limited to space, as for movement it is apparently not inherent to space. The revelators specify that in their sense; the Conjoint Actor initiates movement in space, and that the Universal Absolute does not give birth to the initial movement, but that it equalizes and controls the tensions due to movement. We are also told that space is not this negative nothingness which would only exist in relation to something positive and non-spatial, that it is real, that it contains and conditions movement and that it even moves. The movements of space are classified roughly as follows:
“When the universes expand and contract, the material masses in pervaded space alternately move against and with the pull of Paradise gravity. The work that is done in moving the material energy mass of creation is space work but not power-energy work.”
When the universes expand and contract, the material masses in pervaded space alternately move against and with the pull of Paradise gravity. The work that is done in moving the material energy mass of creation is space work but not power-energy work.
When the universes expand and contract, the material masses in pervaded space alternately move against and with the pull of Paradise gravity. The work that is done in moving the material energy mass of creation is space work but not power-energy work.
When the universes expand and contract, the material masses in pervaded space alternately move against and with the pull of Paradise gravity. The work that is done in moving the material energy mass of creation is space work but not power-energy work.
“When the universes expand and contract, the material masses in pervaded space alternately move against and with the pull of Paradise gravity. The work that is done in moving the material energy mass of creation is space work but not power-energy work.” (UB 12:4.13)
At this stage of transformation and evolution of the mass of space propelled horizontally in the penetrated space, enter into the scene, in the cosmic panorama in the process of creative evolution, actors such as the Force Organizers who will manipulate and transmute the powers of space into primordial force, thus modifying this prematerial potential, into manifestation of primary and secondary energies of physical reality, the power of space is a prereality that is of the domain of the Unqualified Absolute, on Uversa this power is called Absoluta, This implies that this universe of force of space, is non-static and the stability that gives the intelligent manipulation, among others of the Force Organizers, is not the result of inertia, but indeed the product of balanced energies, following mental cooperations. This force charge of permeated space currently circulates in the Master Universe as a supergravity presence, and represents the future matter needed to form countless universes.
1. The passage from the space power “Absoluta” to the primordial force “Segregata” is made by the tensional presence of the Primary Force Organizers. The presence of these beings offers resistance to the space power. More generally, the force emerges from the exclusive domain of the Unqualified Absolute to approach the realms of multiple reactions triggered by the God of Action “the Infinite Spirit”, and respond to the compensatory movements emanating from the Universal Absolute.
It is certainly not in such a clear way that matter emerges from penetrated space, because the Urantia Book clearly specifies that in the composition of material creations, from the ultimatonic stage the revelators do not explain how the cosmic generation of these ultimatons occurs. From the UB 15:4.4 fascicle, we have an explanation of the birth of the universes:
“The Force Organizers of Paradise are at the origin of the nebulae. They are capable of giving birth around their spatial presence, to formidable cyclones of force which, once generated, can no longer be stopped or limited, until these all-permeating forces are mobilized, to finally bring forth the ultimatonic units of universal matter.”
4. In turn the Power Directors intervene and trigger the specialized currents of energy to which the individual stars and their respective systems respond. All these cosmic material elements will serve as relays to the descendants of the Power Directors, such as the Power Centers and the physical controllers, to concentrate and effectively direct the energy circuits of the material creations, the entire chain of the hierarchy of the Supreme Almighty functions in these phenomena:
With the exception of the architectural spheres, all space bodies have had an evolutionary origin, evolutionary in the sense that they have not been brought into being by fiat of Deity, evolutionary in the sense that the creative acts of God have unfolded by a time-space technique through the operation of many of the created and eventuated intelligences of Deity. (UB 15:6.7)
The suns are the transmitters and transformers of the spatial energy that comes to them through established space circuits, these suns are real dynamos that attract physical energy and matter to then redistribute them, they are also automatic control and power stations. The whole of chapter 5 of booklet 15 gives a precise definition of the origin of these 10 categories of spatial bodies. As for our local universe of Satania, it contains more than two thousand suns, we are told that there is plenty of room to house all these enormous suns
“By comparison, they have as much elbow room in space as a dozen oranges circulating inside Urantia if the planet were hollow.”
The internal mechanism of the suns sets up chain reactions at the level of their atomic substances with radiations which will propagate through all the space penetrated, either electrons, or light, or other elements. The energy propels itself in a straight line in its space flight, the current particles existing materially cross space like a shootout:
“Solar energy may appear to travel in waves, but this is due to the coexisting action of various influences. Any given form of organized energy travels in straight lines and not in waves. The presence of a second or third form of force energy may cause the observed current to appear to travel in wave formations.” [UB 41:5.6](/en/The_Urantia_Book/41#p5_6
“Solar energy may seem to be propelled in waves, but that is due to the action of coexistent and diverse influences. A given form of organized energy does not proceed in waves but in direct lines. The presence of a second or a third form of force-energy may cause the stream under observation to appear to travel in wavy formation, just as, in a blinding rainstorm accompanied by a heavy wind, the water sometimes appears to fall in sheets or to descend in waves. The raindrops are coming down in a direct line of unbroken procession, but the action of the wind is such as to give the visible appearance of sheets of water and waves of raindrops.” (UB 41:5.7)
Following paragraph UB 41:5.7, the last sentence indicates the involvement of the Conjoint Actor and the Unqualified Absolute, if we take paragraph UB 9:3.2, we discover that the Infinite Spirit possesses a unique and astounding power, “antigravity”, and that this power is functionally present (observable) neither in the Father nor in the Son.
Antigravity cancels gravity in a local setting by an equivalent opposing force, only in relation to material gravity and it is not an action of the mind. This power of the Conjoint Actor operates by slowing down energy to its point of materialization.
We are told that the different manifestations such as light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemistry, energy and matter are, as to their origin, their nature and their destiny, one and the same thing, this certainly does not facilitate the understanding of the link between all these manifestations. In addition, the revelators tell us that the almost infinite changes to which physical energy can be subject, they do not understand them completely, which singularly limits the field of investigation. The only revelation from which we benefit is the existence of the ultimaton, an element which apparently is not yet on the agenda among our physicists.
In a simplistic and very summary manner, the conclusions of booklet 42 chapter 4, can lead us to think that temperature, heat and cold, sometimes favors for low temperatures certain forms of electronic structures and atomic assemblies, sometimes for high temperatures, this facilitates all kinds of demolition of atoms and disintegration of matter:
“Gravity presence and action is what prevents the appearance of the theoretical absolute zero, for interstellar space does not have the temperature of absolute zero. Throughout all organized space there are gravity-responding energy currents, power circuits, and ultimatonic activities, as well as organizing electronic energies. Practically speaking, space is not empty. Even the atmosphere of Urantia thins out increasingly until at about three thousand miles it begins to shade off into the average space matter in this section of the universe. The most nearly empty space known in Nebadon would yield about one hundred ultimatons—the equivalent of one electron—in each cubic inch. Such scarcity of matter is regarded as practically empty space.” (UB 42:4.6)
So space is subject to linear gravity which guarantees the propagation of the phenomena specified above, gravity acts positively on the lines of power and energy channels of the Power Centers and Physical Controllers. But these beings only react negatively to gravity, they exercise their antigravitation faculties, the Power Centers control and skillfully compose the basic units of materialized energy, the ultimatons.
Booklet 42 contains a considerable amount of information regarding the composition and behavior of the electronic organization of matter, this can certainly lead to a better understanding of the appearance of all these phenomena, such as energy and matter among others. But this requires an in-depth technical study on this booklet alone and goes beyond the scope of this presentation, the end of the booklet regarding space deserves to be cited:
“Linear-gravity response is a quantitative measure of nonspirit energy. All mass—organized energy—is subject to this grasp except as motion and mind act upon it. Linear gravity is the short-range cohesive force of the macrocosmos somewhat as the forces of intra-atomic cohesion are the short-range forces of the microcosmos. Physical materialized energy, organized as so-called matter, cannot traverse space without affecting linear-gravity response. Although such gravity response is directly proportional to mass, it is so modified by intervening space that the final result is no more than roughly approximated when expressed as inversely according to the square of the distance. Space eventually conquers linear gravitation because of the presence therein of the antigravity influences of numerous supermaterial forces which operate to neutralize gravity action and all responses thereto.” (UB 42:11.5)
Mortals, we are particularly dependent on time and space, the seven superuniverses of which we are a part are inseparable from space-time, for the approach of time by analysis from a practical point of view, movement is essential for the notion of time. The Urantia Book tells us that there is no universal unit of time based on movement because the breathing of space is total, this destroys its local value as a source of time, except for the standard day of Paradise-Havona recognized as such in an arbitrary manner. In the absolute the limits of space we do not know them, but we know that the absolute of time is eternity. The relations between the mind and time are very well defined in the paragraph:
“Relationships to time do not exist without motion in space, but consciousness of time does. Sequentiality can consciousize time even in the absence of motion. Man’s mind is less time-bound than space-bound because of the inherent nature of mind. Even during the days of the earth life in the flesh, though man’s mind is rigidly space-bound, the creative human imagination is comparatively time free. But time itself is not genetically a quality of mind.” (UB 12:5.5)
Time is a succession of instants while space is a system of associated points. We certainly perceive time by analysis and space by synthesis, according to the L. U., the personality allows us to coordinate and associate these two dissimilar conceptions.
The joint mechanism of time and space allows finite creatures to coexist with the infinite in the cosmos. This mechanism, by which we and so many other finite creatures exist, clearly limits our actions, but the isolation we have from absolute levels indicates that space and time are indispensable to us because without them, no mortal could exist.
“When a Creative Spirit becomes “space conscious,” she is preparing to recognize a circumscribed “space domain” as hers, a realm in which to be space free in contradistinction to all other space by which she would be conditioned. One is free to choose and act only within the realm of one’s consciousness.” (UB 34:3.8)
The personalities of the Infinite Spirit are more subject to the elements of time than to those of space. The ministry of mind is often independent of space but is often dependent on time when it coordinates several levels of reality. The case of the Creative Spirit of a local universe illustrates very well this total independence within the circumscribed space of his local universe, but conversely, total dependence on the constraints of time. The Creator Son acts instantaneously throughout his universe, but he cannot personally be in two places at the same time, therefore a Creator Son is not handicapped by time but is conditioned by space. Although the spirit gravity circuit of the Eternal Son operates independently of space and time. At this point the versatility of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit comes into play, because during the alternating administrative functioning of these two personalities a total independence of time and space is manifested within their local creation.
A clarification regarding ultimacy, it may seem essential at this level of fascicle 118, ultimacy which is the level of absonite, can be compared to the exteriorization and not to the creation, of a totality at the final stage of its expression. For the moment this exteriorization can only be virtual for our space-time level, because God the Ultimate is far from being manifest. But what this future exteriorization represents is already planned and finalized in the plans of the 28011 Architects of the Master Universe, who themselves are the exteriorization of the implementation of the programmed and already real will in the absolute of the Universal Father:
“The ubiquity of Deity must not be confused with the ultimacy of the divine omnipresence. It is volitional with the Universal Father that the Supreme, the Ultimate, and the Absolute should compensate, co-ordinate, and unify his time-space ubiquity and his time-space-transcended omnipresence with his timeless and spaceless universal and absolute presence. And you should remember that, while Deity ubiquity may be so often space associated, it is not necessarily time conditioned.” (UB 118:2.1)
And :
“God the Supreme may not be a demonstration of the time-space omnipresence of Deity, but he is literally a manifestation of divine ubiquity. Between the spiritual presence of the Creator and the material manifestations of creation there exists a vast domain of the ubiquitous *becoming—*the universe emergence of evolutionary Deity.” (UB 118:2.3)
And :
“If God the Supreme ever assumes direct control of the universes of time and space, we are confident such a Deity administration will function under the overcontrol of the Ultimate. In such an event God the Ultimate would begin to become manifest to the universes of time as the transcendental Almighty (the Omnipotent) exercising the overcontrol of supertime and transcended space concerning the administrative functions of the Almighty Supreme.” (UB 118:2.4)
The connection between the absolute and eternal truth of the Creator with the factual experience of finite and temporal creatures, allows us to certainly envisage the middle position of Supremacy:
“the concept of the Supreme is essential to coordinate the invariant and divine upper world with the finite and ever-changing lower world”.
After omnipresence and ubiquity, comes omnipotence in the framework of space-time, and finally the term compossibility which is only used twice in the L. U. One of the definitions of this word in particular from Larousse is the following: “A thing must have a continuity of possibility with other possible things”. Chapter 118-5-1 (P. 1299 -1) perhaps enlightens us a little more on what can and cannot be within creation, a level such as Divine and non-Divine:
“The omnipotence of Deity does not imply the power to do the nondoable. Within the time-space frame and from the intellectual reference point of mortal comprehension, even the infinite God cannot create square circles or produce evil that is inherently good. God cannot do the ungodlike thing. Such a contradiction of philosophic terms is the equivalent of nonentity and implies that nothing is thus created. A personality trait cannot at the same time be Godlike and ungodlike. Compossibility is innate in divine power. And all of this is derived from the fact that omnipotence not only creates things with a nature but also gives origin to the nature of all things and beings.” (UB 118:5.1)
Booklet 118 perhaps makes it obvious, such that the Ultimacy as a phenomenon of totality not yet manifested, is prior to the Supreme, moreover it is also the program which will be applied to the letter by the manifestation of the Supremacy, which itself is dependent on experientialization, because we are on levels of creation and not of exteriorization. It is for this reason that in chapter UB 118:4.7, the term “transformer” with regard to the Creator Sons, gives an idea of the application practiced by the Creator Sons in transforming potential already programmed, and already established on the subabsolute levels, into the creation of the actual experiential level of Supremacy:
“2. Eventuation of universe capacities. This involves the transformation of undifferentiated potentials into segregated and defined plans. This is the act of the Ultimacy of Deity and of the manifold agencies of the transcendental level. Such acts are in perfect anticipation of the future needs of the entire master universe. It is in connection with the segregation of potentials that the Architects of the Master Universe exist as the veritable embodiments of the Deity concept of the universes. Their plans appear to be ultimately space limited in extent by the concept periphery of the master universe, but as plans they are not otherwise conditioned by time or space.” (UB 118:4.6)
And :
“3. Creation and evolution of universe actuals. It is upon a cosmos impregnated by the capacity-producing presence of the Ultimacy of Deity that the Supreme Creators operate to effect the time transmutations of matured potentials into experiential actuals. Within the master universe all actualization of potential reality is limited by ultimate capacity for development and is time-space conditioned in the final stages of emergence. The Creator Sons going out from Paradise are, in actuality, transformative creators in the cosmic sense. But this in no manner invalidates man’s concept of them as creators; from the finite viewpoint they certainly can and do create.” (UB 118:4.7)
“All patterns of reality occupy space on the material levels, but spirit patterns only exist in relation to space; they do not occupy or displace space, neither do they contain it. But to us the master riddle of space pertains to the pattern of an idea. When we enter the mind domain, we encounter many a puzzle. Does the pattern—the reality—of an idea occupy space? We really do not know, albeit we are sure that an idea pattern does not contain space. But it would hardly be safe to postulate that the immaterial is always nonspatial.” (UB 118:3.7)
“But what man calls providence is all too often the product of his own imagination, the fortuitous juxtaposition of the circumstances of chance. There is, however, a real and emerging providence in the finite realm of universe existence, a true and actualizing correlation of the energies of space, the motions of time, the thoughts of intellect, the ideals of character, the desires of spiritual natures, and the purposive volitional acts of evolving personalities. The circumstances of the material realms find final finite integration in the interlocking presences of the Supreme and the Ultimate.” (UB 118:10.7)
“When men pray for providential intervention in the circumstances of life, many times the answer to their prayer is their own changed attitudes toward life. But providence is not whimsical, neither is it fantastic nor magical. It is the slow and sure emergence of the mighty sovereign of the finite universes, whose majestic presence the evolving creatures occasionally detect in their universe progressions. Providence is the sure and certain march of the galaxies of space and the personalities of time toward the goals of eternity, first in the Supreme, then in the Ultimate, and perhaps in the Absolute. And in infinity we believe there is the same providence, and this is the will, the actions, the purpose of the Paradise Trinity thus motivating the cosmic panorama of universes upon universes.” (UB 118:10.23)
“Space comes the nearest of all nonabsolute things to being absolute. Space is apparently absolutely ultimate. The real difficulty we have in understanding space on the material level is due to the fact that, while material bodies exist in space, space also exists in these same material bodies. While there is much about space that is absolute, that does not mean that space is absolute.”
“It may help to an understanding of space relationships if you would conjecture that, relatively speaking, space is after all a property of all material bodies. Hence, when a body moves through space, it also takes all its properties with it, even the space which is in and of such a moving body.” (UB 118:3.5-6)
To conclude, it emerges from booklet 118 that space is of all non-absolute things, the closest to being absolute, it is also geographically delimited as the scenic space where the manipulation scenarios of the activation of static potentials take place, and the exteriorization of universe capacities, of the creation as well as the evolution of universe actuals, all these phenomena being post-existential. Space is certainly the support on which all these transmutations manifest, it is an immense closed circuit which is permanently regenerated by this heart which is the Central Island of Paradise. Space is already impregnated with the presence of the Ultimacy of Deity, all the elements necessary to pass from mature potentials to experiential actuals, circulate in and through space.
Patrick Morelli.