Thomas Didymus was a fisherman of Tarichea but onetime carpenter and stone mason of Gadara. [1] Gadara was one of the towns visited during the first work of the twelve, from mid-August 26 to the end of 26. [2]
It was one of the sites visited by Jesus, the twelve and the twelve of John during the first preaching tour of the Decapolis, between November and December 27. [3]
It was also one of the sites visited by Jesus, the twelve and the 117 evangelists during the second preaching tour in Galilee, between October 3, 28 and December 30, 28. [4]
It was one of the towns visited by the twelve, the twelve evangelists and other evangelists during the second tour of the Decapolis from August 18 to September 16, 29. [5] It was one of the towns visited in the mission of Perea, from January 3, 30 until the death of Jesus. [6]
See also: UB 138:9.3; UB 144:7.1; UB 149:0.1; UB 159:0.2; UB 165:0.1.