This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Apostles believed Jesus was the Eternal Son. [1] Believers destined to attain perfection in. [2] Birthday text from Isaiah. [3] Can bestow eternal life. [4] Communed alone with God. [5] Could self-limit divinity consciousness. [6] Divine nature of Jesus is foundation of kingdom. [7] Do not portray Jesus as man of sorrows. [8] Education obtained by mingling with fellow men. [9] Either was what he professed or greatest hypocrite. [10] Everyone yielding to Adjuster eventually comes to. [11] Foretold destruction of Jerusalem. [12] Guardianship by Adjuster and seraphim. [13] Hard sayings more personal confession of faith than commands. [14] He who believes in Jesus has eternal life. [15] He who has seen Jesus has seen Father. [16] He who rejects Jesus rejects Father. [17] Hour striking for rediscovery of real life of Jesus. [18] Human and divine minds of Jesus. [19] Human mind can be exchanged for mind of Jesus. [20] Jesus brotherhood. Let mind in Christ be also in us. [21] Lifted up, Jesus will draw all men to himself. [22] Lives anew in life of individual believer. [23] Most needed now. [24] No man goes to Father except through. [25] Power to lay down life and take it up again. [26] Unifies life, ennobles character, simplifies experience. [27] Works in Father’s name bear witness for. [28] Works with us. [29]
Content with seemingly inadequate means and personalities; ignored power of wealth, great men. [30] Emotional ecstasy upon return of the 70. [31] Interested in, loved, all types of people. [32] Interested only in the individual, not the mass. [33] Loved men so much because he placed such a high value upon them. [34] Loved the sinner, hated the sin. [35] Never premeditated anything dramatic. [36] No respecter of persons. [37] Offered mercy to Caligastia and Daligastia. [38] Rare good humor; not man of sorrows. [39] Regular in work habits. [40] Sat at no man’s feet. [41] Saw most men as weak rather than wicked. [42] Seldom corrected misunderstandings. [43] Taught as one having authority. [44] Very fond of doing things for people. [45] Went about doing good. [46]
Experienced doubt. [47] Awareness of preexistence, divinity. [48]
Avoided impression of overattractive personal career. [49] Concealed matters which might cause him to look different. [50]
¶ Attitude towards ceremonies and traditions
Abhorred pure ceremony. [51] Antagonism with Judaism always positive. [52] Destroyed what was only when he offered superior alternative. [53] Flouted Jewish sacred traditions. [54] Detested commercialization of religion. [55] Sickened by irreverence of Jerusalem temple. [56] Shattered tradition and destroyed dogma. [57]
Refused to employ spirit forces for himself. [58] Refused to use even human powers to save himself. [59]
Sorrow of love bore down on. [60] Glance of commingled pity and love upon Peter. [61] Majestic bearing before accusers. [62] Lonely before crucifixion. [63]
Free from presumption. [64] In people. [65] In us. [66] Man foretastes eternity by appropriating. [67] Nourished by, and revelatory of, realities beyond the Ultimate. [68] Perfect but never presumptuous. [69] Provides 7 levels of salvation. [70] Securely held him. [71]
Act as economic or social reformer. [72] Disclose knowledge of associates’ thoughts. [73] Do what others could acceptably perform. [74] Follow up or direct people. [75] Interfere in matters between his and John’s apostles. [76] Reply to accusers. [77] Resort to ignoble tactics. [78] Reveal plans to apostles. [79] Seek to become martyr. [80] Select his parents. [81] Serve evil that good might presumably derive therefrom. [82] Show favoritism. [83] Take unfair advantage of opponents. [84] Turn anyone away. [85]
90% of followers deserted after king-making episode. [86] Behold the man! [87] Common people heard gladly. [88] Enemies feared his presence. [89] Men have not been unable, but afraid, to comprehend Jesus. [90] Opinions concerning Jesus. [91] We love Jesus more the better we know him. [92] Thousands have proved promises of. [93] Tiberius admired. [94]
Midwayers revealed to Chaldean priests. [95] Vevona heralded. [96]
¶ Childhood and youth
Do not overlook valiant human hero. [97] Taken to Egypt as child. [98] Arrival of Adjuster. [99] Studied flowers by day, stars by night. [100] Fall from stairs in sandstorm. [101] Excused from school 1 week per month. [102] Told to be about Father’s business. [103] Jesus’ embarrassing. [104] Why does Father require slaughter of animals? [105] Jesus sagacity, humor, fairness, and consideration; made few comments on elders’ answers. [106] Financial struggle. [107] Adolescent years. [108] Declined to join Zealots. [109] 6 weeks alone with God on Mount Hermon. [110] 40 days in wilderness. [111] Greatest of all Urantians. [112] Father desired natural finish for J.’ life. [113] Lived his life in the channel of its natural flowing. [114] No superhuman help prior to baptism. [115] Remember his life. [116] Stages. [117] Story given by midwayers. [118] Time to resurrect the human Jesus from theology. [119] Never seriously ill. [120] Offered assistant chazanship in Alexandria. [121] Social life not wholly neglected. [122] Sought out Roman religious leaders. [123] Spent time with children. [124] Years 5-8. [125] Years 9-13. [126] Years 14-15. [127] Years 16-20. [128] Years 21-26. [129] Years 27-29. [130] Years 30-31. [131] Years 14 and 15 were great test, real temptation. [132] Mount Hermon marked end of J.’ purely human career. [133]
40 days after baptism. [134] Did not use supernatural power until after baptism. [135] Ended Jesus’ purely human life. [136] January 14, A.D. 26. [137] Jesus was active in universe administration after baptism. [138] Jesus’ human and divine minds became one at baptism. [139] Jesus recalled Immanuel’s instructions at baptism. [140] Not received as rite of repentance. [141] Spirit transit completed at baptism. [142] No guardian angel after baptism. [143] In constant communication with Personalized Adjuster after baptism. [144]
Great decisions. [145] First pronouncement of divine nature to Nalda. [146] King-making episode. [147] Rebuked Sanhedrin. [148]
At Lazarus’ tomb. [149] On Mount Olivet. [150] Over family in boat. [151]
Jesus declined to be invested with full authority at transfiguration. [152] Memory of transfiguration sustained Jesus. [153]
¶ Trial and crucifixion
Betrayal. [154] Arrest. [155] Spat upon. [156] Struck by enemies. [157] Arrested and accused without evidence. [158] Not legally convicted on any charges. [159] Clothes divided at. [160] Died in 5-1/2 hours. [161] General description. [162] Greatest evidence of Jesus’ humanity. [163] Physically exhausted before. [164] Side pierced with spear. [165] Those who witnessed. [166] Burial. [167]
Accomplished things by death he could not in life. [168] Christianity built up around Jesus’ death. [169] Earth’s greatest tragedy. [170] Father’s will concerning. [171] Jesus foretold. [172] Made plain certainty of survival. [173]
Belonged to Joseph of Arimathea. [174] Description. [175] Discovery of empty tomb. [176] Jesus in tomb from 3 PM Friday to 3 AM Sunday. [177] Sealed by 2 stones; guarded. [178] Seals not broken when Jesus emerged. [179]
7 Paradise personalities deployed around tomb. [180] Celestial beings dissolved Jesus’ mortal body. [181] Christian belief based on fact of empty tomb; not the gospel. [182] Grave bandages apparently intact; thrown over cliff. [183] Greatest revelation of Jesus’ divinity. [184] Heralds of resurrection. [185] Jesus foretold. [186] Knowledge of Jesus’ resurrection avails nothing without spiritual rebirth. [187] No creatures assisted. [188] On third day. [189] Physical body not raised. [190] Resurrected Jesus seen by almost 1000 people. [191] Revelation of life overthrowing death. [192] Inaugurated dispensational resurrection. [193]
- To Mary Magdalene at tomb. [194]
- To Mary Magdalene at tomb. [195]
- To James, brother of Jesus in Bethany. [196]
- To family and friends in Bethany. [197]
- To women at Joseph of Arimathea’s home. [198]
- To 40 Greeks at home of Flavius. [199]
- To Cleopas and Jacob at Emmaus. [200]
- To Peter at Mark home. [201]
- To apostles at Mark home. [202]
- To 150 at Philadelphia. [203]
- To apostles at Mark home. [204]
- To 80 in Alexandria. [205]
- To apostles by Sea of Galilee. [206]
- To apostles on mount of ordination. [207]
- At Bethsaida. [208]
- In courtyard of Nicodemus. [209]
- At Sychar. [210]
- At Tyre. [211]
- In Jerusalem. [212]
Appeared through closed doors, in table. [213] Broke bread and handed to John Mark. [214] Cleopas and Jacob unaware Jesus not a mortal. [215] Difficulty recognizing Jesus’ form, but not his voice or personality. [216] Form progressively more difficult to visualize. [217] Morontia transit. [218] No appearances to enemies. [219] No nail marks in hands. [220] Ascension. [221]
Apostles misunderstood Jesus’ teaching but grasped his life. [222] Compensates for inability to grasp Eternal Son. [223] Enlarged and amplified highest human visualization of Father. [224] Fact of God becoming man has changed all meanings of human personality. [225] Fixed point for anchor of time. [226] Function of Spirit of Truth limited by one’s reception of substance of Jesus’ life. [227] God revealed himself in life of Jesus. [228] Gospel was founded on fact of life of Jesus. [229] Greatest human knowledge is to know life of Jesus. [230] Jesus’ life exhausted attainable spiritual values. [231] Jesus’ life is best revelation of nature of God. [232]
Highest religious living. [233] Man at his best to himself. [234] Man submitted to Father’s will. [235] Man to God. [236] Merciful nature of Eternal Son. [237] Mortal destiny. [238] Paradise plan for mortal survival. [239]
Lived for inspiration of every world throughout all time. [240] Lived not as example but as inspiration. [241] Lived the truth, was the truth. [242] Most beautiful expression of divinity found in earth lives of bestowal Sons. [243] New and living way. [244] Understand Jesus’ teachings by his life. [245]
Be not ashamed of Jesus’ teachings. [246] Be not dismayed by failure fully to grasp. [247] Denounced pride, cruelty, oppression, hypocrisy. [248] Equality of women. [249] Exclusive profit motivation incompatible with. [250] Look at Jesus’ actions more than his teachings. [251] Love and service. [252] Must come a revival of. [253] Often intended for other worlds. [254] Self-forgetfulness and self-control, not self-examination and self-denial. [255] Untaught in learning of rabbis. [256] Used term Elohim for God, not Yahweh. [257]
- Jonah. [258]
- Reality. [259]
- Evil. [260]
- Time and space. [261]
- True values. [262]
- Good and evil. [263]
- Truth and faith. [264]
- Wealth. [265]
- Mercy and justice. [266]
- Science. [267]
- Soul. [268]
- Mind. [269]
- “The Kingdom”. [270]
- Ordination sermon. [271]
- “The Will of the Father in Heaven”. [272]
- Suffering; Job. [273]
- Contentment. [274]
- Fear of the Lord. [275]
- Magic and superstition. [276]
- Salvation. [277]
- “The Love of God,” “Dreams and Visions,” “Malice,” “Humility and Meekness,” “Courage and Loyalty,” “Music and Worship,” “Service and Obedience,” “Pride and Presumption,” “Forgiveness in Relation to Repentance,” “Peace and Perfection,” “Evil Speaking and Envy,” “Evil, Sin, and Temptation,” “Doubts and Unbelief,” “Wisdom and Worship.”. [278]
- Epochal sermon. [279]
- True religion. [280]
- Forgiveness. [281]
- Light of the world. [282]
- Water of life. [283]
- Spiritual freedom. [284]
- Wealth. [285]
- “Trust and Spiritual Preparedness.”. [286]
- Wealth. [287]
- Accidents. [288]
- Marriage. [289]
- Angels. [290]
- “kingdom of heaven”. [291]
- Counting the cost. [292]
- “The Liberty of Sonship”, only named. [293]
- Forgiveness. [294]
- Last temple discourse. [295]
- Second coming. [296]
- Sonship and citizenship. [297]
- Remembrance Supper. [298]
- New commandment. [299]
- Vine and branches. [300]
- Enmity of the world. [301]
- I am the way, the truth, and the life. [355]
- It is finished! [356]
- Well done, good and faithful servant. [357]
- It is more blessed to give than to receive. [358]
- Greatest is he who serves. [359]
- In Father’s house are many abodes. [360]
- Whosoever drinks of living water shall never thirst. [361]
- Get you behind me, Satan. [362]
- Think not that I have come to bring peace. [363]
- Preach gospel to all the world. [364]
- Whosoever will, let him come. [365]
- Who among you convicts me of sin. [366]
- Be of good cheer. [367]
- Freely you have received, freely give. [368]
- Fear not. [369]
- Seek and you shall find. [370]
- Love your enemies. [371]
- He who will save his life shall lose it. [372]
- If I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself. [373]
- No man can serve two masters. [374]
- Not my will but yours be done. [375]
- I am the living way. [376]
- It is my will that your will be done. [377]
- I am the bread of life. [378]
- I am the living water. [379]
- None has done aught but what he thought best. [380]
- Money cannot love. [381]
- Day by day we are strengthened by hope of better days. [382]
- Let us who have seen the light no longer approach Father by darkness. [383]
- We cannot eat another’s bread as long as I have strong arms. [384]
- Be wise in your counsel and eloquent in your lives. [385]
- Flight from duty is sacrifice of truth. [386]
- No man is stranger to one who knows God. [387]
- Time alone ripens fruit on tree. [388]
- My tomorrow is in Father’s hands. [389]
- Not with words but with longing looks did you ask. [390]
- All things possible with God. [391]
- You cannot reveal God to those who do not seek. [392]
- I do not believe any real harm can befall me. [393]
- You should not presume thus to speak to children of God. [394]
- Work as for God. [395]
- It behooves me to keep busy awaiting my hour. [396]
- Suffer me also this, for it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness. [397]
- Tell no man. [398]
- Be not mindful of things which foster anxiety. [399]
- Follow me. [400]
- We must in all things wait upon Father’s will. [401]
- Be patient. [402]
- Kingdom is not to come with noise and glamour. [403]
- Make yourselves ready for call of the kingdom. [404]
- Only through much tribulation will many enter kingdom. [405]
- Do not entertain false hope. [406]
- Father and I are one. [407]
- Neither Jew nor gentile, rich nor poor, in kingdom. [408]
- God is no respecter of persons. [409]
- Kingdom is not of this world. [410]
- Unless you become as little children you cannot enter the kingdom. [411]
- Be you perfect as Father is perfect. [412]
- Kingdom is worth whatever it costs to enter. [413]
- I have come to call sinners, the lost. [414]
- Seek sinners, find downtrodden, comfort anxious. [415]
- Become fishers of men. [416]
- Speak not hearsay. [417]
- Come to me all you who labor. [418]
- Peace on earth and good will to all men. [419]
- Not every man who says, “Lord, Lord” shall enter kingdom. [420]
- Seek first the kingdom. [421]
- Kingdom is within you. [422]
- More is expected of teacher than pupil. [423]
- Happy are the poor in spirit. [424]
- Let your light so shine before men. [425]
- Trust in the Father whose messengers you are. [426]
- If your neighbor smites you on your right cheek. [427]
- What you believe that I would do, do you also. [428]
- You are commissioned to save men, not to judge them. [429]
- Cast not your pearls before swine. [430]
- Tree is known by its fruit. [431]
- My peace I leave with you. [432]
- Let not your hearts be troubled. [433]
- You must be born again. [434]
- I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. [435]
- Return good for evil. [436]
- Let not left hand know what right hand does. [437]
- Father knows what you need even before you ask. [438]
- Lay not up treasures on earth. [439]
- Where your treasure is, your heart is also. [440]
- Be not anxious for your lives. [441]
- Sufficient for the day is trouble thereof. [442]
- Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. [443]
- Judge not that you be not judged. [444]
- Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. [445]
- What shall it profit you to gain the world and lose your soul? [446]
- Laborer is worthy of his hire. [447]
- Be not concerned about what you should say. [448]
- I will go before you. [449]
- Become as little children to enter kingdom. [450]
- My yoke is easy and burden is light. [451]
- Resist not evil. [452]
- When did I teach that you should all see alike? [453]
- Do not strive with men – always be patient. [454]
- It is not your kingdom; you are only ambassadors. [455]
- Truth shall make you free. [456]
- Spirit witnesses with your spirits that you are children of God. [457]
- Unless you are born again, you shall not enter kingdom. [458]
- My spirit shall go before you. [459]
- He who rules his self is greater than he who captures city. [460]
- Old things pass away; all things become new. [461]
- By the new way you are first transformed by Spirit of Truth. [462]
- Doubt not Father’s love and mercy. [463]
- Best method to solve some problems is to forsake them for a time. [464]
- God is spirit; worship him in spirit and in truth. [465]
- I have meat to eat that you know not of. [466]
- Fields are white for harvest. [467]
- Prayer is breath of soul. [468]
- Ask and you shall be given. [469]
- Hate is shadow of fear. [470]
- Sabbath is made for man, not man for Sabbath. [471]
- Do not attach new teachings to old. [472]
- Harvest is plenteous but laborers are few. [473]
- Disciple is not above his master. [474]
- Nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. [475]
- Fear not those who can kill the body. [476]
- No sparrow is forgotten in God’s sight. [477]
- Hairs of your head are all numbered. [478]
- He who loves parents, wife, husband, children more than gospel is not worthy. [479]
- To every one who has, more shall be given. [480]
- Many stand at parting of ways. [481]
- Choose this day whom you will serve. [482]
- Blind leading the blind. [483]
- He who is not with me is against me. [484]
- Spirit quickens; the flesh is of little profit. [485]
- I have no mother. [486]
- Disown the past. [487]
- Inasmuch as you do it to the least, you do it to me. [488]
- Strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. [489]
- Overcome evil with good. [490]
- Who do men say that I am? [491]
- Before Abraham was, I am. [492]
- As Father sent me, so send I you. [493]
- He who has seen me has seen Father. [494]
- All things are possible to him who believes. [495]
- Be not ashamed of me and my words. [496]
- He who humbles himself shall be exalted. [497]
- He who receives me receives Him who sent me. [498]
- Where 2 or 3 are gathered together, there am I. [499]
- He who is not against us is for us. [500]
- I stand at door and knock. [501]
- He who wishes to be disciple must disregard himself and follow me. [502]
- I have come that you may have life. [503]
- I am the light of the world. [504]
- He who deliberately rejects light shall die in sin. [505]
- He who rejects me rejects Him who sent me. [506]
- Let others bury the dead. [507]
- No man, having put hand to plough, can turn back. [508]
- First shall be last. [509]
- Many prophets desired to see what you see. [510]
- Woe upon you. [511]
- Be not weary in well-doing. [512]
- I am the good shepherd. [513]
- I am the door to eternal life. [514]
- Life does not consist of possessions. [515]
- Be not anxious about temporal things. [516]
- Consider the lilies, how they grow. [517]
- Seek the greater and lesser shall be found therein. [518]
- To whom much is given, much is required. [519]
- Sit not in chief seat. [520]
- He who exalts himself shall be humbled. [521]
- Suffer little children to come unto me. [522]
- I am the resurrection and the life. [523]
- Children of world are wiser than children of light. [524]
- He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much. [525]
- You cannot serve God and mammon. [526]
- How often would I have gathered your children? [527]
- Poor you have always with you. [528]
- Stone which builders rejected. [529]
- Put not your trust in the arm of the flesh. [530]
- Remain unshaken when you cannot see the way. [531]
- Judge not by outward appearances. [532]
- Walk by faith and not by sight. [533]
- Cease to be attracted by unreal material shadows. [534]
- Beware slippery paths of flattery. [535]
- Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. [536]
- Love glory of God, not men. [537]
- I came not to judge the world, but to offer salvation. [538]
- No peace between light and darkness, truth and error. [539]
- Sin of rulers is saying what is good but doing it not. [540]
- Call no man Father in spiritual sense. [541]
- Seek not self-glorification but glory of God. [542]
- Take heed no man deceive you. [543]
- False teachers will arise and lead many astray. [544]
- I will return. [545]
- You cannot stand still in affairs of kingdom. [546]
- In faithfulness do what is intrusted to you. [547]
- Love one another even as I have loved you. [548]
- I am with you always. [549]
- Be you all as brethren. [550]
- As oft as you do this, do it in remembrance of me. [551]
- I am the real vine. [552]
- Abide in me, and I in you. [553]
- I am in you. [554]
- Those who kill you think they do God service. [555]
- He who rejects you refuses to receive me. [556]
- Father himself loves you. [557]
- As many as receive spirit shall be enlightened, cleansed, comforted. [558]
- In this world you shall have tribulation. [559]
- They who fight with sword perish with sword. [560]
- Possess your soul in patience. [561]
- Working with me, all things are sacred. [562]
- Eye has not seen, nor ear heard. [563]
- Be one in spirit. [564]
- I am the desire of all ages. [565]
- All things work together for glory of God and salvation of men. [566]
- Spirit is willing but flesh is weak. [567]
- Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. [568]
- Greater love has no man. [569]
- Be not doubting; have courage to believe what you have seen and heard. [570]
- Peace be upon you. [571]
- Cease to think about yourself and the troubles of the hour. [572]
- Love all men as I have loved you. [573]
- Serve all men as I have served you. [574]
- Stumble not into suspicion and intolerance. [575]
- Fear not the resistance of evil. [576]
- Reveal divine love not merely with words, but in life. [577]
- Love not the souls of men; love men. [578]
- Let faith reveal your light to world. [579]
- I require of my disciples a life of loving service. [580]
- Blessed are those who believe without seeing. [581]
- Preach gospel without fear or favor. [582]
- Be on guard at all times – watch and pray. [583]
- Be not concerned what your brethren shall do. [584]
- Weigh consequences of your sayings and doings. [585]
- Lessen disappointment by expecting less of some. [586]
- Proclaim whole gospel, not just part. [587]
- That which the world needs most to know is men are sons of God. [588]
- Worship God in spirit and in truth. [589]
- My love overshadows you. [590]
- Father is living and loving spirit. [591]
- Why do you call me good? [592]
Do not literally apply to material affairs. [593] To individual, not state. [594] To worlds in bestowal Son era. [595] World has never seriously tried to carry out. [596]
Harmoniously co-ordinate knowledge, wisdom, faith, truth, and love; provide tranquility, certainty, enlightenment, stability, God-consciousness, and assurance of survival. [597] Left as Jesus presented them, all religions would have embraced. [598] Obscured by overemphasis on Jesus’ personality. [599]
Jesus taught by asking. [600] Bold and emphatic. [601] Constant appeal to Scriptures. [602] Embellished truth, did not attack error. [603] Little of the well-planned or premeditated. [604] Message reiterated. [605] Never elicited resentment or antagonism. [606] Never took unfair advantage; no ignoble tactics. [607] No appeal to human authority; spoke directly to consciences and souls; did not resort to logic, legal quibbles, clever sayings. [608] Not so much what Jesus said as his kindly look. [609] Taught most when he said least. [610]
At house of Martha and Mary. [611] At Zebedee’s house. [612] Came near believing Jesus was beside himself. [613] Failed to understand Jesus. [614] Failed to wish Jesus well due to pride, resentment. [615] Failure to make James and Jude apostles caused rift. [616] Felt disgraced by their embarrassing position; avoided Jesus. [617] Jesus asked John Zebedee asked to watch over his family. [618] Jesus conformed to parents’ wishes even when he disagreed. [619] Jesus financially supported. [620] Jesus tried to retain their confidence, affection. [621] Jesus’ abdication as head of Joseph’s house. [622] Jesus’ moral and spiritual training obtained from Joseph and Mary. [623] Jesus’ relations with siblings. [624] Members of Jesus’ family. Nazareth home described. [625] No penalty for violation of personal teachings. [626] Residences after resurrection. [627]
¶ Miracles and healings
100 beneficiaries of unconscious healing by Jesus. [628] Adjuster unable to limit time manifestations. [629]
¶ Apparent miracles and healings
Approach miracles through Jesus, not Jesus through miracles. [641] Creator prerogatives inseparable from Jesus’ personal presence. [642] Creator Sons have almost unlimited healing powers. [643] Gave Jesus much trouble, unsought notoriety. [644] Healings of emotional disturbances. [645] Impossible to limit Michael’s spiritual power. [646] Incarnations of Paradise Sons are. [647] Jesus chose not to employ miracles and healings. [648] Miracles desired for spiritual benefits rather than purely physical restoration. [649] Not used for earth family or immediate followers. [650] Of mind and spirit occur in expectant faith-dominated persons. [651] Perception that living energy had gone forth. [652]
¶ Real miracles and healings
Sanhedrin said Jesus did miracles by power of devils. [672] Situation can never again occur. [673] Used not to tempt people into kingdom, but to reveal Father to those already in. [674]
¶ Personality and nature
Author and finisher of our faith. [682] God incarnate in man. [683] Human nature. [684] Mind was that of first-century human. [685] Miraculous person. [686] Not Eternal Son. [687] Not so much perfection of his life as its symmetry, balanced unification. [688] Our elder brother. [689] Personality of Eternal Son incarnate. [690] Personification of Father’s will. [691] Revelation of Father to soul. [692] Satisfaction of all unsatisfied factors of logic. [693] Savior. [694] Spiritual lens which makes visible Him who is invisible. [695] Teacher, not a preacher. [696] Think of righteousness rather than sinlessness. [697] Traits. [698] Traits inherited from Joseph and Mary. [699] Unreservedly dedicated to Father’s business. [700] Word made flesh.
Pictures have been most unfortunate. [701] Voice was musical, fascinating, authoritative. [702]
In human contacts. [703] That we have abundant life. [704] To be world’s deliverer. [705] To comfort minds, liberate spirits, save souls. [706] To complete sovereignty and reveal God. [707] To end pretensions of Lucifer. [708] To proclaim spiritual liberty, teach eternal truth, foster living faith. [709] To reveal God, lead men to become Son-conscious. [710]
Relationship with Jesus takes precedence over all others. [711] Religion of Jesus versus religion about Jesus. [712]
Accused Jesus of being in league with devils. [713] Charges against Jesus. [714] Unanimously decreed Jesus’ death. [715]
Believers’ best attitude toward. [716] Discernible only by spiritual faith. [717] Early Christians believed imminent. [718] Jesus promised to return. [719] Not related to establishment of kingdom. [720] Timing known only on Paradise. [721]
Animal husbandry. [722] Business and financial sagacity. [723] Camel-driving. [724] Canvas and leather work. [725] Carpentry, boatmaking. [726] Cheese-making. [727] Fishing. [728] Harp playing. [729] Interpreting and translating. [730] Loom operating. [731] Metal working. [732] Mining. [733] Spoke Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew, Indian language. [734] Storytelling. [735] Tentmaking. [736] Yoke making. [737]
Son of God. Son of Man.
Achieved all of sonship we will one day attain. [738] Achieved status of light and life on Urantia. [739] All power given to Jesus. [740] Broke hold of sin and evil. [741] Divested Caligastia of all authority. [742] In all points tried and tested. [743] Was the 4th epochal revelation. [744]
Compact with brother James. [745] Destroyed after baptism. [746] Left no permanent writings. [747] On sand before husband of Hildana. [748] Translation work for merchant of Damascus. [749]
- ↑UB 157:5.1; UB 161:2.10
- ↑UB 142:7.15
- ↑UB 97:5.3; UB 123:5.11; UB 126:5.2; UB 148:5.5; UB 150:8.9; UB 190:5.4
- ↑UB 182:1.3
- ↑UB 136:4.10; UB 144:1.8; UB 145:5.1-2; UB 147:0.1; UB 148:3; UB 151:0.1; UB 151:5.1; UB 152:4.1; UB 152:5.5; UB 153:5.2; UB 158:1.6; UB 160:1.10-12; UB 160:3.1; UB 163:6.1
- ↑UB 161:3.2-3
- ↑UB 157:4.5,7; UB 157:5.1; UB 191:5.3
- ↑UB 159:3.10
- ↑UB 123:5.8; UB 124:3.3; UB 124:4.1; UB 125:2.12; UB 126:5.2; UB 128:2.5; UB 128:3.4; UB 129:1.7; UB 129:3.7-8; UB 130:0.5-6; UB 132:4.1; UB 134:0.1; UB 134:7.3
- ↑UB 161:2.4
- ↑UB 153:2.8,11
- ↑UB 172:3.10; UB 176:0.1; UB 176:1; UB 176:2.6; UB 178:3.3-4; UB 187:1.5-7
- ↑UB 123:2.2; UB 128:1.9; UB 134:8.2; UB 136:2.3
- ↑UB 196:2.7
- ↑UB 135:11.2; UB 153:2.9,11
- ↑UB 32:3.6; UB 157:6.13; UB 180:3.9; UB 180:6.8; UB 181:2.20
- ↑UB 158:8.1; UB 163:1.4
- ↑UB 195:9.5; UB 195:10.1
- ↑UB 154:6.10; UB 161:2-3; UB 167:4.2; UB 168:1.6-7
- ↑UB 48:6.26; UB 128:1.6
- ↑UB 102:4.1
- ↑UB 157:6.10; UB 162:5.4; UB 174:5.13; UB 188:5.10; UB 195:10.1
- ↑UB 194:2.6; UB 194:3.1
- ↑UB 195:10.1
- ↑UB 180:3.7
- ↑UB 165:2.10
- ↑UB 100:7.18
- ↑UB 164:5.2-3; UB 180:3.9
- ↑UB 180:1.4
- ↑UB 136:8.4; UB 138:6.5; UB 141:7.8
- ↑UB 163:6.3
- ↑UB 127:3.7; UB 128:3.7; UB 129:3.8; UB 139:5.7
- ↑UB 138:8.9; UB 139:5.7; UB 140:8.11; UB 140:10.5; UB 144:6.3; UB 170:3.10-11; UB 170:4.9; UB 171:7.4
- ↑UB 100:4.4
- ↑UB 100:7.11
- ↑UB 172:3.11
- ↑UB 139:10.9; UB 139:12.7; UB 179:3.9
- ↑UB 53:8.6
- ↑UB 129:4.4; UB 159:3.10; UB 181:1.8
- ↑UB 135:8.2
- ↑UB 126:2.3; UB 128:4.2; UB 141:7.12; UB 173:2.6
- ↑UB 196:2.9
- ↑UB 124:4.5; UB 127:1.7-8; UB 134:1.2
- ↑UB 138:8.8; UB 140:3.21; UB 145:2.11; UB 145:3.3; UB 149:2.13; UB 149:4.5; UB 157:6.5; UB 161:2.8
- ↑UB 132:4.4
- ↑UB 159:5.10; UB 161:2.9; UB 171:7.9
- ↑UB 124:4.2; UB 128:1.8
- ↑UB 127:0.1; UB 128:1.8-13; UB 128:7.1; UB 129:3.9; UB 134:8.5; UB 136:2.4; UB 137:4.2; UB 161:3
- ↑UB 128:4.5-6; UB 129:1.8; UB 129:3.5; UB 134:9.9; UB 161:3.2-3
- ↑UB 124:4.1; UB 126:3.14; UB 127:2.7
- ↑UB 166:1.2; UB 190:2.4
- ↑UB 147:6.6; UB 153:1.2
- ↑UB 149:2.11
- ↑UB 121:7.3
- ↑UB 173:1.11
- ↑UB 125:0.3-4; UB 125:1; UB 173:1
- ↑UB 92:5.13; UB 99:5.3
- ↑UB 136:6.1; UB 136:8.1; UB 166:4.2; UB 182:3.7; UB 183:1.2; UB 183:3.7; UB 183:4.2
- ↑UB 186:2.3; UB 187:3.3
- ↑UB 182:3.9-10
- ↑UB 184:2.8
- ↑UB 183:3.4; UB 184:1.2; UB 184:3.5,19; UB 185:2.16; UB 185:4.2; UB 186:4.3
- ↑UB 187:1.8
- ↑UB 196:0.14
- ↑UB 157:4.6; UB 171:7.5,8; UB 181:2.26; UB 196:1.5; UB 196:2.10
- ↑UB 100:7.9,16; UB 157:4.6; UB 171:7.5,8; UB 196:1.5; UB 196:2.10
- ↑UB 101:6.17
- ↑UB 101:6.16
- ↑UB 100:7.7
- ↑UB 101:6.8-15
- ↑UB 196:0.5
- ↑UB 140:8.15-18,31; UB 196:2.11
- ↑UB 172:2.1
- ↑UB 141:1.3; UB 148:0.3; UB 149:0.2
- ↑UB 171:7.6
- ↑UB 144:6.3; UB 150:0.2
- ↑UB 184:1.4-5; UB 184:3.6-8; UB 184:4.3; UB 185:2.15; UB 185:4.2; UB 186:2.2; UB 187:3.4
- ↑UB 149:4.5; UB 173:2.7
- ↑UB 141:0.1; UB 172:5.1
- ↑UB 156:2.5
- ↑UB 128:0.1
- ↑UB 136:9.3
- ↑UB 139:4.2
- ↑UB 125:5.8
- ↑UB 149:2.6; UB 153:2.8; UB 166:3.3
- ↑UB 152:5.2; UB 152:6.2
- ↑UB 100:7.1; UB 186:2.11
- ↑UB 173:3.2; UB 174:4.7; UB 196:1.4
- ↑UB 100:7.4
- ↑UB 156:2.4
- ↑UB 100:7.12; UB 137:8.18; UB 141:7.8; UB 149:2.13; UB 149:3; UB 154:4.1-5; UB 157:3.5; UB 162:1.10; UB 162:2.2; UB 162:6.4; UB 165:2.11-12; UB 166:1.6; UB 172:3.15; UB 185:3.6
- ↑UB 149:2.14; UB 161:2.3
- ↑UB 163:6.8
- ↑UB 132:0.1
- ↑UB 119:7.6
- ↑UB 39:5.5
- ↑UB 92:7.12
- ↑UB 95:5.2
- ↑UB 123:2.1; UB 196:1.7
- ↑UB 123:3.10
- ↑UB 123:4.5
- ↑UB 123:6.1; UB 124:1.2
- ↑UB 37:2.8; UB 124:6.15; UB 126:3.5
- ↑UB 123:6.6; UB 125:0.6
- ↑UB 124:6.14
- ↑UB 124:2.2-3; UB 125:4.3; UB 125:5.8
- ↑UB 126:5; UB 127:3.1,11; UB 127:6.10
- ↑UB 127
- ↑UB 127:2
- ↑UB 134:7.7
- ↑UB 135:9; UB 136:2.6; UB 136:3-10
- ↑UB 109:6.6
- ↑UB 158:4-5; UB 182:3.6-7; UB 183:1.2
- ↑UB 128:1.6; UB 182:3.7; UB 183:1.2
- ↑UB 128:1.3-4,9
- ↑UB 193:5.2
- ↑UB 101:6.5; UB 127:6.14; UB 128:1; UB 157:6.3; UB 196:1.6-13
- ↑UB 77:9.9
- ↑UB 196:1.2
- ↑UB 124:1.1
- ↑UB 128:5.2-5
- ↑UB 127:3.10
- ↑UB 132:0.4
- ↑UB 127:1.8; UB 127:3.8; UB 128:6.10-12; UB 138:8.9; UB 172:1.4
- ↑UB 123
- ↑UB 124; UB 125
- ↑UB 126
- ↑UB 127
- ↑UB 128
- ↑UB 129
- ↑UB 130; UB 131; UB 132; UB 133; UB 134:1.7
- ↑UB 126:0.1
- ↑UB 134:7.7
- ↑UB 136:3
- ↑UB 128:1.9
- ↑UB 136:2.7
- ↑UB 136; UB 135:8.6; UB 196:1.9
- ↑UB 148:3.4
- ↑UB 129:4.2
- ↑UB 129:3.9
- ↑UB 136:2.1,6
- ↑UB 189:0.2
- ↑UB 136:4.10
- ↑UB 136:2.5
- ↑UB 136:5-10
- ↑UB 143:5.8
- ↑UB 152:3
- ↑UB 153:2.3-5; UB 175:1
- ↑UB 168:1.1-5
- ↑UB 124:6.10; UB 125:4.2
- ↑UB 141:0.2
- ↑UB 158:1.4
- ↑UB 171:4.9
- ↑UB 183
- ↑UB 183:3
- ↑UB 184:3.18; UB 185:6.2
- ↑UB 184:3.18; UB 184:4.1; UB 185:6.2; UB 186:2.10
- ↑UB 185:8.1
- ↑UB 185:2.14
- ↑UB 187:2.8-9
- ↑UB 187:5.8
- ↑UB 187:1.1-5; UB 187:2.1
- ↑UB 182:3.5-7
- ↑UB 187:1.8-9
- ↑UB 187:5.8
- ↑UB 127:5.6; UB 187:3.1
- ↑UB 188:1
- ↑UB 171:4.9
- ↑UB 143:5.11
- ↑UB 178:2.1
- ↑UB 4:5.6; UB 183:1
- ↑UB 162:2.1; UB 171:2.2; UB 171:4.2-7; UB 172:1.6-7; UB 173:5.4; UB 174:5.13; UB 175:1.4,20; UB 176:1.1; UB 178:3.2; UB 179:4.1; UB 180:6.7; UB 181:1.5; UB 181:2.3; UB 182:2.5-6; UB 190:5.4
- ↑UB 188:4.6
- ↑UB 188:1.2
- ↑UB 188:1.2-5; UB 189:2.4; UB 189:4.6,9; UB 190:1.2
- ↑UB 189:4
- ↑UB 188:0.1
- ↑UB 188:2.3; UB 189:4.2
- ↑UB 189:1.7
- ↑UB 189:1.5
- ↑UB 189:2.1,7-8
- ↑UB 189:2.6; UB 193:0.4; UB 193:2.2
- ↑UB 189:4.6,9; UB 189:5.3; UB 190:1.2; UB 191:0.4
- ↑UB 182:3.5
- ↑UB 190:1; UB 191:6.4
- ↑UB 158:2.1; UB 158:6.5; UB 158:7.3,7; UB 165:2.10; UB 173:5.4; UB 180:6.7; UB 181:1.5; UB 182:2.5-6
- ↑UB 193:1.2
- ↑UB 189:0; UB 189:1.13
- ↑UB 52:5.6
- ↑UB 189:1.2,7; UB 189:2
- ↑UB 189:2.9
- ↑UB 180:6.7
- ↑UB 189:3.1
- ↑UB 189:4.10-12
- ↑UB 189:5.4
- ↑UB 190:2.2-5
- ↑UB 190:2.6
- ↑UB 190:3.1
- ↑UB 190:4
- ↑UB 190:5
- ↑UB 191:1
- ↑UB 191:2
- ↑UB 191:4
- ↑UB 191:5
- ↑UB 191:6
- ↑UB 192:1
- ↑UB 192:3
- ↑UB 192:4.3
- ↑UB 193:0.1
- ↑UB 193:1
- ↑UB 193:2
- ↑UB 193:3.1
- ↑UB 190:4.1; UB 191:2.1; UB 191:5.2
- ↑UB 192:1.8
- ↑UB 190:5
- ↑UB 190:2.3; UB 193:2.3
- ↑UB 191:3.2
- ↑UB 101:6.5; UB 189:1; UB 191:3; UB 193:5.4
- ↑UB 190:2.1
- ↑UB 191:5.4
- ↑UB 193:5; UB 196:1.12
- ↑UB 140:7.8
- ↑UB 6:8.6-7
- ↑UB 97:10.8
- ↑UB 112:2.7
- ↑UB 194:3.8
- ↑UB 34:5.5
- ↑UB 102:3.14; UB 117:5.4
- ↑UB 157:4.5,7; UB 157:5.1; UB 191:5.3
- ↑UB 196:1.3
- ↑UB 109:6.6
- ↑UB 1:6.3,8; UB 2:0.1-2; UB 2:5.10; UB 2:6.4; UB 3:6.7; UB 4:3.7; UB 4:5.7; UB 142:7.15; UB 169:4.3-4; UB 196:0.10
- ↑UB 92:1.5; UB 102:8.7
- ↑UB 16:9.6
- ↑UB 194:2.8
- ↑UB 120:2.8; UB 142:7.15; UB 184:4.6; UB 186:2.9,11; UB 186:5.6
- ↑UB 7:7.6
- ↑UB 32:2.13
- ↑UB 40:10.14
- ↑UB 120:2.5-7; UB 129:3.6; UB 136:3.3; UB 136:4.1; UB 136:6.3; UB 140:6.8; UB 140:8.29; UB 140:10.3; UB 141:7.9; UB 186:2.3; UB 186:5.3; UB 188:4.6-7
- ↑UB 120:2.7; UB 129:4.7; UB 140:10.2-3; UB 181:1.3; UB 194:2.8
- ↑UB 100:7.2
- ↑UB 116:2.3
- ↑UB 101:6.17; UB 129:4.7; UB 136:6.11; UB 180:3.7; UB 196:2.4
- ↑UB 140:8.19; UB 149:2.1
- ↑UB 150:4.3
- ↑UB 181:2.25
- ↑UB 140:8.22
- ↑UB 125:0.4; UB 125:5.4; UB 127:1.5; UB 138:8.11; UB 149:2.8-9; UB 150:1; UB 167:5.4; UB 167:6.4; UB 194:3.14
- ↑UB 71:6.1
- ↑UB 196:0.10
- ↑UB 92:4.8
- ↑UB 170:5.19
- ↑UB 141:7.7,15
- ↑UB 143:2.2
- ↑UB 162:2.1
- ↑UB 169:4.5
- ↑UB 130:1
- ↑UB 130:4
- ↑UB 130:4.11-15
- ↑UB 130:7
- ↑UB 132:1
- ↑UB 132:2
- ↑UB 132:3
- ↑UB 132:5
- ↑UB 133:1
- ↑UB 133:5
- ↑UB 133:6.4-7
- ↑UB 133:7.5-12
- ↑UB 137:8
- ↑UB 140:3-6
- ↑UB 145:2.1
- ↑UB 148:6
- ↑UB 149:5
- ↑UB 149:6
- ↑UB 150:3
- ↑UB 150:5
- ↑UB 150:6.1
- ↑UB 153:2
- ↑UB 155:5-6
- ↑UB 159:1.4-7
- ↑UB 162:5
- ↑UB 162:6
- ↑UB 162:7
- ↑UB 163:3
- ↑UB 165:3
- ↑UB 165:5
- ↑UB 166:4
- ↑UB 167:5.2-8
- ↑UB 167:7
- ↑UB 170
- ↑UB 171:2
- ↑UB 173:2.2
- ↑UB 174:1
- ↑UB 175
- ↑UB 176:2
- ↑UB 178:1; UB 181:2.10
- ↑UB 179:5
- ↑UB 180:1
- ↑UB 180:2
- ↑UB 180:3
- ↑UB 95:0.1; UB 151:1-2; UB 151:3.13,15; UB 152:6.3; UB 155:2.3
- ↑UB 137:8.12; UB 151:3.15
- ↑UB 140:5.7; UB 167:5.1-2
- ↑UB 140:8.27; UB 151:4.2; UB 178:1.15
- ↑UB 140:8.28; UB 151:4.5
- ↑UB 144:2.3
- ↑UB 144:2.5
- ↑UB 144:8.7
- ↑UB 147:5.4
- ↑UB 147:7.2
- ↑UB 147:7.2; UB 176:1.7
- ↑UB 147:7.2
- ↑UB 148:6.1-12
- ↑UB 151:3.1
- ↑UB 151:4.1
- ↑UB 151:4.3; UB 178:1.15
- ↑UB 151:4.4
- ↑UB 151:4.6
- ↑UB 156:5.1
- ↑UB 156:5.2
- ↑UB 157:2.1
- ↑UB 159:1.2; UB 169:1.2-4,15
- ↑UB 159:1.4-5
- ↑UB 163:3.5-7
- ↑UB 164:1
- ↑UB 165:2; UB 169:1.2
- ↑UB 165:4.2-3
- ↑UB 165:5.5
- ↑UB 165:5.6
- ↑UB 165:6.2-3
- ↑UB 166:4.9
- ↑UB 167:1.5
- ↑UB 167:2
- ↑UB 169:1.4,15
- ↑UB 169:1.5-16
- ↑UB 169:2
- ↑UB 169:3
- ↑UB 171:2.3
- ↑UB 171:2.3
- ↑UB 171:2.5
- ↑UB 171:8
- ↑UB 173:3
- ↑UB 173:4
- ↑UB 173:4.4
- ↑UB 173:5
- ↑UB 174:5.8
- ↑UB 176:2.6
- ↑UB 176:2.8
- ↑UB 176:3.4
- ↑UB 178:1.15
- ↑UB 179:3
- ↑UB 179:5
- ↑UB 180:2; UB 193:2.2
- ↑UB 7:5.1; UB 21:6.4; UB 52:5.4; UB 141:7.4; UB 166:3.7; UB 180:3.7; UB 182:1.20
- ↑UB 21:4.5; UB 187:5.5-6
- ↑UB 25:1.6
- ↑UB 28:6.18; UB 100:7.10; UB 103:2.9; UB 140:8.18
- ↑UB 28:6.18; UB 56:10.14; UB 137:8.11; UB 140:1.6; UB 158:6.3; UB 171:0.6; UB 179:3.9
- ↑UB 30:4.17; UB 178:3.4; UB 180:3.4; UB 180:6.3
- ↑UB 34:6.8; UB 143:5.3
- ↑UB 53:8.4
- ↑UB 52:6.1; UB 150:4.3; UB 160:5.10; UB 165:6.3; UB 180:0.2; UB 180:6.1
- ↑UB 95:7.3; UB 100:7.6; UB 140:9.2; UB 163:4.2; UB 165:6.3; UB 182:1.5; UB 190:3.1; UB 190:4.1; UB 191:1.2; UB 191:4.4; UB 191:5.3; UB 191:6.3; UB 192:2.11-12; UB 193:0.5; UB 193:1.2; UB 193:2.2; UB 193:3.2; UB 193:5.2
- ↑UB 100:7.6
- ↑UB 100:7.16
- ↑UB 100:7.9; UB 153:5.4; UB 181:1.6
- ↑UB 100:7.10; UB 140:9.2; UB 159:1.5; UB 163:1.4; UB 176:3.10; UB 191:4.4; UB 193:0.5
- ↑UB 100:7.15; UB 140:8.20; UB 165:3.3; UB 166:3.5
- ↑UB 100:7.10; UB 144:2.3
- ↑UB 103:5.2; UB 140:3.15; UB 140:8.6; UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 103:5.6; UB 140:5.19; UB 158:7.5; UB 160:5.10; UB 174:5.8
- ↑UB 108:4.1; UB 157:6.10; UB 174:5.13; UB 195:10.1
- ↑UB 109:5.4; UB 140:6.13; UB 163:3.1; UB 169:2.7
- ↑UB 109:6.5; UB 111:5.6; UB 136:10.1; UB 160:1.11; UB 174:5.9; UB 182:3.4
- ↑UB 117:3.3
- ↑UB 118:8.11
- ↑UB 121:5.12; UB 153:2.8-12; UB 179:5.3; UB 182:1.10
- ↑UB 121:5.12; UB 143:5.4; UB 182:1.11
- ↑UB 125:6.8
- ↑UB 127:2.8; UB 127:5.3
- ↑UB 127:3.14
- ↑UB 127:6.6
- ↑UB 128:5.4; UB 140:8.2
- ↑UB 128:7.4
- ↑UB 130:1.2
- ↑UB 130:2.6
- ↑UB 130:5.3
- ↑UB 130:5.3
- ↑UB 130:6.2
- ↑UB 131:10.2; UB 163:3.2; UB 182:3.2
- ↑UB 132:7.2
- ↑UB 133:1.4
- ↑UB 133:3.6
- ↑UB 133:4.8; UB 192:2.13
- ↑UB 134:9.6
- ↑UB 135:11.4
- ↑UB 136:8.1; UB 137:5.1; UB 138:8.2-5; UB 139:10.7; UB 144:1.6; UB 145:0.3; UB 146:4.4; UB 148:4.11; UB 149:1.2; UB 152:1.2; UB 156:1.7; UB 157:3.6; UB 157:4.5; UB 158:2.1,3; UB 159:4.2; UB 166:2.8; UB 177:1.5; UB 178:2.3
- ↑UB 137:1.6
- ↑UB 137:2.5,7; UB 138:3.1,3; UB 138:4.1; UB 138:5.1; UB 139:5.1; UB 139:7.6; UB 196:1.3
- ↑UB 137:4.8
- ↑UB 137:6.3,5; UB 137:7.3
- ↑UB 137:6.5; UB 140:1.5
- ↑UB 137:6.5
- ↑UB 137:6.5
- ↑UB 137:6.5
- ↑UB 137:6.6; UB 142:7.13; UB 153:2.11-12; UB 153:3.2; UB 157:6.13; UB 161:2.9; UB 164:5.2; UB 169:4.2; UB 180:2.1; UB 180:3.9; UB 180:4.3; UB 182:1.6; UB 184:4.6
- ↑UB 137:8.6; UB 138:4.2; UB 140:1.2; UB 143:1.5
- ↑UB 137:8.6
- ↑UB 137:8.7; UB 138:7.1; UB 138:8.7,9; UB 157:6.12; UB 158:6.2; UB 171:8.3; UB 172:3.6; UB 176:2.3; UB 185:3.3; UB 190:5.4
- ↑UB 137:8.8; UB 196:0.12
- ↑UB 137:8.13; UB 140:3.16; UB 140:5.3,15; UB 140:8.32; UB 140:10.1; UB 142:7.13; UB 161:1.10; UB 181:2.25
- ↑UB 137:8.14
- ↑UB 137:8.16; UB 138:3.6; UB 157:6.9
- ↑UB 138:6.4
- ↑UB 138:7.6
- ↑UB 138:8.4
- ↑UB 139:7.7; UB 141:3.7; UB 144:8.8; UB 163:6.7; UB 165:3.8
- ↑UB 140:1.3
- ↑UB 140:1.4
- ↑UB 140:1.5; UB 140:6.13; UB 196:0.8
- ↑UB 140:1.5; UB 170:1.13; UB 170:2.9; UB 170:3.11; UB 195:10.4
- ↑UB 140:3.1
- ↑UB 140:3.3-11
- ↑UB 140:3.13
- ↑UB 140:3.14
- ↑UB 140:3.14; UB 159:5.9
- ↑UB 140:3.15
- ↑UB 140:3.17
- ↑UB 140:3.18; UB 186:2.2
- ↑UB 140:3.19; UB 140:8.22; UB 142:5.2; UB 153:4.4
- ↑UB 140:5.18; UB 181:1.5; UB 182:2.2; UB 191:4.4; UB 193:0.5; UB 193:2.2; UB 193:5.2
- ↑UB 140:5.18; UB 180:3.4; UB 181:1.5,9; UB 182:2.1
- ↑UB 140:6.2; UB 142:6.4-5
- ↑UB 140:6.2
- ↑UB 140:6.9
- ↑UB 140:6.11
- ↑UB 140:6.11
- ↑UB 140:6.11
- ↑UB 140:6.11; UB 165:4.5; UB 165:5.4
- ↑UB 140:6.13
- ↑UB 140:6.13
- ↑UB 140:8.9; UB 156:5.16; UB 174:2.2; UB 178:1.3; UB 181:2.10
- ↑UB 140:8.12; UB 145:2.6
- ↑UB 140:8.13; UB 140:9.3; UB 163:1.3; UB 178:1.7
- ↑UB 140:8.17; UB 158:7.5; UB 165:4.9
- ↑UB 140:9.3; UB 163:1.3
- ↑UB 140:9.3; UB 165:3.7; UB 176:1.1
- ↑UB 140:9.3; UB 181:2.24,26; UB 193:2.2
- ↑UB 140:10.4
- ↑UB 141:3.7; UB 159:3.7
- ↑UB 141:3.8
- ↑UB 141:5.1
- ↑UB 141:6.4
- ↑UB 141:6.4
- ↑UB 141:7.6; UB 162:7.2
- ↑UB 142:5.3
- ↑UB 142:6.4-5; UB 166:3.7
- ↑UB 142:7.17; UB 178:1.7
- ↑UB 143:2.3
- ↑UB 143:2.3
- ↑UB 143:2.4
- ↑UB 143:2.7
- ↑UB 143:3.3
- ↑UB 143:5.6; UB 169:4.6,11
- ↑UB 143:6.1
- ↑UB 143:6.1
- ↑UB 144:2.3; UB 144:4.7
- ↑UB 144:2.3; UB 165:5.3; UB 167:5.2; UB 168:4.13
- ↑UB 145:3.4
- ↑UB 147:6.4
- ↑UB 147:7.2; UB 176:1.7
- ↑UB 150:4.1; UB 163:1.3
- ↑UB 150:4.2; UB 157:6.8; UB 179:3.8; UB 180:3.1
- ↑UB 150:4.2; UB 151:3.1; UB 165:3.2-3
- ↑UB 150:4.2; UB 165:3.3
- ↑UB 150:4.3
- ↑UB 150:4.3; UB 165:3.4
- ↑UB 150:4.3; UB 163:3.4; UB 171:2.2
- ↑UB 151:1.4; UB 151:3.1; UB 171:8.7; UB 176:3.5
- ↑UB 153:1.2-3; UB 153:2.5; UB 153:4.4
- ↑UB 153:2.5
- ↑UB 153:3.5; UB 175:1.15
- ↑UB 153:4.3; UB 159:2.2
- ↑UB 153:5.4
- ↑UB 154:6.5
- ↑UB 154:6.8
- ↑UB 155:3.4; UB 176:3.5
- ↑UB 156:2.8; UB 175:1.17; UB 185:0.4
- ↑UB 156:5.5
- ↑UB 157:3.3
- ↑UB 157:6.11; UB 161:2.9; UB 162:7.6
- ↑UB 157:6.13; UB 178:3.2; UB 182:1.5; UB 191:5.3; UB 191:6.3; UB 193:3.2
- ↑UB 157:6.13; UB 169:4.2,9-13; UB 174:5.7; UB 180:3.9; UB 181:2.20
- ↑UB 158:5.2
- ↑UB 158:7.5
- ↑UB 158:8.1
- ↑UB 158:8.1; UB 162:2.3
- ↑UB 159:1.3
- ↑UB 159:2.1
- ↑UB 159:3.2
- ↑UB 159:5.10
- ↑UB 162:2.7; UB 165:2.8; UB 182:1.3
- ↑UB 162:5.2-3; UB 165:3.7; UB 174:5.7; UB 182:1.12
- ↑UB 162:5.3
- ↑UB 163:1.4; UB 174:5.3; UB 180:3.1-2; UB 180:6.1
- ↑UB 163:2.2
- ↑UB 163:2.3
- ↑UB 163:3.4; UB 166:3.5
- ↑UB 163:6.4
- ↑UB 163:6.5; UB 166:1.4-5; UB 175:1; UB 175:4.2
- ↑UB 163:6.7; UB 174:0.2; UB 192:2.9
- ↑UB 165:2.7; UB 182:1.16; UB 188:5.1
- ↑UB 165:2.7; UB 166:3.3,7
- ↑UB 165:4.1
- ↑UB 165:5.2
- ↑UB 165:5.3
- ↑UB 165:5.3
- ↑UB 165:6.3
- ↑UB 167:1.5
- ↑UB 167:1.5; UB 167:5.1; UB 175:1.10
- ↑UB 167:6.1
- ↑UB 168:0.7; UB 168:2.7; UB 171:3.5; UB 182:1.18; UB 193:1.2
- ↑UB 169:2.1
- ↑UB 169:2.6
- ↑UB 169:2.7
- ↑UB 171:4.7
- ↑UB 172:1.6
- ↑UB 173:4.4
- ↑UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 174:0.2
- ↑UB 174:4.2
- ↑UB 174:5.3
- ↑UB 174:5.7
- ↑UB 175:1.2
- ↑UB 175:1.8; UB 184:1.5
- ↑UB 175:1.10
- ↑UB 175:1.10
- ↑UB 176:1.1
- ↑UB 176:1.4
- ↑UB 176:2.3
- ↑UB 176:3.5
- ↑UB 176:3.6
- ↑UB 178:1.17; UB 180:1; UB 180:6.1; UB 181:2.26,30; UB 182:1.6; UB 193:3.2
- ↑UB 178:2.4; UB 191:3.1; UB 191:4.4; UB 191:6.3; UB 192:2.11; UB 193:0.5; UB 193:1.2
- ↑UB 179:5.7; UB 190:4.1
- ↑UB 179:5.9
- ↑UB 180:2.1; UB 182:1.22
- ↑UB 180:2.1
- ↑UB 180:4.2
- ↑UB 180:6.1
- ↑UB 180:6.1
- ↑UB 180:6.8
- ↑UB 181:1.4
- ↑UB 181:1.6
- ↑UB 181:2.11; UB 183:3.7
- ↑UB 181:2.15
- ↑UB 181:2.19
- ↑UB 181:2.20
- ↑UB 182:1.4
- ↑UB 182:1.13
- ↑UB 182:2.1
- ↑UB 182:3.4
- ↑UB 187:2.4; UB 188:5.6
- ↑UB 188:5.7
- ↑UB 189:5.4
- ↑UB 190:3.1; UB 191:2.1; UB 191:4.3; UB 191:5.3; UB 191:6.2; UB 192:4.3; UB 193:0.2; UB 193:2.2; UB 193:3.2
- ↑UB 191:1.2
- ↑UB 191:4.3; UB 191:5.3; UB 191:6.2; UB 192:2.4; UB 193:0.5; UB 193:5.2
- ↑UB 191:4.3; UB 191:6.2; UB 192:2.2,10; UB 193:0.5; UB 193:1.2; UB 193:5.2
- ↑UB 191:4.3
- ↑UB 191:4.4
- ↑UB 191:5.3; UB 191:6.2
- ↑UB 191:5.3
- ↑UB 191:5.3
- ↑UB 191:5.3
- ↑UB 191:5.5
- ↑UB 192:2.2,11-12
- ↑UB 192:2.3
- ↑UB 192:2.5
- ↑UB 192:2.8
- ↑UB 192:2.10
- ↑UB 193:0.4
- ↑UB 193:0.4
- ↑UB 193:1.2
- ↑UB 193:5.2
- ↑UB 195:10.4
- ↑UB 196:0.9; UB 196:2.2
- ↑UB 140:6.8; UB 140:8.10; UB 140:10.2-4; UB 142:7.17; UB 147:4.2-3
- ↑UB 140:8.5-11; UB 145:2.10
- ↑UB 52:5.8
- ↑UB 154:4.6
- ↑UB 101:6.8
- ↑UB 149:2.1
- ↑UB 128:4.6; UB 149:2.4
- ↑UB 130:6.1-2; UB 132:4.2; UB 138:8.10; UB 161:2.7; UB 171:7.7
- ↑UB 141:7.8
- ↑UB 167:5.5
- ↑UB 132:0.4
- ↑UB 149:3.1; UB 159:5.17; UB 171:7.9
- ↑UB 166:4.12; UB 169:1.16
- ↑UB 132:7.8
- ↑UB 149:4.5; UB 173:2.7
- ↑UB 145:3.3
- ↑UB 133:2.1
- ↑UB 132:4.2
- ↑UB 180:0; UB 183:4.7; UB 186:0
- ↑UB 154:5.1; UB 154:6
- ↑UB 138:9.2
- ↑UB 127:1.4; UB 138:9.2; UB 148:0.4; UB 154:6.2-8; UB 154:7.5
- ↑UB 141:0.2
- ↑UB 138:0.1
- ↑UB 148:0.4; UB 154:6.2; UB 154:7.5
- ↑UB 129:2.3-4,10-11; UB 139:4.1,4; UB 174:0.2; UB 181:2.2-3; UB 187:4.7
- ↑UB 123:3.6; UB 123:4.3; UB 124:1.4-13; UB 124:4.9; UB 125:6.11-12
- ↑UB 128:4.8; UB 128:7.13; UB 129:0.1; UB 129:2.1; UB 139:4.9
- ↑UB 138:1.4; UB 157:0.1
- ↑UB 128:7.13
- ↑UB 123:5.8
- ↑UB 124:4.3
- ↑UB 122:5.9; UB 122:6; UB 123:2.14; UB 126:5.11
- ↑UB 127:4.5
- ↑UB 190:1.10
- ↑UB 149:1.2-8
- ↑UB 136:5.4-6
- ↑UB 145:2.15-17
- ↑UB 192:1.3,7
- ↑UB 189:2
- ↑UB 145:1
- ↑UB 145:2.12-14
- ↑UB 157:1.4
- ↑UB 147:3.4-5
- ↑UB 151:5
- ↑UB 137:4.13
- ↑UB 146:6.2-3
- ↑UB 167:3.1-2,5
- ↑UB 149:2.7
- ↑UB 120:2.9; UB 137:4.17
- ↑UB 149:1.6
- ↑UB 145:3.15
- ↑UB 146:6.1; UB 167:3.2,5
- ↑UB 152:1.5
- ↑UB 120:4.5
- ↑UB 136:6.2,6; UB 136:8.1
- ↑UB 149:1.5
- ↑UB 154:2.4
- ↑UB 148:2.2; UB 149:1.1,8
- ↑UB 152:0.2
- ↑UB 148:7
- ↑UB 151:6
- ↑UB 171:5
- ↑UB 147:1.1-4
- ↑UB 156:1
- ↑UB 158:4-5
- ↑UB 153:4.1
- ↑UB 152:2; UB 152:3.1; UB 152:5.2
- ↑UB 145:3.10,13
- ↑UB 152:1.1-3
- ↑UB 164:3
- ↑UB 146:4.3-5
- ↑UB 167:1.5
- ↑UB 148:9
- ↑UB 189:0-2
- ↑UB 168:1.5,9
- ↑UB 166:2
- ↑UB 146:5.1-3
- ↑UB 152:0.2-3
- ↑UB 169:0.7
- ↑UB 136:9.3; UB 152:1.4-5
- ↑UB 145:5.6-7; UB 167:1.5; UB 172:3.1
- ↑UB 196:0.9
- ↑UB 122:2.1; UB 122:3.1; UB 122:8.2; UB 128:1.2; UB 134:8.6
- ↑UB 185:2.13; UB 185:3.1-4; UB 185:5.6,9; UB 185:6.2; UB 185:7.5; UB 185:8.1; UB 186:2.8; UB 187:1.2-3; UB 187:2.5; UB 187:3.3-4
- ↑UB 45:4.16; UB 93:0.2; UB 93:9.11; UB 93:10.6; UB 136:3.1; UB 176:4.4
- ↑UB 93:3.7
- ↑UB 68:3.5; UB 137:8.7
- ↑UB 40:7.2
- ↑UB 196:2.1
- ↑UB 0:5.3; UB 2:1.7; UB 4:5.7; UB 6:1.4; UB 6:8.6; UB 7:7.6; UB 12:7.14; UB 32:0.3; UB 33:1.4; UB 98:7.2; UB 112:2.7; UB 117:3.4; UB 120:4.2-3; UB 124:4.4; UB 128:1.2,9-10; UB 129:4.6; UB 136:1.6; UB 137:4.2; UB 137:7.2; UB 138:5.2; UB 141:7.4; UB 156:2.4; UB 157:5; UB 182:1.9; UB 196:0.3; UB 196:1.1-2; UB 196:2.3,6
- ↑UB 128:1.2,7,8; UB 182:3.5; UB 196:1
- ↑UB 136:8.7
- ↑UB 120:4.5
- ↑UB 6:1.3; UB 33:1.2; UB 104:1.11; UB 161:1.6
- ↑UB 100:7.1
- ↑UB 143:6.4; UB 149:6.8; UB 169:4.1,13; UB 170:5.17
- ↑UB 6:2.3,5; UB 7:5.4
- ↑UB 149:1.7
- ↑UB 169:4.12-13; UB 181:2.20
- ↑UB 161:1.11
- ↑UB 188:4.7; UB 188:5.2
- ↑UB 169:4.13
- ↑UB 141:7.10
- ↑UB 5:4.15
- ↑UB 196; UB 124:2.4-5; UB 126:2.7; UB 127:3.7; UB 127:4.4; UB 127:6.12-16; UB 129:1.9; UB 129:3.8; UB 129:4; UB 136:0.1; UB 137:4.2,4; UB 137:7.2; UB 138:8.9; UB 139:1.11; UB 139:2.5; UB 139:3.6; UB 139:4.6,9; UB 139:5.6; UB 139:6.8; UB 139:7.4; UB 139:8.7; UB 139:10.6-7; UB 139:11.5; UB 140:8.30; UB 141:3.4-6; UB 141:7.10-14; UB 142:7.15; UB 143:2.1; UB 149:2.6-14; UB 149:4.5; UB 151:0.2; UB 161:2; UB 171:7; UB 173:1.6; UB 181:1.8-9; UB 184:3.19; UB 184:4.5-6; UB 186:2; UB 186:4.3; UB 187:2.3-4; UB 194:3.3
- ↑UB 122:5.3-4
- ↑UB 100:7.12
- ↑UB 141:3.6
- ↑UB 125:5.1; UB 127:1.2; UB 154:6.5; UB 162:6.2; UB 183:3.5; UB 190:2.3
- ↑UB 132:4.1
- ↑UB 157:6.2
- ↑UB 122:4.2
- ↑UB 140:6.6
- ↑UB 120:0.4; UB 128:0.2-4
- ↑UB 66:8.5; UB 120:2.2
- ↑UB 153:2.6
- ↑UB 7:4.5; UB 126:3.10; UB 127:0.1; UB 127:6.16; UB 136:9.6; UB 140:7.4-6; UB 176:2.3; UB 186:2.11; UB 186:5.6
- ↑UB 141:7.5
- ↑UB 94:12.7; UB 128:4.6; UB 138:6.3; UB 192:4.7-8; UB 195:4.4; UB 195:10.15; UB 196:1.2; UB 196:2.1
- ↑UB 173:2.7
- ↑UB 184:3.9-12; UB 184:5.2-5; UB 185:2.10-13
- ↑UB 175:3.1
- ↑UB 176:3.3
- ↑UB 176:2.4; UB 176:4.3,5
- ↑UB 170:2.10; UB 181:0.1; UB 194:4.5,7; UB 196:2.5
- ↑UB 20:4.5; UB 37:3.4; UB 52:7.1; UB 93:10.8; UB 114:1.4; UB 119:8.8; UB 142:7.3; UB 170:4.15-16; UB 171:8.3; UB 176:4.2-3,6
- ↑UB 170:2.10; UB 170:5.14
- ↑UB 176:2.5,6; UB 176:4.3-7
- ↑UB 123:5.15
- ↑UB 126:2.7
- ↑UB 133:9.1
- ↑UB 126:1.1
- ↑UB 126:1.1; UB 127:1.6; UB 129:1.2-3
- ↑UB 123:5.15
- ↑UB 124:2.7; UB 129:1.5
- ↑UB 123:6.5
- ↑UB 128:4.2; UB 130:0.5
- ↑UB 123:5.15
- ↑UB 128:2.3
- ↑UB 146:4.2
- ↑UB 123:2.14; UB 123:3.1; UB 123:5.1-6; UB 130:0.4
- ↑UB 126:2.6; UB 130:7.1
- ↑UB 134:7.3
- ↑UB 124:1.7; UB 126:1.1
- ↑UB 142:7.13
- ↑UB 55:11.7
- ↑UB 138:7.1
- ↑UB 188:5.3
- ↑UB 66:8.5
- ↑UB 119:3.7; UB 119:4.4; UB 119:5.2; UB 119:6.6; UB 124:1.1; UB 126:3.14; UB 126:5.9; UB 127:0.2-3; UB 127:1.7; UB 127:5.4; UB 127:6.13-16; UB 128:0.1; UB 128:1; UB 129:4.3-5
- ↑UB 92:4.8
- ↑UB 128:7.13
- ↑UB 137:2.9
- ↑UB 136:4.2; UB 140:8.29; UB 159:4.7
- ↑UB 162:3.5
- ↑UB 128:4.2
See also: UB 196; UB 100:7.7; UB 122:8; UB 158:0-3; UB 189; UB 196:1.11; UB 189; UB 190; UB 191; UB 192; UB 193; UB 128:1.10-11; UB 129:1.11; UB 134:7.2-3; UB 141:3.5; UB 149:2.12; UB 172:3.10,13; UB 172:4.1; UB 100:7; UB 123:2.15; UB 127:1.2-3; UB 127:5.1; UB 128:6.2,11; UB 187:2.8; UB 114:7.16; UB 176:2.4; UB 194:4.5.