Thomas Didymus, selected by Philip, was a fisherman of Tarichea, onetime carpenter and stone mason from Gadara, with a keen, analytical mind. [1] The loss of his twin sister at age 9 haunted Thomas and contributed to his ongoing struggles with depression and doubt. [2] Thomas, married and with four children, joined the apostles at twenty-nine, transforming his pessimistic and suspicious disposition. [3] Thomas Didymus efficiently managed the apostles' travel schedule and arrangements, despite his occasional mood swings. [4]
Thomas Didymus attended the session of Sanhedrin with Nathaniel and encountered Jesus after the Pharisees accused him of blasphemy for claiming to be equal with God. [5]
The call of Thomas led to Jesus choosing him as an apostle, while Judas Iscariot was also presented for the same honor and questioned Jesus about getting John out of prison. [6]
Thomas Didymus did not pledge to go forth preaching the new gospel of the risen Lord with the other apostles at the meeting in the upper chamber on Thursday night. [7]
Nathaniel and Thomas were very busy with their discussions with a certain Greek philosopher from Alexandria named Rodan, and through these discussions, they came to believe in the personality of God, the divinity of Jesus, and the importance of attaining spiritual maturity. [8]
Jesus' admonitions to Thomas were to walk by faith, not by sight, and to dedicate his life to the great work of showing how the critical material mind of man can triumph over doubting, yielding the fruits of the spirit in love for one another. [9] Jesus cured Thomas of morbid introspection, enabling him to effectively manage the apostolic corps with his strong executive skills. [10] Thomas attempted to dissuade Norana, but she expressed her faith in his Master's ability to help and he ultimately failed to send her away. [11] Milcha, cousin of Thomas, was among the ten women commissioned by Jesus to minister in the kingdom. [12] Thomas asked questions of Jesus about living together in one understanding family in the work of the kingdom. [13] Thomas Didymus was taught how to answer questions by Jesus and the other apostles during their daily training sessions. [14]
Thomas spent a lonesome week alone with himself in the hills around about Olivet, isolation that even he did not fully understand, but when the Master appeared among the apostles, Thomas fell on his knees and exclaimed, “I believe! My Lord and my Master!”. [15]
Thomas Didymus was a cautious advocate of safety first in the councils of the twelve, yet also proved to be a fearless team player ready to execute decisions, even those he had strenuously opposed. [16] Thomas Didymus was a true scientist with an analytical mind, who faced doubts with courage and overcame them in service of the kingdom. [17] Thomas was bewildered, then amused by the entry into Jerusalem, making him the most puzzled and confused man among the twelve disciples. [18] Thomas, cursed with suspicion and over-individualism, struggled with many moods but excelled as an able director within the apostolic corps. [19] The villagers believed that demons entered the swine at Kheresa, except for Thomas Didymus. [20]
Thomas Didymus exemplified courage by fearlessly executing council-decided plans, despite his initial cautiousness and frequent opposition to risky endeavors. [21]
Thomas Didymus's doubts were most stubborn just before crumbling, as he acknowledged the truth and believed with his whole heart after witnessing the risen Christ. [22] Thomas enjoyed the apostles' efforts to convince and convert him, despite his emotional stubbornness and isolation. [23]
Thomas Didymus, a natural-born faultfinder and pessimist, underwent a transformative journey from suspicion and negativity to honesty and loyalty through his association with Jesus. [24] Thomas Didymus opposed proclaiming Jesus king at that time, despite the rising enthusiasm among the people and some of the apostles. [25] Thomas's sustained courage was exemplified in his declaration, “let us die with him,” showcasing both his analytical mind and unflinching bravery. [26] In the greatest crisis of their lives, Thomas persuaded the apostles to scatter, every man for himself. [27] Thomas, too proud to return of his own accord, was fetched by Peter and John after a week of despairing depression. [28]
Thomas unconsciously assumed an attitude of disagreement despite enjoying the attention and efforts of his fellow apostles to convince and convert him after spending a lonesome week isolated in the hills around Olivet. [29] Thomas unwisely left his associates to grieve in solitude, missing out on the support and comfort they could have provided during his time of despair. [30]
Soon after Pentecost, Thomas resumed teaching in Galilee while Nathaniel left to preach elsewhere in disagreement with Peter. [31] Thomas Didymus was a personal worker for special groups of inquirers. [32] Thomas preached in Cyprus, Crete, North Africa, Sicily, and Malta before being apprehended and put to death. [33] Thomas, put to death in Malta, preached and baptized believers in various regions before his untimely demise. [34]
See also: UB 139:8; UB 143:3.5; UB 144:1.7; UB 151:2.5; UB 164:0.1.