On Uversa, the headquarters of your superuniverse, we designate the Son as the Co-ordinate Spirit Center and as the Eternal Spirit Administrator. UB 6:1.5
On the High Paradise there are three grand spheres of activity, the Deity Presence, the Most Holy Sphere and the Holy Area. UB 11:3.1
Yes, the First Source-Center is potentially present in the Unqualified Absolute, storehouse of the uncreated universes of the eternal future. UB 3:1.7
Long, long ago, the Eternal Son bestowed Himself on each of the circuits of central creation to enlighten and advance all Havona inhabitants and pilgrims, including the ascending pilgrims of time. During these seven bestowals, He never functioned as either an ascender or a Havonian. He existed as Himself. UB 7:5.5
The Infinite Spirit possesses a unique and astounding power, antigravity. This power is functionally present (observable) in neither the Father nor the Son. The inherent ability of the Third Source to resist the pull of material gravity is revealed in the personal reactions of the Conjoint Actor to certain phases of universe relationships. And this unique attribute is transmissible to certain high personalities of the Infinite Spirit.
Local universe
The Melchizedeks of Nebadon have long called this physical substance: absolutum. UB 11:2.9
The pilot world — The home world of the Melchizedek Sons.
The world of physical life schools and living energy laboratories.
The world of morontia life.
The sphere of initial spiritual life.
The world of semi-spiritual life.
The sphere of progressive spiritual life.
The realm of coordinated and supreme self-realization. UB 35:3.3-9
Satania is one of the hundred local systems that make up the administrative organization of the Norlatiadek constellation. Its immediate neighbors are the systems of Sandmatia, Assuntia, Porogia, Sortoria, Rantulia, and Glantonia. The systems of Norlatiadek are different in many ways, but all are evolutionary and progressive like Satania. UB 41:2.1
The entire judicial mechanism of Nebadon is placed under the supervision of Gabriel. UB 33:7.2
The twins were about ten years old—the spirit of worship first came into contact with the thoughts of the female twin, and soon after with those of the male twin. UB 62:6.5
The Andite races were the primary mixtures of the direct-line violet race and the Nodites with the addition of evolutionary peoples. UB 78:4.4 These early Andites were not Aryans, but pre-Aryans. They were not white, but “pre-white”. UB 78:4.1
Tenskwatawa the Shawnie, who predicted the eclipse of the sun in 1806 and denounced the vices of white men. UB 90:2.9
During the last week of the stay in Bethsaida, the spies from Jerusalem were very divided on the attitude to take towards Jesus and his teachings. Three of these Pharisees were prodigiously impressed by what they had seen and heard. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, a young influential member of the Sanhedrin, named Abraham, publicly adopted the teachings of Jesus and was baptized in the Pool of Siloam by Abner. All Jerusalem was in an uproar about this event and messengers were immediately sent to Bethsaida to recall the six Pharisaic spies. UB 148:8.1
Mortal man derives three great satisfactions from his religious experience, even during his temporal passage on earth.
Intellectually, he acquires the satisfaction of a better unified human consciousness.
Philosophically, he takes pleasure in seeing his ideals of moral values justified.
Spiritually, he develops in the experience of divine friendship and the spiritual satisfactions of true worship. P 69.2 to 69.5.
The Greeks believed that weak men must have weak souls, so they invented Hades as a suitable place to receive these weak souls. UB 86:4.8
This commandment was this: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, A servant is not greater than his Master, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. Know ye not that there is no place of preference at my table? Understand ye not that I love each one of you as much as the others? Know ye not that the place next to me, which men consider honorary, may mean nothing concerning your position in the kingdom of heaven? Let him that would be great, become the younger: and let him that would be chief, become the servant.” (UB 179:3.8 & UB 179:3.9).
The Syrian who prepared to tie Jesus’ hands when he was arrested was named Malchus. UB 183:3.7.
The last conscious thought of the human Jesus was his mental repetition of a portion of the Book of Psalms now called Psalms XX, XXI and XXII. UB 187:5.2.
The animal nature—the tendency to evil—may be hereditary, but sin is not transmitted from parent to child. Sin is an act of conscious and deliberate rebellion against the will of the Father and the laws of the Sons, committed by an individual volitional creature. UB 188:4.5.
At Jesus’ trial, Annas justified three charges against him:
That he dangerously misled the common people. That he taught them impossible things and that he deceived them in other ways.
That he was a fanatical revolutionary, in that he advocated violence against the sacred temple, for how else could he destroy it?
That he taught magic, in that he promised to build a new temple without the use of hands. UB 184:3.10-12.