This month we have focused on incorporating many more articles from readers
into Urantiapedia. The experience of previous months has allowed us to create utilities that speed up work with this type of content, so from here on we are going to extend this task. To this end, a long list of reader articles has been created. This articles are available on the Internet at various websites and will be added to Urantiapedia. The list shows the objective that we are going to set initially, but there are many other articles that will arrive in the future. Stay tuned of these news to be updated.
The work continues to multiply so remember that if you want to collaborate, this project is open to anyone who wants to contribute their grain of sand. Take a look at
How to collaborate
- Updates to the help pages.
- Indexes of biblical books and improvements in the presentation of the indexes.
- Articles, all in English and Spanish:
- Early Migration to Britain, by Halbert Katzen.
- Early Migration to the Americas, by Halbert Katzen.
- Neutrinos, Neutrons, and Neutron Stars, by Ken Glasziou.
- The Jupiter Problem, by Dick Bain.
- Time for Change?, by Ken Glasziou.
- Do You Want Your Children to Like You? Jesus Provided a Model, by Ann Bendall.
- More Comments on Channeling, by Meredith Sprunger.
- I want to be aggressive!, by Ann Bendall.
- On the Urgent Need for Secondary Works.
- Insights, by Everett Sloffer.
- The Alpha and the Omega
- Time for more changes? Symbols, Cults, and The Urantia Book, by Ken Glasziou.
- Unbroken Communion with our Thought Adjuster by Ann Bendall.
- Adam and Eve, by Ann Bendall.
- The One Universal Code of Communication, by Ann Bendall.
- The Remembrance Supper
- Was the Crucifixion Really Necessary?, by Ken Glasziou.
- The Jewish Calendar of the Time of Jesus, by Jan Herca.
- Heart—the Alpha and Omega of Spirituality, by Rob Crickett.
- The Heart that became Loveless, by Ann Bendall.
- The Missing Link
- The Prodigal Son, by Ann Bendall.
- When is a “Heart” not a “Heart?”
- Mount Hermon. But where was Jesus?, by Jan Herca.
- Salvin. But what name is this?, by Jan Herca.
- High on Angels, by Dick Bain.
- Jealousy, the Heart-Poison! How did Jesus deal with it?, by Ann Bendall.
- The Second Great Commandment, by Ken Glasziou.
- Science and The Urantia Book. When Did the Red Man Arrive in the Americas?, by Ken Glasziou.
- Ancestry of Primates by Ken Glasziou.
- History of the Urantia Movement, by Dr. William S. Sadler.
- Scientific Predictions of The Urantia Book, by Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh and Geoffrey L. Taylor.
- Mr. Hubble and the Urantia Papers, by Dick Bain.
- A Letter to Astronomers and Astrophysicists – 2016
- Improvements in the presentation of footnotes.
- Added the full
folder in the project, which previously only showed the content that was generated with the input
folder. Now this folder is a replica of everything that is published, so it is easier to know what is and what is not.