The modern phrase, “back to nature,” is a delusion of ignorance, a belief in the reality of the onetime fictitious “golden age.” The only basis for the legend of the golden age is the historic fact of Dalamatia and Eden. But these improved societies were far from the realization of utopian dreams. But this ideas were discouraging since they were predicated upon a belief in retrogression rather than progression, as well as implying a vengeful Deity. [1] The tradition of Adam and the Garden of Eden also lent substance to the dream of a onetime “golden age” of the dawn of the races. [2] The truth is that the early experiences of the human race were characterized by terrible antisocial conditions. [3] Times of Onagar were, indeed, the golden age for primitive man. [4] Ages of light and life that will come to Urantia in a distant future will be truly golden ages. [5]