Progressing to the 5th mansonia is a significant step towards experiencing the early light and life of evolving planets. [1]
Advancing through the 6th mansonia brings a status akin to the enlightened era of light and life on planets, with a highly organized society and decreasing mortal shadows. [2]
There are seven stages in the unfoldment of the era of light and life on an evolutionary world, progressing through planetary, system, constellation, local universe, minor sector, major sector, and superuniverse stages. [3]
Upon achieving physical stability and demonstrating spiritual loyalty to the Sovereign Son, a local universe can gain admission to the superuniverse confederation and enter the settled circuits of light and life. [4]
The major sector stage of light and life has never occurred, leading to conjecture about the potential administrative and readjustments in advanced inhabited worlds and universe groupings. [5] The settling of the entire system in light and life marks the inauguration of a new order of government in the grand universe stages. [6]
After world government appears, the pouring out of the Spirit of Truth will pave the way for a planetary government leading to a real age of spiritual striving and the utopian ages of light and life. [7] When all creatures reveal love of Supreme, the universes will be settled in light and life. [8]
When all grand universers fully achieve the living will of God, time-space creations will be settled in light and life, and the Almighty will emerge as the divine personality of God the Supreme. [9] When physical possibilities are exhausted, local universes are settled in light and life. [10] When world religion evolves, the pursuit of wisdom and philosophy will be exalted, marking the planet's transition into settlement in light and life. [11]
Evolution in the universes is marked by increasing manifestations of God the Sevenfold in light and life, revealing Deity to all intelligent beings and expanding throughout creation. [12] The progress of an individual planet or mortal is never hampered by the status of larger cosmic units. [13] Jesus achieved light and life on Urantia, while even in older universes worlds settled in later stages may not yet have their local systems in light. [14] Life Carriers anticipate a fourth stage of existence in which they are entirely spiritual and the universe is settled in light and life. [15]
Brilliant Evening Stars, seconaphim, and creature-trinitized sons serve on planets in light and life, progressing marvelously under wise and sympathetic administration to higher stages of settled existence. [16]
The finaliters, intimately connected with the Daynals, increasingly involved in ushering inhabited worlds into settled spheres of light and life, as the celestial hosts withdraw. [17] Guardian seraphim continue ministry in light, guiding progressing mortals through the cosmic circles of life. [18] Life Carriers continue race purification in the second stage of light and life. [19]
Midwayers, Adamic Son and Daughter, released for Paradise ascent, remain faithful in maintaining the sovereignty of the Creator Son by patiently ministering to material mortals, eventually being mustered into the ranks of the ascending Sons of God. [20]
As light and life progress, midwayers leave and are gradually replaced by Paradise ministers, culminating in the arrival of absonite ministers in the seventh stage. [21] Mother Spirit enters sixth phase in local universe light and life, a future evolution stage in Nebadon. [22] Upon the inauguration of the era of light and life, the Planetary Prince is elevated to the position of Planetary Sovereign by the System Sovereign. [23] The Trinity Teacher Sons prepare for the era of light and life; their departure inaugurates the transition from time to eternity. [24]
The Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme, although not deitized until completed evolution, now exercise qualified supremacy in universes settled in light and life. [25]
Life in light and life is a harmonious and advanced state of existence, far beyond the comprehension of mortal creatures living on worlds like Urantia. [26] The advanced stages of a world settled in light and life represent the acme of evolutionary material development. [27]
After initial liberation by a Magisterial Son, one hour of daily work is required for economic sustenance, allowing refined peoples to utilize leisure for self-improvement and planetary advancement. [28]
The descent of the morontia temple signalizes the inauguration of light and life, releasing both groups of midway creatures from planetary duty and marking the dawn of a new era of evolutionary attainment on the planet. [29] Life on planets in light and in harmony with the universal truths reflects the attainment of the sovereignty of the Supreme Being. [30] In a world settled in light and life, the divisions of mankind are largely effaced, marking the absence of social strata. [31]
The final attainment of mortal planets culminates in the era of light and life, where physical security, intellectual expansion, social culture, and spiritual achievement unite in cosmic unity and unselfish service. [32] War has become a matter of history, as government disappears and self-control renders laws obsolete. [33]
As the epochs pass, mortals in the fourth stage of light and life experience increased ability to commune with Adjuster, Holy Spirit, angels, and the Master Spirit. [34] There is an unavoidable penalty associated with mortal life in advanced evolutionary planets during light and life. [35]
Life on this highly cultured world is refreshingly simple, as individuals and groups excel in the sciences, philosophies of cosmology, literature, oratory, and language symbolizing concepts and expressing ideas, all while achieving an exquisite spiritual fulfillment. [36] Life spans up to 500 years on advanced and older spheres, where mortals face struggles with microscopic foes, similar to those on Urantia. [37] Wisdom in light and life reaches absonite grandeur through intellectual evolution. [38]
In the era of light and life, natural death becomes decreasingly frequent as advanced evolutionary beings transition to the morontia existence through translation. [39] The natural resources of this planet were administered as social trust, community property. [40]
One in four mortals experience translation to the morontia state as their spiritual progress evolves with each age before the termination of their lengthening lives. [41]
The order of “supreme service” in the temple was the ultimate recognition for exceptional achievements in supermaterial discovery or planetary social service. [42]
In this age of light and life, the world prospers under the fatherly rule of the Planetary Sovereign, with progress in language, religion, and race, yet with the presence of evil still. [43]
The majority of social and administrative posts were held jointly by men and women, with most teaching and judicial trusts also being done collaboratively by associated couples. [44] The mansion worlds are similar to the 1st, except for the absence of material bodies. [45]
In a world in the first stage of light and life, public activities were financed by taxation through tithing, with funds allocated to promote truth, beauty, goodness, and insurance reserves. [46] Increased vision reveals liberated midwayers assisting in planetary administration. [47]
Progressors exempt from one or more mansion worlds experience a foretaste of Jerusem life on the fifth mansion world, reflecting the high destiny of evolutionary planets in the era of light and life. [48] To progress to Paradise, ascending mortals must first return as teachers to the worlds they bypassed during their student journey. [49] Future mortals born in the ages of light and life may become citizens of Havona. [50]
When physical stability and spiritual loyalty are achieved, local universes can enter the settled circuits of light and life, free from collisions of space bodies in established systems. [51] In settled universes of light and life, stability is ensured as no unexpected physical events of significance occur. [52]
See also: UB 55.