This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
5th mansonia corresponds to early. [1] 6th mansonia comparable to advancing. [2]
Local universe admission to superuniverse confederation upon physical stability, spiritual loyalty to Sovereign Son. [3] Major sector stage has never occurred. [4] Planetary, local system, constellation, local universe sector, superuniverse, grand universe stages. [5]
After world government appears. [6] When all creatures reveal love of Supreme. [7] When all grand universers fully achieve living will of God. [8] When possibilities for development are exhausted. [9] When world religion evolves. [10]
4th stage of existence for Life Carriers. [11] Brilliant Evening Stars, seconaphim, creature-trinitized sons serve on planets in. [12] Finaliters increasingly involved; celestial hosts withdraw. [13] Guardian seraphim continue ministry. [14] Life Carriers continue race purification in. [15] Midwayers, Adamic Son and Daughter, released for Paradise ascent. [16] Midwayers depart; Paradise ministers arrive. [17] Mother Spirit enters new phase upon local universe light and life. [18] Planetary Prince elevated to Planetary Sovereign by System Sovereign in. [19] Trinity Teacher Sons prepare for l.a.l.; their departure inaugurates. [20] Unqualified Supervisors of Supreme exercise qualified supremacy in universes settled in. [21]
God the Sevenfold increasingly manifest in. [22] Individual planet or mortal never retarded by status of larger unit. [23] Jesus achieved light and life on Urantia. [24]
Acme of material development. [25] Daily work to sustain oneself is 1 hour. [26] Descent of morontia temple signalizes inauguration of. [27] Description of life on planets in. [28] Divisions of mankind largely effaced. [29] Final attainment of mortal planets. [30] Government disappears. [31] Increased ability to commune with Adjuster. [32] Inevitable penalty attaches to mortal existence in. [33] Life refreshingly simple. [34] Life spans up to 500 years. [35] Mortal wisdom can enter upon mota and even absonite grandeur in. [36] Natural death decreasingly frequent. [37] Natural resources administered as social trust. [38] One in four translated in era just before. [39] Order of “supreme service” conferred in temple. [40] Plenty of evil still present. [41] Posts held jointly by men and women. [42] Similar to 1st mansion world, except for material bodies. [43] Taxation by tithing. [44] Vision range extended; secondary midwayers visible. [45]
Exempt from 1 or more mansion worlds. [46] Go back as teachers to worlds they passed by. [47] May become citizens of Havona. [48]
No collisions of space bodies in settled circuits. [49] No unexpected physical events of importance occur. [50]
See also: UB 55; UB 55:0.4-11; UB 55:4.4-30; UB 56:10.1; UB 55:5-6.