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All adheres and consists in God. [1] Completion of cycle of reality. [2] Comprehended only by personal experience in God’s will. [3] Comprehending reality is equivalent of approaching God. [4] Creature becomes real as he becomes God identified. [5] Defect-interruptions permit man to glimpse. [6] Elliptic symmetry of. [7] Evil inherent in segmentalized conception of. [8] Excepting 7 Absolutes, all reality is relative. [9]
7 Absolutes eternalize foundations for all reality. [10] Creation of Eternal Son. [11] Creation of Havona; appearance of material and spiritual gravity. [12] Creation of Infinite Spirit. [13] Eternity existence of I AM is primal source of all. [14] Father’s thought eternalized in Paradise and Eternal Son. [15] Never was a real beginning to reality. [16] Origin in differentiation of I AM. [17] Originates in will of Father. [18] Potential becomes actual due to intrusion of some divine agency. [19] Reality exists by virtue of eternal purpose of God. [20] Space is a bestowal of Paradise. [21] Universes emanated from Paradise. [22]
God-consciousness experienced on levels of mind, soul, spirit, and personality. [23] In local universe, reality is matter, morontia, and spirit. [24] Jesus’ discourse on. [25] Jesus frankly faced. [26]
2 manifestations of reality are innate perfection and evolved perfection. [27] Ascending creatures are incomplete finites up to destiny attainment. [28] Begins with appearance of Havona. [29] Characterized by time-space creature life. [30] Domains of energy and spirit literally held together by mind presences of Infinite Spirit. [31] Economic necessities tie man up with reality. [32] Faith in Jesus provides salvation from. [33] Fleeting shadow of Paradise realities. [34] Has beginnings, may not have endings. [35] In human experience. [36] Is good; only its misuse and perversion is evil and sinful. [37] Matter, mind, and spirit. [38] Matter in all suns and planets is identical. [39] Paradise values concealed within physical facts. [40] Partial, shadowy as understood by finite beings. [41] Philosophical blunder of oversimplifying. [42] Physical universe characterized by number 10. [43] Possibility for finite is inherent in the Infinite. [44] Present confusion due to incomplete grasp of activities of Conjoint Actor, Unqualified Absolute. [45] Primary association of finite functions. [46] Promulgation and repercussions of. [47] Secondary supreme integration. [48] Sensitivity to reality constitutive in mind of man. [49] Spirit more real than matter. [50] Supreme is unifier and correlator of all finite reality. Supreme reality is sovereignty of truth, beauty, goodness. [51] Unrevealed tertiary finites. [52]
7 levels. [53] Architects of Master Universe, Transcendentalers, Master Force Organizers are absonite beings. [54] Architects of Master Universe exist on 7 absonite levels; have supernal absonites. [55] Eventuation of transcendentals. [56] Eventuation process. [57] Havona is not absonite, but illustrates it. [58] Limit of absonity reached in 28,012th Master Architect. [59] Mind is absonite in Havona. [60] Much of Paradise-Havona is absonite. [61] Realities associated with absonite. [62] Supreme provides technique for finite to attain absonite. [63] Tranosta is energy system on upper Paradise in connection with absonite peoples. [64] Transcendental tertiary association. [65] Transcendentals are subinfinite and subabsolute but superfinite and supercreatural. [66] Transcendentals preceded and succeed finite. [67]
Finaliters may someday eventuate the ultimacy of God. [68] Level of master universe significance. [69] Much of Paradise-Havona is. [70] Omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. [71] Space is absolutely ultimate. [72] The ultimate adventure. [73] Trinity Ultimate co-ordinates master universe. [74] Ultimate quartan integration. [75] Unifier and correlator of all absonite reality. [76]
Without beginnings or endings, transcending time and space. [77]
6th-phase integration. [78] Beginningless, endless, timeless, spaceless, limitless; unqualifiedly eternal – truly existential. [79] Coabsolute reality is super-master universe level of 5th-phase. Association. [80] Deity and Unqualified Absolutes are indistinguishable in presence of Universal Absolute. [81] Dominates other levels. [82] Energy and spirit are one. [83]
Eternity power of Paradise Deities. [84] Infinite unification of reality. [85] Self-contained and self-existent. [86] Trinity attained. [87] Existential reality versus experiential reality. [88]
From eternity; comprised of 3 persons of Deity, Paradise, and the Absolutes. [89] Impossible to achieve full revelation of absolute reality in subabsolute cosmos. [90] Material, mindal, and spiritual energies indistinguishable. [91] Neither time nor space; all potentials perceived as actuals. [92] Original, Actual, and Potential phases. [93] Present moment contains all past and future; potential. Reality just as meaningful as actual reality. [94] Space comes nearest of all nonabsolute things to being absolute. [95]
3 elements of reality are fact, idea, and relation. [96] 3 original phases of divine energy are physical, mindal, and spiritual energy. [97] 3 phases are origin, history, and destiny. [98] 3 phases of existence are material, morontial, and spiritual. [99] 7 levels. [100] 7 phases. [101]
Mind-spirit unified by personality. [102] Ranges from personality to Deity Absolute. [103]
Exists on finite, transcendental, and absolute levels. [104] Infinity – the hypothetical reality before all beginnings and after all destinies. [105] Personal reality versus impersonal reality. [106] Total reality is existential in 7 Absolutes. [107] Undeified reality ranges from energy domains to Unqualified Absolute. [108]
Mortals’ reality is greater as they approach God. [109] Personality of higher level ultimately triumphs over personality of lower level. [110] Reality measured by physical gravity is antithesis of spirit reality. [111] Reality response delivers from false a priori assumptions. [112] Signifies change, growth. [113] Sin is knowingly resisting cosmic reality. [114] Spiritual reality not discernible in physical causes and effects. [115] Total reality is infinity; can never be comprehended by finite mind. [116] True self-realization results from identification with. [117] Understanding reality enhances man’s terrestrial and cosmic orientation. [118]
See also: UB 0:4; UB 105:1.5; UB 105:2.2-4; UB 105:4.1; UB 105:5.1-6; UB 105:7.18; UB 105; UB 106; UB 0:4.9; UB 106:0.3; UB 0:4.8; UB 106:0.8; UB 105.