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24 counselors recruited from all 8 races. [1] Adamic blood better prepares for Spirit of Truth. [2] All are belligerent. [3] All colors dwelt near Prince’s headquarters. [4] All included in school for evangelists. [5] Angels work for conservation of all races regardless of political entanglements and religious groupings. [6]
About time man develops language. [7] Human will preceded. [8] In Old Stone Age. [9] In Sangik family. [10] Successively in order of spectrum colors. [11] Suddenly mutated 500,000 years ago. [12] Usually appear sequentially, not in one family. [13]
Basis of primitive national groupings. [14] Definite social tendencies, mental outlooks, characterize each race. [15] Dispersion. [16]
Early. [17] Half-breeds chief troubles due to prejudice. [18] Homogeneity not desirable until high spiritual levels. Attained. [19] Little objection, if between highest types. [20] On large scale most detrimental under current circumstances. [21] Plan was for races to be blended in Adamic era to olive shade of violet. [22] Races destined to be blended and exalted by Adamic uplifters after unfit eliminated. [23]
Race mixtures. [24] Jesus personally contacted all races except the red. [25] Memories of Mercy record mercy extended to. [26] No more races will evolve. [27] No pure races today. [28] Origin of slavery. [29] Originally, 5 types of skeletal structure. [30] Pitcairn experiment blended white and Polynesian races. [31] Post-Planetary Prince is era of. [32]
Composite natures render it difficult for Adjusters to work efficiently. [33] Curse of deteriorated, antisocial, feeble-minded, and outcast specimens. [34] Existence of multicolored races handicaps high attainment. [35] Natural antipathy between races. [36] Peace seldom attained until races fairly well blended. [37] Relentless warfare sometimes obliterates whole primitive peoples. [38] Urantia handicapped by existence of. [39]
Race is decisive factor in evolution of culture. [40]
Competition stimulated by diversification. [41] Interbreeding with superior inheritance makes stronger. [42] Mixtures improved quality of offspring. [43] Otherwise unattainable expression of diverse human potentials made possible. [44] To separate warlike man. [45] Variety indispensable for natural selection. [46]
Representatives from each race welcomed Adam. [47] Resurrection halls have separate wing for each races. [48] Segregation favored by many languages. [49] Seldom advanced in tropics. [50] Semites among most blended. [51] Spiritually equal before God. [52] Superior races sought northern or temperate climes. [53] Tested by hardships of glacial age. [54]
3 current races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. [55]
Are orange, green, indigo. [57] Had many desirable traits to enhance primary races. [58] Missing or exterminated on many worlds. [59]
See also: UB 64; UB 51:4; UB 64:6.30-35.